Chapter 37 – Enlightenment

Release Date: 2024-07-12 16:58:03
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Bei oil, as the strongest – headed sector beast within the sector beast lair right now, naturally, he was also concerned about the cosmic sea, and also understood some of the messages of the cosmic sea through the king of Zhen Jia and the gnarled rock ancestor god, and also understood that the number one strongest person in the cosmic sea right now was that ‘Lord of the Universe’ Luo Feng.

“It’s a pity that Zhen Jia, Gnarled Rock and the two of them were ostracized by the various races of the cosmic sea, and they don’t even know if the Galaxy Lord broke through to become a true god, “I also don’t know if this Galaxy Lord, in his ‘Lord of the Universe’ form, knocked Morosha back down to the first rank. Or will it become a True God and then beat Morosha back to the first rank. “Bedi pondered.

The difference between these two possibilities could be much greater.

If Luo Feng became a true god and made it this far, then it would be fine, the threat wasn’t too great.

But if Luo Feng was only the Lord of the Universe and caused Morosha to retreat to the first rank, when Luo Feng became a true god, what’s going to happen?

“It seems that my strength isn’t enough.”

“I have to improve faster, get stronger faster.” Bedi secretly said, “In the past, I dealt more with the other head of third order realm beasts, now the second order realm beasts I’m going to devour …… The second order realm beasts devour more than enough, and as usual, they can be able to stand up to a third order realm beast.”

Bedi’s past strategy was simple.

To devour the ones that threatened him, head to head, and even if he couldn’t devour them, he would still cause the other party to be seriously injured.

In this way, it Bedi had always stood at the very top!

Such a method is very robust, it can easily keep an eye on the hundreds of realm beasts that are the most threatening …… But this method is also slow! And if even the sea of second-order boundary beasts to swallow attack, promotion speed will become faster, but also doomed to fear that it can not perfectly control those threatening boundary beasts situation, sort of advantages and disadvantages it!

The battle between the realm beast Morosha and Luo Feng, Morosha retreated in defeat.

This was the first contact between a realm beast and the life of the cosmic sea.

Let the various races of the cosmic sea get scared and uneasy, all the races understand …… that with the first contact, then the second contact is afraid that the second contact is not far away.

Similarly, Morosha was knocked back to the first order to return to the boundary beast nest, the news let the boundary beast nest other large number of boundary beasts know, is also shocked, so that the boundary beasts understand that in the past they look down on the cosmic sea races is so powerful, but also make the original methodical and gradual killing and evolution of the boundary beasts, but began to gradually crazy up!

“Although the first Realm Beast was defeated by the Galaxy Lord and escaped …… However, according to the message sent to us by the Origin Will, the countless Realm Beasts within the Realm Beasts’ lair will definitely be affected and will speed up their evolution. I’m afraid that the final showdown between the Realm Beasts and us will be brought forward.” The old Ancestral God stood at the edge of the square in front of the Ancestral God Palace, looking at a Beast God Hall in the distant void.

“Hmm!” The young Ancestral God’s face was filled with solemn worry, “The only hope for the races of my Cosmic Sea is the Galaxy Lords! If the Galaxy Lord becomes a True God, we still have hope …… But if the Galaxy Lord doesn’t make a breakthrough, once a vast army of Realm Beasts kills, or a superb Realm Beast kills, we will be unstoppable, and there will only be a great extinction! What the hell is wrong with the Galaxy Lord, he is only a Cosmic Lord, the secret level is that amazing, and his strength has reached that level. He also had the Broken East River lineage inheritance, and in the World of Jinn he had received an ancient inheritance, so why couldn’t he even break through to become a True God? To other strong people, becoming a True God might be difficult. But for him it should have been a long time ago.”

“Alas ……,” the Two-Faced Ancestral God also shook his head and sighed.


