Chapter 50 – The Five Laws of the Beasts of the Realm

Release Date: 2024-07-12 16:58:44
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luo Feng quickly deduced it in his mind.

Thirty-three realm beasts could give birth to one realm beast of a higher rank.

According to this ratio!

One billion first rank realm beasts would give birth to thirty million more second rank realm beasts, one million third rank realm beasts, thirty thousand more fourth rank realm beasts, one thousand fifth rank realm beasts, and thirty more points of sixth rank realm beasts.

“Right now the strongest within the realm beast nest is fourth rank, the main ones are second rank.” Luo Feng secretly calculated, “Indeed it’s still in the early days of the entire realm beast derivation.”

Normal evolution.

It should take until the near end of this reincarnation era for the final king to be born.

However the threat brought by ‘Luo Feng’ had facilitated this evolution.

“Morosha.” Luo Feng looked at the realm beast in front of him, “How strong are the realm beasts? First rank to sixth rank, how are they respectively?”

Morosha respectfully said, “Every evolution breaks through one order naturally more powerful, when first born as an initial, only some of the most basic means, like splitting to escape, like devouring small cosmic origins …… these most basic means are known.”

Luo Feng felt a burst of pressure.

“Once you cross into the second stage, your strength is naturally stronger and you have an additional divine ability, the method of burning blood.” Morosha said.

“The blood burning method?” Luo Feng even said, “But that move when you shot blood light from your eyes.”

I remembered when I first fought with Morosha.

He used cosmic chains to trap it, but it was the one that shot blood light from its two eyes and broke through the chains and escaped, at that time it felt that its strength should have increased by two levels.

Morosha respectfully said: ”As the master said, you can burn the blood in your body to turn it into blood light, causing your strength to skyrocket! This is a commonly used combat tactic, before I met master’s teacher Chaos city lord and the others, since I was only at the peak of the second stage, I was doubly overwhelmed facing them, so I also burned blood several times.”

Luo Feng nodded.

“The method of burning blood merely consumes blood and doesn’t hurt the root.” Morosha said, “If you cross into the third stage, you will have a true means of escape, ‘boundary light passage’, this move is not a problem if you don’t perform it, once you perform it you will almost certainly be able to escape, but it will likewise injure the fundamentals.”

“It’s the same tactic you used last time when you teleported away instantly along a colored light channel?” Luo Feng remembered.

Morosha nodded: “Yes, that colored light, is actually boundary light. That is, the energy emitted from burning the ‘realm’ in my body, it’s spacetime energy, capable of instantly constructing a spacetime channel and teleporting away. But burning the realm …… realm is the root of every realm beast, that time I wanted to just retreat from the third order to the second order, I didn’t realize that master you also have a means of influence on space and time, forcing me to retreat all the way back to the first order in order to escape.”

Luo Feng was pondering.

He relied on the ‘one thought void’ to suppress it, the one thought void was in absolute control of that space, so naturally he could influence the boundary light passage.

“What about crossing into the fourth stage?” Luo Feng even pursued.

Enslaving a realm beast is good, all the details of the realm beast are understood, understand the other party’s methods, then you can go on a rampage in the ‘world of jin’ to exchange for treasures that restrain the realm beast.

“Once you cross into the fourth stage, the realm within your body is even more powerful.” Morosha lamented, “Without the need to burn, the boundary light in the body can be dispersed outside the body, affecting the outside world, and the area where the boundary light is dispersed …… will be the boundary light field! Within the realm of realm light, the realm beast’s control over the realm range increases greatly, and its strength will also be enhanced, while master you will naturally be affected.”

Realm light domain?

Luo Feng got worried, this was a bit like ‘a thought of emptiness’.

“If you cross into the fifth stage, you will have a killing move that truly contains the ‘destruction origin’.” Morosha lamented, “From the birth of the Realm Beasts, they have never had any real killing moves, it was all about power against exhaustion, burning blood, escaping, and other means, until now it finally possesses a major killing move called ‘Destruction’, so from the fourth order to the fifth order, there will be a super leap in strength. ”

Luo Feng’s face was solemn.

“How strong?” Luo Feng asked afterward.

“Once you execute ‘destruction’, destroying a small universe should be easy.” Morosha said.

Luo Feng pondered.

Destroying a true god’s small universe required a void true god to explode with peak battle power.

He himself would be able to reach this level if he resorted to the secret method of burning divine power …… “with the help of the Wu Qi God, the Blood Shadow Blade, and the Wu Slayer Feather.

“Terrifying.” Luo Feng was shocked.

“This killing move only contains part of the, destruction origin.” Morosha said, “Only the true ultimate realm beast king contains a complete destruction origin. Fifth order Realm Beast …… casting this killing move, also need to pay a small price, on the energy consumption is extremely great, will not easily spare to cast.”

“What about the sixth order?” Luo Feng asked afterward.

“The sixth uh …….”

Morosha was stunned, slowly said, “Once a realm beast crosses into the sixth order, that almost means that the other realm beasts are hopeless, this sixth order realm beast, will exterminate all the threatening ones, all the other threatening fifth order realm beasts it will immediately go and kill them as much as it can. As long as it’s not stupid, the first one to cross into the sixth rank will almost certainly be the one to eventually become the king.”

Even though it was enslaved, Morosha still had an obsession with realm beast kings.

After all, it was born with a destiny for this.

