Chapter 22 – Trash Mountain Taobao

Release Date: 2024-07-11 23:55:52
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“I understand.” Luo Feng nodded solemnly.

Bug race?

I didn’t expect that I would get a bug race mother nest and in the blink of an eye be assassinated by the bug race, of course there was no causal relationship between the two.

“No matter who it is, wanting me to die, dream on. Even if I die, I have to bite him hard.” Luo Feng on the other hand quickly began to think about what exactly should be done to deal with the assassination of the insect race and some other alien races, the computing speed comparable to an intelligent light brain caused Luo Feng to constantly think of various options.

Such as the Demon Killing Race splitters and so on carry the original core, stay in some safe place, let the Earthling’s original body go out to break into the world …… This program seems to be the safest, but Luo Feng directly negated this program. Because of this, assuming that at some point, the Earthling’s original body was killed, it would definitely cause many people to think that Luo Feng was dead……. The Virtual Universe Company would also know this.

Suppose at this time, the inner world once again condensed an earthling principal.

At this time, Luo Feng popped up again!

Any fool would know …… that Luo Feng definitely had problems! A domain lord simply can’t have an “immortal body”.

“The only way to cope with all kinds of situations is to carry the protocore with you all the time. But carrying it around is also dangerous.” Luo Feng pondered.

After thinking for three seconds.

Luo Feng already had a plan in his mind, the best one he could think of right now.

“Hmm, let’s do it.” Luo Feng secretly nodded.

After chatting with King Longjie for a while, King Longjie went back to his rest cabin. After all, it would take about three days for those two white robed men to collect a good 100 units of bug corpses, Luo Feng, Long Ke Wang and the two of them of course couldn’t keep chatting for three days, so naturally, they were taking a break in the rest pod.

Inside the cabin.

Luo Feng was sitting on a chair, separating a sliver of his consciousness to connect to the virtual universe network.

In Luo Feng’s manor in the primitive area of Rain phase mountain, in the study.

Luo Feng was sitting in front of his desk, looking at the laptop in front of him, entering the treasure trove, “secret techniques” “weapons” “rare treasures” appeared on the screen. “Technological Weapons,” “Materials,” “Tools,” “Creatures.” The eight major categories of “other special categories”, Luo Feng directly clicked on the rare treasures category.

He quickly found “one side of the world”.

World manor, 0.02 – 0.1 mixed yuan unit.

World house, 0.1 mian yuan unit – 0.3 mian yuan unit world belt, 0.3 – 3 mian yuan unit.

World Ring, 0.5 Hybrid Units – 10 Hybrid Units ……

Various categories were categorized in detail, these were items with a side of the world, the larger the volume the cheaper it was instead, for example, back then when Luo Feng first participated in the cosmic mercenary test, the side of the world that he entered was within a villa. The whole world was fused in a villa.

To carry a side of the world, then the smaller the size of the item, the harder it was to carry!

A belt that could carry one side of the world.

Assuming that this side of the world is to be fused within a ring, then the materials …… used for the ring are far more expensive than the belt.


Manufacturing a world was actually not that costly, it was a realm lord that could manufacture a side of world. It is just that there are big and small. But to create a “world ring”, that ring is the most expensive. Even in the treasury of the Virtual Universe Company, the cheapest one would cost 0.5 mixed element units. 0.5 mixed element units – 10 mixed element units, this interval represents different spatial ranges.

The smallest one was a world of 10,000 kilometers in length, width and height.

The largest one was a world of 100 million kilometers in length, width and height.

And Luo Feng in this no hole star field was presented that ring, is 100,000 kilometers long wide high, the world ring itself price is probably around 1 mixed yuan unit, for the purchase of the whole millions of mixed yuan units of goods of the customer, the gift of a world ring, of course, is nothing. And the mountain of garbage …… is more than enough to handle.


World ring on the price, to be more expensive than the space ring do not know how many times. Because of the spatial ring, universe level powerhouses almost all have it, and even stellar level ones have quite a few of them.


A peak realm master, the average asset is about 10 mixed yuan units, usually they will spend most of their assets on cultivation, weapons, armor, secret methods, part of the assets spent on the “spacecraft”, to let them spend a tenth of their assets on the “world ring”. “It is almost impossible for them to spend one tenth of their assets on a World Ring. They would rather use their own internal worlds, or at most create a World House, and when they become immortal in the future, they will use more precious materials to incorporate the World House into it and turn it into a World Ring.

So –

Below immortality, it was almost rare to see anyone use a world ring unless they had a background with a huge amount of wealth.

“Purchasing world ring.”

“Model F10, 100 million kilometers in length, width and height.” Luo Feng quickly clicked.

Primordial secret realm members could get a 70% discount, only costing 7 hybrid units to buy.

“Your highness Luo Feng, make sure your location is in the No Hole starfield, someone will deliver it soon.” A gentle female voice sounded.

“It’s not necessary for now, you’ll deliver it when I need you to.” Luo Feng commanded.

“Yes, your highness Luo Feng.”

Closing his laptop screen, Luo Feng revealed a smile. A mega world ring had arrived, when he got out of this no-hole starfield storage area and got that world ring, his own plans could begin.


