Chapter 46: Secrets of the Earth

Release Date: 2024-07-11 23:56:56
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“Previously, I broke into the Sea of Illusions and continuously broke through 20 islands, and for a universe level little guy to break through 20 islands is just too dazzling. It caught the attention of the highest existences such as the Giant Axe Founders and the Lord of Void Gold, and they quickly realized that both me and you, Old Three, were from Earth.” Hong looked at Luo Feng, “Old Three you are recognized as a tens of thousands of epochs one out of the top geniuses, and it’s even rarer for me to break through 20 islands …….”

“Two geniuses, but from the same living planet and from the same era.”

“This is unbelievable!” Hong said.

Luo Feng even nodded.

In that previous genius battle, 1000 people were chosen out of 1008 universe countries, an average of only nearly one person per universe country. The probability was already small enough. And a genius like Luo Feng whose rate of progress was even more exaggerated, hailed as a genius that came out once in tens of thousands of epochs. That’s 1008 cosmic nations ranging over tens of thousands of epochs, just one! How low was the probability that it would fall to Earth?

And an incredible freak like Hong was even rarer, surprisingly it also landed on Earth and was born in the same era as Luo Feng.


“The Giant Axe Founders thought that Earth might be a bit special, otherwise how could it be so coincidental? The Giant Axe Founders traveled directly to Earth to investigate, and this investigation …… also revealed the secrets of Earth.” Hong said.

Luo Feng and Thunder God held their breath.

Surprisingly, it was the strongest person in the human race, the “Giant Axe Founder”, who came to explore Earth.

“What secret?” Thunder God couldn’t help but ask.

“What did you find out?” Luo Feng was also anxious.

“A really big secret, a very scary secret.” Hong solemnly said.

Thunder god listened and even said, “Can this big secret be said in the virtual universe network, anything said in the virtual universe network will be discovered by the virtual universe system, right?”

“Don’t worry about that.”

Hong smiled, “When I met the Giant Axe Founders at that time, I met and talked in the Virtual Universe Network. Moreover, when I talked with the Lord of Virtual Gold, I also asked about the security of the ‘Virtual Universe System’, and the Lord of Virtual Gold said …… that this Virtual Universe System is absolutely safe, and even if the senior management of the Virtual Universe Company wants to learn some information, it is also based on the authority to get different levels of information. different information at different levels. So there will be no leakage. Unless you do something that betrays humanity and jeopardizes the virtual universe company, there is no need to worry.”

Luo Feng nodded as he listened.

The virtual universe system was terrifying, no matter if it was in the body world, god kingdom, original universe, dark universe, initial universe …… one could enter the virtual universe network at any time and could talk instantly.

This ability was truly heaven-defying.

“Don’t mention the virtual universe system, what secrets does the earth have, big brother, don’t be appetizing.” Luo Feng even pursued.

Hong put down the tea cup in his hands, his expression also solemnized, “The giant axe founders came to the earth as soon as they checked it out, and discovered that …… the earth had actually been remodeled a long time ago.”

“Remodeled?” Thunder God was puzzled.

“What remodeling.” Luo Feng pursued.

“The giant axe founding father told me that …… earth was remodeled by an alien powerhouse billions of years ago, normal life planets merely possess the role of allowing humans to survive. The Earth, on the other hand, is very special, as long as the life born within the Earth, especially the embryonic gestation process will be affected by the invisible influence of the entire Earth, and a special evolution of a certain aspect of the soul occurs.”

“Eh?” Luo Feng and Thunder God all stared wide-eyed.


“One of the aspects of the human soul born on earth gets evolved, the effect is that it’s easier to perceive and easier to improve in terms of the state of mind …….” Hong Zheng said, “That’s why in the history of my Earth, the history of the Huaxia country alone has given birth to quite a number of saint-like existences with extremely high state of mind aspects.”

“What?” Luo Feng and Thunder God couldn’t believe it.

“I can’t believe it either.” Hong shook his head and sighed, “But the great giant axe founders judged …… the identity of that alien powerhouse from the traces of the earth’s transformation.”

“Who is it?” Luo Feng asked afterward.

“The great giant axe founding father didn’t say, it’s just that in talking to the lord of virtual gold, I heard some generalizations.” Hong shook his head, “That foreign powerhouse possesses incredible strength, even the Lord of Void Gold thinks he’s a step behind. Only the Giant Axe Founders were able to compete with that foreign race powerhouse.”

