Chapter 25 Two years

Release Date: 2024-07-11 23:56:00
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“This world!” The Golden Horn Beast let out a low roar and directly executed the Honored Heaven and Earth secret method, and the huge body with a tail that exceeded 1,200 kilometers began to shrink continuously, the shrinking speed was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, it had already transformed into a Golden Horn Beast with a body that was just a little more than a hundred kilometers.

Because the density of bones, muscle density, scale armor density and so on have been soared, the Golden Horn Beast body is even stronger.

The power contained in the very thin layer of black armor that was integrated into every scale and claw also flowed within the Golden Horned Beast’s body, and it was a very brutal and powerful force!

“It’s really the same as I expected.” On the prairie, the black clothed Luo Feng stood at the feet of the massive golden horned beast and looked up, “Just now, the golden horned beast had already pushed the armour to its limit, even after executing the Origin Heaven and Earth, the power of the armour that was pushed out was still that about 1,000 times the peak power of a realm lord, the limit of this mysterious armour should be 1,000 times the power of a realm lord.”


“But it’s already very heaven defying, 1000 times realm lord power, purely from a power perspective …… it should be comparable to the more powerful immortal army lords.” Black clothed Luo Feng muttered.

Last time Luo Feng had fought that flame immortal deity once with his golden horn beast detachment, so he had a rough idea of immortal deity strength –

That Flame Immortal deity was a very ordinary Immortal deity, its pure Immortal deity body strength was estimated to be at 100 times the peak state of a realm lord.

The Golden Horned Beast, on the other hand, was 330 times the peak state of a Realm Lord when it first erupted.

But the flame immortal deity after all mastered a complete flame origin law, and although Luo Feng also mastered a trace of the beast god intent, after all, it is still very shallow …… law aspect sense, after all, the time is still too short. Compared to immortal deities who truly master a complete law, the gap is not small.

There is a gap in terms of laws is to rely on the foundation to overpower the other side, so the two sides are not comparable!

An ordinary Immortal Deity erupted combining Immortal Divine Power, power-wise, 100 times the peak of a Realm Lord!

Estimated that the peak of the immortal army lord close to the level of the feudal lord level ……

It would be 1000 times the peak of a realm lord!

Black clothed Luo Feng stood on the grassland, stroking his chin as he pondered, ”The peak of Feudal Marquis is close to the level of Feudal King, the immortal body power alone should be 10,000 times the level of the peak of Realm Lord. And the peak of the Sealed King …… so projecting, his immortal divine body should be 100,000 times the peak level of the Realm Lord once it explodes at full power.”

Luo Feng still knew a lot about deities, although there was very little about immortal deities in the inheritance memories, but the primordial secret realm member identity privilege alone allowed Luo Feng to access a lot of information.

“Immortal deity” stage, the difference in strength is amazing.

Immortal deity body alone has a big gap, because immortal deity will continuously refine the “deity body” over the long years, first of all to reach the “immortal body” state, is the pursuit of many immortal deities. With the increase in strength, the immortal divine body is constantly improving and becoming stronger……. At the level of the True Diffusion King, the immortal divine body alone is already strong and unrivaled.

Coupled with the Laws, it did have the qualifications to traverse the universe.

“100 – 1000 times the peak of a Realm Lord is an ordinary immortal.”

“1,000 – 10,000 times the peak of a Realm Lord is a Feudal Immortal.”

“10,000 times – 100,000 times the peak of a realm lord, is a sealed king immortal.” Luo Feng muttered, “This is merely my deductive guesses, but inferring from the many messages I’ve learned, the accuracy of these deductions of mine should be more than 60%.”

Luo Feng’s consciousness calculation speed was amazing, logical reasoning was of course also high, together with the many information that the virtual universe company network could access, together with the contact with his teacher the True Diffusion King, the contact with Dylan, and personally fighting with that Flame Immortal Deity once, and finally making this kind of reasoning.

Of course, all of the above were just the most basic outbursts of divine power, which belonged to the foundation.

Laws, on the other hand, belonged to techniques.

Seal King level, Seal Marquis level, Immortal Army Lord, these three levels whether it is from the most basic “Immortal God Body”, or the law aspect of the distance is very large. That was why the difference in strength was so shocking.

“If my projections are correct, at the early stage of king sealing, a simple immortal divine body outburst would only be 10,000 to 20,000 times the peak power of a realm lord.” Luo Feng secretly said, “And I have millions of realm lord legions, once I combine my strength in a single strike …… quantitative change produces qualitative change, even if it’s at the beginning of the sealing king level, I’m afraid that I’ll have to dodge when I meet my realm lord legions.”

Getting this set of mysterious soldier armor, Luo Feng was joyful, after leaving this trash mountain, he continued to start going to look for other armor fragments.

The dark universe in-format airship was in flight.

In the control room of the airship, two white robed men stood there obediently, only occasionally looking at Luo Feng with a hint of helplessness embedded in their eyes.

“Stop here, go to the nearest docking point.” Luo Feng ordered in a spirited manner.

“Your highness, we can’t stop.” The black skinned white robed man said in a low voice.

“Hmm?” Luo Feng turned his head to look at the white robed man in confusion.

Both white robed men looked at Luo Feng.

“What’s going on?” Luo Feng inquired with a frown.

The green skinned black robed man next to him bowed respectfully before slowly saying, “Your highness Luo Feng, the two of us have accompanied your highness on a treasure hunt in the garbage mountain of the no hole starfield for up to a year! The most time spent on each garbage mountain treasure hunt is one year.”

