Chapter 72 – Devouring Luo Feng’s Universe

Release Date: 2024-07-12 16:59:47
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In Luo Feng’s small universe.

Sitting mountain guest flew into a gradually forming dimensional space, the pale earth also gradually molded, sitting mountain guest carefully observed smiling and nodding, “This universe architecture, really unusual.”

Although I don’t know the true face of the cosmic architecture, but it can be seen through the lens of a tube, Sitting Mountain Guest can also vaguely feel the difference.

“Luo Feng.”

With a wave of his hand, an elegant palace appeared next to him, and Sitting Mountain Guest directly stepped into it while speaking, “I’ll stay within your mini universe, right now those 450,000 realm beasts are outside your mini universe …… you carefully sense them clearly, and once they make an attack, let me know immediately. ”

“Yes, teacher.” A voice came from the distant heavens and earth.

The four hundred and fifty thousand realm beasts weren’t attacking right now, it was just a deterrent! Luo Feng couldn’t have the sitter guarding it all the time! The cost of guarding a small universe as large as his own must not be small. Naturally it wasn’t too late to wait until the realm beasts started devouring it before informing them.

In another part of the small universe.

Inside a ship.

Luo Feng’s divine power avatar and Morosha were together.

“Master, the number of sector beasts in that area now has plummeted to less than 50,000.” Morosha even said.

Luo Feng nodded.

At this moment, my father had already approached that area, now my father didn’t continue to advance because there was no exact target at this moment! After all, there are so many realm beasts …… once they make a move on one, each of the other realm beasts will know about it. So once you make a move you have to catch a big fish, so naturally you have to wait!

“Morosha, you just keep an eye on it. At the same time sense the aura of each realm beast clearly.” Luo Feng said, “Some realm beasts devour a lot, some devour less, the ones that devour a lot, keep an eye on them. Those who feel that they are almost ready to give birth to a fifth rank, inform me immediately.”

It plummeted from four hundred and fifty thousand to less than fifty thousand.

On average, nine realm beasts survived one, but the truth was that some powerful realm beasts killed and devoured faster, perhaps able to eat twenty or thirty realm beasts already. And some of the victory is very difficult, may fight for a long time to decide the victory perhaps only eat five or six world beasts. This probability of becoming a fifth rank was certainly different.

“Yes.” Morosha respectfully answered.

Time passed.

Luo Feng clearly saw that the patch of light on that huge model was decreasing. The four hundred and fifty thousand realm beasts that surrounded his mini universe hadn’t moved, obviously …… if he didn’t move, then the other side didn’t move. Once one attacked or otherwise, these Realm Beasts would react accordingly.

“Less than three thousand.” Luo Feng looked at those points of light, from four hundred and fifty thousand points of light to less than three thousand points of light, the rapidity of the sharp reduction could be imagined.

Less than three thousand light points, even Luo Feng could see it clearly.

“No fifth order was born?” Luo Feng asked afterward.

“Master don’t worry.” Morosha said, “Right now it’s only suspected that there is a fifth rank born, but even if it’s born it’s just crossed over. Not completely sure, master if you kill over …… is to startle the entire sector beast group, not worth the loss. As long as we wait for a while, there will definitely be a few that are fifth order.”

Luo Feng nodded, “Remember, don’t let the sixth rank be born.”

“I will be careful.” Morosha even said, “It’s hard for a sixth order realm beast to be born, there was only a total of 450,000 realm beasts there before …… Almost two thirds of those realm beast energies converged on one realm beast before a sixth order could be metamorphosed. So master feel free to rest assured, I will inform master of the threatening ones early on.”

Luo Feng nodded.

Time passed minute by minute ……

Not only was Luo Feng anxious, the true gods in the virtual universe temple of the gods were also anxious one by one, but they didn’t dare to disturb Luo Feng either.

“Master, it’s time to depart.” Morosha suddenly said.

“Depart?” Luo Feng’s eyes lit up.

“Right now the total number of sector beasts in this area is less than a thousand, three of them are ironically fifth rank.” Morosha said.

Luo Feng pondered, “Only three are ironically fifth rank?”

“These three realm beasts, when killing and devouring have always been extremely fast, according to the number of realm beasts they have devoured …… they have definitely become fifth order. Of course from the sixth order is still not known how much worse.”

Fifth order and sixth order are comparable.

It took thirty-three Fifth Order to give birth to just one Sixth Order.

“There’s no rush.” Luo Feng frowned, “The number of boundary beasts I can kill is very small, kill them while they’re stronger. Let them devour some realm beasts before ……”

The number of realm beasts was decreasing.


“Master, the number of remaining boundary beasts is now only 210.” Morosha anxiously said, “There are ten that have ironically reached the fifth rank, the other seven should have just arrived at the fifth rank not long ago, and these three are the most powerful.”

“Oh?” Luo Feng glanced over.

It was time to make a move!

I’m afraid waiting any longer will only increase the probability of the sixth rank being born.

“Three!” Luo Feng targeted the three realm beasts.

In the middle of the endless chaotic airflow, Luo Feng in silver armor was standing in the void.

