Chapter 7: The Age of Humankind

Release Date: 2024-07-12 16:56:34
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No one can stop the pace of human hegemony.

The primitive universe, destined, humans will reach the real peak, other insects, mechanical race and all other ethnic groups have to look up to humans.

This point was recognized!

“Alas!” The black giant wolf with three heads appeared in space, looking at a living planet in front of him, with many lives of demonic types living on the planet.

Wow~~~ A fluctuation swept across the entire life planet, and the demonic beasts on the life planet that were either hunting, mating, or sleeping disappeared out of thin air, and were directly moved into the world ring.

“The last life planet.”

The black giant wolf was followed by the black light that filled the surroundings, followed by the Divine Kingdom teleportation, and disappeared.

In just a moment.

In a void not far away, it appeared out of thin air, and not far in front of it, a huge flying bird emitting endless flames hovered there, emitting endless pressure, as if the distant stars were trembling in war.

“Your Holiness, all the demon races on all the living planets in a vast star field that I am responsible for have been brought here.” The Seal King Immortal Black Giant Wolf said respectfully, and then the world ring that was attached to one of its sharp claws flew out directly towards the flaming flying bird in the distance.

“Hmm!” The Flame Flying Bird responded, “You go to the Demon Ancestor Secret Realm and gather!”

“Yes.” The black giant wolf respectfully responded, then instantly left.

Soon, a head of the Sealed King Immortal Demon Race, with their world rings, presented them to this Flame Flying Bird.

For a long time-

“The entire One Star Region, all life is here with me.” The Flame Flying Bird sighed, “Migration, great migration, I didn’t realize that my Demon Race would also have to migrate …… this starry sky that nurtured my Demon Race, doomed, we have to leave.”

Wow, it also turned then directly divine country teleportation, disappeared in this.

The entire Demon Race, is undergoing a great migration. From the two Demon Ancestors down to the ordinary Demon Beasts on the countless living planets, all of them were taken away. Although the demonic beasts reproduce very quickly, only need to bring a tenth will not take long to reproduce to the current scale, but after all, it is the same family, naturally, all taken away.

“From now on, we will leave this place and head to our new home.” The huge Sawtooth Alien Beast suspended in the starry sky let out a low voice, “Dream Tea, has that vast star field been swept?”

“I just showed up. It caused all of the many alien groups in that vast area to quickly slip away.” The silver-colored serpent next to him slowly said, “It’s just that, do we really want to be in that remote place?”

“Even if it’s a remote place, if the human race groups don’t chase after us, we all have to be thankful.” The Sawtooth Fey Beast said in a low voice.

“They dare! If they don’t even give us the final frontier, then we will kill and keep killing …… not letting this human have a good time!” The silver-colored serpent hissed.

In the Primordial Universe, anyone could only emit the top sixth rank battle power.

So. Any solo strongest person who really went berserk would give the peak communities a headache.

“It is precisely because we have two strongest people that we can continue to live in the Primal Universe.” The Sawtooth Alien Beast said, “I believe that the humans, too, won’t push any further, after all, this most precious core frontier. We have already ceded it.”

“Let’s go.” The Sawtooth Fae Beast was somewhat sad. “Go to the new homeland.”

The silver-colored serpent glanced towards the back.

They also all eventually disappeared into thin air and left this frontier.

Demon race migration, insect race migration, mechanical race migration, prison race migration, crystal race migration …… The entire cosmic sea has a total of six peak ethnic groups, the reason why they can achieve peak ethnic groups, where they are located in the frontier, are all extremely rare treasures in the primordial universe, of course, relatively speaking, the crystal race and the prison race frontier to be a little worse.

Of course, comparatively speaking, the territory of the Crystal Race and the Prison Race was inferior, but it was still much better than many idle races.

The five peak ethnic groups took the initiative to migrate, obviously bowed and admitted defeat, as for the North Border Alliance and other some of the universe’s strongest people do not even have the ethnic groups. As for the Northern Border Alliance and some other communities that didn’t even have the strongest people in the universe, they even began to automatically migrate, shrink, and so on. The vast majority of ethnic groups in the primitive universe are still very sensible in terms of how much power they have and how much territory they occupy.

Virtual Universe, the top of Thunder Island.

A throne surrounded a round table, where Luo Feng and the Chaos City Lord sat next to each other, and their thrones were naturally bigger. The thrones of the other universe lords were of a comparable size. This kind of naturally formed status …… didn’t even need to be forcibly formulated, everyone had a plan in their hearts.

It must be known. Luo Feng had personally killed True Gods! And there was more than one! It must be known that the primordial cosmic will recognized Luo Feng as the number one strongest person in the cosmic sea! It must be known that the deaths of those hundreds of universe lords were made by Luo Feng!

All of this had led Luo Feng to his current position.

“All of you.” Chaos City Lord looked around, full of smiles. “Demon race, mechanical race, crystal race, prison race, insect race, these five races have all migrated. Left their boundaries. And none of those other idle groups in the primordial universe dare to enter the boundaries of these five races at all.”

“These five races also know how to advance and retreat.” The Lord of Ice Peak, who was normally a cold and icy person, also smiled at this moment, “If they don’t know how to advance and retreat, it’s our army that will kill them.”

“The allied camp at this moment.” The Lord of Void Gold smiled indifferently, “Even if they join forces, without the help of the solo strongest people …… they are simply unbeatable.”

