Chapter 46: Captured Alive

Release Date: 2024-07-12 16:58:30
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Virtual Universe.

Chaos was walking alongside Darkness on a corridor at the top of Thunder Island, chatting as they walked.

“Whoosh!” A figure suddenly coalesced in front of them.


The Chaos City Lord and the Darkness True God all revealed joyful colors and even respectfully shouted, it was usually very difficult to see the Original Ancestor only once.

The white-robed Original Ancestor even anxiously said, “You and others quickly go to the initial universe, my small universe origin is being devoured by the realm beasts, I am suppressed, and I can’t even add my origin to resist the devouring. I estimate …… that as long as I am devoured for an hour, my origin will lose eighty percent, and I will no longer have the possibility of reaching the void level.”

“What!” Chaos and Darkness were stunned.

“Yes, teacher, we will go immediately.” Chaos and Darkness were all immediately mad with anxiety.

The Original Ancestor was an existence that had risen to prominence when the human race was weak in the beginning, and back then, he was the number one powerhouse in the Cosmic Sea, and even though he had been suppressed, he had still utilized the ‘Virtual Universe’ for the benefit of mankind. Even though he was suppressed, he still utilized the ‘Virtual Universe’ to benefit humanity. He also led a group of powerful people, such as the Giant Axe, Chaos, Darkness, and Ice Peak, all of which were led by him.

Without him, there would be no Chaos, Giant Axe or Darkness, and naturally, Luo Feng and the others would not have achieved what they have now.

The great contribution to humanity and the high status could be imagined.

“All depart, immediately head to the initial universe, immediately head to the initial universe!” The Chaos City Lord immediately passed down the order through the virtual universe.

“The Initial Universe Origin has no Original Ancestor’s will to augment it, its resistance is extremely weak, and it is being devoured by the Realm Beasts, set off at once, set off at once.”

The order was passed down.

“Devouring the Original Ancestor’s initial universe?”

“Damnable sector beasts, how dare they do this!”

“Damn it.”

A True God of humanity immediately passed through the cosmic channel one by one and traveled to the initial universe as fast as they could.

“Luo Feng.” Luo Feng who was guarding outside the Rampaging Demon God mini universe immediately flipped out his summoning token.

“Teacher.” Luo Feng responded.

“Return quickly, return quickly!” Chaos City Lord anxiously transmitted, “The sector beasts are devouring the original ancestor’s initial universe, the original ancestor is being suppressed, unable to manipulate the augmented initial universe origin …… The devouring speed is extremely fast, in an hour, the initial universe origin will have lost 80% of it.”

“What.” Luo Feng jumped in shock.

Normal small universes even if they were devoured, with the speed of this realm beast being half as slow as in the past, it would normally be able to last for more than ten days.

Initial universe, the resistance was even weak like this? An hour to lose 80%?

Luo Feng is unaware ……

True god will support is very important, purple moon at first rely on will support, is to make the rate of origin flow immediately sharply reduced to one percent.

“I’ll come immediately.” Luo Feng even said, “Now let the other true gods try to stop that sector beast first.”


Luo Feng directly collected the star tower and directly began to transient forward over long distances alone.

The distance of transient advancement was different for universe lords and true gods, so true gods would be faster! Why would a True God be able to instantly move even farther? It was because the ‘True God’s Heart’, with the help of the Origin, could resist the influence as much as possible, and could sense even further distances, so naturally it was able to sense even further.

Like a void true god’s instantaneous distance, it was even greater than a true god.

Luo Feng’s mini-universe was a thousand times the volume of a normal True God’s mini-universe (in terms of volume it wasn’t even that far off compared to the Purple Moon Sacred Land universe)! Especially under the ‘beginning of one element’ architecture, making its origin incomparably powerful as well, the instantaneous distance had completely reached that level of a Void True God.

Brush! Brush! Brush! ……

Luo Feng was transmigrating at the super long distance limit.

“If I was still the Lord of the Universe, rushing back from the Transverse Demon God here would take five days.”

“Now it’s a little more than 1 hour.”

Luo Feng was anxious.

The Hengxing Demon God was from the second reincarnation era, his small universe wasn’t too far away from the primordial universe, much closer than a group of existences such as the God’s Eye Allah. But it still took more than an hour. If Luo Feng alone …… was simply too late to save the original ancestor’s mini universe.

When Luo Feng limit rushed back, in the void quite close to the original universe, Molossar was facing the distant mini universe, and one of the zigzagging rays it emitted penetrated into the void and was frantically devouring the origin.

“That was fast!”

“Without will enhancement, this devouring speed is really too good, before death, there can still be such food, hahaha ……” Morosha was devouring with all his might.


The surrounding space suddenly condensed.

“Coming?” Morosha was startled, and immediately, his body Peng’s directly disintegrated away, transforming into ninety-nine split bodies that quickly flew away in different directions.

Only to see a vast array of lofty figures appear in the distance.

“Boundary Beast, where are you escaping?” Angry and furious shouts rang out, “Set!”

Only to see a golden light Chaos City Lord, angry and distant pointing at the Realm Beast, his palm is suspended on a strange token, the token bursts endless green light, instantly covers a range of several light years, a powerful binding force immediately acted on the ninety-nine branches, so that the ninety-nine branches accelerated slower and slower.

“Get it killed directly!” True God Peng Gong roared angrily, “Lock!”

Wow! Wow! Wow!

With him as the center, millions of water waves immediately erupted, and the endless waves of water wildly extended away, forming a vast ocean. In an instant, all thirty-two of those ninety-nine bilocations were enveloped within the ocean. One by one, those doppelgangers tried their best to crash, but they were simply unable to escape the ocean.