“Once I kill a sector beast, I’m bound to be discovered immediately.” Luo Feng secretly said, “By then all the other realm beasts will start fleeing …… But I’ll be able to instantly move even farther away, so I’ll definitely be able to kill another one. So at least I can kill two realm beasts, killing three realm beasts will be almost the limit, killing four will depend on luck.”

Luo Feng’s goal was naturally the strongest of those sector beasts.


Brush! Brush! Brush!

Luo Feng immediately high frequency ultra long range transient constantly rushed, he was already not far away from that area, in just three minutes, he was approaching at one of the most valued realm beasts of Morosha, Morosha was even more so, “Master, this is the realm beast Zia! When I was at my peak it was almost the same as me, and before this devouring, I suspected that it should be suspected of being of the fourth order …… This crazy devouring, it devoured the most boundary beasts, and according to my estimation, it is also the closest to a boundary beast of the sixth order. Its current strength must be at the top of the fifth rank.”


Luo Feng immediately instantly closed in while sensing carefully.

“Hahaha!” A hideous realm beast was hovering in the void, it was devouring another realm beast with great gusto, “It’s your honor to be eaten by me, I’m the destined final king.”

The Realm Beast Zia was confident.

It had been amongst the pinnacle of the realm beast community since its early days, and last time Luo Feng had destroyed over eight million realm beasts in one fell swoop, causing quite a few of the realm beasts that stood at the pinnacle to die, especially after killing Bedi alone! As soon as Bedi died …… it Zia was at the fourth stage, naturally standing at the top. Moreover, this time, as it devoured each other, it naturally did its best and asked itself that it should be the fastest.

“Once I become the sixth rank and split into thousands of bodies. I will never die, I have ways to pester one of my opponents to death, and even if I am under siege, I will only lose one of my bilocations. I can fail a hundred times a thousand, but those Realm Beasts can’t fail once.” Realm Beast Zia was confident beyond measure, “The final king will definitely be me.”

The first to become a sixth-ranked Realm Beast was almost destined to be the king, that was the reason.


Realm Beast Zia sensed the closest Realm Beast, and then immediately wanted to instantly kill it.

“Buzz~~~” The surrounding space suddenly condensed.

“Not good!” The Realm Beast Zia’s heart trembled.

Before seeing anyone, the mere condensation of space caused Realm Beast Zia to panic.

It was the Galaxy Lord, it must be him!

He himself was now at the forefront of evolution, and was the most promising to become a king. However the biggest enemy on this kingly path was Galaxy Lord Luo Feng! Once it was intercepted by him, it would be over. If it wasn’t intercepted, then it would be able to soar into the sixth rank and even finally become a king.

“Roar …… “Both heads of the sector beast Zia looked away as a silver armored man appeared in the distance, the radiant five pairs of feathered wings were even more dazzling.

Hate ah!

Zia’s two unique eyes are full of crazy unwillingness.

It really was hate!


If this Galaxy Lord hadn’t come to intercept him, he would have had high hopes of becoming the final king. But now, everything came to naught! According to the plan made by the entire sector beast community, once this Galaxy Lord came out to kill them, it represented one of the most brutal situations.

Galaxy Lord Luo Feng had already disregarded his small universe! And the first one to be attacked was naturally a victim, and Zia became a victim.

“Galaxy Lord.” Zia hissed, “You’ll regret this, you’ll regret this.”

The silver-armored man in the distance, however, didn’t pay any attention at all, as the radiant feathered wings behind him directly erupted with dazzling light, burning to the extreme divine power catalyzed into it, instantly enveloping the endless space around him, forming a miniature universe.

“The Galaxy Lord is attacking me! He’s attacking me, he’s right here with me, right here with me!” Zia immediately began frantically transmitting towards all the other Realm Beasts’ minds (except for Morosha), “Destroy his mini-universe, destroy his mini-universe! Guys, avenge me!”

Ziaone’s heart was filled with indignation and unwillingness, then he roared, directly killing the silver-armored man in the distance, while the blood-colored pattern on his body surface began to rotate, and it obviously didn’t hesitate to cast its strongest killing move, ‘Destruction’.

“He’s right here with me!”

“He’s right here with me!”

“Destroy his mini-universe.”

“Destroy his mini-universe.”

Realm Beast Zia’s voice filled with spiteful indignation resounded in every Realm Beast’s mind, this was a common plan agreed upon by the 900,000 Realm Beasts, they were fighting to the death to decide on the Sixth Order Realm Beasts, once the Sixth Order Realm Beasts were born, this battle could almost be said to be a victory for their Realm Beast side.

“His mini-universe is surrounded by us, but he still dares to kill his way out?”

“This Galaxy Lord, he’s really reckless, he doesn’t even care about his small universe.”

“He’s spared no expense.”

The Realm Beasts were also enraged.

The Galaxy Lord is reckless?

They, the Realm Beasts, were equally reckless!

“Eat his small universe!” In the outer void of that huge mini universe, surrounded by slightly more than 450,000 realm beasts, the densely packed realm beasts were scattered everywhere, and with an angry roar, all the realm beasts immediately instantly moved closer to that mini universe.

Soon, it entered the range where they could devour it.



Over 450,000 realm beasts, almost at the same moment, all shot out countless zigzagging rays of light from their body surface, directly penetrating into the void, vaguely enveloping the incomparably huge mini universe of Luo Feng in the distance.

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