Chapter 83 – The Disappearance of the World of Jinn

Release Date: 2024-07-12 17:00:19
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The Original Ancestor had a complicated expression, ”Didn’t you guys want to know the reason I was suppressed?

Luo Feng and the Chaos City Lord both listened carefully.

“Back then, I rose rapidly.” The Original Ancestor slowly said, “Not even the first reincarnation era or the second reincarnation era was a match for me. Across the Cosmic Sea, I was already invincible then.”

“However, I was always wary of the two great holy lands, and although I said I was invincible, I wasn’t arrogant enough to dare to say that I was a match for the two great holy land Patriarchs.” The Original Ancestor said, “I was wondering why the two great Holy Land Patriarchs never came out, even if the two of them transcended the wheel of reincarnation and were truly invincible and lonely, they wouldn’t be able to trap themselves always within the Holy Land Universe! Unless …… they couldn’t come out!”

The Original Ancestor said, “At that time, I suspected that breaking into reincarnation was a conspiracy!”

“Conspiracy?” Luo Feng and Chaos City Lord were shocked.

“At that time, I guessed that everything was a conspiracy by the origin will.” The Original Ancestor said, “But when I was suppressed, I came into contact with the supreme rules. I realized then that I was wrong, I was so wrong. The entire cosmic sea has supreme rules for everything that operates! The Origin Will also only manipulates everything within the primordial universe, and it simply cannot force anyone to break into reincarnation. It doesn’t have this power ……”

The Chaos City Lord, however, frowned, “But teacher, once you reach the Void level, don’t you have to go and break into reincarnation within a very short period of time?”

“Right.” The Original Ancestor said, “This is the limitation of the Supreme Rule.”

“Only the Supreme Rule can make some forced commands to True Gods and even higher.” The Original Ancestor said, “I’ve been suppressed for so long that I’ve sort of realized it. It’s simply impossible for the origin will to forcefully force anyone to go to a certain place, if that’s the case, it forcibly forced the Lord of Gaki Ao, the King of Zhen Jia, and the others to go to some of the three great jedi to die, there’s no need to use so many tactics at all.”

Luo Feng nodded as he listened.


He himself had talked to teacher Sitting Mountaineer as well, apparently the origin will wasn’t something to be afraid of, it couldn’t help True Gods at all. As long as it didn’t violate some supreme rules.

“I was suppressed.” The Original Ancestor said, “It was actually the violation of the supreme rules that allowed the Origin Will to suppress me. Otherwise it wouldn’t have been able to suppress me.”

“How did it go against it?” Luo Feng and Chaos were curious.

The Original Ancestor laughed, “At first I was wary of the Origin Will and suspected that the Origin Will was the black hand behind it …… so I tried to check it out in every way possible, looking for clues. Gradually I realized that the Origin Will itself is not very intelligent, only some of the most basic intelligence, it should be a very fragile will that was birthed from the primordial universe origin.”

“Fragile?” Luo Feng and Chaos were stunned.

“Right.” The Original Ancestor nodded, “The origin will itself is very fragile, it only has endless pressure with the help of the primordial universe origin.”

“I didn’t want to break into reincarnation at that time, worrying about being bound forever.” The Original Ancestor said, “So I thought of a way …… to extinguish the Origin Will, and my will became the Primordial Universe Origin Will.”


Luo Feng and Chaos were taken aback.

Taking away the body?

Wasn’t this just taking over?

In fact, Luo Feng had also found out in his past contacts that the origin will itself was not powerful, even killing a Gaki Ao lord had to be done with the help of his henchmen, and many of his actions were done with the help of the Ancestral God Cult, and Luo Feng had even had the thought of seizing control of the primordial universe as well. But it was just a thought, after all, Luo Feng didn’t think of a good way.

“I thus created the ‘virtual universe’ move.” The original ancestor laughed, “My virtual universe, and the real universe. It’s like two sides of the same body …… fit perfectly.”

“I myself am a being within the Original Universe, and the Original Universe does not resist me.”

“When my will spread throughout the entire Primordial Universe with the help of the ‘Virtual Universe’ secret method …… then, it began to start the final collision with the Origin’s will.” Original Ancestor said.

Luo Feng and Chaos were completely dumbfounded.

The Virtual Universe was created, and the earliest purpose of it was to take over!

“But I was wrong.” The Original Ancestor sighed, “At that time, I was sitting on a well, calculating some things based on my own speculations. But in reality, it was so wrong …… I want to seize the control of the primordial universe, which is simply against the supreme rules! That’s why the Supreme Rule punished me, and that’s what made this battle of contention, I lost and was suppressed.”

“The supreme rules punishing me also caused me to come into contact with the supreme rules before I vaguely understood a lot.”

The two beside Luo Feng were completely quiet.

What a cow!

This original ancestor really got into it with the origin will, suspecting the origin will to be the final black hand, but also seeing the origin will’s weaknesses, coming up with the ‘virtual universe’ trick and later fighting for control of the primordial universe, even almost succeeding.

“No wonder the Origin Will refused to release it at that time.” Chaos city lord sighed, “It had to be Luo Feng who solved the sector beast havoc and had great merit before the supreme rules would allow it to be released.”

Luo Feng however had a movement in his heart.

Huh ……

The sector beast side and the primordial universe side, one side represented destruction, the other life. Both were absolute opposites.

Either side winning seemed to be treated kindly by the supreme rules.

Obviously the supreme rules were treating both sides equally, if the sector beasts won in the end, they would naturally destroy everything. The primordial universe side won, and Luo Feng, the meritorious servant, was also judged to have made a great contribution.

