Chapter 8 The Billionth Era (above)

Release Date: 2024-07-12 16:56:37
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The six children circled around Xu Xin, each one screaming happily and Xu Xin teasing them.

Luo Feng smiled as he watched this scene, a long time ago with his own help, his wife had already broken away from the bondage of that eternal body and seized into another body. And a long time down the line, Xu Xin had long since become an immortal deity, it was just that after becoming immortal, Xu Xin no longer had the motivation to cultivate.

In fact, with the treasures provided by Luo Feng, with a little bit of care, Xu Xin would still have no problem becoming a universe honored one. But Xu Xin herself wasn’t attentive enough in terms of cultivation.

“I knew you would come to this starfield, a little check of your coordinates and it’s really here.” Xu Xin told those six children to play to the side first, then she herself walked towards Luo Feng. Those six children knew that father god and mother god were going to talk and didn’t bother.

Luo Feng nodded, “They were created by me and are considered my children, come and see them.”

“You have so many children, besides flesh and blood type beings, there are energy and plant types.” Xu Xin snickered.

“It’s only a pity.” Luo Feng sighed softly, “They can’t reproduce.”

“The lives you created, at random, easily became universe level.” Xu Xin couldn’t help but say “‘If you deliberately’ created beings that could easily become sector lords. If it can also reproduce …… then where are the other communities in the universe left to survive, they are all taken over by the life you created.”

Luo Feng nodded.

He also understood that when it was easy to create a single powerful life, yet these lives didn’t have the ability to reproduce.

“Hmm?” An aura flashed in Luo Feng’s mind.

Xu Xin saw Luo Feng’s expression and instantly knew what Luo Feng had thought of.

A moment later Luo Feng revealed a hint of joy.

“What’s wrong?” Xu Xin then even asked.

“I thought of it, I thought of it.” Luo Feng was incomparably excited in anticipation.

“What’s going on?” Xu Xin couldn’t help but ask.

Luo Feng’s eyes glowed as he even said, “The Lord of the Nine Specters and I, we both have the gift of creation. We are able to create a single life, but although the lives we created are powerful, they can’t reproduce on their own. This is because it is much more complicated and difficult to make a life have the ability to reproduce. Over the years, the progress of my divine body has stagnated and it’s hard to progress any further, and I don’t even know how to move on!”

“Now it has occurred to me.”

“Life, reproduction!”

Luo Feng said excitedly, “I’m going to create life that can reproduce, it’s hard, the composition of life needs to be studied more thoroughly …… I believe that once I study it more thoroughly, it will definitely help my god body progress.”

Even ancient civilizations, god body life gene level reached 90,000 times and become a true god are very few, broken east river lineage although recorded ‘god power route’ some methods, but Luo Feng has now reached 60,000 times the gene, and then up …… most of those methods useless, some might be useful, but there are no conditions to implement them.

Recently, Luo Feng had actually gotten into a bottleneck, and could only bury his head in researching the life structure diagrams of those true gods, but at this moment, he had found another method.

Studying life structure diagrams while creating life that could reproduce, two methods to assist, the speed of success would definitely increase greatly.

The divine power route to reach 90,000 times is much more difficult than even becoming a Void True God, the time consumed is likewise incomparably long, hundreds of millions of epochs …… are just an instant.

Jin of the world appeared in the third epoch began, the coalition camp, purple moon holy land of the strong was mass extermination, so that all the forces of the cosmic sea heart shock, the coalition camp automatically disbanded, and one by one migrate to retreat, purple moon holy also disappeared no longer provoke the human race, the human race rapid proliferation, occupation of the entire primitive universe nearly half of the territory, began the era of great development.

Sixth epoch, God’s eye tribe first true lord, got a mechanical flow of treasures, the news spread, caused the cosmic sea of the major forces for the coveted, they also intensified the struggle in the cosmic sea, and strive to capture the mechanical flow of treasures. Just to get the mechanical flow treasure, first of all must be a special army, this point has trapped many forces. Otherwise, those major forces that exchanged their treasures for military honors could have already exchanged them for mechanical flow treasures.

In the seventh epoch, in the cosmic sea Luo Feng and the first Allah ran into each other, the first Allah of the divine eye clan took the initiative to challenge Luo Feng, only because he had learned from the three ancestor gods that Luo Feng was considered to be the number one strongest person by the primordial cosmic origin will. The First Allah didn’t believe this.

In this battle, there were no bystanders.

Only Luo Feng and the First Allah fought, knowing that the First Allah was already the number one in the Cosmic Sea before Luo Feng rose to power (not counting the suppressed Original Ancestor), and now that he had gotten the Burning Divine Power secret technique and the Mechanical Stream Treasure, how powerful was his battle power.

This battle …… no one in the outside world knows the result, only know that there is such a battle.

After this battle, the God Eye tribe immediately made friends with humans, and the First True Lord also became a rare friend with Luo Feng.

The outside world didn’t know …… but Luo Feng himself knew clearly that in reality that battle should be considered a no contest! In terms of frontal attack power, the divine eye clan’s first Allah ‘divine eye Allah’ had the advantage. But Luo Feng’s divine body has the advantage and melee dodging advantage is greater, the two are killing each other.

Of course if they fought for a long time and tried to consume their godly bodies, Luo Feng could of course win. But God’s Eye Allah can take the strongest treasure palace to leave.

So the two were indeed neck and neck.

Plus the threat of the ‘realm beast’ loomed over the minds of all the powerhouses, so Luo Feng and the First Allah were just sparring, and both understood …… that both had a great role to play when dealing with the realm beast.

