Chapter 42 – The Punishment of the Venerable One

Release Date: 2024-07-11 23:56:45
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Standing beside that vast army of immortal deities, Luo Feng clearly felt the terrifying pressure emanating from this group of powerful immortals next to him, Baba Tata’s shrill voice was even more reverberating in Luo Feng’s mind, “Immortal army! Each of these immortal deities are more powerful than your teacher Hu Yan Bo, this is definitely the most elite immortal army, there isn’t even a single ordinary immortal.”

Luo Feng hadn’t even gotten over this terrifying pressure.

Twenty six king level immortals directly surrounded the Nightmare Candle King, who went crazy and freaked out!


The Nightmare Candle King’s purple vertical eye cracked open at the center of his brow, condensing millions of kilometers of space around him, that ancient and terrifying aura instantly plunged the weakest Luo Feng into a nightmare, Luo Feng only felt that all the others in the vast universe had disappeared, only that one purple vertical eye was left hovering in the starry sky.

“What a terrifying Nightmare Candle King.” Luo Feng was just shocked.

But immediately following ……

A hundred times thousand times more powerful pressure descended, causing Luo Feng’s entire soul to blacken with a rumbling sound, instantly losing all consciousness completely, and then only after coming to his senses did he hear the Nightmare Candle King’s hateful voice: “Father!”

“Eroded fire venerable one?” Luo Feng blinked his eyes and looked over.

Far away in the starry sky.

A towering figure stood there, his figure was blurry, a monstrous black flame was burning around him, the black flame spread out over millions of kilometers, assuming that once a planet like earth touched this flame, I’m afraid it would instantly turn into flying ash. Even the universe starry sky in this monstrous flame is completely burned into particle flow, even the space sandwich in a large number of space debris turbulence is also similarly burned into particle flow, at this moment, the entire solar system are plunged into his pressure.

Yu Lei starry sky, I am the only one!

I am the master of this starry sky!

Luo Feng could clearly feel this feeling, that blurry figure in the center of the black flame burning comparable to the size of the sun was indeed unbeatable.

“This is the …… Eclipsing Fire Exalted One who can exterminate feudal immortal deities at the sector lord level, who is directly crowned king after becoming immortal, and who became a cosmic exalted one in just hundreds of thousands of years?” Luo Feng silently said, “Billions of years down the line, this Eroded Fire Venerable is indeed strong and terrifying ah, that black flame, the flame that surrounded the surface of the nine black planets that the Heavenly Eclipse Palace Lord maneuvered back then, seems to be this kind of flame.”

Comparing the Heavenly Eclipse Palace Lord to the Eroded Fire Venerable One in front of him.

The Heavenly Eclipse Palace Lord was more introverted, presumably back then he didn’t want to bully Luo Feng, a junior, so his might was more restrained.

Venerable Eroded Fire, however, was a million kilometers of black flames wrapped around his body, erupting with a terrifying pressure.

“Greetings Eroded Fire Venerable One!”

The turquoise battle armored woman bowed respectfully, then the vast immortal army behind her all bowed respectfully as well, “Greetings, Eroded Flame Exalted One.”

Luo Feng and Dylan even followed suit and saluted.

“Greetings teacher.”

“Silence, see you honored one.”

Those twelve Feudal Marquis level and five Feudal King level immortals all respectfully saluted, except for the Nightmare Candle King whose face was glowing with purple light, the vertical eye that opened at the center of his brow slowly closed while excitedly shouting out to his father, and then angrily pointed at the army of immortal deities, “Father, this group of immortal deities under the command of Venerable Lord of the Nine Swords are actually trying to capture me!”


A cold snort caused Luo Feng’s consciousness to tremble, that cold snort likewise echoed in the consciousness of every immortal deity present.

“You’d rather unleash a forbidden move than come and beg me?” The towering figure in the black flames slowly said, and with a hint of anger, “Let you dive into your training and reach the point where you can master that supreme treasure as soon as possible, then why fear those king sealing immortal deities.”

“Yes.” The Nightmare Candle King bowed respectfully, not daring to say more.

The majestic blurred figure in the black flames seemed to turn around to look at the immortal army, and that booming voice once again echoed in everyone’s mind, “Longyu!”

“Longyu pays his respects to the Eroded Flame Exalted One.” The turquoise battle-armored woman at the head of the immortal army respectfully said.

Longyu King, the strongest King Seal Immortal under the Nine Swords Exalted One.

The Longyu King, the Pupil Difficulty King, and the True Diffraction King, belonged to an era of life-and-death friends who often traveled together to some dangerous cosmic secret realms to break through, time and time again, life and death, and of course, their relationship was extremely good. And obviously all three of them are incomparably powerful, all belonging to the pinnacle group of sealed kings.

Of course …… True Diffusion Kings, belonging to the countless groups of the entire universe, billions of immortal deities in the existence of the closest to the Exalted. The kind of existence that could even be immortal in the face of a Cosmic Exalted.

The Longyu King and the Pupil Difficulty King were slightly weaker than the True Diffusion King.

“Longyu!” Venerable Eroded Fire in the black flames said angrily, “It was you who ordered the capture of my son?”

“Venerable Eclipse Fire.” Longyu king had a pretty face, that turquoise battle armor was also crystal clear, standing in the starry sky it was as if she didn’t exist, obviously she was able to withstand that pressure, respectfully smiled, “We are here to protect Luo Feng by order of your venerable one, while Nightmare Candle is the one who brought people to capture Luo Feng or even kill him, no matter what, Luo Feng is a core member of my Virtual Universe company, it’s my Virtual Universe company that will be punished if I want to punish him. Nightmare Candle did …… a bit of overstepping his authority. That’s why I’m going to capture him and bring him to meet the honored one!”

