Chapter 11: 90 Seconds of Life and Death

Release Date: 2024-07-11 23:55:23
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The endless bug corpses floating in the starry sky could not be seen at a glance.

All of them were at the peak Sector Lord level!

“So many bug corpses, billions of peak sector lord bug corpses.” Luo Feng looked at them, and in his mind, he imagined a sea of insects made up of hundreds of millions of “sector lord insect warriors” on the extra-terrestrial battlefield……. I’m afraid that with a combined attack and the resulting explosions, even if a universe venerable being was “scraped”, he would die instantly. Once a universe venerable being is “scratched”, he will also die instantly, right?

The quantitative change will cause qualitative change!

A million Realm Lords can make a King-level Immortal Deity have to dodge.

The world of billions of masters, Yu Lei venerable also have to dodge a little bit.

Of course,……, even if a single insect mother nest were to continuously cultivate Boundary Lord insect warriors over a long life span, it would be impossible to reach such a terrifying number of billions of Boundary Lords. This was not something that could be achieved by a single insect mother nest, but rather the combined efforts of countless insect mother nests in order to create such a terrifying insect sea army!

Endless bug sea, unrivaled!

“Lord Luo Feng, this small piece of bug corpse remains gathered together can then be taken as 100,000 complete bug corpses, one of the units corresponding to Lord Luo Feng’s 200 metal plate.” The tall white robed man said.


Luo Feng’s eyes lit up, his thoughts immediately swept over.

Even though the bug race corpse remains were endless, they weren’t actually all piled up together, but rather each unit each unit was spread out, more than ten kilometers away from each other! And a large number of insect corpses and remains of a unit, piled up is also roughly as good as a ball with a diameter of a few kilometers.

“Mantis type insect race 3 species, armor type insect race 18 species, larva type insect race 2 species ……” Luo Feng’s thoughts swept through this several kilometers in diameter sphere piled up with the remains of peak sector lord insect race corpses, and based on the inherited memories and detailed messages searched on the virtual universe network, he quickly Judging the value.

Fortunately, Luo Feng understood it clearly and quickly made his judgment.

“Not bad, the top tier bugs make up more than half, this single immortal …… can probably cultivate 20,000 peak sector lord tiger beetle races.” Luo Feng was secretly happy in his heart, “That Lon Turk king is indeed good to me, if all the other units of insect race corpses can reach this level. Then with 100 units, you can create 2 million tiger beetle races!”


Spending 1 million hybrid units, one was able to cultivate two armies of one million sector lord insect clans! And they were Tiger Beetle Insect Clans with strong defenses!

“Keep looking!”

Luo Feng went to the next unit.

200 units, Luo Feng watched them one by one in turn, as he watched more and more, Luo Feng understood that the bug race unit he saw for the first time was considered to be of a high caliber.

According to the data Luo Feng came up with when he was halfway through watching.

A unit of bug corpses that could cultivate 20,000 – 30,000 peak realm lord tiger beetle races accounted for 2%; a unit of bug corpses that could cultivate 15,000 – 20,000 realm lord tiger beetle races accounted for 26%; and a unit that could cultivate 10,000 – 15,000 realm lord tiger beetle races accounted for 26%; and a unit that could cultivate 10,000 – 15,000 realm lord tiger beetle races accounted for 26%. –15,000 realm lord tiger beetle race, 32%; and those that could cultivate less than 10,000 tiger beetle races, 40%.

This was a conclusion of the data Luo Feng came up with after observing a whole 100 units, overall, Luo Feng was already relatively satisfied.

Because if one were to cultivate 1 million tiger beetle races through the means of acquiring a company, it would be roughly 2.5 million hybrid units. And now that the cost was just less than one half of the acquisition company, with just 1 million mixed yuan units, the tiger beetle warriors that could be cultivated could easily exceed 1 million heads, or maybe even more than 150 tiger beetle races!