“Want to kill me? Hmph…… would rather hibernate for a million years, I definitely don’t want to repeat the mistakes of a genius like Koti!” Luo Feng secretly said, the probability of a genius falling in the middle is very high, one is that the path of cultivation is inherently rugged and dangerous, the second is that geniuses are envied, assassinations by foreign races and tipping of forces within the clan will cause geniuses to encounter danger.

After this battle, Luo Feng was more cautious.

On the fourth day after the two white robed men went to collect bug corpses, those two finally returned.

Outside the hatch of the spaceship.

“My lord.” The two white robed men stood in the void and respectfully bowed to King Long Turk.

“Already brought it?” King Long Turk looked at them.

“Yes, my lord.” The two of them at the same time then instantly took out all the bug corpses they had collected, instantly the empty area next to them instantly had two small corpse mountains appear, both tens of kilometers high.

Luo Feng looked at the two small insect race corpse mountains suspended in the void, slightly nodded his head, and instantly ingested these two small corpse mountains directly into the inner world, because “ingesting into the inner world” and “ingesting into the world ring” are exactly the same, they are both a wave of World fluctuation.

That’s why Luo Feng directly ingested the insect mother nest into the inner world in the first place, and now he’s ingesting this mountain of insect corpses into the inner world.

“Luo Feng, the insect race corpses have arrived, no problem, but the 100 units you chose.” King Long Turk looked at Luo Feng with a smile.

“Haha, of course no problem.” Luo Feng nodded with a smile.

As for the other 100 metal tiles, Luo Feng had already given them to King Long Turk.

“Now that the bug corpses are in your hands, are you prepared to taunt the trash mountain?” King Long Turk looked at Luo Feng, in fact the reason why he accompanied Luo Feng was also a habit of being a human being, but any character with potential, King Long Turk wouldn’t be easily annoyed, but accompanying Luo Feng for a few days was nothing, assuming that Luo Feng was going to Taobao in the trash mountain.

Then I’m afraid it will be a long time.

Of course Luo Feng could see what King Long Turk meant in his heart, so he smiled and said: ”It’s a rare trip, and with this world ring you guys gifted me, of course I have to go taobao at the trash mountain. However, King Long Turk, you accompanying me here these days is already enough trouble for King Long Turk. I’ll go to Trash Mountain Taobao next, and these two Leaders can just follow me.”

“Well, good.” Long Turk King nodded his head and didn’t excuse himself.

“The two of you follow Luo Feng, remember, as soon as you notice someone else approaching through the surveillance map, avoid them immediately. No one is allowed to get close to you.” King Long Turk solemnly ordered.

“Yes, my lord.” The two white-robed men respectfully answered the order.

“I’ll leave then, wishing Luo Feng that you can obtain heavenly treasures in the garbage mountain.” King Long Turk haha laughed and looked at Luo Feng, “Being assassinated before, this luck is like this, bad luck passing is good luck, being assassinated within the No Hole Starfield is also a rare occurrence in hundreds of millions of years.

But the probability of obtaining treasures is much lower than in the garbage mountain.”

Luo Feng also laughed at himself, “Even assassinations can be encountered, treasures seem to be encountered as well.”

“Haha, then I’ll return first.”

King Longjie nodded slightly, then took his spaceship and quickly disappeared into a stream of light in that cargo starry sky following the road far away.

That face of white robed men then stood respectfully at Luo Feng’s side, one of them said, “Your highness, there are mountains of trash everywhere in this no-go star field, I wonder where your highness will start looking for treasures?”

“We’ll start with cosmic shuttling and point to a random location.” Luo Feng shook his head and laughed, “At least this area has just been assassinated, it shouldn’t be my lucky area.”

Riding a standardized airship, Luo Feng would occasionally designate a location, and after cosmic shuttling, he would casually look for one or two trash mountains to taobao taobao taobao.

Do not pan do not know, a pan startled, these mountains of garbage is indeed called almost all “garbage”, are some simply not worth the money of the wreckage of the waste material, of course again not worth the money, but also than some diamonds on the earth what is much better, after all, is the war of the ethnic groups caused by the some of the wreckage.

But even if you store the entire “100,000 kilometers long, wide and high” of the world ring, I’m afraid that are not necessarily worth 0.1 hybrid unit.

After all, 0.1 hybrid unit, can buy an ordinary galaxy.

“Taobao Taobao, it really depends on luck.”

“Let’s go, cosmic shuttle again.”

Luo Feng was in quite a good mood, he didn’t let the assassination or the Nightmare Candle King affect his mood in the slightest.

“Go to the nearest docking point.” Luo Feng ordered.

“Yes, your highness Luo Feng.”

The two white robed men responded, the airship immediately cosmic shuttled back to the primordial universe, a large area around it was empty, any more distant area was endless cargo, between the cargo, there was occasionally a looming and huge mountain of garbage, the size of the mountain of garbage could be much bigger than the size of the cargo.

“Eh?” Luo Feng frowned slightly.

He felt a vague call of attraction that drew his entire body, as if the cells in his entire body were vaguely boiling!

“What’s going on?” Luo Feng looked far away.

It was that direction, as if there was a magnetic field constantly acting on his body.

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