Luo Feng felt incredible.

Giant Axe Founder, that was the strongest existence in the peak race “human race”. That alien powerhouse could even compare to the Giant Axe Founder?

“The giant axe founder once exclaimed …… exclaimed that the alien race mighty one’s greatness, that alien race mighty one once created a group, created by the body evolution, the body strength is extremely tough and powerful group. The only flaw is …… that the mind aspect is relatively poor, it seems to be called the Amazing God Race.” Hong said.

“Amazing God Race?” Thunder God was puzzled.

Luo Feng was however completely shocked.


The secret Hong revealed was simply too heaven-defying, that foreign race powerhouse was able to create a race, and the one he created was the Amazing God Race! He himself had once gotten a black metal plate fragment on earth, which contained the Amazing God Race text, and it was a secret cultivation code for the body’s genetic evolution……. Now that it sounded like it, Luo Feng had already made some guesses.

“According to what the Giant Axe Founders, Lord of Void Gold talked about.” Hong sighed, “That alien powerhouse, once got a group of humans away for guided evolution, and eventually created a new and powerful race, the Amazing God Race!”

“The Amazing God Race, which is based on physical evolution, is flawed in terms of mind.”

“So that alien powerhouse might have transformed the Earth because of this, the Earth was like a cradle, he captured a group of humans and placed them on the Earth, wanting the humans born on the Earth from generation to generation to continuously evolve and breed another race that was extremely powerful and perverted in terms of mind.” Hong said, “In an infinitely long time ago, Earth was not part of the human frontier at that time. That alien powerhouse could naturally cultivate …… so but later, the frontier where the Earth is located, was dominated by humans. That foreign race great powerhouse also left.”

Luo Feng and Thunder God were dumbfounded as they listened.

Luo Feng, however, was somewhat convinced.

The foreign race mighty one ……

Like the great powerhouse that left behind the “magic sound god general’s inheritance” in the magic mountain, he also retreated because the humans were in charge of that area! Magic mountain two sides can be divided into “cold mountain” “magic sound mountain”, magic sound mountain in the magic sound god general inheritance, that cold mountain Luo Feng naturally suspect that there is cold ice god general inheritance.

It must be known that the universe is vast and mysterious, nurturing hundreds of millions of communities, human beings are only one of the communities.

Of course, there will be some foreigners!

There were strong and weak foreign race mighty ones, and the strong ones were even comparable to the strongest human beings!

“Too powerful, to be able to guide the creation of a powerful ethnic group, the Amazing God Race …… was actually guided and created by that foreign race powerhouse.” Luo Feng was shocked, “Earth was also transformed by him back then as a cradle to nurture another ethnic group. It’s just that it was later occupied by humans on Earth and that alien race great power left.”

“Incredible.” Thunder God also spoke with wide eyes.

“There are many incredible things.” Hong shook his head and laughed, “Although humans are the pinnacle group, there are several pinnacle groups in the universe, as well as many more powerful groups, countless medium-sized groups, and countless weak groups. Perhaps individually they are still inferior compared to humans, but billions of communities combined, who knows how many super existences there are.”

Luo Feng nodded.

There were many super existences, such as the Beast God of the Blood Luo world, such as the original owner of the Demon Mountain, such as the creator of the Amazing God race …… There were also several other peak ethnic groups, humans had the super powerhouse that created the 52 Chaos Tablet. Those several peak ethnic groups were afraid that they wouldn’t be far behind.

Luo Feng and the Thunder God duo were clearly in shock.

“This alien powerhouse spent countless efforts to create the cradle that is the Earth, how much do you think the Earth is worth?” Hong laughed.

“It’s worth an infinite amount.” Thunder God even said.

“It’s at least much more expensive than a cosmic country.” Luo Feng also nodded.

Belonging to one of the most pinnacle existences in the universe, the Earth that had been transformed by that alien powerhouse was naturally a true treasure.

“The Earth itself remodeling is the main thing, the countless planets around the thousands of light years have actually undergone some remodeling, the remodeling …… core of the thousands of light years range is the Earth.” Hong said, “That’s why the Earth must remain within the solar system and cannot be removed. Once it is removed there is no more of that special nurturing effect.”

“The remodeled Earth is very special.”

“Even if it is blasted to pieces and the Earth is turned into debris, it will naturally coalesce to become Earth again as time passes.” Hong smiled, “The Giant Axe Founders have already discovered that over the long years, after that alien powerhouse left, the Earth had shattered into wreckage twelve times, only to coalesce and become whole again time and time again.”


