Chapter 16: Dead Men Tell No Tales

Release Date: 2024-07-11 23:55:36
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In the star field of No Hole, all kinds of corpses and wreckage caused by the war between the clans, the wreckage of ping pong weapons, the wreckage of technological weapons, and so on were all categorized in detail, and placed in the starry sky in a well-organized manner. The only thing was the tens of thousands of kilometers that had just experienced an immortal deity level life and death battle, it was a mess, even many of the well sorted bodies of the sector master insect race were completely disorganized.

In the starry sky tens of thousands of kilometers away from Luo Feng, where the original orb shaped monitoring instrument was located, a silhouette appeared out of thin air.

He, about ten meters tall, wearing a seemingly complex strange battle armor, the battle armor was purple and black, there was also a mysterious secret pattern covering the entire battle armor, causing this set of battle armor to have an aura that made the cosmic space tremble with fear, that pair of high top battle boots was the most eye catching …… Looking at this pair of battle boots, there was a suffocating sense of looking at an endless mountain.

Standing in the starry sky, he is the master!

“Huh?” He glanced at some orb shaped instrument fragments on his side, then looked remotely in Luo Feng’s direction and muttered, “Energy fluctuations to see, it’s a flame immortal deity.”


Luo Feng who was originally standing in the cosmic starry sky, but at this time, he was shocked to look at the tall existence that suddenly appeared in front of him, when Luo Feng raised his head and looked up …… to see the pair of dark red eyes under the strange helmet of this great existence in front of him, his soul was a shudder, he couldn’t help but even salute respectfully, “Greetings to Cosmic Exalted One! ”

With his experience in Chaos City, he had also seen some Seal King level immortal deities, there was no doubt that the one who could make his soul tremble like this was definitely a Universe Exalted level existence.

“You’re Luo Feng?” A rumbling voice echoed in the universe and also in Luo Feng’s mind.

“Yes.” Luo Feng was respectful.

“What exactly happened here, tell us all the details of the process.” Cosmic zuni stooped slightly at the young little guy in front of him, earlier the No Vault starfield vigilance system intelligence conveyed a message to him to come out immediately, at the same time it also passed on some of the messages of Luo Feng and the other three internal members to Cosmic zuni.

“Yes, Exalted One.” Luo Feng respectfully said, “I came here to buy bug corpses, I was identifying the condition of one bug corpse unit after another under the leadership of two leaders, but just now …… by an unparalleled coincidence I encountered another internal member within the No Hole Starfield, he also wears white robes, his name is Cosle. The two Leaders who led me know him.”

“It’s very rare to be able to encounter another internal member within the No Hole Starfield, so my two Leaders were very happy and delighted to talk to Kosl.


“It was at this time that my intelligent light brain told me that it sensed that the monitoring signals in the surrounding area had suddenly disappeared.” Luo Feng’s eyes erupted with a refined light as he said in a low voice, “And right at this moment, that Kosl suddenly made a move without warning, at close range and without the slightest defense, my two leaders were instantly killed.”

The universe honored one looked down at Luo Feng, listening silently and not saying anything.

Luo Feng however was nervous in his heart.

He knew very well that he had to answer with serious caution, this No Vault starfield, was the heavy ground of the entire human race, the ones stationed here all had super force like a universe venerable, they definitely wouldn’t allow themselves to provoke the rules and regulations of the No Vault starfield.

“Right after that, this Kosher struck out against me.” Luo Feng solemnly said, “But I reached domain lord level being exiled by the virtual universe company, knowing that sometimes I would encounter some dangers. Of course I would arrange some backstops for myself. In the side of the world I was carrying with me was with ten domain lord guards, at that time I immediately summoned them out and had my auxiliary plant life Mo Yun Vine assist them in dealing with Kosel ……”

“Eyes easily killed Kosl, but!”

“Instead, Kosl released a flame immortal deity from his internal world before he died.” Luo Feng even said, “I didn’t even realize that there was a Flame Immortal deity in this Kosl’s internal world …… This, this is just too terrifying!”

The Cosmic Exalt continued to listen silently.

“This Flame Immortal God Spirit just came out, and the first thing it did was to kill Kosl” making me incredibly surprised and puzzled.” Luo Feng said in a low voice, “After killing Kosl, this Flame Immortal Deity immediately followed to kill my ten sector lord guards, however, that Immortal Deity didn’t realize that …… among my ten sector lord guards, one of them was my soul slave, and hidden in this soul slave’s inner world was one of my killing move – a technological weapon created by the Mechanical Race, codenamed ‘V–1129’ Vulcan Source Crystal. I immediately controlled him to use the Fire God Source Crystal at that time!”

Luo Feng was very clear ……

The energy fluctuation generated by that flame immortal deity’s self-detonation as well as some of the traces left behind could definitely not be hidden from universe honored beings, even some ordinary immortal deities were able to distinguish and see it.

How in the world did he escape from this?

There had to be a detailed explanation, one that could stand up to scrutiny, otherwise, he was afraid that he would be in trouble.

“Fire God Source Crystal?” The Cosmic Exalted voice rang out, exploding in Luo Feng’s mind.

“Yes.” Luo Feng respectfully said.

