Chapter 38 – Breakthrough, Chain Reaction, Legend

Release Date: 2024-07-12 16:58:06
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The countless trajectories of the planets and the heavens and the earth that we have seen in front of our eyes, the trajectories outlined by the traces of life force attracted by each living planet …… The life structure diagrams of the already extremely perfect life structure diagrams of …… and the boundary beasts… …

“Diametrically opposite.”

“Yet connected.”

Luo Feng stood in the outer space of Earth, pondering.

While his divine power bilocation at the black striped stone pillar there was thinking furiously under ten million times time acceleration, numerous auras flashed, originally feeling out of place between the master of the universe, the true god one faction and the realm beast one faction, this out of place two factions’ life drawings had already had a point of commonality in Luo Feng’s eyes.

The same picture, in different people’s eyes, had different judgments.

This life structure diagram, in Luo Feng’s eyes in the past, only felt diametrically opposed and couldn’t find a place to start.

However, in Luo Feng’s eyes at this moment, from the endless and complicated life structure diagrams of the two, he found their common point ……

“Life structure!”

Luo Feng stretched out his right palm, every bit of divine power that made up his palm contained a soul imprint, naturally everything Luo Feng controlled and dissected incomparably carefully.


Luo Feng sense commanded, the life structure began to change.

Originally reached 89,999 times the genetic level of life, can be said to have reached an extremely perfect point of life structure map …… At this moment Luo Feng was like a highly skilled holy hand, just a few strokes, will make a picture suddenly come to life! Similarly, he made some simple changes to the life structure diagram, many detailed structures are still the same as in the past, but the big framework connection has changed dramatically, and with the changes to the life structure diagram, Luo Feng also has more and more feeling, more clearly feel the common point of the Lord of the Universe, the true, true God of the Void and the world beasts of this faction.

With Luo Feng’s seemingly simple changes to the large framework of the life structure diagram, in the process, suddenly-

“Snap!” One of the very small parts of the complex life structure diagram suddenly seemed to ripen as if it was ripe and quickly began to gradually detach itself from the entire life structure diagram, this wasn’t controlled by Luo Feng, but a natural reaction. The phenomenon of parts of the life structure diagram detaching began to occur automatically when Luo Feng made changes.

“What.” Luo Feng was shocked in his heart, but he didn’t stop it and continued to watch.

The very small part of the life structure diagram that quickly detached, its internal architecture also automatically metamorphosed, just like a domino effect, the internal architecture chain reaction one after another, from the previous structure diagram that Luo Feng could still understand quickly metamorphosed to a structure diagram that even Luo Feng felt was mysterious and unfathomable, buzz ~ ~ ~ ~ this very small part of the detached life structure diagram even turned into a naked Luo Feng’s appearance who was sitting cross-legged with a smile on his face.

“Snap snap snap snap snap 锛侊紒锛侊紒锛侊紒” Suddenly when the entire life structure map in a very small part of a sitting on his knees smiling naked Luo Feng, also automatically lead to the other parts of the life structure map, suddenly a naked Luo Feng began to appear one by one, or angry hissing, or fighting style, or standing meditation, or curled up to sleep, or laugh ……

All kinds of appearance, one by one born.

Speaking slowly, everything chain reaction, extremely rapid. In the blink of an eye, Luo Feng’s entire life structure map was completely transformed into 100,000 points of light, and each point of light is a super miniature naked Luo Feng, it is this 100,000 super miniature naked Luo Feng is not connected to each other, but vaguely connected, composed Luo Feng’s life structure map.

“One hundred thousand points of light …… “Even if Luo Feng was the creator and he reorganized his life structure map, he hadn’t thought that it would turn out like this under the chain reaction.

When the realm beasts were first dissected, the realm beast’s life structure diagram was 100,000 points of light, each point of light was a super miniature realm beast, and that super miniature realm beast itself was an extremely complex life structure diagram.

At this moment is the same, Luo Feng’s life structure diagram is also 100,000 points of light, each point of light is also a naked Luo Feng, and the super miniature Luo Feng also contains extremely complex life structure diagram, of course the super miniature Luo Feng, and super miniature realm beasts are different, and even Luo Feng feels that his own is even more subtle than the realm beasts!

One hundred thousand points of light were born one after another, this chain reaction, it was as if the water was flowing.

“Buzzing ……” when the first portion of divine power on Luo Feng’s right palm metamorphosed, it was as if it was contagious, there was no need for Luo Feng to take the initiative to reorganize again on his own, and it immediately began to spread rapidly …… on As if a drop of ink in the water quickly diffused, only to see Luo Feng’s hand, quickly began to birth a little golden light.

Immediately followed by this little bit of golden light crazily diffusing in all directions!

Luo feng’s palm quickly turned into a dazzling hand emitting endless golden light, at the same time it also spread out towards the whole body, because the divine power that metamorphosed first and the divine power that metamorphosed later all had the same Luo feng life mark, under the guidance of this extremely perfect and more advanced life structure chart, it had a fatal attraction to the other divine power, as if a magnet drew the other iron stones, it naturally caused the other divine power to metamorphose crazily.


In less than five seconds, Luo Feng’s entire body, including his hair, was emitting gleams of golden light.

