Chapter 10: Taobao

Release Date: 2024-07-11 23:55:18
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luo Feng nodded slightly and turned his head to look at Dylan on his side, “Dylan, you’ll be stationed here for a period of time to meditate.”

“Your highness should be careful alone.” Dylan reminded.

For over two hundred years, Dylan had been following closely, rarely letting Luo Feng out of his protection.

“Haha, be careful of nothing.” King Long Turk laughed out loud, “This is the No Hole Starfield, a truly important place, where would there be any danger. Moreover, there are many strong people stationed here, once there is any movement, the alert system will immediately discover it, and existences like the Universe Exalted level …… are completely capable of arriving at any place in the No Hole Starfield in an instant.”

“Dylan, hear that.” Luo Feng smiled at Dylan.

“King Long Ke, I’ll go in first then.” Luo Feng said.

“Haha, go on, but don’t forget to go to that one trash mountain to look for treasures, you might be able to make a fortune. In our no hole starfield more than 3000 epochs ago, there was an internal member who randomly taobaoed an ancient treasure fragment, and made hundreds of millions of hybrid units in turn. He was instantly rich!” King Longjue exclaimed, “Although the various remains are carefully categorized, the quantity is too huge after all, and even robots sometimes make mistakes when categorizing them.

Occasionally, someone will dig up some treasures.”

“How many of those who dug up steal worth over a hundred million hybrid units?” Luo Feng asked rhetorically.

“Over the past 10,000 epochs, there have only been two.” King Long Turk said.

Luo Feng shook his head.

The nine garbage star fields, is going to attract a lot of high level figures from the entire human frontier to come over, and then send their subordinate sector masters in to purchase and select goods, the daily transaction amount is extremely high …… each transaction according to the size of the transaction amount, will be attached to a different world ring to go to the garbage mountain to taobao.

But nearly a hundred million years, only two people to obtain the real heavenly treasures, obviously the probability is extremely low.

“Taobao Taobao, is to get treasures, but it is only attached to our no hole star field, but also really want to get how many treasures, unless you are lucky.” King Long Turk teased.

Luo Feng smiled.

Then he bid farewell to King Long Turk and Dylan, then directly spoke to the two white robed men, “Two leaders, let’s set off.”

The two white robed men respectfully said, “Yes, Lord Luo Feng.”

The white robed men casually waved their hands and a flying saucer shaped spaceship with a diameter of 80 meters appeared in mid air, while respectfully saying, “Lord Luo Feng, to travel within the No Hole Starfield, you need to use our internal standard spaceship, other spaceships will be attacked if they wander inside, please enter, my lord.”

“Hmm.” Luo Feng, two white robed men flew into the hatch.

With that, the airship quickly accelerated to the speed of light and directly disappeared into the distant starry sky.

King Long Turk, Dylan and the others looked at the ship from afar.

“Dylan, how long do you guess this Luo Feng will be back?” Long Turk King laughed.

“Ten days and half a month.” Dylan said.

“My guess is at least half a year.” King Long Turk laughed, then with the group of people who greeted him, they directly traveled hundreds of thousands of kilometers of star space and flew into that palace in the distance.

The standardized flying saucer type ship flew through the dark universe for a few moments before it had shuttled back to the original universe.

“Lord Luo Feng, even though we’re only flying in the dark universe for a short while, if we fly slowly through the no-hole starfield, it would take at least a hundred years to fly to the sector lord level bug corpse area.” This silver-white flying saucer stopped in the starry sky, the hatch opened and all three of Luo Feng flew out, one of the white-robed men next to him was still talking.

“I get it, 1 light year in the original universe, just over 3 light seconds in the dark universe.” Luo Feng spoke with his mouth, but his eyes were looking around.


The surrounding area within tens of light seconds was empty, and further away, were endless bug race corpses.

“Buying bug race corpses all starts from here.” One of the slightly taller white-robed men laughed, “Your Highness, please tell me the metal plate number.”


Luo Feng flipped his hand and 200 metal tags instantly surfaced, scaring the two white robed men next to him.

These two white robed men even both looked closely, “B2461 — 95453 — 13402 — 96289 —71859” “B2446–56453– —13202 —96226 —43193″…… The numbering was cumbersome and more than intimidating, looking at the After finishing the numbering, both white robed men looked down at the intelligent light brain on their wrists, quickly consulting it, and soon looked up respectfully at Luo Feng.

“Lord Luo Feng, the distance of those 200 insect corpse units represented by these 200 metal tags isn’t too far, but each one has some distance from each other, total route calculation, we’re direct body flight, the two of us carrying Lord Luo Feng, flying at 100,000 kilometers per second, it will probably take 13 days before and after.” The slightly taller white robed man smiled, “This distance is considered relatively close.”

Luo Feng secretly muttered.

In terms of the No Hole star field which was millions of light years in diameter, just needing to fly for ten days or so to check out all the goods, it was indeed considered very close.

“Let’s go.” Luo Feng commanded.