One by one, the human Universe Lords opened their mouths.

They had known about this news for a long time, and when they first learned about it, they were all wild with excitement! At this moment, they were already very calm, not to the point of going crazy and losing their temper, but just still very joyful and excited.

“This time, they died so many cosmic lords, to my human hatred is very much.” The Lord of Darkness said in a low voice, “So far there are still some immortal, universe honored one to go berserk in retaliation, although the impact is extremely small …… can be seen from this the hatred of the alien race to my humanity, according to my view, there is a threat to eradicate as early as possible!”

“Other peak ethnic groups, there are also the strongest people in the universe. There is some consideration now, but once we really don’t give them a way out, those universe strongest people are afraid that they will also fight us on.”

Arguments were going on.

However, a plan was soon finalized.

“Occupy the original boundaries of the five races such as the Insect Race, Demon Race, and Mechanical Race. Let all of my humans flourish. And there are also many powerful ethnic groups before, some of them were subordinate to the peak ethnic groups before, and some of them were in many alliances, but now that they are declining, they are not qualified to occupy the original boundaries, so they will go over and occupy them as well.”

“Occupy these territories.”

“Let my human race flourish and grow everywhere.” The Chaos City Lord was filled with grandeur.

The humans acted, and they moved a batch of humans who originally lived in some of the cosmic secret continents, or those who lived in divine kingdoms. Large batches were relocated to the frontiers of the five clans such as the Demon Clan and the Insect Clan, as well as the frontiers where many powerful clans originally lived.

It must be known.

Each of those powerful ethnic groups occupied a small territory, but together, they far exceeded the five ethnic groups. In fact, just by looking at the number of Masters of the Universe, we can know that the five major groups themselves add up to about a hundred, but those powerful groups are hundreds of Masters of the Universe.

The boundaries of those powerful ethnic groups are slightly more remote, and the probability of a genius being born is small. But they can’t help but have a vast territory.

This kind of spread down ……

It can be said that the speed of the birth of human elites and geniuses instantly skyrocketed tenfold.

The major forces in the cosmic sea, in fact, has also been concerned about the movements within the primordial universe. When the coalition camp of the Primordial Universe instantly killed so many Masters of the Universe, it did scare the major forces in the Cosmic Sea, and they were stunned and even a little afraid.

They also thought that it was most likely the work of humans.

But since humans were able to kill a total of hundreds of Cosmic Lords from the Allied Forces camp and the Purple Moon Alliance. Naturally, they could also exterminate the other forces of the Cosmic Sea!

“The Demon Race, the Mechanical Race, and other races all retreated, and each of those powerful groups were greatly weakened and also retreated, or shrunk their territories……. Humans, on the other hand, expanded rapidly, occupying a large portion of their territories. It can be said that half of the treasure land of the entire primitive universe is owned by human beings. Half of it is owned by human vassals and a large number of idle communities, the other five races.”

“Humans. In the Primordial Universe, it will be absolutely invincible!”

“This is something that has never happened in any previous reincarnation era, any reincarnation era that I know of. Like the God’s Eye Race, it has never managed to be as absolutely invincible as humans.”

“Fortunately, the humans are not hostile to the major forces of my Cosmic Sea.”

“Fortunately ……”

“Do not provoke this human.”

The major forces of the Cosmic Sea can and are scornful.

“Since then, the Primordial Universe, will be entering a brand new era – the Human Era.”

The Primordial Universe, indeed, had entered the human era. Because no one dared to go to the Realm Beast’s lair, the ‘Dim Land’, for the time being, the entire Cosmic Sea. Entered into a period of calm years. The major powers’ focus was mainly on the ‘World of Jinn’, striving to fight in the World of Jinn to obtain inheritances, treasures, and so on.

Humans, on the other hand, continued to multiply and grow stronger.

A vast starfield.

On a planet, there were quite a few strange beings living, when Luo Feng, dressed in a white robe, appeared, walking on the grasslands.

“Father god.”

“Father god.”

A residual shadow flashed in the distance. Six figures appeared in an instant.

Luo Feng smiled as he looked at the six figures in front of him, these six were not tall, they all looked like human children with hidden flames all over their bodies, these six children were the six beings amongst them created by the Endless Spectral Sea when they performed ‘creation’. In one trial of creation, naturally many lives were born.

Humans had a large amount of territory this time. Luo Feng, on the other hand, had carved out a starfield that had previously been occupied by a powerful group for the lives he created to live. These beings, who were naturally close to Luo Feng, could die for Luo Feng without the slightest hesitation.

“Father God.”

“How long is father god staying with us this time.” The six children joyfully circled around Luo Feng.

Luo Feng smiled, “Will stay here for a few years.” He also had a heartfelt love for these beings, after all, they were created by himself, these six children himself was thinking of the earth myth of red child, so he created six children who could manipulate the flames, at that time, he just casually created them, but after all, they were beings.

“Oh, oh, oh.” All six children cheered.

Luo Feng smiled and stroked the children’s heads, although the lives he created were very powerful, like these six children, born to quickly reach universe level battle power, the flaw was that they couldn’t reproduce on their own. Just like the group created by the Lord of the Nine Specters, they couldn’t reproduce on their own either.

Suddenly Luo Feng’s heart moved, he turned his head and a figure appeared in the distance, it was Xu Xin who was also dressed in white.

“Mother god.” The moment the six children saw this, they immediately cheered and ran over as well.

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