Chapter 73 – The Last Stand of the Beasts of the Realm

Release Date: 2024-07-12 16:59:50
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Chaotic air currents drifted, the earth was coalescing and extending and expanding, and there was an exquisite palace on this pale earth, the palace of Sitting Mountain Guest.

“It has been almost twenty days.” Mount Sitting Guest sat leisurely, a wine pot was placed on the crystalline table in front of him, he was leisurely holding his wine cup.

Came to Luo Feng’s mini universe has been nearly twenty days, he is always waiting for the moment when the realm beasts devour Luo Feng’s mini universe, the reason why he waited for so long …… actually Luo Feng flew to that first reincarnation era mini universe area, time consuming extremely short, mainly those realm beasts killing and devouring consumes a long time.

The sector beasts originally took trillions of epochs to evolve the final king, and now that they have shrunk even faster, they have to be digested a little bit after each devouring, and it takes quite a bit of time to cross the ranks, such as third rank to fourth rank, fourth rank to fifth rank.

“Boom ……”

The invisible might instantly rippled throughout the small universe.

“Eh?” Sitting Mountain Guest’s face changed, “It’s starting to devour?”

Realm beasts devouring the origin, logically, the beings within the small universe wouldn’t be able to feel it, but being devoured by 450,000 realm beasts at the same time caused a strong vibration in space and time, which also affected the entire small universe.

In Luo Feng’s small universe origin.

“Wow ……”

A hundred thousand planets were rotating around the central nothingness, that nothingness was also constantly rotating and swallowing and sucking, the powerful swallowing and sucking force caused the chaotic air currents in the void outside the small universe to form huge whirlpools.


Another powerful force penetrated through the void and descended directly into this Origin, and began to try its best to devour the Origin’s power.

“Coming.” A divine power incarnation condensed in the origin, it was none other than Luo Feng’s divine power incarnation.

“Block!” Luo Feng willed to add on to the origin doing his best to resist.

“Rumble ……”

The entire origin trembled.

The 100,000 planets that had been spinning calmly all along, each one of them glowed brightly, spinning up with mad exertion, and the vortex of nothingness at the very center also generated monstrous suction, and the 450,000 devouring forces instantly began to collapse.

It was like a tug of war!

Luo Feng’s side was pulling inwards, while the 450,000 realm beasts were pulling outwards!

But as soon as they touched, the realm beast side collapsed.

“What!” Luo Feng was stunned.

“How is this possible!”

The 450,000 realm beasts that surrounded Luo Feng’s mini universe in the void were all stunned.

Both sides were stunned.

No one had expected such an ending.

“Surprisingly so easy?” Luo Feng carefully sensed his origin, 100,000 planets were constantly rotating around nothingness, everything was gathered in the vortex of nothingness, this sensing, Luo Feng suddenly understood.

“One hundred thousand heavens, the beginning of a single element?”

“So it’s like this.” Luo Feng instantly understood the mystery.

The average true god, even the Broken East River lineage and the successive generations of Jin’s God King powerhouses, although their universe architecture was marvelous, it still had some shortcomings. When faced with a realm beast devouring it, it is destined to be devoured, and the will enchantment only slows down the devouring …… But Luo Feng’s is different.

The beginning of one element, the structure of 100,000 heavens, was Luo Feng’s realization of the most subtle life structure diagram of the 100,000 life gene level, and finally realized.

It had the same effect as the 100,000 life gene level structure diagram!

They shared a common trait – consummation, no leakage!

Luo Feng’s divine power could even be transformed into the power of a realm beast, even if his mini universe was subjected to a powerful tremor, even if one of the planets within the origin was shattered, as long as the ‘beginning of the one element’ was there, it could still quickly regenerate the 100,000 heavens …… It’s eternally indestructible, and all things start with it. And perfect and no leakage, this is a birth down will be incomparably complete small universe, since the perfect and no leakage, and then so swallowed naturally can not be swallowed.

Other small universes, born down, can not be said to be perfect, will naturally be swallowed.

This is also ……

Why other True God’s small universe is only 100 million light years in diameter. Luo Feng’s was a billion light years in diameter.

Perhaps, Luo Feng’s small universe wasn’t as big as a Void True God’s or Eternal True God’s. However, when Luo Feng became a Void True God or Eternal True God, he would definitely surpass them. Because this was a structure that was innately complete and flawless!

In fact, like the evolution of realm beasts, they were also evolving towards a perfect ultimate life, when the final king was born. The last realm beast king would be just like Luo Feng, he could transform realm beast power into divine power, he could easily change his breath to change everything, he could wait and so on, and he also had numerous talents, such as breeding, devouring and so on.

A realm beast king’s devouring, that’s what was called terrifying.

Even Luo Feng’s small universe, even the primordial universe, couldn’t resist!

Because the sector beast king was representing true ‘destruction’, the primordial universe also had to self-destruct into its origin to resist, as for Luo Feng’s small universe although it had potential, it was quite a bit worse in terms of talent, it was still being restrained.


That was being restrained by the realm beast kings, these ordinary realm beasts, their lives hadn’t even evolved to perfection, with talent alone, facing Luo Feng’s small universe that had already reached perfection and no leakage, naturally there was nowhere to lay their mouths! They couldn’t even devour a trace of it!

Luo Feng was first baffled, followed by ecstasy.

The 450,000 realm beasts outside are also incredulous, they have always considered themselves to be high up, they have always considered themselves to be born incredibly noble …… thinking that those small universes can only be devoured as a result of facing them. But today they gnawed on the iron plate, shattered their teeth, but didn’t gnaw anything.

