Chapter 23 The Summoning

Release Date: 2024-07-11 23:55:55
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Under the call of that seemingly invisible magnetic field, the skin of the whole body was vaguely numb, and all the cells at the deep level were boiling, including the bones, internal organs and organs …… This call made Luo Feng’s whole body tremble, as if it was desperately calling out to Luo Feng – come on, come on, come here! !

“Your Highness Luo Feng, which direction are we going, there are some trash mountains around.” One of the black skinned white robed men inquired.


Luo Feng pointed remotely at the trash mountain in the distance.


The two white robed men respectfully answered the order, then they manipulated the world power to wrap Luo Feng, the three of them directly turned into a stream of light and quickly flew towards that lofty garbage mountain in the distance, it looked close but in reality the distance was very far, it took more than three hours of flying at a speed of 100,000 kilometers per second before they arrived at that garbage mountain.

“Your Highness can enter the garbage mountain to search for treasures, the two of us will wait here, call the two of us when your Highness is done searching for treasures.” The black-skinned, white-robed man respectfully said.


Luo Feng but frowned because he felt that summoning sense increase was not strong, immediately turned into a stream of light and flew towards the garbage mountain …… The volume of the garbage mountain was similar to a mega planet, the diameter should be hundreds of thousands of kilometers in diameter. Flying around that garbage mountain for a small half circle, flew to the back of the garbage mountain.

Luo Feng turned his back to the garbage mountain and looked at the distant stars.

“It’s still in that direction, the thing that summoned me isn’t in this garbage mountain, it’s still further away!” Luo Feng looked at the distance in doubt, the distant starry sky was extremely cargo, in the incomparable distance, a garbage mountain could be vaguely seen …… Luo Feng didn’t dare to confirm at the moment that the mysterious item that summoned him wasn’t in that garbage mountain!


It was in this direction.


Luo Feng flew back to the two white robed men.

“Your highness taobao is over?” The two looked at Luo Feng in shock, it was too fast.

“I don’t want to treasure hunt in this trash mountain.” Luo Feng shook his head and pointed distantly, “Let’s continue in that direction, I want to find a favorite trash mountain for treasure hunting by feel.”

“These absolute geniuses temperament is really weird enough, find …… by feel but just now he said it was this trash mountain, turn around and change it, really! But who let him be arranged by Lord Longjie King.” The two peak realm lord leaders muttered in the bottom of their hearts, but on the surface they remained respectful and enthusiastic: “Yes, your highness Luo Feng.”

The power of the world was released, wrapping Luo Feng once again, the three of them turned into streams of light and flew towards the distance.

Constantly flying ……

Flying over a garbage mountain, that summoning still wasn’t issued by this, so continued to fly before passing ……

Flying over one garbage mountain after another, a full 16 days of flight, the two leaders are secretly muttering this genius is really difficult to deal with, selecting garbage mountains are so demanding, but they do not dare to disobey, since it is the order of the king of the Long Turk, of course they will have to work hard and do well, can only be this constantly flying.

“Boom …… “After flying around this garbage mountain in front of him, that incomparably strong summoning caused Luo Feng’s entire body’s blood flow rate to skyrocket, every cell was boiling, it had already reached the point where he was going to storm out.

“This is it!”

“I’m going to hunt for treasure here!” Luo Feng said after flying to the two white robed men.

The two white robed men looked at each other both let out a sigh of relief, god, this Luo Feng his highness has finally decided to choose a trash mountain, this can be a whole 16 days of continuous flying and has been kept at 100,000 kilometers per second, is it easy for the two of them?

“The two of us will wait here for your highness.” The black-skinned, white-robed man said.


Luo Feng couldn’t hold back any longer, so he flew directly towards the interior of the trash mountain.

After watching Luo Feng quickly approaching towards the garbage mountain well into a small black dot and entering the massive garbage mountain, the two white robed men then loosened up and both moved their muscles, at the same time the other green skinned white robed man said, “We’re considered unlucky this time, finding a garbage mountain is so troublesome, I guess the next time we look for a garbage mountain it’ll be so troublesome as well. ”

“It’s better to seize the time to relax and rest, I’m going to play the virtual game.” The black skinned white robed man stood in the void, so he detached a sliver of his consciousness to connect to the virtual universe network and started to go play the virtual game.

Luo Feng was gradually drilling inside the garbage mountain, the entire garbage mountain was hundreds of thousands of kilometers in diameter, all sorts of even decayed debris were piled up in it, Luo Feng was like a mountain armor, constantly drilling inside.



The closer he got, the more Luo Feng felt that strong call, his whole body was boiling.

After drilling roughly tens of thousands of kilometers deeper, Luo Feng frowned in doubt because he felt quite a few messy summons, some were left front, some right front, some right front, there were more than a dozen summons, with varying degrees of strength.

Surprisingly, there were more than ten strands of summoning!

“There seems to be more than one item.” Luo Feng paused briefly, then selected the direction of one of the strongest strands of summoning and flew off, at the same time, invisible nian force hardened the large amount of debris and garbage around him, propping up a passageway, roughly advancing more than 30,000 kilometers, Luo Feng finally came to a halt.

In front, a fragment of armor was hanging well around all the other items were squeezed away by Luo feng’s numinous force.

Waves of summoning emanated from this armor fragment.

Armor fragment?

“What is this?” Luo Feng stared carefully, this piece of armor fragment was roughly the size of an ordinary book cover, it was black in color and just hovered there.

Luo Feng cautiously approached.

