Chapter 15 – Luo Feng’s Battle Plan

Release Date: 2024-07-11 23:55:33
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“Self-explosion, this must be an immortal deity controlled by a soul!” Luo Feng was alarmed.

“Oooh ……”

Golden horned beast let out a low roar of pain, in an immortal deity close to the sudden self-detonation attack is simply too late to dodge, want to cultivate to immortality is very difficult, an immortal deity really contains the energy is no less than a star, this self-detonation, hundreds of millions of years of accumulation of immortal divine power all instantly exploded!

If he blew himself up, how could he still leave behind his immortal divine power?

Plus this was another Flame Immortal Deity.

“Boom ……” is a hundred times hotter than the flame of the law, even the debris of the universe space are instantly melted into a particle stream, that seems to be the supernova eruption process gathered in an instant, the power generated is simply to the point of unbelievable, and the closest Golden Horn Beast is of course the first to be hit by this terrible explosion. The Golden Horn Beast that was closest to it was of course the first to be attacked by this terrifying explosion.

The golden-colored right claw was the hardest part of the Golden Horned Beast’s body.

If the Golden Horned Beast’s power is increased by about 330 times, then the rest of the body is only increased by 30 times, while the golden right claw is thousands of times or even more than 10,000 times of an ordinary hoof and claw, so the average is only increased by 330 times. The golden right hoof claw …… that has been elevated this much is even harder than the weapons of many immortal deities.

In front of the particle stream formed by this terrifying explosion, even cosmic space melted, but the golden-colored right hoof claw was hardened against it.

“Snorting ……”

“Oooh……” the Golden Horned Beast hissed in pain.

From the gold-colored right hoof claw nearest neck position, abdomen position have suffered the impact, only to see the neck, abdomen of the black scale armor instantly has become fiery red, followed by turning into flying ash, “snorting snorting ……” inside the thick and powerful mutual coiled a strip of muscle. The power that can tear the universe space is through these muscles burst, however, in front of this flame immortal deity self-detonation of the hot particle flow, these strips of muscle almost instantly burned into flying ash.

The internal organs of the body were instantly turned into flying ash!

The golden colored bones, which were obviously much stronger than even the muscles and scales, were slowly discoloring, and the original golden color hue was gradually dimming.

Self-explosion generated by the impact of the particle flow, in all directions!

The Golden Horned Beast was only one of the four directions, the other directions were a large number of peak sector lord insect race broken corpses, these corpses were after all peak sector lord insect race, each scale armor was incomparably hard, even if they were bombarded with an E9 grade laser gun, it was very difficult to blow through a piece of the corpse’s armor, this was mainly because the insect race corpses were dead things, and there was no energy to be integrated into the armor.

A true Realm Lord Bug Warrior had a much stronger defense!

The corpses, on the other hand, were much weaker, but still not to be underestimated.

So originally, the explosion was enough to spread out over tens of millions of kilometers, but the surrounding area was filled with endless peak Bug corpses of Boundary Lords, and when the incomparably hot particle stream bombarded those peak Bug corpses of Boundary Lords, those Bug corpses instantly melted into ashes, and the particle stream continued to impact in the surrounding area, and a large number of Bug corpses were burned into ashes, and some became fragments and flew all around.

Self-explosion, rippling over a range of tens of thousands of kilometers.

Almost all of the peak Bug Race corpses of Sector Lords within a hundred kilometers became ashes, while a large number of Bug Race corpses between a hundred kilometers and tens of thousands of kilometers, some were even more shattered, while more were just impacted and drifted towards the distance without much attrition.

After all!

After layers and layers of peak sector lord level insect race resistance, even if an immortal deity exploded itself, how many layers of resistance could it penetrate?

However, the Golden Horned Beast, whose body length was a little over a hundred kilometers, was suffering the most terrifying waves.

The most powerful time of the self-detonation was only 0.01 seconds, and immediately after that explosion wave began to rapidly weaken, and even the collapsed cosmic space was automatically repaired. Only see …… in the weakening of the burning flame, the golden horned beast is “trembling” suspended in mid-air, this time the golden horned beast …… is just like a “Skeleton Golden Horn Beast”.

The whole body only right hoof claws, tail tip and scaled wings edge, still covered with a layer of scale armor, while the main part of the body only left the dull bones, even the skull are only left with the skull and five sharp horns.

“It’s too terrifying.”

“This power is surprisingly strong enough to make the Golden Horned Beast detachment unable to carry it, it’s become a skeletal Golden Horned Beast.” Luo Feng said darkly.

And at the same time –


Skeleton golden horn beast still flying towards the distance rapidly, at the same time, in the distance from the golden horn beast detachment roughly more than 80,000 kilometers position, there are some broken fragments of mo yun vine, but in the broken vine fragments, there are a few vines are entangled around the surrounding kilometers within the whole of a bug corpse unit!

At the core of these vines …… is a piece of insect scale armor!


The scale armor instantly switched into Luo Feng – the Earthling himself.

“Swish!” Luo Feng also quickly flew towards the distant skeleton golden horned beast, when the distance between the two was closer, the golden horned beast disappeared out of thin air and directly entered the “inner world”.


Luo Feng’s real lifeblood “original core” is not in the Golden Horn Beast’s body at all, before …… Luo Feng in the discovery of the assassin No. 6 Cosier, the heart wants to test himself through this battle, but it is clear… . the means to be able to sneak into the heavy ground of the no hole starfield to assassinate himself is certainly not ordinary.