“Still not fair though.” Luo Feng secretly said, “When the kings of the sector beasts were equivalent to the void level, yet they weren’t forced to break into reincarnation. But us True Gods are the ones who must break into reincarnation once we reach the void level.”

“Also true.”

“Realm Beast Kings are on par with the Primordial Universe, and are the first echelon with the highest status.”

“We, the beings birthed from the primordial universe, are relatively lower in status and are bound by greater constraints.”

In this cosmic sea, the ones with the highest status were the primordial universes and the Realm Beast Kings.

As for the billions of beings that were birthed, even Luo Feng, a heaven defying monster that had reached 100,000 times the level of life, even if billions of beings were worshipping, they were still slightly lower than the primordial universes and realm beast kings. This also made Luo Feng’s heart happy because, he had enslaved the sector beast king!

The sector beast catastrophe passed, and the entire cosmic sea returned to peace.

The small universes of the first and second reincarnation eras were all destroyed, although the Skeleton Lord had defected to the realm beast side, Morosha didn’t die, so logically the Skeleton Lord’s small universe should still be there. However, in order to not let the news that the king of the Realm Beast was alive leak out and cause suspicion, after Morosha became the king, before dealing with the Purple Moon Sacred Land, Morosha was instructed to have a single thought, and Skeleton Lord died, and that small universe was also destroyed.

Time passed quickly in the peaceful years.

Tens of thousands of epochs passed in the blink of an eye.

“Every epoch, the membrane wall of the World of Jinn turns white once.” A newly promoted Cosmic Lord of the Demon Race, the ‘Lord of the Marvelous Star’, was flying towards the World of Jinn while riding a palace.

It was usually only once in a long, long time that a strong person would go to the World of Jinn.

“Huh?” The Lord of Dao Star looked at the distant void in astonishment.

“Could it be that I’m going the wrong way?”

Doubting that he had come to the wrong place, the Master of the Monkey Star carefully corresponded to the Cosmic Sea chart and then looked up the surrounding references.

“That’s right, this is where the ‘World of Jinn’ is located! That behemoth disappeared? The World of Jinn disappeared?” The Tun Star Lord was shocked.


Like a storm, the news quickly spread within the entire primordial universe, the strongest of the clans knew about the news of the world of jinn’s disappearance, only half a day hadn’t passed, Luo Feng was the first to arrive after the Lord of the Star of the Star of the Star of the Star of the Star of the Star of the Star.

“How come it’s not there anymore?” A silver armored Luo Feng was in the chaotic air flow, looking carefully at the distance, a long time ago, that huge corpse suspected to be the God King of Jin could be suspended there.

Brush! Brush! Brush!

Luo Feng immediately began to instantly search, not only Luo Feng, all the strongest of the races were searching, but no matter how much they searched, they couldn’t find the world of Jinn. Obviously in the past tens of thousands of epochs, the world of jinn had quietly left, since no strong person had come for a long time, naturally no one had found it until the Lord of the Marvelous Star was ready to go and break out and hone himself.

“My divine power incarnation, it’s still in the World of Jinn.” Standing in the void, Luo Feng frowned in contemplation.

Deep in the endless distance of the cosmic sea, a behemoth was flying at an incomparably terrifying speed.

Inside it, in the world of jin, on an island in the lake of the eastern army camp python river army camp, Luo feng’s divine power incarnation was here, as early as nearly an epoch ago, the side of the main body knew that the world of jin had disappeared. It was only then that this divine power incarnation realized that he was no longer in that cosmic sea region, but had arrived in a strange land.

“Where exactly has the World of Jinn gone to?” After waiting for nearly an epoch, he finally waited for the moment when the cosmic membrane wall turned white.

Harnessing a ship, Luo Feng’s divine power incarnation instantly rushed out of the cosmic membrane wall, he was incomparably curious about the depths of the cosmic sea, he wanted to get out of the world of Jinn, out of that behemoth to the outside to see where exactly this place was.


He rushed directly outside of the World of Jinn’s small universe.

“This place is-” Luo Feng’s divine incarnation looked outside from within the ship, but it was endless flames that instantly swept through, this true god level mechanical ship instantly annihilated, and Luo Feng’s divine incarnation also annihilated.

In the galactic sanctuary of the primordial universe.

Luo Feng was lecturing his son Luo Hai, “I told you, I can’t help you. If you don’t experience it yourself, no one can help you! Yes, your enlightenment is a bit poor, but there are no absolutes in this cosmic sea. There is always a silver lining …… hmm?”

“Father?” Luo Hai said carefully.

Luo Feng, however, frowned and turned his head to look at the endless void remotely, as if penetrating through endless distances, murmuring, “Instant annihilation? Luckily last time I dealt with the realm beasts, I exchanged almost all of my military feats.”

Although he didn’t know exactly where the World of Jinn had gone, it was obvious that the World of Jinn was still fine, and the countless lives within it still existed peacefully.

“In response to the sector beast havoc, the world of Jinn has come.” Luo Feng secretly said, “The sector beast havoc, the source …… These are all a ray of hope for the primordial universe side. Now that the sector beast havoc has passed, this world of Jinn is quietly leaving.”

Luo Feng could understand.

The world of Jin, contained part of the ancient civilization, after all, it was the descendants of the ancient civilization’s strongest people that lived there. If the world of jin stayed and didn’t leave, the future reincarnation era beings would also easily get the ancient civilization inheritance, obviously there was no such good thing.

“I don’t know when I’ll be able to see the world of Jinn again.” Luo Feng said silently.

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