Chapter 3: Inviting the General

Release Date: 2024-07-12 16:56:23
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”This is a great crisis that can make all the races of the Word Aegis Sea go extinct …… I, the human race, also go extinct, the Chaos City Lord watched the three Ancestor Gods disappear, and then he even said to Luo Feng, ”Making the Original Ancestor regain his freedom is of course important, but it’s lighter when compared to this great crisis. You must not be influenced.”


“You are only the Lord of the Universe now, and your battle power is this powerful.” The Chaos City Lord’s brow furrowed, “Once you become a True God, your strength will surely rise several more levels. At that time, you will be able to deal with the Realm Beasts with even more ease and certainty!”

“And now that the Primordial Universe Origin Will has induced you to fight, is it really because …… it very much wants the Realm Beasts to die out. Or is it because, it wants to borrow the hands of the Realm Beasts to kill you and destroy you?” Chaos City Lord said, “After all, in addition to the giant axe, none of us have fought with the realm beast, as a can be said to represent the destruction of the existence of its means of attack is absolutely horrifying, even if you have a split, if the soul is extinguished, the many splits are also dead together.”

“If the Primordial Universe Origin Will, is really letting you go to kill the Realm Beast, it’s just that.”

“But if it is to borrow the hands of the Realm Beast to kill you, you have to be careful.”

“This point cannot be unguarded. After all, endless years, even if the realm beast is really unstoppable, the primordial universe will at most self-destruct into the origin, to be able to survive, as usual, can once again evolve into the primordial universe. The power of the original universe …… has not heard of anyone who can really fundamentally destroy it. Surprisingly, why does it want to kill the world beast so much? Is it true? Or is it a conspiracy?”

Luo Feng nodded his head repeatedly as he listened.


Realm beasts represented destruction, but the primordial universe also represented life.

Realm beasts would breed every long time, but the primordial universe constantly destroyed and regenerated, and never actually overthrew. It was feared that the Realm Beasts were unable to truly destroy the Primordial Universe.

“I understand.” Luo Feng nodded solemnly.

“After all, the original ancestor has been suppressed.” Chaos city lord sighed, “If you’re tempted to fall by the will of the origin again, even though I’m confident, I know that …… in some ways, I’m inferior to you and the original ancestor.”

Luo Feng wasn’t in a hurry to go to the dim land, after all, according to what the origin will openly said, he must be exterminated before this reincarnation era.

Reincarnation era?

What a long unit of time was this, after all, Luo Feng had lived less than 10 million years until now. For a reincarnation era, what an insignificant amount of time. So Luo Feng had plenty of time to prepare.

At the same time, Luo Feng was also preparing for the upcoming ‘great sweep’.

Another ten days or so passed.

Galaxy system, within the galaxy holy land.

Yu Hai Luo Feng was sitting there with a nine story tower suspended in front of him. Although he had fully realized the third level of the Wufei Feather, with the increase in the level of secret techniques, Luo Feng was also about to be able to perceive more profound secret techniques on the ‘Star Tower’, so naturally, he was studying and comprehending them here. Luo Feng also hoped to continue his comprehension of the many secret methods to promote his progress on the ‘divine body route’.

On the divine body route, the comprehension of life genes actually had something in common with the secret methods, rhinoceros emperor bureau and so on, and they would also touch each other somewhat.

“Teacher?” Psi sea Luo Feng suddenly stopped and flipped his hand to take out a communication token.

“Luo Feng.” A message was being sent, it was from the mountain sitter.

Pixie sea Luo Feng immediately got serious, ever since the fourth jedi appeared, teacher mountain sitter seemed to have disappeared, it was as if he didn’t seem to care about any of this.

“Teacher.” Luo Feng responded.

“Those three ancestor gods, they should have gone to look for you!” Sitting Mountaineer said.

“Yes.” Luo Feng was surprised, but still responded.

“Hmph! It’s afraid that it can’t find anyone else besides you.” Mountain Sitter responded, “But remember, don’t rush to the dim land, that’s the lair of the sector beasts after all. But there are tons of realm beasts in it …… If you really decide when you want to go to deal with the realm beasts, before you go, come to my place.”

Luo Feng was puzzled, “Teacher, come to your place?”

“Just remember that!” The mountain sitter then simply cut off communication.

This caused Luo Feng to be a bit startled.

“What’s going on?” Luo Feng frowned in confusion.

In the past, teacher Sitting Mountain Guest’s temper was quite good, and he was very concerned about himself, but ever since the fourth jedi appeared, Sitting Mountain Guest had changed, and even super big events like this hadn’t even looked for himself. This time he suddenly looked for himself and only commanded so much. But Luo Feng also felt that his teacher should still care about himself inside.

“Teacher’s temper seems to have all changed a bit ……” Luo Feng secretly said, “Is it just because of the world of Jin?”

“The Nine Tribulation Secret Code! It’s a mastery that Jin doesn’t pass on to the outside world.”

“The Star Tower, even more so, should not be a supreme treasure that a True God can create. I’ve long suspected that Teacher has a relationship with the Jinn. And teacher told me to find him before I went to deal with the realm beasts …… “Luo Feng frowned and pondered, he wasn’t stupid, of course he felt the mystery of his teacher, he thought that the secret on this mountain sitter wouldn’t be small yet.