When Luo Feng approached to roughly five meters away, the original dead object armor fragment that was suspended in, suddenly as if it contained life, the entire armor fragment was a burst of writhing, at the same time fiercely flew towards Luo Feng, as fast as lightning, instantly swooped into Luo Feng’s right hand, directly touching Luo Feng’s skin wanting to drill into Luo Feng’s body.

“Snort!” Luo Feng’s right hand surface immediately surfaced a layer of green colored film, it was the Mo Yun battle suit.

It was hard to isolate this black armor fragment.


Luo Feng manipulated his thoughts to try and force this armor fragment away, but he was shocked to find that …… the armor fragment was desperately trying to lean towards his skin, and he couldn’t even resist the armor fragment’s power with his thoughts alone! At that moment, a thin vine was extended from the finger, which was one of the 216 main vines.

This slender green vine instantly wrapped around the armor fragment, and those vines and leaves also wrapped around the armor fragment to death.

The armor fragment was desperately struggling to resist.

However, it was rigidly controlled by this single Mo Yun vine.

“What the hell is this, at first glance it looks like a dead thing, but when I get close it wants to burrow into my skin.” Luo Feng frowned and pondered, “And it can also send out a mysterious summon, obviously …… others who came to the No Hole Starfield shouldn’t be able to feel this kind of summon, if they feel the summon they will definitely follow the summon and discover this item, even if they don’t know its mysteries, they will take it away.”

Billions of years!

Seeing many rotten and decayed items, it was obvious that the items piled up deep in this garbage mountain possessed a long history, and there were also many people who had taobaoed but none of them had taken away this item in the No Hole Star Region.


“Why am I being summoned? Others can’t feel it?”

Luo Feng frowned, “I’m not much more special than others, is it ‘blood Luo power’? No, there must be a lot of fused blood Luo crystals in the virtual universe company, is it because of the mutilated nameless secret codex cultivated on the mysterious metal plate found in the earth green? Or is it the cause of the earthling genes?”

The reason couldn’t be confirmed, but Luo Feng didn’t dare to randomly allow this thing to integrate into his body it was fine to have a covered place, once big trouble arose, it would be too late to regret it.


Luo feng a flip of the hand, took out that a silver white world ring, this is the ronkye king to give inside the one side of the world is 100,000 kilometers in length, width and height, oneself in the garbage mountain carried the items at most filled that world ring, forbidden to carry more. And the monitoring system of the no hole star field is able to discover the volume of all items.

The volume of items Luo Feng took would be calculated by the system, once the volume accumulated to 100,000 kilometers in length, width and height it would naturally be recorded.

“Let the protocore temporarily stay within this side of the world, even if something goes wrong with my earthling essence, big deal, I’ll coalesce another body.” Luo Feng flipped his hand, a black stone appeared in his hand, this was the stone that the Demon Slayer Race’s doppelganger had turned into, the good stone was containing that one protocore within.

With a movement of his mind, he threw this stone into the silver-white world ring.

This world ring had already been recognized by Luo Feng by integrating it into his spiritual imprint when he was treasure hunting earlier.

“There, the protocore has entered the world ring.” Luo Feng looked at the black armor fragment in front of him, “Come on.”

That one vine quickly loosened the black armor fragment, just as soon as it was loosened, the black armor fragment immediately rushed towards Luo Feng’s finger, as soon as it touched the skin of his finger, it quickly merged into Luo Feng’s skin as a black liquid, just as it was merged, Luo Feng detected some basic messages from this mysterious black armor fragment.

“Surprisingly so marvelous?” Luo Feng’s mind moved, a layer of black armor immediately surfaced on his arm, this layer of black armor …… area was the same as the previous black armor fragment.

This black armor was changeable, it could shrink or grow larger, but the largest was just the size of this piece of armor. The coverage area was similar to an arm guard protection area.

“What a strong power.”

Luo Feng felt that his right arm, possessed an incomparably strong power, the power of a punch was enough to rival the power of a realm lord ninth ranked powerhouse, this power was precisely the power given by the black armor after it was possessed, this kind of power, although it was given by the black armor, it completely seemed to be fused into one with Luo Feng.

Unlike the power of the Mo Yun vine, which could only be utilized by the Mo Yun vine itself.

This armor …… however was completely dominated by Luo Feng!

“A single fragment is comparable to the power of a realm lord ninth rank powerhouse?” Luo Feng was shocked, not caring much, he immediately went to search for the other dozen or so summoning sources.


Luo Feng drilled through the garbage mountain, searching for item after item, all of them were armor fragments, after a few moments of searching, he gathered all such special items inside the garbage mountain.

“Together with the ones I found at the beginning, that’s a total of 18 black armor fragments and 1 silver armor fragment.” Luo Feng had already stripped himself naked, naked, that name black armor fragment was completely integrated within his body, the black liquid that this old armor fragment had turned into, the largest volume of armor that could be formed was …… forming a black undershirt.

But this black undershirt, the power granted to Luo Feng!

Yet it was comparable to the combat power of more than 20 realm lord 9th stage powerhouses.

“This black armor fragment, what kind of special item is it?” Luo Feng looked at the black undershirt on his body, his heart was shaken, “It actually grants me such a strong power! This is obviously still broken black armor …… As for that silver armor!”

Luo Feng looked at a palm sized piece of silver armor in his palm.

Luo Feng had already tried, only by forcing all the black armor fragments in his body out of his body could he incorporate the silver armor fragments at this point, just a palm sized piece of silver armor fragments allowed Luo Feng to have a power equivalent to that of five ordinary peak sector lord powerhouses.

“Silver armor, ten times more effective than black armor, obviously at a higher level.”


“The two are clearly incompatible with each other.” Luo Feng secretly pondered.

The naked Luo Feng stood deep in the garbage mountain and looked at these armor pieces.

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