Luo Feng and Thunder God completely just listened.

The state of mind was said to be very important and not very important.

To become strong, there were a few elements, talent, perseverance, and resources.

Resources, meant some cultivation methods, strong teachers, some treasures to enhance cultivation and so on. If one didn’t even have a cultivation method, just like the Earth before the Great Nirvana, even those so-called saints were afraid that their lifespan would not be more than a hundred. Earth used to be the one that lacked this aspect the most.

Talent, people without talent might be able to become strong, but it’s hard to become super strong. Other people cultivate one day, top you ten years, how to compare?

Perseverance, even if there is talent and resources, if a little perseverance are not, can not endure loneliness …… in the strong road not far at all, can become a super strong each need very strong perseverance.

All three are very important.

People with a strong state of mind, naturally have a strong perseverance! And have enough patience!

With a strong state of mind, it is also easier to defend against illusionary attacks and so on.

So for the entire human community …… will be some powerful bloodline of pregnant women sent to the Earth, by the gradual influence of the Earth, and so the child is born, as long as the good guidance training honed, it is easy to improve the state of mind. Once the state of mind is improved …… coupled with a strong bloodline talent and a large number of resources, the number of strong people born naturally increases dramatically.

“The state of mind is just an aid to becoming a super strong person.” Hong said, “My appearance only surprised the highest echelons of the Giant Axe Fighting Stadium, it was the appearance of Earth that surprised them, after all, reaching the stages of the Lord of Void Gold, the Giant Axe Founders, and the Fae Mighty Ones, they all possessed different abilities, and that Fae Mighty Ones were able to guide the creation of a community, while the other mighty Ones weren’t necessarily able to do so. It’s natural to value the earth.”

Luo Feng sighed.

Everything had become clear.

Behind Earth, there was actually a foreign race great powerhouse involved.

“I’m the Earth Lord, but I own this treasure of Earth, I’m afraid the trouble won’t be small.” Luo Feng secretly said, “Who cares, let the virtual universe company and the giant axe fighting stadium pull their punches.”

No. 47 Luo Feng’s Choice

After learning the secrets of the earth, Luo Feng was clear that the earth was a cradle that the foreign race’s great powers had spent countless efforts to get out, its value was immeasurable, and it was definitely not something that he could control.

It was like a treasure that was valued by two deities but was obtained by a child, not only was it not a blessing for the child, it was a disaster! Deities wouldn’t care if a child died, to behemoths like the Giant Axe Fighting Stadium and the Virtual Universe Company, Luo Feng wouldn’t even be considered a mole.

“Wait.” Luo Feng thought so.

But the negotiations between the top management of the Virtual Universe Corporation, Giant Axe Fighting Martial Arena were obviously very swift, after only three hours of Luo Feng talking to his big brother and second brother –

Virtual universe, two guests were ushered into Luo Feng’s manor in the primordial area of Rain phase mountain.

“Luo Feng!”

A clear voice directly echoed throughout the manor, the voice rang in the ears of everyone in the manor, Luo Feng who was in his study even flew out and landed in the manor.

“Eh?” Luo Feng looked up towards the distance and couldn’t help but be shocked, “Nine sword venerable!”

High in the sky of rain phase mountain there were two silhouettes talking and laughing as they strolled in, one of them was wearing a green colored robe with purple scales on his head, it was the nine swords venerable one. And the Nine Swords Venerable One strolling in the void side by side was a slender woman wearing a fire-red ancient battle armor, with a veil on her face, only revealing a pair of turquoise eyes.

Strolling in the void, she landed in the manor in an instant.

“This woman can walk side by side with the Nine Sword Venerable, so she’s probably some kind of Venerable as well.” Luo Feng secretly said.

“Greetings to the honored one.”

Luo Feng bowed respectfully.

Venerable Nine Swords and the blue eyed woman all scrutinized Luo Feng, the blue eyed woman laughed, “This is Luo Feng, he’s really lucky enough to own territories that have special territories like Earth.”

“Haha ……” Venerable Nine Swords also laughed, then his gaze fell on Luo Feng, “Luo Feng, go to the hall and talk about it.”

“Yes, honored one.”

Luo Feng respectfully followed behind the two zunis and entered the first floor living room.

The door closed with a bang.

