Chapter 66: Extreme Fear

Release Date: 2024-07-12 16:59:29
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Eight million three hundred thousand realm beasts, almost ninety percent of the strength of the entire realm beast group mouth what a vast force, those realm beasts scattered in the fringe area couldn’t think of any way to cause such a large number of realm beasts to be annihilated in an instant, but this was actually happening, they had incomparable faith in their own senses, this was their talent!

“All dead.”

“All dead.”

“More than eight million three hundred thousand realm beasts.”

Scared and blinded.

The remaining surviving Realm Beasts were barely more than nine hundred thousand, and compared to the more than eight million three hundred thousand, even one-ninth of them was still slightly worse! What could the survivors do when even the main force of the entire Realm Beast community had been exterminated?

“What should we do?”

“What should we do?”

Fear, extreme fear.

They no longer had the courage to rally against Galaxy Lord Luo Feng, in their hearts, the Galaxy Lord was their nemesis! More than 8 million had died, did they dare to go over there with just over 900,000 realm beasts? If they were killed by the Galaxy Lord once more, it would be the end of them.

As fear gripped the surviving sector beasts, in the virtual universe.

On top of Thunder Island.

On the corridor filled with clouds Luo Feng walked quickly and caught a glimpse of the Chaos City Lord who had also appeared in the distance.

“Teacher.” Luo Feng was filled with excitement, “It worked, I succeeded.”

Chaos city lord was overjoyed to hear this.

For so long, he hadn’t heard any news coming back from Luo Feng and was worried every moment. Worried for the safety of his disciples, worried for the future of the entire human race.

“What exactly is the situation?” Chaos City Lord also eagerly pursued.

“It’s like this.” Luo Feng even explained, “There are a total of over 9.2 million realm beasts in the dim land of realm beast nests! Each one is at least at the peak level of the second stage, comparable to the realm beast that I captured alive.”

The Chaos City Lord jumped in shock, “Over nine million?”


Thinking about it was a nightmare, and even thinking about it made him lose his courage and confidence.

“I also feel despair.” Luo Feng even said, “But luckily I had gotten a treasure, a very heaven-defying treasure, and I believe this is the silver lining left for us under the rules of supreme operation. I then went to the dim land to frantically attract realm beasts, and hard attracted more than eight million three hundred thousand realm beasts besieged me …… And then I used this heaven defying treasure, fully exerted its power, and directly killed all eight million three hundred thousand realm beasts, and now the surviving realm beasts are less than a million in total.”

The Chaos City Lord didn’t open his mouth, only his eyes widened.

He was a very calm person.

It’s just that first the number of over 9 million realm beasts scared him, and then Luo Feng actually killed over 8.3 million by relying on a treasure……. How could he be calm?

“After this battle, we have a real chance of survival.” Luo Feng said excitedly, “The remaining sector beasts are less than a million, barely nine hundred thousand! I’m afraid that the most perfect situation will not necessarily be able to give birth to three sixth order realm beasts, although the heaven defying treasures that I cast this time will only be able to be cast once, the surviving realm beasts don’t know that …… they’ll be afraid, I’ll think of ways to kill, destroy, and break them in every way, as long as they don’t produce sixth order realm beasts among them, everything will be fearless. ”

“Sixth-order Realm Beasts?” The Chaos City Lord was puzzled.

“It’s like this ……” Luo Feng began to explain.

The master and disciple duo just talked, talking with great excitement, obviously this great victory was too inspiring, causing them all to see the hope of victory.

Even a white robed man figure appeared not far away, it was the original ancestor.

The virtual universe was exactly what he had gotten out of by exercising a secret method, naturally everything that happened within the virtual universe he was able to know, at this moment he knew what Luo Feng and Chaos City Lord were talking about, he couldn’t help but be filled with joy.

“Well done.” Original Ancestor said softly, anticipation in his eyes.

He also knew about Luo Feng’s deal with the origin will.

As long as the threat of the sector beasts was exterminated, then the origin will would also release him, although the original ancestor didn’t fear death, he was still looking forward to being able to get out alive.

“Painful.” The Chaos City Lord said excitedly.

“This is the situation.” Luo Feng was also incomparably excited, in just under five minutes everything was described.

“Right now the surviving realm beasts are scattered around the edges of the dim land and are completely separated.” Luo Feng said, “It will take me ages to rush there alone, and they are separated …… Even if I kill them, I can only kill them one by one or two by two, so the next will still be grueling.”

Chaos city lord laughed, “Hahaha! This is much better than before.”

“Yeah! The number of realm beasts before really made me despair.” Luo Feng lamented.

“Hmm?” Luo Feng suddenly frowned.

“What’s wrong?” Chaos city lord even inquired.

“Teacher you wait first.” Luo Feng immediately disappeared, temporarily leaving the virtual universe.

Chaos City Lord couldn’t help but reveal a hint of anxiety, what had happened?

Within Luo Feng’s small universe.

Morosha was pointing at the huge model of the dim land in front of him, “Master, at this moment, all the 900,000 realm beasts that survived throughout the dim land have all begun to desire to fly out of the dim land from all directions.”

“They want to escape?” Luo Feng’s face changed.

If they had been within the dim land, they were somewhat is time to slowly eat away at them.

But this time, more than 8 million died, making the surviving realm beasts simply not have the courage to fight Luo Feng head on, all of them wanted to leave the dim land.