To prevent playing with fire, but playing with his life. Therefore, when Luo Feng made a battle plan in his mind, the first point he considered was ……

Once you didn’t fight your opponent, what to do?

Before considering victory, consider defeat first!

So –

When Luo Feng cast the Mo Yun vine to spread out violently, letting the 216 Mo Yun vine main vines spread out for tens of thousands of kilometers, in fact, at that time Luo Feng had already turned the “Demon Killing Clan’s split” into a leaf attached to one of the main vines, and also put the original core in the body of Demon Killing Clan’s split.


At that time, the main vine became tens of thousands of kilometers long, in fact, there is another purpose, is the “magic killing race split vine leaf”, directly away from the battle sent tens of thousands of kilometers away, that piece of vine leaf directly hiding in the “realm lord insect race corpse group” inside, in the moment of entering that corpse group! The moment it entered the swarm of corpses, the devil-killing clan split vine leaf turned into “insect scale armor”.

Mixed in the group of corpses, it was not the least bit conspicuous.

And then when the flame immortal deity appeared instantly make a large number of Mo Yun vine broken explosion, fragments flying, at this time the flame immortal deity …… which will care to tens of thousands of kilometers away from the insect corpses in the group of a scale armor fragments, after all, around the insect corpses endless, can not be suspected at all.


The world projection spread out, enough to spread out tens of thousands of kilometers away, at the same time the golden horned beast appeared, at the same time Luo Feng’s earthling self instantly entered the inner world!

The Golden Horned Beast versus the Flame Immortal Deity fully allowed Luo Feng to realize the purpose of testing his combat prowess.

If it succeeded, of course it was a happy event.

If it failed, then the Golden Horned Beast would simply blow itself up!

It was just a matter of losing a split, the big deal was to consume a bit more world power to spawn such a Golden Horned Beast split in the inner world! As for the blood Luo power in the right hoof and claw …… If you get the right hoof and claw remains afterwards, it is naturally a good thing, and it can be refined and integrated into the new Golden Horned Beast body.

If the other party gets rid of the right hoof claw remains …… big deal is to consume another 100 Blood Luo Crystals to fuse into the Golden Horned Beast’s split body.

“Whether it succeeds or fails I am invincible. And really see the situation and encounter an incomparably powerful enemy. When the Golden Horned Beast dies in battle, I can still throw the Earthling’s original body out, while randomly throwing some items in a spatial ring out indiscriminately as if the world inside collapses, and take the Earthling’s original body for the enemy to kill. Make the enemy think that they really killed me.” Luo Feng secretly said.

What a worst case scenario.

Luo Feng would only choose this hand if he could force the Golden Horned Beast to blow itself up, and no matter what, the Demon Killing Race split into a “Bug Armor” would definitely be hiding in the endless sea of bug corpses …….

Any unexpected situation, Luo Feng had formulated a plan to deal with it, in short, with the devil slayer race split, golden horned giant beast split, earthling himself, and the incomparably huge world projection, he could formulate a lot of plans to deal with it.


“The power of a flame immortal deity blowing itself up is so strong.” Luo Feng looked around, the surroundings were empty, some charred remains of insect corpses could also be seen in the distance, the previous law flame burning, self detonation and so on, at the very least destroyed nearly 1000 insect unit corpses mainly because these insect corpses were too concentrated and all of them no longer had the energy they had when they were alive.

“The loss is so great?”

“Nearly 1000 bug unit corpses can all be peak sector lord bugs.” Luo Feng swept his gaze, “The No Hole Star Realm found out and lost nearly 10 million hybrid units, I’m afraid they’ll have to jump out of their skin.”

“Hmm?” A thought flashed through Luo Feng’s mind.

Immediately his body flashed!

Directly flew hundreds of kilometers away, at the same time directly the internal world amplitude spread out, directly sweeping three hundred sector lord insect corpse units in one breath to hide in the internal world.


“Anyway, it’s already damaged nearly a thousand hybrid units, this extra 300 sector lord insect race units, it can’t be seen.” Luo Feng muttered in his heart, at the same time, he was secretly happy, 300 sector lord insect race corpse units ah, the real purchase needed 3 million mixed yuan units, but it just arrived, although he needed to spend quite a bit of world power to restore the golden horned beasts, but that bit of energy consumption added up to just a few mixed yuan units.

These 300 Realm Lord Bug units were the biggest gain from the attack on himself this time.

However, one didn’t dare to get too much.

After all, too much was prone to breakage.

“It’s also considered compensation, if I didn’t have a Golden Horn Beast detachment, I’m afraid I would really be dead this time. The response mechanism of this no hole star domain is really too poor, I even called for help with King Long Turk, yet not a single strong person has arrived until now.” Luo Feng stood in the cosmic starry sky, doing nothing, waiting silently.

The battle with the flame immortal deity lasted 50 seconds.

The strongest power of self explosion lasted less than 0.01 seconds.

The golden horned beast returned to its inner world for roughly 0.1 seconds.

Subsequently ……

Luo Feng looked around, thinking of slaughtering in passing, getting 300 sector lord insect units, to actually getting these insect units into the inner world, consuming roughly 1 second.

Describing it as slow, really carrying it out, with Luo Feng this strong consciousness reaction speed comparable to an intelligent light brain, instant speed of tens of thousands of kilometers per second, of course it’s as fast as lightning.

After doing all this, Luo Feng then waited silently in the starry sky as a victim.

“I’m a victim.” Luo Feng muttered secretly.

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