The first floor living room was far inferior to the great hall of the divine temple, but it was still vast, the nine swords reverend and the blue eyed woman all sat down casually while Luo Feng stood at one side.

“No need to be nervous.” The turquoise eyed woman’s voice seemed to be like a hundred birds chirping, causing a wave of relief to the ears, “I’m here on behalf of the Virtual Universe Corporation to talk to you about matters concerning Earth.”

“Coming.” Luo Feng’s heart tightened.

At the same time obediently listening he didn’t dare to open his mouth freely, he was clear that he was the fish and meat, the virtual universe company was the chopping board!

“The Qianwu universe country is under the control of my virtual universe company, the entire universe country belongs to the virtual universe company, by definition, as long as the company gives an order, you can be stripped of your right to own the earth.” The turquoise eyed woman said indifferently.

Luo Feng continued to listen obediently.

“But the Virtual Universe Corporation still decided to follow the regular channels.” The turquoise eyed woman flipped her hand, a document appeared in her hand, “Take a look, this is a contract document that the Virtual Universe Corporation has formulated for some transactions regarding Earth, there are two transaction options, you choose any one.”

“Yes.” Luo Feng respectfully took it.

In the bottom of his heart, he was secretly sighing ……

The contract formulated by a behemoth like the Virtual Universe Corporation said that it was giving itself two options to choose from, but the latent meaning was also very clear …… Luo Feng only had the option of choosing these two and had to trade!

This is hegemony!

However, no matter who thinks this is a matter of course, because this matter, it is one of the two most powerful forces of the human race “virtual universe company”, naturally it seems to be a matter of course. Moreover, they also gave Luo Feng the right to choose, and also traded with Luo Feng …… is already considered very kind.

“Two options, the first option you get more benefits. Which one to choose you decide for yourself.” The blue eyed woman said.

Luo Feng then looked down and flipped through the documents.

The content of the document wasn’t too complicated, it was mainly about the two options.

The first option, Luo Feng sold the earth to the virtual universe company, how to deal with the earth was always the responsibility of the virtual universe company! Of course Luo Feng had promised to give the Immortal Exalted an island, regarding this promise …… the Virtual Universe Company would execute it on his behalf.

Sell the earth, Luo Feng can get 2000 mixed units of huge wealth. 200 billion mixed units although very large, but any universe zuni can easily come up with this wealth, in fact, relative to the value of the earth itself,……, 200 billion mixed units of this huge amount is actually very little, just the virtual universe company willing to It’s not bad to give Luo Feng so much.

And for Luo Feng’s safety, it is impossible to give Luo Feng at once.

Because such a huge amount of assets was enough to drive almost all immortal deities crazy, there would definitely be some immortal deities who would go out of their way to deal with Luo Feng and plunder the huge amount of wealth.


The distribution scheme was like this.

Domain lord level: Luo Feng gets 20 million hybrid units

Realm lord level: Luo Feng gets 200 million mixed yuan units

Immortal level: Luo Feng gets the remaining 197.78 billion mixed yuan units.

According to the program, this is for Luo Feng’s safety, 200 million hybrid units for the “primordial secret realm lord members” although a lot, but also can withstand.

The second option was to take into consideration that Luo Feng had always insisted that Earth was his home and was unwilling to sell it in the face of the giant axe martial arts arena. So a compromise program was devised.

The content is, earth humans can still live on land, but the land area of “earth” is nearly 150 million square kilometers, the sea area is 360 million square kilometers, the sea area can be much larger than the land area, earth humans live on land, and all the sea area, including the sea above the sea area belongs to the Virtual Universe Company, the Virtual Universe Company will build a virtual universe in the sea above the sea area, the Virtual Universe Company will build a virtual universe in the sea above the sea area. The Virtual Universe Company will build a “floating city” over the sea area.

At the same time, it is promised that

The construction of floating cities over the land is prohibited.

Obviously, this kind of program Virtual Universe Company is to make concessions, still let the Earth people stay in their hometown, but will build a large number of floating cities in the sea area …… and promise that the floating city alien residents will never disturb the life of the Earth people, but also promise that …… will spend a huge amount of resources to Cultivate the earthlings.

The deal for this one scenario was much lower, Luo Feng got at most 50 billion mixed yuan units, only a quarter of the previous scenario.

The distribution scheme was like this.