“Nightmare Candle is my son, even if he is punished, it’s not the turn of that Nine Swords to punish him!” Venerable Eclipse Fire’s voice seemed like thunder exploding.

It caused everyone in the entire immortal army to show painful colors.

Luo Feng on the contrary didn’t feel a thing.

“Strange?” Luo Feng looked at the thousands on his side having the slightest feeling.

“Strange?” Luo Feng looked at the thousands of powerful immortals on his side as well as Dylan and the bloodthirsty king all showing painful colors, only himself was unaffected.

“I guess it’s because I’m weak, once it falls on me, I’m afraid I might just die, that’s why that Eroding fire venerable is slightly restrained.” Luo Feng thought secretly.

Watching everyone in that entire immortal army reveal a look of pain, the Nightmare Candle King and the others were somewhat smugly pleased.

“This is even a small punishment!” Venerable Eclipse Fire said indifferently, “Remember, don’t be disrespectful in front of any Venerable.”

Longyu King could only bow his head and respectfully salute, “Yes!”

After all, ……

In terms of strength, Venerable Eclipse Fire was a bit stronger than Venerable Nine Swords.

The Eroded Fire Venerable One in that monstrous black flame, suddenly his gaze landed on Luo Feng, and his voice became a bit more cordial: “You’re Luo Feng?”

“Really powerful, forcing even the Longyu king to only bow his head, the entire immortal army submits to this pressure.” Luo Feng was still sighing when he realized that the pair of eyes of the looming figure in the flames in the distance looked towards him, his gaze landed on him, Luo Feng was a bit dazed, then a soft voice could be heard in his ears, “You’re Luo Feng?”

That entire immortal army present was dumbstruck.

This, this, this ……

Was this the domineering Eroded Fire Venerable?

The absolute genius of geniuses, Venerable Eroded Flame didn’t need to care about any little person at all, yet to speak to Luo Feng in such a tone.

“I am.” Luo Feng was also a bit bewildered, followed by a reaction, he respectfully saluted, “Greetings to the revered one.”


There wasn’t a trace of anger in Venerable Eclipse Fire’s voice, there was kindness, “I originally asked my son to come over and talk to you about the sale of Earth’s ownership, I didn’t realize that this son of mine, who is a successor, had gotten himself into this situation.”

Luo Feng blinked his eyes.

King Longyu and thousands of other powerful immortal deities were dumbfounded.

“I-” Nightmare Candle King was even more wide eyed, “Father-”

“Shut up!”

Venerable Eclipse Fire shouted coldly, causing the Nightmare Candle King to become even more anxious and angry.

The atmosphere in the entire starry sky was suddenly puzzling.

Venerable Eroded Flame’s favoritism towards his son was a matter known to all, but today, he was even so polite to a Domain Lord level little guy, instead, he rebuked his own son profusely. This was an unbelievable thing, not to mention that Luo Feng was a genius that came out once in tens of thousands of epochs, even if he was a genius that came out once in ten million epochs, he wasn’t qualified to be like this.

Geniuses were geniuses.

A strong man was a strong man.

Before becoming a true powerhouse, there was no qualification to make an existence like the “Eroded Fire Venerable One” so polite.

“Luo Feng, I’ll personally talk to you, are you willing to sell this earth to me.” Venerable Eroded Fire looked at Luo Feng with a smile, “What conditions do you want, just say it.”

“Venerable.” Pei Feng respectfully said, “Earth is my hometown, and the hometown of my entire race of earthlings, no matter what, I’m not willing to sell it.”

The situation Luo Feng also saw through it.

No matter what ……

Venerable Nine Swords had already interfered, this matter was already a collision between two major forces, that Venerable Eroding Fire wasn’t so bad as to directly go after himself.

“Oh, the origin of the race?” Venerable Eclipse Fire nodded slightly, “As a racial birthplace, Earth is indeed very important to you, and I won’t force you.”

“Nightmare Candle.” Venerable Eclipse Fire looked towards his son.

The Nightmare Candle King froze.

Although he was called “Nightmare Candle King”, this was only a title, and it was generally only called Nightmare Candle King to show respect or to be more formal. Some people …… who consider themselves to be of high status might call him “Nightmare Candle”, omitting the word “King” at the end. But his nightmare candle king’s real real name is Meng Chaluo.

As a father, etching fire venerable generally is to call his son “Chaluo”, more intimate.

Only when his father was unhappy would he call “Nightmare Candle”.

“Father.” The Nightmare Candle King felt that his father’s tone was not right and even respectfully shouted.

“I just asked you to come and buy the ownership of the planet, but I didn’t expect you to go this far, if that Dylan didn’t protect Luo Feng, did you just kill him?” Venerable Eclipse Fire’s voice was low containing a hint of anger.

“Father?” Nightmare Candle King looked up at his father, feeling even more suspicious.

“You’re doing things more and more without knowing your limits, if this continues, I don’t know how much more trouble you’re going to stir up.” Venerable Eclipse Fire indifferently said, “I will punish you now …… to serve 1000 epochs in the Ninth Starfield Prison.”


Nightmare Candle King’s eyes rolled up.

Luo Feng, the Bloodthirsty King, the Longyu King, Dylan, and so on, all the immortal deities in the entire starry sky were blinded off.


Historically, Venerable Eclipse Fire had once thrown his son into the 9th starfield prison, but that time it was only 1000 years. But this time it was 1000 epochs, that is over 10 million years, and it was in the ninth starfield prison …… that is definitely a long nightmare!

All the immortal deities were dumbfounded, hell, even if the Nightmare Candle King had killed Luo Feng, he wouldn’t have been punished so heavily.

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