Luo Feng put everything aside, the most important thing he had to prepare for now was the …… sweep!

It was already a year later, in the world of Jin, the east army camp, the python river army camp.

Luo Feng was in the stone house hall.

“Armament ring.” Luo Feng had an armament ring on his wrist, his divine power activated it, suddenly the space and time around him changed and a golden figure appeared out of thin air.

“Lord Galaxy.” The golden figure said.

“Simulate all the law lords and true gods that screened into the four armies from the last time I scouted until now.” Luo Feng ordered, within this year, he had investigated himself six times, always grasping the number and messages of the strongest people from the allied camps and the Purple Moon Holy Land who had entered the world of Jin.

“Yes.” The golden figure responded respectfully.


Only to see the surrounding vast space and time was originally just Luo Feng and the golden figure, at this moment it was a figure that quickly surfaced, these figures were all very regular in accordance with the queue line down, each stupidly stood there motionless, only each exuding life breath, the armament world was still very easy on the virtual life breath.

“Hmm ……” Luo Feng looked towards the surroundings while his divine power sensed carefully.

Some universe lords, didn’t change their appearance at all, after all, they thought that the natives of the world of jin hadn’t seen them in the past, so it didn’t make much sense whether they changed their appearance or not.

So with the naked eye alone, Luo Feng was able to spot some targets.

“Leave the 61 of them behind and dissipate all the others.” Luo Feng ordered, at the same time, his godly power quickly locked onto 61 of the universe lords.

“Yes.” The golden figure respectfully replied.

Immediately, a large number of sergeant figures turned into nothingness one by one, leaving only the 61 Lord of Laws sergeants.

“Display the time they entered the army, one by one.” Luo Feng commanded, this just ordered, and instantly the exact time sequence appeared above all 61 Lords of Law.

“These 61 lords of laws, arriving in batches.” Luo Feng nodded secretly as he watched, “In total, they were split into five batches before and after, the last batch was two months ago. From two months ago until now, surprisingly, not a single one has entered the army ……”

This year, according to his own investigation.

In the first month when the Third Era had just begun, those who joined the army were only twelve of one’s own targets.

And from the second month to the eighth month, it was considered to be a big explosion with the highest number.

And as time passed, the later period was a significant slowdown.

Until the last two months, not a single one joined.

“Hmm! Guessing, the ones joining from the Purple Moon Holy Land and the allied camps are almost at their limit.” Luo Feng secretly said, “This year, the Purple Moon Holy Land had a total of 110 universe lords join the army. As for the allied camp, there are 166 Lords of Laws.”

“Counting a batch.”

“All totaled up, the Purple Moon Holy Land now has a total of 205 sergeants still alive! The allied camp, on the other hand, has 238!” Luo Feng nodded thoughtfully, “It’s estimated that the vast majority of the Purple Moon Sacred Land’s universe lords have killed their way in, and most of the allied camp has killed their way in as well.”

The two major forces, obviously both attached great importance, or rather every universe lord was eager.

If you counted the ones that were eliminated at the screening, the number of Universe Lords that came in was clearly extremely high.

“Looking at the number of these sergeants, it’s obvious that the ones that were screened and eliminated aren’t too many.” Luo Feng secretly nodded, “It seems that the mortality rate of my universe sea’s universe lords is lower than the natives of the world of Jinn on screening.”

Luo Feng guessed.

It should be that the major powers, they would all move together in batches, and with each batch, it was estimated that they would bring some treasures with them, or even supreme supreme treasures and so on.

After all, the major forces in the first epoch, the second epoch into some of the universe lord, through the armament point, the community within the supreme supreme treasure to exchange, can maximize the benefits. It must be known that many of the supreme supreme treasures in the …… Cosmic Sea are Void True God level treasures, and even if they are True God level, some of them are very special.

Taking it to the World of Jinn was something that could be exchanged for several True God level treasures.

“Time to make a move.” Luo Feng took a deep breath, a hint of killing intent swept through his eyes.

“Four generals.” Luo Feng directly contacted the four generals of the four legions through the armament world.

In just a moment-

Four virtualized figures appeared not far next to Luo Feng.


“Galaxy, how did you think of looking for us? It’s rare.” Xue Yong and the other four generals appeared, they had long treated Luo Feng as the divine king’s heir, and they also knew that Luo Feng was able to borrow, the world of Jin, the power of the world, and understood how much His Majesty the divine king favored Luo Feng, naturally, it was whoever was called arrived.

“I’m going to kill a group of law lords.” Luo Feng directly said.

“Kill a batch?”

The four generals panicked.

“Kill how many, how many billions?” The four generals were worried, they wouldn’t want to wantonly kill too many soldiers ah, it would cause chaos.

Luo Feng smiled, “Don’t worry, less than five hundred.”

“Less than five hundred.” All four generals laughed.

So many law lords …… like any tribe killing each other, the number of dead law lords would be unknown. Less than five hundred …… didn’t even have the qualifications to bother them right.

“The reason why I invited the four generals is because these nearly five hundred soldiers are scattered within the four armies.” Luo Feng said, “And I want to kill them all at the same time in a split second, and …… require a spirit gem kill, because they are scattered all over the army camp, it’s hard to kill them all at the same time, so I can only ask the four generals to personally take action, cast a small universe to cover the entire army camp, and directly kill them all at the same time with their souls, not leaving a single one behind. “

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