Why the Galaxy Lords hadn’t broken through to become True Gods, it wasn’t just their three Ancestral Gods who were anxious, the entire Cosmic Sea clans were anxious!

In the ancient inheritance that hadn’t been passed down, becoming a True God was extremely difficult. But after the ancient civilization inheritance was made almost known to all races …… the difficulty of becoming a True God was only comparable to the difficulty of becoming a ‘Lord of the Universe’ in the past.

“Luo Feng!”

In the Milky Way Holy Land, the Lord of True Diffusion was also standing on the top floor of his palace, standing in front of the railing looking away at the endless sea of ghosts in the distance, there was a hint of worry in his eyes, “I’m sure you’re under a lot of pressure right now! The entire Cosmic Sea clans have pinned their hopes on you, at this moment, you must hold on, there is no choice.”

Zhen Yan was heartbroken.

Luo Feng, this disciple …… was the greatest pride for Zhen Yan.

When Luo Feng was accepted as a disciple by Zhen Yan shortly after he had just entered Chaos City because of the genius battle, Zhen Yan had watched his disciple grow up step by step! Zhen Yan also understood everything Luo Feng experienced on earth in the past …… came out of suffering, never bowed his head, and would rather die with the devouring beasts than give up, understand the past, and watched Luo Feng grow up step by step …… Zhen Yan indeed treats Luo Feng as a disciple, as a Zhen Yan indeed regarded Luo Feng as a disciple, as a relative.

Zhen Yan’s relatives had long since passed away due to the passage of years.

His disciples were like his relatives.

Luo Feng was like a son in his heart. Maybe Luo Feng himself didn’t realize …… but Zhen Yan did look at Luo Feng this way, Luo Feng became strong, of course Zhen Yan was very pleased.

At the moment Zhen Yan was heartbroken, but there was nothing he could do.

“You only have to hold on, you only have to meet the havoc and fight.” Zhen Yan silently expected, “As soon as possible! Raise to become a True God as soon as possible! That way, you’ll have hope of surviving.”

Zhen Yan hated to go up himself.

But he knew clearly that he would only become a plate of snacks for the realm beasts if he went up, he wouldn’t be able to play any role at all.

“Luo Feng, if you’re going to die, you’ll have to wait until you’ve killed all the sector beasts!” The Purple Moon Patriarch roared inwardly.

“Become a true god! That, shouldn’t be too hard for you.” The Eastern Emperor Beginning Ancestor stood on the Beginning Ancestor Tree and looked into the distance, his gaze looking through the universe in the direction of the Primordial Universe, “Even if you take the route of divine power, with your talent, you should succeed.”

“Become a True God!” God’s Eye Allah looked forward to it, “I really don’t want to choose to defect to the Realm Beasts!”

“Become a True God!”

“Become a True God!”

The various races of the cosmic sea including the insect race and demon race all shared a common expectation at the moment, looking forward to Luo Feng becoming a true god.

Far away in the ‘cosmic boat’ of the three great jedi, the black patterned stone pillar space.

“So high!” Inside a silver colored ship, Luo Feng was standing in the hall of the temple, his eyes looking through the bulkhead at the black patterned stone pillar outside that towered into the depths of the clouds, “Finally, here it is again!”

Black patterned stone pillar.

It was one of the wonders within the universe boat, it contained a powerful will shock, the closer one got to it, the more terrifying the will shock one received, and at the same time the closer one leaned against the black patterned stone pillar, the faster the time flowed! Like the general Lord of the Universe could only get close to the area where the time flow rate was thousands of times, like the Bei Edict Star Lord back then leaned the closest, where the time flow rate reached more than 130,000 times!

“I’d like to see how much the time acceleration of this black striped stone pillar can reach at the highest.” Luo Feng immediately rode the tomb tomb boat and quickly approached the past.

“10,000 times, 30,000 times ……” the tomb tomb boat kept flying closer, Luo Feng’s face was calm, his will had already reached the level of an eternal true god, much stronger than the Bei Zhi star lord.

