Chapter 49: Struggle

Release Date: 2024-07-11 23:57:01
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“Luo Feng.” Babata, who had a small fist on his shoulder, muttered, “The Mangya galaxy and the Viri galaxy, they’re very far away from each other. Even if we take the Meteor Ink Star ship it will take 8 days at the shortest, and we’re still rushing from the Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom to the …… Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom to the Ancient Wheel Cosmic Kingdom, it’s too far, you’ll have to ask Dylan for help and teleport through the Divine Kingdom. Otherwise it costs at least half a year on the road, but that Blood Demon Trial starts in a month.”

“Hmm.” Luo Feng set his head.

But he was pondering which galaxy to go to.

“Have you chosen one yet?” Babata asked, “The Virtual Universe Corporation has asked you to choose, on one side there’s 1 million stellar levels and on the other side there’s 10 billion planetary levels. In my opinion …… choosing the planetary level shows Luo Feng that you are kind and choose the Viridian Galaxy when you see more people. And if you choose 1,000,000 stellar level humans, it shows that you, Luo Feng, have a stronger concept of survival of the strong, and many strong people in the universe …… are of the opinion that the strongest should have more power to survive.”

Luo Feng nodded slightly as he listened.

In the Dutuo starfield under the Blood Demon King’s oppressive rule, to be able to cultivate to the stellar level, I’m afraid that each of them had experienced many trials and tribulations and setbacks.

And planetary level, a galaxy can come up with tens of billions of planetary level members, obviously …… the Blood Demon King is making planetary level universal.

Is it to choose the universalized 10 billion people.

Or choose the 1,000,000,000 stellar level that undergoes trials and tribulations and setbacks.

“Choose the Viri galaxy.” Luo Feng solemnly said.

Luo Feng didn’t dare to waste any time, on the same day, he took the Meteorite Ink Star ship and left Earth, and Dylan performed divine teleportation, directly teleporting to the Feather Foo star field within the boundaries of the “Ancient Wheel Cosmic Kingdom”. Then, he flew to the Viri system from the Yu Fu star field at the fastest speed, which was estimated to take 26 days.

In the dark universe, the Meteor Ink Star ship was advancing.

Inside the control room Luo Feng and Dylan were talking.

“How coincidental, Dylan, the closest location to the Dutuo starfield for your divine kingdom teleportation is the ‘Yu Zhuo starfield’, it will take 26 days to travel to the Viri starfield, and 25 days to travel to the Meng Ya galaxy.” Luo Feng looked at Dylan and asked with a smile, “Did the Virtual Universe Corporation ask you before formulating this mission?”

Dylan smiled and nodded slightly.

“Shit.” Luo Feng couldn’t help but curse.

Sure enough, it was like this!

The virtual universe company had indeed calculated everything properly, I’m afraid that they had ordered Dylan to prohibit the use of a certain “coordinate token” even if Dylan had another one closer to him in the Ancient Wheel Cosmic Kingdom.

“Virtual Universe Corporation, everything is from the perspective of cultivation.” Dylan laughed, “You shouldn’t be angry either.”

“I understand.” Luo Feng nodded.

To the Virtual Universe Company, Luo Feng didn’t have any grievances.

As one of the two strongest forces of mankind, the Virtual Universe Corporation did a lot of things from the perspective of “safeguarding the human race and strengthening the human race”! Since joining the Virtual Universe Company, Luo Feng has been quite satisfied, even with the Earth trading incident,……, he is still quite balanced.

Assuming that there is some ordinary person on Earth who gets a treasure, the treasure might be worth more than a million mixed yuan units, Luo Feng’s eyes are greedy, and I’m afraid that with Luo Feng’s position on Earth ……, he would also buy it directly.

It is estimated that it would be good to give eight or ten billion earth coins.

In Luo Feng s opinion …… so much money is enough for an ordinary person to live a lifetime without worry.

A reason!

To the virtual universe company, “Earth” is the cradle of that alien powerhouse who spent countless efforts to make it, the value is immense, I’m afraid that a powerful universe honored one would not be able to spend all his money on one percent of the value of the Earth. But it was absolutely impossible to give Luo Feng such a huge fortune just because of that.

“Your highness, why did you pick 10 billion planetary levels and not 1 million stellar levels?” Dylan curiously said, “There isn’t the slightest bit of technology, under the Blood Demon King’s oppressive rule, 99% of those that can become stellar level are having a hard time. And according to the information I found out, the overall evolution of the Dutuo star field is high, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of planetary levels can be found on just any living planet, it’s not hard to put together 10 billion planetary levels in one galaxy, and these can only be considered as ordinary martial artists.”

“Everyone is an individual life.” Luo Feng said softly, “My hometown earth has experienced a catastrophe before, I know how cruel death is.”

“Just like my loved ones, back then they were all ordinary people, are their lives not worth anything? At least in my eyes, my loved ones are more precious than a million sector lords! I’m afraid that in the eyes of those ordinary people, one of their own lives is going to be more precious than even those million Stellar Levels.”

“10 billion ordinary people deserve to die and 1 million stellar levels deserve to live?”

Luo Feng shook his head.

There was no such thing!