Luo Feng even asked, “And what’s so special about this sixth rank sector beast?”

“In terms of strength, it’s slightly stronger than a fifth rank sector beast.” Morosha said, “Because it possesses an even greater amount of power, the number of times it can perform the move ‘destruction’ will be extremely high.”

“What about its special?” Luo Feng even pursued.

Every rank of sector beast had specials, and the sixth rank should be no exception.

“Splitting into millions.” Morosha slowly said.


Luo Feng’s mind was bewildered.

“This is why once the first to become a sixth rank sector beast, they are almost destined to be kings.” Morosha said, “Crossing into the sixth rank, the increase in combat power isn’t considered big. However, it possesses the ability of ‘splitting into ten thousand bodies’, and can easily split into ten million bodies, scattering them to hide in various parts of the Cosmic Sea.”

“It has millions of bilocations, even if you encounter one and kill one of its bilocations by fighting it. It won’t have much of an effect on it.”

“Of course, amongst the ten million branches, there must be an honored one.” Morosha said, “this honors have the strongest combat power, other split strength is generally very weak …… those split not for the sake of fighting, but for the sake of more chances to save their lives.”

“As long as one of the doppelgangers doesn’t die, all of its doppelgangers will quickly absorb energy to recover their strength and once again return to the peak of the sixth rank.” Morosha said, “This results in that even if hundreds of other fifth rank sector beasts join forces and kill that principal. But the sixth rank sector beast’s doppelganger will reappear again after some time ……”

Luo Feng felt it was too crazy.

Every time a realm beast raised a rank it gained one more power, this sixth rank was actually a ‘bilocation of ten million’.

“How to kill it?” Luo Feng asked afterward.

“One.” Morosha said, “Soul strike! As long as you kill the soul of any of its bilocations, all of its bilocations die. Of course becoming a sixth rank boundary beast, its soul is incomparably powerful …… Even you, master, it’s impossible to soul strike it, at least for now.”

Luo Feng nodded.

“Two.” Morosha said, “Kill the threatening fifth order realm beasts, kill all the leaders, so that no sixth order is born among the realm beasts.”

Luo Feng understood, this was called advance prevention.

“Three.” Morosha said, “Then use the influence of fate.”

“Destiny?” Luo Feng was puzzled.

“Hmm!” Morosha nodded, “The ultimate destiny of a billion realm beasts is to give birth to a king, so there are a few iron rules, for example, after a sixth order realm beast is born, if another sixth order realm beast appears. These two sixth-order beasts must be killed, the split must be killed, the winner lives, the loser directly dead. So the sixth order realm beast …… no matter what, the real living sixth order can only be one.”

“Two heads of the sixth rank, fight each other to the death, this is a kind of iron rule.”

“There is also to a certain time limit, all living realm beasts must fight to the death, this is the final time limit.”

“Another example is …… if there are only the last two boundary beasts left, even if one head of fifth order and one head of fourth order, they must fight each other …… to live to become the king.” Morosha said.

Luo Feng was shocked to hear this, “Are you saying that a fifth order realm beast can also become a king?”

“Yes.” Morosha nodded, “Our destiny is to give birth to the final king amongst the one billion realm beasts, as long as we are still alive at the end, no matter if it’s first rank or sixth rank! As long as all the others die out and just one is alive …… then it will also rapidly rise to finally be promoted to king. Of course it’s usually the sixth rank boundary beasts that end up alive.”

Luo Feng listened with a sinking feeling.

Worthy of being an existence that represented ‘destruction’! Even without becoming a king, it was already terrifying.

Crossing into the second stage, there was the method of burning blood.

Crossing into the third stage, there was the Law of the Boundary Light Passage.

Crossing into the fourth stage, there was the Law of the Realm Light Domain.

Crossing into the fifth stage, there was the Law of Destruction.

Crossing into the sixth stage, there was even the method of splitting into millions of bodies.

As for becoming a king?

“Once a king is born.” Morosha said heavily, “No one can stop it! Master, even if you were ten times a hundred times more powerful, you wouldn’t be able to stop the eventual king. Because the Realm Beast King doesn’t even need to personally fight, any of the powerful warriors it spawns are even more terrifying than a sixth rank Realm Beast. You defeat a warrior, it can breed even stronger warriors until you eventually fall.”

Luo Feng finally truly understood why the origin will valued himself, because, with a potential and strength like a sector beast. Even if they didn’t evolve, over ten million sector beasts alone would be enough to make the various races of the cosmic sea go extinct ten times a hundred times.

Relying on the other powerhouses of the various races of the Cosmic Sea, there really wasn’t a shred of hope.

Even for myself, I can only say that …… there is a ray of hope!

But the greater possibility was extinction.

“Master.” Morosha solemnly said, “There is one more thing I must tell master, this matter is very important.”

“Hm?” Luo Feng was startled.

Morosha was solemn and incomparable, “The moment I worshipped under master, the tens of millions of realm beasts within the realm beast nest were all aware of it, because all realm beasts can sense each other, they can also sense my life state. From this moment onwards, all the Realm Beasts would be incomparably furious, and they would all treat their master as their greatest enemy! At the same time, they also regarded me as their greatest enemy, and each and every one of them would want to kill me and their master. And their evolution will definitely speed up greatly …… Master must be quick if he wants to deal with those realm beasts, if he is late, I’m afraid that there are quite a few fifth rank realm beasts being born.”

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