“100,000 times, 120,000 times, 150,000 times ……”

Space was slightly distorted.

The flow of time had been extremely fast, a powerful shock of will swept through in a burst, wanting to destroy everything, but Luo Feng was like a spring breeze, not even a hint of discomfort.

220,000 times, 260,000 times, 290,000 times …… 510,000 times, 550,000 times ……

“Eh?” Luo Feng’s face was serious.

“Close.” The tomb tomb boat had already flown extremely close to the black striped stone pillar, but the powerful will impact caused even Luo Feng’s brows to furrow, gradually, the tomb tomb boat began to slow down until it stopped.

This was Luo Feng’s limit.

The bow of the tomb tomb boat was almost touching the black grain stone pillar.

“If I want to touch the black striped stone pillar, I estimate that my will will have to reach the Eternal True God limit.” Luo Feng said softly, “I’m still slightly short.”

His own will, even though it was at the Eternal True God level, hadn’t reached the limit.

“The time acceleration here is about 600,000 times.” Luo Feng secretly nodded.

This time, when he came to the black grain stone pillar space on the tomb tomb boat, he wanted to use the special environment of ‘time acceleration’ around the black grain stone pillar to cultivate!

The threat of the realm beasts had put Luo Feng under immense pressure, he had to fight for every bit of time, so he thought of this!

“Here, I’ll drill into the cultivation space again.”

Luo Feng pondered.

Inside the cultivation space could already be accelerated ten thousand times, if the outside world was kept at six hundred thousand times, then stacked on top of each other, it would theoretically be six billion times …… Of course this was impossible, Luo Feng who knew the ancient civilization very well understood that the difficulty of wanting to continue the acceleration of time under six hundred thousand times time acceleration was drastically increased.

“The will impact here is too strong, it can already affect my cultivation.”

“Back off slightly.” Luo Feng harnessed the tomb tomb boat and retreated a bit, returning to the area where time accelerated 500,000 times.

With that, the earthling principal entered the cultivation space.

Cultivation space, the highest time acceleration can go up to 10,000 times ……

“Accelerate 1000 times.” Luo Feng tried time acceleration, the time flow in the cultivation space immediately spiked, maintaining 1000 times acceleration.

The outside world already had 500,000 times time acceleration, another thousand times acceleration within the cultivation space would be 500 million times time acceleration.

“Rumble ……” Luo Feng looked around in shock, heaven and earth trembled, the entire inheritance space was trembling, the energy was drastically depleting.

“Not good.” Luo Feng’s face changed slightly, “Slow down to a hundred times!”


The flow of time immediately slowed down to a hundred times.

The surrounding heaven and earth stabilized a bit, but the energy reserve of the entire inheritance space was still being drastically depleted.

“Still too fast, slow down to ten times.” Luo Feng was forced to only slow down to ten times, instantly the entire inheritance space was calm, “Cultivation space accelerating by just ten times is much more energy consuming than accelerating ten thousand times in a normal time area.”

“With the reserves of the inheritance space, it can be easily maintained.”

Luo Feng went through a series of adjustments and finally decided to keep the cultivation space at 20 times time acceleration, then counting the outside world at 500,000 times, then it would be ten million times time acceleration. Although this consumes a lot …… the accumulation of endless epochs in the inheritance space, it can be supported for a long time.

“Cherish every bit of time, hopefully we can break through before the sector beast havoc!”

Luo Feng left a divine power split in the tomb boat, while the earthling original left directly.

Time passed.

A year passed.

The divine force doppelganger under the black striped stone pillar was frantically cultivating under the ‘ten million times time acceleration’ environment ……

Luo Feng’s main body was walking everywhere, looking for inspiration.

First, he walked within the Qingfeng realm, came to the core area, and even took a distant look at the dim land, then went to other places, and even found some inheritance left behind by some true gods from a long time ago before they broke into the wheel of reincarnation.