Fire god source crystal, one of the mechanical race’s technological weapons, as the highest place in the entire universe’s technology, the mechanical race was able to create weapons that directly killed immortal deities, but those weapons each had a ridiculously high price tag, especially the ones that could be used consistently time and time again, it was even more exaggerated.

An F-class laser gun?

The price was rumored to be over a hundred million hybrid units, and even the Seal King level Immortal Deities weren’t necessarily willing to buy them.

In addition to the single weapon like the laser gun, there were also some group weapons, such as the “Star Fortress” and “Divine Spirit Base”, which were incomparably terrifying weapons utilized in extra-territorial battlefields, and even King-level Immortal Deities might not be able to afford to buy them even with all of their money. Of course there were still bargains.

Those disposable items.

For example, the “Fire God Source Crystal”, fire, as the most explosive energy, the Fire God Source Crystal is also the easiest to buy, which is a large amount of flame immortal divine power compressed in a crystal ball, and then instantly detonated, so that countless flame immortal divine power directly exploded. It is similar to the effect of a Flame Immortal Deity blowing itself up.

The principle is simple, but the technology content is extremely high, after all, to make so amazing flame immortal divine power continuously compressed, compressed into “immortal crystal”, continue to compress, compressed into the concentration of millions of times more powerful “source crystal” that technology technology is too high.

V-1129 model flame source crystal, belongs to the low-grade flame source crystal, the explosion power is equivalent to ordinary flame immortal deity self-detonation.

As a disposable item, if there were channels to purchase it, the price was between 1,000,000 – 1,500,000 hybrid units.

“My soul slave used the Flame God Source Crystal to instantly explode …… because at the beginning, when my ten Realm Lord guards dealt with Kosel, I quickly fled …… When that Flame God Source Crystal detonated, I was already tens of thousands of kilometers away. ” Luo Feng respectfully said, “The explosion caused that flame immortal deity to die as well, but I escaped.”

In order to hide the existence of the Golden Horned Beast, Luo Feng relied on his “World Projection” at the end of the battle to instantly take some of the broken flesh and scales of the Golden Horned Beast that were scattered around into his internal world.

After careful consideration, Luo Feng came up with such an excuse.

Luo Feng came up with this excuse, using the “Fire God source crystal” to explain all this, using the realm master slaves under his control to execute this move, to explain all this.

Luo Feng respectfully stayed there, waiting for the Cosmic Exalted to speak.

“Hmm.” The Cosmic Exalted finally nodded, “I will record everything you said, record it, and send it to the Vigilance Management System of the No Hole Star Realm. Regarding your matter …… there will be five other Seal King level Immortal Deities to discuss and make a decision.”

Just at this moment ……

Silky ripples rippled through the space in the distance, and a moment later, a spaceship appeared out of thin air.

Luo Feng’s eyes lit up, it was none other than King Longjue’s spaceship.


The hatch opened and King Long Ke Ke brought Dylan with him, arriving instantly as a stream of light.

“Your Holiness.” The Long Turk King bowed respectfully.

Dylan also even saluted.

“The matter here, it’s concubines for you five to deal with, regarding everything this Luo Feng said and my judgment, I’ve already submitted it to the No Vault Starfield System Intelligence.” The Cosmic Venerable said indifferently, then his figure disappeared out of thin air, directly instantly disappearing out of sight.

In the starry sky, only Luo Feng, King Long Turk, and Dylan stood.

“Your highness, are you alright?” Dylan even said, a hint of self-blame in his eyes, “Master Ancestor asked me to protect you, but yet ……”

“Dylan, it’s not your fault.” Luo Feng shook his head.

King Long Turk even said, “It’s not Dylan’s fault, nor Luo Feng’s, it’s my fault for the problems within the No Hole Starfield, it seems that there are foreign spies mixed in.” Generally speaking, when a human super genius was assassinated, most people would say that it was done by foreign spies, in fact, sometimes some geniuses died because of some internal feuds within the human race.

But as long as they were not found out, they would always be pushed to the foreign spies.

“Who did it?” King Long Turk looked at Luo Feng.

“The internal member of the No Hole Star Realm, Kosel.” Luo Feng said.

“Hm.” King Long Turk nodded, looking around towards the surrounding starry sky, the invisible immortal force directly diffused into the surroundings, skimming over the remains of some shattered insect corpses in the distance, inspecting them for a long time before saying, “Surprisingly, there are quite a lot of Moyun Vine remnants dispersed ……” ”

“It’s my auxiliary plant life.” Luo Feng said.

“The losses this time aren’t small.”

King Longjie frowned, “Surprisingly, I lost over a thousand domain lord insect corpse units, well, if this battle had taken place in the “domain lord insect corpse area”, the losses would have been much smaller. The loss was more than 10 million hybrid units. Then this matter will be troublesome.”

“Trouble?” Luo Feng looked at him.


King Long Turk looked at Luo Feng and nodded, “Yes, this matter although Luo Feng you informed me that someone was trying to kill you, but …… the two ushers who followed you and that assassin Cosier, all of them are dead! If they’re dead, then they’re dead! If one is alive, you can still search the soul to see the facts, but if they’re all dead, there’s no way to confirm the facts …… Assuming that the loss of my Vaulted Starfield is small, less than a million hybrid units, I can easily handle the past on my own. But now it’s going to take five people in charge to deal with this. Because there’s no proof of death, Luo Feng, you might be in some trouble.”

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