The two white robed leaders released open world power at the same time, wrapping around Luo Feng, then turned into a stream of light and flew swiftly, peak sector lord powerhouses were able to easily maintain sub-light speed flights, while immortal deities were fully capable of reaching the speed of light physically traveling back and forth through the Prismatic Dark Universe and the original universe.

“So many.” Luo Feng looked around.

Densely packed endless cargo filled the entire starry sky, only one tunnel ran through it, Luo Feng and the three of them were flying along one of the tunnels that was roughly hundreds of kilometers wide.

“Endless bug corpses ah, almost all broken corpses.” Luo Feng was flying swiftly through the tunnel while his mind scanned over the corpses of some of the bug warriors that were close by around them, “Here are the corpses of the peak domain master level, that Long Turk King was right, there are all sorts of bug corpses in here, there’s the top tier bugs, and there’s the second tier bugs. Indeed the prices vary.”

After flying for eight whole days.

Luo Feng’s trio finally arrived at the peak sector lord level bug race corpse area.

One of the observation points in the No Hole Starfield.

The lean man with black scale armor on his head was sitting silently on his bed, looking up in front of him, the projection screen was having a detailed vigilance monitoring map of the entire No Vault starfield, the entire starfield was all under monitoring, densely packed light dots appeared everywhere on the monitoring map.

As long as it was in the cargo storage area of the No Loan Star Area, no one could escape the surveillance.

“Area B24, zoom in.”

The lean man’s ghostly green gaze scrutinized it, while also ordering the intelligent light brain, “Lock on those three silhouettes.”


There were three points of light moving on one of the B24 alert monitoring maps on the screen, and of these three points of light, two of them were white, and one of them was red.

“Buying bug corpses?”

“NO.3, Luo Feng?”

The lean man’s ghostly green eyes silently stared at this monitoring map, as an observer within the No Hole Starfield, every observer was able to see the monitoring map, once a point in the entire starfield had a problem with the monitoring, these observers would immediately discover it and would immediately go to repair or re-install it.

After all ……

How difficult was it to monitor a starfield millions of light years in diameter? With a large number of instruments monitoring, it was very easy for some instruments to go wrong.

“NO.3 has entered the bug corpse area for two days, it’s ready to go!”


The lean man directly got up, while the screen projected by the intelligent light brain directly dissipated.

“Wow!” The alloy door opened and the lean man directly headed out.

“Kosel.” There was a lanky ape man right on the corridor, laughing harshly, “What, going out?”

“Bored, my Taobao opportunity still has three times useless, ready to go Taobao once, hey, are you going?” The lean man laughed, the ape man some envy, shaking his head, “Taobao opportunity once sent, I used up. Really envious ah, you still have three Taobao opportunities.”

“Haha …… then I will go la, you just wish me to obtain the treasure.” The lean man laughed and headed out.

“You just dream.” The ape man shook his head.

Rumble ……

The outermost seemingly ordinary rocks of the meteorite parted directly, and the lean man’s ghostly green eyes looked towards the surroundings, so he beckoned for a silver-white saucer-type airship to appear out of thin air, and then rode the airship, rapidly accelerating for cosmic shuttling.

A few moments later.

That suspended in the starry sky outside the palace, ripples, a silver-white flying saucer type airship appeared.

Collecting the spaceship, the lean man 6 flew directly towards a side hall at the edge of the palace, his arrival did not cause any guards to stop him at all.

“Kosel, what brings you here?”

“Bored with idleness, I’m going to try my luck at those trash mountains.” The lean man #6 casually said a few words to those familiar guards before entering the side hall.

Inside the parlor.

There were quite a few people sitting.

“I’ve come to collect the World Ring, I still have three more Taobao opportunities.” The lean man sat directly on a chair and said to a white-robed man in front of him, “I’ve just sent out an application in the virtual universe.”

“It’s Kosel, haha, wait.” The white-robed man detached a sliver of his consciousness into the virtual universe and operated.

“Alright, this is the small world ring, remember, when the taobao is over you can return the ring, and those treasures you got you put into the inner world again yourself.” The white-robed man said.

“Don’t worry, you’re so wordy, I would not know?”

Kosel laughed.

“Good luck then.” The white robed man threw out that one black world ring, Kosl smiled and reached out to take it, then leisurely walked towards the outside, halfway there, turned around and said, “I remember Taobao …… giving us up to a year, right?”

“Yes, one year.” The white robed man said in a good humor.

“Haha, this year can be easy.” Kosel lifted his eyebrows in triumph.

Taobao had become a tradition in the nine garbage star realms such as the No Hole Star Realm. This was because historically, there were indeed some people who had gotten lucky and found some heavenly treasures of astonishing value. After all, some of the trash mountains in the trash star domains, some of which had been stored for an unknown number of billions of years, might have some missing treasures.


Together with the strong request of some grassroots personnel within the nine garbage star domains, as well as the executives also thought that the garbage mountain was originally a chance, the real treasures were very few and far between, coupled with the fact that the grassroots personnel were indeed very boring, so the executives unified, and thus there was a benefit – every 10,000 years, there would be a time to use the “Small World Ring”. The “Small World Ring” has a chance to be used once every 10,000 years.

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