“Lord Luo Feng, look at the other bug race corpse units around, they’re obviously not as good as these for you, lord.” The short white robed man next to him laughed, “These 200 insect race units that King Long Turk arranged for you, Lord Luo Feng, definitely belong to the upper class!

“Haha.” Luo Feng laughed and nodded, “King Long Turk is indeed not mean to me.”

Of course choosing the insect race corpses was also a test of eyesight.

Because those frozen masses of bug race corpses were almost all broken, assuming that one just got some information from the virtual universe network, it would be hard to recognize them clearly. Luckily Luo Feng had inheritance memories, which described the insect race in great detail, at least much more detailed than the information that the virtual universe company had disclosed to itself.

This was how Luo Feng was able to discern over 90% of the bug warrior corpses and was able to calculate the value of each bug unit.

“Calculate the value ranking of 200 units.”

“Then choose the best 100 units.” Luo Feng wasn’t stupid in the slightest.

“Lord Luo Feng, look over there.” The tall white robed man pointed remotely to the distance.

Luo Feng turned his head to look, in the distance there were piles of black pressurized countless messy debris, looking at it with the naked eye alone, one could vaguely feel that kind of ancient age left behind, the tall white robed man laughed, “That’s the garbage mountain! Garbage mountains, are scattered all over the no hole starfield. Does Lord Luo Feng want to go to the garbage mountain for taobao?”

“Taobao?” Luo Feng looked at the distant trash mountain that was in the void, his heart was quite expectant, he smiled and said, “There’s no rush, wait for me to choose my bug unit, then it’s not too late to go to the trash mountain and slowly taunt it.”

“Right, right.” The tall white-robed man nodded his head, “It is necessary to finish the business first.”

Wearing a layer of standardized white battle robes all over his body, the lean man No. 6 was transforming into a stream of light, flying swiftly through the starry sky with endless debris floating in it.

He entered the no hole star field inside some trash mountain taobao has been nine days, taobao this nine days, and normal internal members taobao when the same, this a trash mountain taobao, and fly to another trash mountain taobao, and sometimes then by virtue of the ship for cosmic shuttling, to the farther away from other places to find trash mountain taobao.

“Almost, it’s time to go find NO.3.” No.6 Kosel said silently in his heart.

Along the wide starry space garbage tunnel, at a speed of 100,000 kilometers per second constantly flying, at the same time Kosl that ghost green eyes also from time to time scanning his wrist guard on the screen, the screen is having a star field monitoring map …… his wrist guard on the screen monitoring map, only by specializing in a piece of the star field around where he is in the monitoring to specifically zoom in.

“Three points of light!”

“They are now and my distance is not far are along the same star tunnel, they fly towards this side, I fly towards their side, no accident should be able to meet.” Kosel quickly calculated.


“It’s right at monitoring point B2446 – 56453 – 13202 – 96216 area, kill NO.3,” Cosel’s ghostly green eyes flashed coldly.



Kosl was flying towards Luo Feng and their direction, while Luo Feng’s trio was flying towards Kosl here, all flying in the same starry garbage tunnel.

Luo Feng’s trio was flying when they suddenly stopped.

“Lord Luo Feng, this is one of the 200 units of bug corpses you can shop for is the one in front of you.” The tall white robed man looked at the wrist guard screen before he raised his head and pointed ahead, completely frozen and wrapped in a layer of thin ice giving way to countless broken corpses of bug warriors several kilometers in diameter and spoke.

“Hmm.” Luo Feng’s mind power was released and carefully probed.

“Huh?” The tall white robed man watching the wrist guard was surprised, “Not far from us, there are our people.”

“Ah, such a coincidence?” The short white-robed man also looked at the wrist guard screen and quickly pulled up the area around the surveillance map and soon saw that there was indeed a white dot not far from the same starry sky following path on the surveillance map.

“What’s going on?” Luo Feng turned his head to look.