“I can easily kill true gods, but, the likes of the First Allah, who has a burning divine power secret technique and mechanical flow treasures …… I can’t carry it off somewhat. Even if I use the ‘one thought void’, I’m afraid I won’t be able to defeat him, only suppress him.” Luo Feng secretly said, that battle but he didn’t use the Wu Slayer Feather.

Because the ‘one thought of emptiness’ is to bind the enemy, God’s Eye Allah’s frontal attack power is already strong, even if it’s bound, I’m afraid it’s still slightly stronger than myself. God’s Eye Allah simply does not dodge, even if he is bound again, he still does not dodge.

So using the One Thought Void could only mean that it made the First Allah even more wretched.

In the Twelfth Era, Star Lord Bei Zhi also obtained the Mechanical Flow Treasure.

In the following years, with the best efforts of one True God in the Cosmic Sea, some of them fell, and there were also some extremely strong ones who gradually obtained mechanical flow treasures. After going through the honing and training of the ‘army’, the strongest in the Cosmic Sea clearly began to show their light, and the potential, enlightenment, and so on of the strongest in the Cosmic Sea were clearly more than one step stronger.

In the 91st epoch, a happy event made Luo Feng incomparably joyful, his teacher, the True Diffusion Venerable One finally broke through and became the new Lord of the Universe, this was the third Lord of the Universe to be born to mankind since Luo Feng got the inheritance from the Broken East River lineage.

In the first thousand and three epochs, although the human community had occasionally given birth to a Lord of the Universe. But no new strongest person was ever born, and in this epoch, the second strongest person in the universe was finally born – True God Peng Gong!

The fact that Lord Peng Gong had broken through to become a True God was indeed unexpected to the outside world, and it also surprised the strongest members of the human race.

Because under the deliberate will of the primordial universe origin, the three great ancestor gods were not strict with their mouths, causing the news of ‘Luo Feng is the number one strongest person in the cosmic sea’ to start gradually spreading, especially since the first Allah of the God’s Eye clan fought Luo Feng, and no one knew the outcome. The Divine Eye Clan’s First Allah didn’t deny Luo Feng’s status as the number one powerhouse either, and since then, it seemed to have been even more solidified.

All clans thought ……

Luo Feng should be the second true god to be born to mankind, and even if it wasn’t Luo Feng, it should be Chaos’s senior brother ‘Lord of Darkness’.

I didn’t realize it wasn’t Luo Feng or the darkness, but the Lord of Pangong who had always kept a very low profile.

Era 3,402, Luo Feng who had been comprehending the life structure diagram to try his best to create life that could reproduce, finally succeeded in creating the first kind of life that could reproduce, naturally the appearance was similar to a human being, this created life was very weak, even as an adult, it was weaker than the earthlings of that year. But at least, they could reproduce!

Luo Feng had his first breakthrough, after only three epochs, his divine body gained a breakthrough, first from 60,000 times to 69,000 times, followed by successive breakthroughs until he reached the new bottleneck of 72,000 times.

In the thirteen thousandth epoch, a new Lord of the Universe, Hong, was born from the Earthling lineage!

Hong, this low-key, Earthling lineage’s supreme genius who had been overshadowed by Luo Feng, under the guidance of the ancient civilization’s inheritance, it only took over ten thousand epochs for him to become a universe lord. If it wasn’t for Luo Feng, he would definitely be considered the top genius figure of humanity. And at this moment, the number of human Masters of the Universe had reached thirty-two.

The earthlings lineage, since then, had Luo Feng and Hong as two Masters of the Universe, but as for the Universe Exalted, there were nine of them, including Thunder God.

In the 39,000th epoch, Hu Yan Bo, after being absorbed into the core of the Virtual Universe Company, under the guidance of the ancient civilization’s inheritance, had also finally crossed over into the ranks of the Cosmic Exalted.

In fact, in the past when there was no ancient civilization, those who were able to become Sealed Kings and Sealed Immortals were all very talented. Especially Hu Yan Bo this kind of solo practitioner simply no one guidance, even some secret method is to rely on their own creation, in fact, the talent was originally high …… now not only have strong guidance, and there is also ancient civilization to assist, breakthroughs are also normal.

After all, the human community, the probability of the emergence of universe honored one is too high.

Like in the past has been stuck at the peak of the seal king a large number of strong, in the ancient civilization inheritance help, these tens of thousands of epochs is a succession of strong breakthroughs, so that the number of human universe venerable already more than 50,000 number!

The thirty nine thousand eight hundredth epoch.

Luo Feng got a message from Baba tower, surprisingly found the traces of the demon hand king Sharap, which made Luo Feng stunned …… This demon hand king made Huyan Bo die back then, Luo Feng was still personally killed the demon hand king after he became powerful, I didn’t think that the demon hand king was still alive.


Huyan Bo, who was resurrected a long time ago and has become a Cosmic Exalted, personally went after Sharapu. In fact, the reason why this Demon Hand King was exposed …… is because the human forces are too strong, the area occupied by the human family occupies half of the core territory of the primitive universe, and there are also human vassals, that is, the alien races in the Hong League also account for most of the remaining territory of the primitive universe!

It could be said that the invisible influence of the human race almost enveloped the entire Primordial Universe.

Although Sharoop was hiding far away, there were a lot of strong people who knew him, but he was still discovered by a human strongman who was traveling and adventuring outside, and quickly confirmed that it was Sharoop. The devil hand king died long ago, it was publicized, how is he alive again? The news came back and naturally caught Luo Feng’s attention.

However, this time, it was Huyan Bo who went after Sha Luo Pu, according to rumors, there were quite a few twists and turns in the middle, it took more than three epochs before Huyan Bo finally killed Sha Luo Pu.

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