Domain lord level: Luo Feng got 5 million hybrid units

Realm lord level: Luo Feng got 50 million hybrid units

Immortal level: Luo Feng got the remaining 49.945 billion hybrid units.

The living room was silent.

The Nine Swords Exalted One and the blue eyed woman were waiting silently while Luo Feng was looking down at the documents, finally Luo Feng looked up.

“Finished reading?” The turquoise eyed woman looked at Luo Feng.

“Uh-huh.” Luo Feng nodded.

These two options seemed rather bullying, the first one gave 200 billion hybrid units, the second one only gave 50 billion hybrid units, and both were split into three times! Luo Feng is very clear …… that he owns the right to the earth, the virtual universe company can be a paper document directly deprived of their own one point can not get, even if that nightmare candle king to their own deal, when the offer at most reported 1 billion mixed yuan units.

Obviously, in the eyes of these executives ……

Luo Feng is a lucky little guy.

To be able to give some favors was already kindness on the part of the executives. The Virtual Universe company had offered, even if it was one out of nine, it was obviously huge.

Two scenarios.

Especially the second option, Luo Feng was still satisfied, at least the earthlings didn’t have to change their current lives, the virtual universe company simply built some floating cities over the sea and promised not to affect the earthlings’ lives. It was nice to get such favorable conditions without any dependence.

“Which one to choose?” The blue eyed woman looked at Luo Feng, “You must choose one of them.”

“The second one.” Luo Feng said.

“The second one?”

The blue eyed woman and the nine swords venerable one both revealed a hint of surprise and looked at each other.

The blue eyed woman laughed, her voice pleasant to the ear, “You can think clearly, the first reward is 200 billion, the second is only 50 billion …… The difference is 150 billion hybrid units, even universe reverends will be heartbroken by this wealth, you’re just going to arbitrarily part with it? Your hometown people leave Earth, not still live?”

“Want to change your choice?” The blue eyed woman looked at Luo Feng.

Luo Feng shook his head and said softly, “Hometown, less than there’s no way, I’m unwilling to let countless compatriots leave my hometown.”

The blue eyed woman and the nine swords venerable one both had a hint of appreciation in their eyes when they heard this, the universe was full of strong people, in the long and dangerous path of cultivation, for treasures and so on was by any means necessary, 150 billion hybrid units if you buy treasures, was able to buy many precious treasures, enough to make countless immortal deities go crazy for them.

And to give up for the sake of your hometown?

Most strong people would admire Luo Feng’s choice.

Admiration to admiration …… but I’m afraid that many of the strong ones would still choose the first option, after all, those who valued their hometowns to this extent were only a small portion.

“This is the contract.”

“Under the notarization of the Virtual Universe System, signing this contract, you have to execute it.” The turquoise-eyed woman flipped her hand and took out another document, which was precisely that contract.

The turquoise eyed woman signed it first and then handed it to Luo Feng.

Luo Feng also solemnly signed his name.

In the living room.

Luo Feng was sitting alone, that Nine Swords Venerable and the Bey-eyed woman had long since left.

“Luo Feng.” Babata shouted in surprise, “Cosmic Star River Bank sent an email notification that the balance has increased by 5 million mixed yuan units, the first money of that contract has arrived, it’s really fast enough.”

“Oh.” Luo Feng sat on the sofa, half lying down, a cup of amber colored spirits in his hand.

“What’s wrong?” Babata who was standing on Luo Feng’s shoulder said suspiciously, he noticed that Luo Feng seemed a bit tired.


Luo Feng said softly, “Just feeling weak!”

“Weak?” Babata blinked his eyes.

“Facing the giant axe fighting arena, virtual universe company and not to mention, even if I face the etching fire venerable, the nine swords venerable, and even that nightmare candle king …… I don’t have the slightest ability to resist.” Luo Feng said softly, then finished his cup of spirits in one gulp.

“There’s nothing wrong with being weak, it’s being willing to be weak that’s wrong!” Babata shouted, “Even if it’s the great giant axe founders, or the founders of the virtual universe company, which one of these peak existences in the universe didn’t improve step by step from being weak, and ultimately become an existence that stood at the peak of the billions of communities in the universe?”

Luo Feng’s eyes erupted with a strong desire, the blazing heat was enough to incinerate glaciers, softly said, “A tree that holds together is born from the end of a millimeter; a nine storey platform starts from a tired earth; a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. All I need to do is to take one firm step at a time and keep moving forward to become a true peak powerhouse of the universe.”

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