“It’s one of ours.” The short white robed man’s voice was slightly shrill, even smiled, “Our grassroots staff who monitor and serve within the No Hole starfield are given the benefit of taobao, every 10,000 years there’s a chance to go to the trash mountain and taobao for free. But it’s the kind of ring of the smallest world that stores that many items at most. So within the No Hole Starfield, occasionally I would run into some of our internal members who come to Taobao, after all, we are here, it is indeed very boring. And because some of the monitoring requirements are extremely high, prohibiting us from playing virtual games for a long time, prohibiting long hours of cultivation, etc., at most occasionally relax just. So …… Taobao is kind of a favorite thing for our internal members to do on our side. Once you really obtain a heavenly priced treasure, then you don’t have to do this kind of boring work anymore.”

Luo Feng nodded indistinctly.

Kosher was flying rapidly through the hundreds of kilometers wide garbage tunnel, while always keeping an eye on the monitoring chart on his wrist guard screen.

“Hmm, they stopped?”

“I’m going to have to control my speed a little, and maybe change the zone where I hit NO.3 as well.”

No.6 Cosier said silently.

A few moments later Luo Feng and the others resumed their advance, both sides continued to close in on each other, the distance constantly shrinking, every second shrinking by hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

“Right here, ‘B2446 – 56453 – 13202 – 96233 ‘ monitoring point.” Cosier’s ghostly green eyes were calm and indifferent as he directly flew lightning-like to a suspended spherical instrument just tens of thousands of kilometers away from the star tunnel, a black spherical instrument with a diameter of roughly 3.9 meters.

This is a black spherical instrument with a diameter of about 3.9 meters. This is the smallest monitoring point at the grassroots level of the star field monitoring system of the Loophole.

This black spherical instrument was capable of monitoring a spherical area with a radius of 3 million kilometers (10 light seconds) from its center.

“Poof.” As Kosel flew past this black spherical instrument, he casually put a transparent patch on it.

After applying the patch, Kosl quickly flew back to that starry garbage tunnel.

Along the tunnel, Kosher flew for roughly tens of thousands of kilometers before stopping and waiting silently.

After only three minutes of waiting, three lightning-like figures appeared in the distance of the starry sky trash tunnel, and soon the speed of the three figures also sharply decreased and came to a stop.

“Corsair, it’s you. I was just talking to Worf about who the hell it was.” The tall white-robed man laughed, “It’s really rare to be able to run into each other within the No Hole Starfield.”

“I also found three signal points, so I didn’t rush to that one trash mountain, but waited here to see who it was. Haha, so it’s you two. Ah, this is …… “Kosl’s gaze fell on Luo Feng, immediately much more humble, the tall white robed man was also slightly respectful: “This is Lord Luo Feng, King Long Ke personally arranged for the two of my brothers to lead the reception all the way.”

“So it’s Lord Luo Feng.” Kosel bowed respectfully.

“Hm.” Luo Feng looked at the man in front of him who was also wearing a standardized white battle robe, “How’s the taobao harvest?”

“Not much harvest yet.” Kosel shook his head.


Tens of thousands of kilometers away that black spherical instrument suddenly exploded off, at the same time a very very tiny area in the entire No Hole star field monitoring map instantly turned blank, the area was too small, at least the naked eye couldn’t spot this one point on the monitoring map, however the alert system immediately spotted it.

“The monitoring point instrument has been damaged, there are countless monitoring points in the Undoubted Starfield, it’s quite normal for them to occasionally malfunction, and it definitely won’t cause a super existence such as a Cosmic Exalted to personally come running.” Cosier’s heart fluttered, “According to the normal reaction mechanism, it is the closest cosmic ship that will be dispatched to cosmically shuttle in for repairs, and the fastest it can take is 90 seconds.”

“Within 90 seconds, make sure to kill NO.3.”

At the same moment, the Void Starfield Alert System also directly ordered, “B2446–56453–13202–96233 The monitoring point instrument has malfunctioned, B2446–56 is immediately heading to make repairs.”

“Ship B2446–56 has been activated and is expected to arrive at the monitoring point in 98 seconds.”

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