Right at the moment when the entire divine body finally completely metamorphosed! Just like nuclear fusion, just like the super planetary eruption of the sun, just like a lord of the universe exploding millions of times more energy than usual when he blew himself up……. The moment Luo Feng’s godly body finally completed its evolution, his entire body naturally erupted with billions of golden light!

Billions of light, shining for billions of light years ……

“Wow wow wow wow…”

Luo Feng’s divine body erupted with golden light that wasn’t restricted by any rules at all, with a speed that could be described as instantaneous, instantly shining through the solar system, shining through the Galactic Sacred Ground not far away, shining through the entire Milky Way Galaxy, and shining through the entire Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom …… And the golden light spread rapidly, silently, transcending time and space… …

Everything was unimpeded.


Hundreds of millions of golden light passed through the human territory, and also shone into the territories of the Bug Race, the Mechanical Race, the Demon Race, and other races, and even the entire primordial universe’s darkest regions in the most deserts where there was no life at all, were all illuminated. At this moment, even the will of the origin could not affect the majesty of this golden light at all.


Billions of golden light finally penetrated the membrane wall of the entire primordial universe and rushed into the endless chaotic cosmic sea ……

At this moment, in the entire primordial universe, Luo Feng was the center.

Billions of rays of light were centered on him, illuminating the entire primordial universe and spreading beyond the primordial universe.

The ‘earth lineage’ beings living on the earth closest to Luo Feng, each and every earthling, no matter if they were in the light or in the dark, no matter if they were in the open or indoors, no matter if they were mighty earthlings who had become immortal or babbling babies who had just been born, they all raised their heads to look at the golden light at this moment.

The golden light that no matter could hinder, the golden light that transcended time and space, shone into the eyes of every living being, and even more into the soul of every living being.

In their souls, a golden light figure clearly appeared, and they could clearly see what that figure looked like.

The people of Earth who worshipped Luo Feng the most and worshipped him as their supreme spiritual leader naturally recognized it one by one. Even the babbling babies, although they didn’t know the name of this golden light ten thousand feet figure, they also remembered its appearance forever, even if they grew up and their memories of their infancy were forgotten, but that golden light ten thousand feet figure could never be forgotten.

“It’s …… the great Luo Feng!”

“Hero Luo Feng!”

One by one, the earthlings were shocked inwardly, and at the same time, when the golden light shone on them and penetrated deep into their souls, they also naturally appeared to prostrate themselves with the desire to kneel down.

Couldn’t help it.

One by one, no matter if it was the high and mighty immortals or the weak teenagers on Earth, they all prostrated.

In the Galactic Holy Land.

There were over a hundred Masters of the Universe living there, as well as some True Gods, and billions of golden light naturally shrouded the place, and no matter if it was those guards, servants, or True Gods, they were all shrouded by the golden light, which directly infiltrated their life imprints, and surfaced in their souls with that golden light.

That was the respect that originated from the depths of the soul, that was the fundamental gap between life levels, causing low life level beings to involuntarily kneel down.

Regardless of whether it was the weakest cosmic level of the Galaxy Holy Land or a towering True God …… none of them could overstep, even the True Gods couldn’t help but kneel down, they weren’t kneeling down to Luo Feng, it was an instinct of their life essence to honor the birth of the greatest life.

“It’s Luo Feng.” Zhen Yan also ‘saw’ the figure of golden light, at this moment Luo Feng was no longer Luo Feng, but represented the supreme life, the greatest and most perfect life. Zhen Yan couldn’t help but cry with excitement, he understood that there was hope for the entire cosmic sea races, his disciples could also survive, there was really hope for this catastrophe.

“It’s the Galaxy Lords!” A Cosmic Lord or even a True God was shocked.

“It’s teacher.” Fire Vault and the other many disciples of Luo Feng were also shocked and excited by this.

Golden light shone, shining for billions of light years, shining throughout the entire primordial universe.

No one could stop it.

Even the primordial universe origin will had to temporarily retreat at this moment, because the most supreme cosmic sea operating rules, this supreme rules …… shrouded this golden light, this is because the golden light contains supreme rules, that’s why it’s beyond the obstruction of time and space, beyond matter.

It is what causes all life to kneel down.

Whether they were kind or vicious, weak or strong, whether they were Luo Feng’s enemies or loved ones.

Chaos, Peng Gong, Dream Demon Ancestor, and the father gods of the mechanical race ……

Dozens of true gods throughout the primordial universe all knelt down, they were moved from the depths of their souls, not a compulsion from the higher ranks to the lower ranks, but rather a homage to the greatest beings born under the rules of the supreme supreme supremacy.

Billions of communities, countless planets, countless divine kingdoms, countless cosmic secret realms ……

Flesh and blood life, mechanical life, plant life, energy life …… All kinds of life ……

From the weakest to the strongest ……

All of them made kneeling, prostrate and other ways of respect, from the origin of life respect.

Gradually, the golden light of hundreds of millions of light years dissipated, the supreme rules to congratulate also left, the original universe origin will also re-envelop the entire universe, the entire primitive universe hundreds of millions of ethnic groups, whether they are weak or strong, can no longer see the previous golden light, each and every one of them sober up, but in their souls, the core of life is forever imprinted with the figure of that a golden light.

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