“Ah.” Luo Feng was stunned.


“Just now we’ve received an order from the management system of the No Vault star realm for the two of us to carry your highness Luo Feng away.” The green skinned black robed man spoke slowly, but the exhaustion couldn’t be concealed.

Could one not be tired?

A whole year, the two of them did not rest much at all, Luo Feng looking for garbage mountain is purely based on feeling like, sometimes let them take continuous flight for more than ten days twenty days, suddenly stopping to go to a certain garbage mountain taobao, but only into the garbage mountain taobao less than half an hour and then have to go to the even more distant garbage mountain again.

It’s been a year since they’ve had a good rest.

It was the first time the two of them had encountered such a difficult to serve guest.

“Oh, so time expired.” Luo Feng nodded, “Then go back.”

The two white robed men looked at each other.

Finally relieved!

“Right, your side should also have a trash mountain taobao business.” Luo Feng frowned, “I was chatting with King Longjie before, and King Longjie once mentioned that apart from purchasing goods to give away Taobao world rings, you can also come to Taobao alone. It seems that 1 mixed yuan buys a small world ring, 10 mixed yuan buys a medium world ring, and 100 mixed yuan buys a large world ring. At the same time Taobao time can be purchased separately …… can Taobao 1 year, can 10 years, can 100 years?”

The two white-robed men’s faces changed drastically.

Yes, there is Taobao business, purely because the garbage mountain is not much profit, and the cost of dealing with the garbage mountain itself is not small, so simply made this Taobao business, so that many want to take a chance to “consume the garbage mountain”, but also can get extra money, why not?

“Trash Mountain Taobao business?”

“Uh…” the black-skinned white-robed man’s face darkened even more, “Yes, there is.”

They didn’t dare to withdraw their lies.

“Oh.” Luo Feng smiled and nodded, “I’ll turn around and specifically buy world rings and “Taobao time”, you two do things very seriously indeed, turn around and I’ll Taobao at garbage mountain, I’ll continue to ask you two to help lead the way, I don’t know if it’s possible?”

The two white-robed hearts trembled.

This kind of no rest is always rapid flight days, is it still have to continue, 1 year, 10 years, 100 years? This could be a thousand times more grueling than some of the usual inspection work.

“Hahaha ……” Luo Feng laughed aloud, “Just kidding, this kind of maintaining 100,000 kilometers per second of rapid flight, flying for almost a whole year, anyone would be very tired. We’ll hire another leader when the time comes.”

The two white robed men let out a sigh of relief.

“Your Highness Luo Feng.” The two even saluted and were slightly ashamed.

“People aren’t machines after all, you don’t need to say much.” Luo Feng laughed.

During this year, Luo Feng had gotten a total of 132 black armor fragments, 7 silver armor fragments, and 1 shattered blade, of which 116 black armor fragments combined into a perfect set of soldier armor. On average, each about got roughly 11 black armor fragments and half a silver armor fragment.

“The Golden Horned Beast possesses a set of soldier armor, my earthling self must also get a set of soldier armor.” Luo Feng secretly said.

Luo Feng purchased a medium sized world ring and another 1 year taobao period, while the management over at the no hole starfield naturally arranged two other leaders.

“Luo Feng, you are now at the domain master stage, it’s an important stage of cultivation.” King Long Turk looked at Luo Feng, originally he knew that Luo Feng’s garbage mountain taobao expired so he personally came to send it off, he didn’t expect Luo Feng to continue to go to garbage mountain taobao, “Garbage mountain taobao, it’s just a fun, don’t spend too much time on it.”

“I understand.” Luo Feng smiled and nodded.

“If you have a big harvest you have to tell me, find any precious items, turn around and I’ll help you sell them, I’ll definitely help you sell them at a super high price.” King Longjie said.


Luo Feng said a few words with King Long Keji, then he took two more leaders and went into the No Hole Starfield for trash mountain taobao.

Luo Feng had already carefully studied the armor, this armor was very magical, it contained power in itself, but the normal energy consumption was taken from the “host” body, so the body had to be strong enough to activate the armor’s full power.

In addition to this point, the armor material has the effect of hindering the virtualization of the “thought power” “world power”, that is to say, spiritual attacks to penetrate this layer of armor is estimated to lose 90% of the power. Of course, as for the vaporized “immortal power”, that is, whether the soul attacks of immortal deities will be hindered,…… Luo Feng is not clear for the time being.

Luo Feng wasn’t a deity and couldn’t test this.

“To catalyze the full battle power of a soldier armor, it requires the peak physical quality of a sector lord.” Luo Feng secretly said, “Obviously this weapon armor is supposed to be prepared for a peak sector lord level.”

“A realm lord powerhouse wearing this set of armour will be able to battle normal immortal deities, however …… the soul attacks of immortal deities, realm lord peak powerhouses usually can’t block them, so this set of armour is estimated to have a weakening soul attack effect as well.

Only then can a peak sector lord powerhouse wear this set of battle armor and be comparable to a true ordinary immortal deity.”

Luo Feng secretly sighed.

Which mysterious race created this mysterious battle armor? Just the “soldier armor” alone could be so exaggerated.

What about the battle armor made of higher material “silver armor”?

This is definitely a very scary group! From this, it can be seen that …… should never underestimate any group that can survive in the universe.

“Humans are the pinnacle group, I guess humans also contain some cards, it’s just that my status is still relatively low, so I don’t know many of the cards.” Luo Feng secretly said.

In a flash, another year of trash mountain taobao passed, Luo Feng finally decided that it was time to leave the no hole starfield and return to earth.

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