And go to the universe boat walk some, very carefully walk, even found driving the universe boat some ancient strong man left traces ……

He also went to flow heavy mountain and found that there were also some traces of ancient civilizations within the flow heavy mountain. ……

In the end, Luo Feng returned to the primordial universe, came to some fringe areas, even went to the insect race, demon race, mechanical race, and some other ethnic group boundaries, and even went to some weak ethnic group areas …… Watching the birth and withering of life, watching those lives kill each other and fall, and watching the destruction of a planet… …

Regardless of whether it was evil or good, everything in the billions of ethnic groups in the universe, Luo Feng didn’t intervene, he was just an onlooker, observing everything.

Observing the little lives.

Observing the birth of a new planet.

Observing the breakup of a planet, or even a galaxy under a super black hole.

Luo Feng firmly believed that the primordial universe nurturing billions of lives contained the supreme dao of ‘life nurturing’, and from everything, one should be able to find the key to open the ‘door to the third level of divine power’.

Seemingly simple as the growth and aging of an infant, Luo Feng was carefully pondering and probing for traces under ten million times time acceleration.

Seemingly simple celestial body operation, similarly Luo Feng was probing.

Silently, Luo Feng’s will was gradually metamorphosing.


Luo Feng stood in outer space, looking at the distant azure planet.

In Luo Feng’s gaze, time was flowing backwards, the earth was rapidly moving around the sun in a circle in reverse, and everything on the earth was constantly changing ……

“This is the past.”

“What about the future?”

Under Luo Feng’s gaze, the entire solar system was changing again, a scene was constantly changing.

If time flows backwards, the scene is very clear, then when Luo Feng watches the future, the scene is constantly changing …… The past has already happened, everything is irreversible. And the future is unknown, with many possibilities.

“Roar ……”

A scene but almost tends to a result.

Thirty thousand years later, the solar system was destroyed and everything was annihilated, which represented the destruction of everything by the world beast.

Sixty thousand years later, the solar system was destroyed and everything was annihilated.

One hundred and ten thousand years later, the solar system is destroyed and everything is annihilated.



Still destruction!

But there is one result that is very splendid, the earth became more and more developed, countless spaceships traveled to and from the earth, even after tens of thousands of epochs, hundreds of millions of epochs, the earth still exists …… This one result represents Luo Feng killing the sector beasts.

Looking at all the possibilities in the future, Luo Feng just calmly watched.


Luo Feng suddenly changed his expression.

“The sun!”

Luo Feng’s eyes lit up, under his gaze, from the endless ancient past to the future, the earth circled around the sun in a circle, even with all the possibilities in the future, the earth was still circling around the sun, in a circle …… eternally unending, seemingly repetitive and tedious, but with a law that no one could stop.

“Earth!” Luo Feng’s gaze turned and coalesced on the earth.

From the endless past, to the future.

The earth as a living planet, yet it was always attracting the strange life force in an extremely vast area, nurturing life, this life force was invisible, but Luo Feng who traveled all over the primordial universe to watch the past and future was able to vaguely find traces from the traces, feeling that the entire earth was the core of life nurturing in the vast area around it.

“The earth orbits the sun, the sun is the core ……”

“But the life breeding system, the vast area, the earth is the core again ……”

“Celestial system.”

“Life system.”

“Different systems, yet perfectly combined ……” A screen swept before Luo Feng’s eyes, it was the trajectory of the countless planets in operation, at the same time another screen surfaced, it was the complicated diagram of his own life structure as well as that of the realm beasts.

“Different …… yet connected ……”

Beyond space, beyond time.

Originating from the supreme laws of operation, everything leads to the ultimate end.

Lord of the Universe, True God, True God of the Void ……

Beasts of the Realm ……

Diametrically opposite beings, yet all nurtured by the Cosmic Sea, also leading to the same end point.

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