“Luo Feng?” The Sitting Mountaineer who had instantly moved out of the palace had a solemn expression on his face, and said directly to the chaotic air currents that filled the distance, “May I guard it?”

The Sitting Mountain Guest had a feeling that with that much commotion, it should be the Realm Beasts devouring it.

“It’s fine, teacher, those realm beasts can’t help me.” Luo Feng’s voice came.

“Can’t help?” The mountain sitter was stunned.

“They can devour other true god’s mini universes, but they can’t devour mine.” Luo Feng’s voice came.

The mountain sitter was shocked, then a smile appeared on his face as well, yeah! Even he had never heard of anyone being able to have a small universe at the true god stage with a diameter of a billion light years, so special to have such a result, right?

“Haha! You here, then, don’t need me.” The mountain sitter laughed and immediately set off to leave Luo Feng’s small universe.

In the distant region of the first reincarnation era mini universe, in one of the voids, Luo Feng was fighting with the fifth ranked sector beast Zia.

The sector beast Zia was casting ‘Destruction’, doing his best to stay alive!

“Bedi was only fifth rank back then, I guess it didn’t reach the top of the fifth rank. I’m stronger than it, so I might be able to live.” Zia cast ‘Destruction’ and fought with everything she had, but suddenly a message came.

It was blinded.

Surprisingly, surprisingly ……

Surprisingly, it failed to devour Luo Feng’s mini universe? Unable to devour Luo Feng’s mini universe?

“Hmph.” Facing the shock of the realm beast Zia, Luo Feng was holding the blood shadow blade, but he was trying his best to chop away.

Killing with a fifth rank sector beast, Luo Feng was looking forward to it.

Because fifth order realm beasts could cast ‘destruction’, last time he only saw Bedi cast it twice, each time was his own chance to peek at the ‘destruction origin’ …… this Zia under madness, had continuously cast it three times, making Luo Feng gain a great deal.

“I can’t even get rid of it by casting destruction.” Realm beast Zia Adam even though he was about to cast realm light passage.

Right at this moment –

Luo feng’s blood shadow blade slashed out at the same time, a droplet of water also silently and instantly invaded into the realm beast Zia’s body, it was Luo feng’s most skillful and powerful soul enslavement method “three star realm”, last time, it was by virtue of this move that he enslaved Morosha, whether or not this enslavement was successful or not depended even more on the soul and will!

From the first order to the sixth order of boundary beasts are true god level, although evolution, in fact, the soul evolution is not big, mainly in the body of the ‘boundary’ in the enhancement, the sense of enlightenment in the enhancement, to perform the battle mystery is more profound, but also gradually increase some masterstroke, such as the boundary light channel, the boundary light field, destruction, and so on!

Zia’s soul, which was a bit stronger than Morosha’s soul, was not too much stronger.

As for the will?

Both are the best of the realm beasts, and now this kind of rapid evolution from this kind of drastic fight, although it makes the ‘realm’ in Zia’s body in powerful, but it doesn’t do much to improve its will. Just like Luo Feng …… was sensing 100,000 times the genetic level of life when he sensed the mysteries of the universe’s operation before his will metamorphosed to the ‘Eternal True God Limit’, as for the will to become a True God itself from the Lord of the Universe, there was no progress at all.

“Theoretically, if I can enslave Morosha, then I can also enslave Zia.” Luo Feng secretly said.

“This is ……”

The two one eyes of the realm beast Zia were first confused, followed by an agonizing struggle, “Explode!” It exploded with a loud bang.

Grasping the only trace of lucidity, Realm Beast Zia blew himself up.

He knew that if he hesitated any longer, he was afraid that he would be completely caught up in it, and the Realm Beast Zia was too late to cast the Realm Light Channel to escape, and simply chose the only path to freedom – to blow himself up!

“It didn’t even succeed in enslaving?” Luo Feng frowned.

When he was in the realm beast lair, he needed to move carefully, so he didn’t enslave any of the realm beasts.

But this time, he was going to kill big.

If he could enslave a fifth rank sector beast, he could completely let the fifth rank sector beast and himself split up and kill more sector beasts.

“This Zia is after all the same as Morosha and Bedi, long standing at the very top, his will is already extremely strong.” Luo Feng shook his head, “Maybe a different one with a lesser will would be able to enslave it.”


Luo Feng instantly disappeared in a flash of instantaneous movement, going after the next sector beast.

The death of realm beast Zia didn’t cause the slightest ripple in the realm beast group at all, as the entire realm beast community was shocked into shocked fury by the news that they ‘couldn’t devour Luo Feng’s mini universe’.

“Implement the final outcast plan!”

“Outcast plan!”

“This is a disgrace for our sector beasts!”

“The final plan!”

The Realm Beasts had prepared a plan when they all escaped from the lair in the first place, and this final outcast plan, which was also the most brutal plan, the plan that required quite a few Realm Beasts to be sacrificed, was very unfair, but it was also the plan that the Realm Beasts thought …… could give birth to a Sixth Order Realm Beast one hundred percent of the time! To carry out this plan was a shame for the noble realm beasts in their opinion, but now, they had to carry out this plan.

They couldn’t help Luo Feng.

They couldn’t do anything about Luo Feng’s mini universe, Luo Feng could kill them and enslave them to his heart’s content.

They had to make a last stand! Give birth to a sixth order realm beast, follow the limitations of the supreme rules and force Morosha to show up, causing the final king to be born! As long as the realm beast king is born …… Luo Feng will die! This is the cruel, many realm beasts are unwilling to carry out, and will only choose the …… abandonment plan in the end!




The over 450,000 realm beasts that had originally surrounded Luo Feng’s small universe, boomed in all directions and immediately instantly transmigrated over long distances, quickly escaping far away.

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