“Dare to hurt teacher.” The Darkness True God also threw back his head and whistled shrilly, while the black cloak behind him violently expanded, transforming into endless darkness, as if it was a dark universe that enveloped the twenty-nine bilocations.

“Dare to injure Master Ancestor!”

“Damn it!”

“Suffer death!”

Only to see more than thirty true gods, all of them exerted a lot of means, a time of darkness and darkness, or thoughts of weapons binding means, such as the darkness, Peng Gong, and such as the direct divine power sweep against the consumption of those who are weaker fire dome and other a group of true gods, and even the Hong League of those alien true gods also all do their best, in the rescue of the oldest leader of mankind in this matter, they do not dare to slacken off in the slightest.

“Congeal!” The escaping Realm Beast instantly dissipated all of its other ninety-eight bilocations, leaving only one bilocation that transformed back into its original body, and this move alone immediately made Darkness and Peng Gong all do nothing.


The Realm Beast once again split into ninety-nine parts and fled.

It was trying its best to escape and was fast, and the binding means could not be stacked. For example, if there is a domain type binding treasure, it can only cast one …… piece and can’t cast multiple stacks at the same time. And the realm beasts fleeing for their lives and cunning and fast, in the end, they still escaped from the human True God army.

“Too ruthless, each going crazy.” Morosha in the void a burst of afterthought, “This is only a moment, that cloak of divine power against consumption, my power has sharply reduced by one third, fortunately, I began to escape …… if a little hesitation and they entangled up, that escape are no chance.”

“But …… want me to give up, not so easy.”

“The more nervous you guys are, the more painful I am ah! Death is also painful.” Morosha’s eyes were filled with madness.

Whoosh, once again, he instantaneously rushed towards the Initial Universe.

In the void outside the Initial Universe.

Chaos City Lord and a large group of True Gods such as them were furious, and Chaos City Lord directly ordered, “We will temporarily station ourselves in the Initial Universe, after all, the Initial Universe is the most fragile! If our other small universes are devoured, it won’t be too late for us to act again.”


“I’ll listen to Lord Chaos City in all matters.” The Hong Alliance Fey True Gods all responded with alacrity as well.

The Chaos City Lord nodded his head, followed closely by a change in his face.

Although they were here, they still had divine power incarnations in the primordial universe, so they could naturally connect to the virtual universe easily.

“Not good, the Realm Beast has devoured the Initial Universe again.”

“Devoured it again?”

“He still dares to come?”

All parties were shocked, and at the same time, they had gotten the approximate coordinates of the location transmitted by the original ancestor.

“Go over.”

One by one, they instantly rushed there.

It must be known that a small universe is 100 million light years in diameter, and the sector beasts can generally devour hundreds of millions of light years apart, so …… the sector beasts are completely able to go around the small universe to randomly choose a location, hundreds of millions of light years away, so that the Chaos City Lords and their instantaneous rushing to go, it is also required for a little while.

The world beast in a position just eat ten seconds, immediately instantaneous transfer, change to another far position again eat ten seconds, and then again instantaneous transfer to escape.

This caused the Chaos City Lord and his group of True Gods to be in a bit of a mess.

“Immediately spread out, we are scattered into ten teams.” Chaos City Lord immediately ordered, “The strength of this boundary beast is obviously weaker than the last one, and the ten teams we spread out will be able to expel it even though we can’t kill it …….”



Immediately the teams dispersed, scattering around different directions outside the Initial Universe.

In this way, once the Realm Beast was discovered, the closest ones could arrive in just a few seconds, forcing the Realm Beast to flee in disarray……. However, because of the division into ten teams, it resulted in each team not having the possibility of killing and seriously injuring the Realm Beast.


The realm beast Morosha is in a state of absolute madness, it will never get entangled with any True God, once it encounters one, it will immediately flee, and after fleeing, it will immediately return to continue to devour it. In short, it was fixated on the initial universe! Although it can only devour for one or two seconds …… at a time, it is persistent and desperately wants to destroy the initial universe.

“Teacher, where is the Realm Beast?” A message came through.

“Luo Feng, you’re finally here! It’s at …… right now,” Chaos City Lord was overjoyed and even transmitted a message.

Although he was one of the eight males.

Defeating a sector beast was easy, killing one was too hard.

In the void.

A white robed Luo Feng stepped into the void and immediately turned around after confirming the coordinates, a hint of coldness swept through his eyes, “So it’s there!”


Luo Feng directly instantly moved over with a single step, he could instantly move much farther than the other true gods, although the sector beasts also instantly moved farther than the other true gods, they were still a step behind Luo Feng.

“Hahahaha ……” realm beast Morosha incomparable madness, suddenly it was stunned, only to see the distant void filled with chaotic air flow came a white-robed figure, that cold face, that unfolded the ground exudes dazzling light of the five pairs of bright feathers, but also make it expression changed greatly.

“You finally came.” Morosha hissed.

“Come in.

Luo Feng but coldly reached out his hand, his palm flew out a pagoda, it was the star tower, the star tower immediately flew into the sky, at the same time the entire star tower radiated ten thousand feet of light, the bottom of the tower base even more appeared endless darkness vortex …… darkness vortex enveloped a few light years range, directly shrouded the distant realm beast Morosha, made Morosha feel incredibly vulnerable The world beast Morosha feels extremely fragile, no resistance, directly swallowed and sucked towards the bottom of the tower seat endless darkness flying towards.

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