“Not flee.” Morosha said in a low voice, “Master, the realm beast clan was born to destroy, even if they are killed they will bite their enemies hard, they won’t give up easily. Even if they can’t kill master now, they will think of other ways to change the situation, master don’t be careless.”

Luo Feng nodded.

In the Tilted Peak Realm dim land, Luo Feng was rapidly advancing outwards over a super long distance, those surviving realm beasts were already at the fringe of the dim land, naturally at this moment, they quickly exited the dim land, as for Luo Feng himself, flying out from the hinterland alone took a long time.

“Wow wow wow wow wow ……” flew out of the dark land, outside is the ten thousand heavy waves waters.

The Ten Thousand Heavy Waves waters were actually incomparably vast.

It was just that the route Luo Feng chose to advance just happened to pass by where the Zhen Jia King and the gnarled rock ancestor god were hiding.

“Eh?” Luo Feng glanced at them, and from afar, he saw a large ship undulating in the water waves in the distance, there were two figures on the large ship, one was an incomparably tall steel being with eyes that looked like two huge stars. The other was the equally huge and sinuous Gnarled Rock Ancestor God perched there.

“Surprisingly, it’s still there.” Luo Feng secretly said, “It seems like the sector beasts fled around but never cared about these two slaves at all.”

The information that King Zhen Jia and the Gnarled Rock Ancestral God knew about the various races of the cosmic sea, the realm beasts had already known about it, and since the two of them were found to be spies, they naturally had no use for them. At this moment, the Realm Beasts were in the midst of their biggest blow, so how could they still care about the life and death of their two slaves?

“Zhen Jia.” The Gnarled Rock Ancestral God said in a low voice, “I really regret it! If we had fought in the beginning, we might have been able to escape one and not be so miserable.”

“Regret what?” King Zhen Jia said, “Back then, the three of us faced a powerful Realm Beast, and resisting was death! We could only choose to submit …… Wasn’t everything fine originally? No one from the various races of the Cosmic Sea knew about us. But who would have thought that a Luo Feng would come out, and a World of Jinn would pop up. The strength of all the races in the Cosmic Sea far exceeded ours. Only then did we fall into this situation.”

The public enemy of the cosmic sea was the two of them!


King Zhenjia and the Gnarled Rock Ancestral God were suddenly both startled.

Because they both saw a huge divine eye suspended in the void suddenly appear in the distance, at this moment, the surrounding ten thousand waves of waters, the large ship under their feet all disappeared, even the partners next to them disappeared, and there was only themselves and the divine eye suspended high in the distance in the void, the divine eye shone brightly, and a strong and overwhelming will swept in.

The Zhen Jia King and the Gnarled Rock Ancestral God all directly collapsed powerlessly, completely losing consciousness.

Consciousness went gray.

When they both came to their senses.

“This is here?” King Zhen Jia and the Gnarled Rock Ancestral Deity looked around them, and they were surrounded by a dimly lit earth.

“Where is this place?”

“Where the hell is it?” King Zhen Jia and the Gnarled Rock Ancestral God panicked.

Suddenly a cold voice rang out, “This is a prison!”

Easily imprisoning the two Zhen Jia King and Gnarled Rock Ancestral God into the star tower, Luo Feng didn’t rush to kill them because they were the two main conspirators who caused the giant axe to fall, there were many, many within the human community who wanted to kill them both, like the Chaos City Lord who just hated them so much that he couldn’t wait to eat their flesh!


Luo Feng swiftly advanced towards the outside, and then quickly left the Tilted Peak Realm along that shortcut in ‘Feather Space’.

“Go to the entrance of the Tilted Peak Realm.” Once he entered the waters and quickly exited the Tilted Peak Realm, Luo Feng instead flew directly towards the entrance of that high mountain in the Tilted Peak Realm.

“I’ll stand guard here.”

“For the realm beasts to leave the Tilted Peak Realm, it’s mainly through this entrance.” Luo Feng secretly said, “I’ll kill one of them that comes out, and ten of them that come out.”

Only Luo Feng was still worried.

Because the main body of the Tilted Peak Realm was actually an incomparably lofty mountain, which was then cut off in the middle.

So the exit was very vast! Even Luo Feng could only guard a small area of it.

In Luo Feng’s mini universe.

The divine power incarnation was staring at the model of the huge dim land, looking at the traces of the surviving realm beasts, next to him, Morosha even said, “Master, the fastest realm beasts are already going to the exit now.”

“Hmph!” The divine power incarnation listened carefully, as for Luo Feng himself, he was already waiting on that route.

“It stopped.” Morosha exclaimed, “It stopped when it was still some distance away from the exit.”

“Stopped for what?” Luo Feng frowned.

Time passed.

One by one, the realm beasts stopped when they were still some distance away from the exit, and soon, there were over 450,000 realm beasts completely spread out, all stopping some distance away from the exit.


The other four hundred and fifty thousand Realm Beasts were further behind, also similarly completely dispersed, with each Realm Beast being very far away from each other.



The surviving nine hundred thousand Realm Beasts were split into two groups at this moment.

The front four hundred and fifty thousand realm beasts began to advance directly towards the exit, each of them spread out remotely, which made Luo Feng’s face ugly because even if Luo Feng was going to kill …… only one realm beast could be killed! Once the other realm beasts determined Luo Feng’s position, then they would immediately instantly instantaneously escape far away, once they escaped the exit and entered the cosmic sea, the vast cosmic sea, how would Luo Feng catch them?

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