Perhaps there were some painful choices that needed to be made when it came to the survival of a race, the survival of an ethnic group. For example …… millions of people within a race go to their deaths just to protect the strongest because the strongest are the hope of their race’s survival.

And this time, letting Luo Feng choose obviously didn’t involve the survival of the race or the survival of the community.

Luo Feng naturally chose more simply.

26 days later.

A meteorite ink star ship hovered above a planet that was earthy yellow in color.

“This is a lifeless planet, close to a round sphere with a maximum diameter of 18,023 kilometers.” Babata’s shrill voice rang out, “According to the Virtual Universe Corporation’s intelligence, this is the location where that Blood Demon Trial will be held soon. Look …… there are already quite a few people stationed on this planet. But don’t worry! There’s no way for them to discover us.


Luo Feng looked down below, there were indeed hundreds of people already stationed on this mineral planet, most of them were universe level.

“Wait, wait for those 10 billion planetary levels to be transported.” Luo Feng said softly.

At this moment, the 10 billion planetary levels put together by hundreds of thousands of planets in the Viri galaxy were being transported by 10,000 universe spaceships, flying through the dark universe, heading towards their destination.

One of the spaceships, the spaceship which has three layers all stuffed with a large number of cages, each cage holds ten planetary levels, a glance at …… each layer is densely packed with countless planetary level members, hundreds of thousands of them.


“Liz ……”

Hidden crying and murmuring sounds, from the dense tens of thousands of cages, this …… is simply hell.

Inside one of the cages.

Teenagers wearing worn out animal skins with dirty faces are holding a girl tightly, because of the high overall evolution of the humans in the …… Dutuo Starfield under the rule of the Blood Demon King, planetary level teenagers are very common, and for selection considerations, instead, these young teenagers will often be chosen to go through the Blood Demon Trials.

“Maiwa.” The teenager hugged the girl, a pair of eyes on his dirty face but they were bright, with a longing, a longing for life, he softly seemed to be talking to himself, “Brother will definitely let you live, definitely.”

The girl suddenly shuddered slightly.

Raising her head, this is a very clear girl, although the same dirty, can be able to see that she is very beautiful. However, within the Dutuo star domain …… the concept of strength first has long been formed, if the strength is not enough, the good looks are useless.

“Brother.” The girl softly said, “Will we die? I heard that the blood demon purgatory 10 billion people can survive 100 people, this 10 billion people have a lot of are some sects of the best, all have some of the Nian Li weapon, the Force weapon, there are also special secret methods, we do not have a good weapon, just know the basic secret methods, how to live down?”

The teenager listened to this and immediately couldn’t control his tears.

He, from a young age, had a tragic fate.

His parents died early, so he brought his sister to wander has been diligently cultivating the widely spread basic secret method, and finally became a planetary star level, to be able to live a stable and happy life. However, this life has only not been two years …… of their two without a little background was caught to make up the number, subject to the knowledge that the blood demon trial each planet has to make up a sufficient number of people.

If the ordinary people are not enough, even if there is a background of some planetary level, still have to catch!

The Blood Demon Trial was an order given by the Blood Demon King, and no one dared to disobey it.

“We will survive, we will survive, brother swears.” The teenager said softly.

“Hmm.” The girl answered softly and buried herself into her brother’s arms again.

Perhaps ……

Snuggling in her brother’s arms was the happiest thing that could be done in the last few days before that purgatorial nightmare came.

“Definitely.” The teenager’s right hand was clenched so tightly that his nails were pinched into his palm, and there was a hint of hysteria in his eyes as his heart cried out, “Make sure my sister survives, for sure.”

Pick 100 out of 10 billion.

What concept?

And all of them are life and death fights, even those with special secret methods, Force battle clothes, Force weapons of some geniuses are afraid to die if they are not careful to be surrounded. After all, 10 billion people in an ordinary mineral planet, the population density is too large, once the crazy killing siege up …… who dare say must live?

And those who can live to the end must have strength! Have the brains! Have courage! There must also be some luck!

The bottom of the struggle, all the planetary level people held in the cage are terrified and worried about the upcoming blood demon purgatory, even if they are strong …… again, facing the melee of countless people, they will also feel despair.

“Airship 0229, stop at position 0293!”

“Airship #3619, park to position 0123!”

The earth-colored planet had long been slightly remodeled, and at the moment the dark purple flat-shaped ship in the sky above this dead planet was continuously commanding an arriving ship transporting planetary-class humans, only to see a ship arrive and land on the planet, as the cargo bay doors opened.

A large number of cages were opened, and a large number of men and women with a trace of fear on their dirty faces walked out, and densely packed people kept walking onto this withered planet.

The surface temperature of the planet was extremely low, roughly 80 degrees below zero, and because it was a mineral planet it was impossible to breathe at all, but the planetary level members no longer needed to breathe.

“Woo, woo ……”

“So, so many people.”

Those spaceships on the mineral planet took off and left after driving these planetary level humans down, and those planetary level people saw at a glance in the distance, the dense silhouettes of people …… had now arrived in excess of five billion people. How have they ever seen such a terrible number of planetary levels?

And at this moment–

A blood-colored triangular ship with its stealth system turned on was also hovering tens of thousands of kilometers above this planet, monitoring all the planetary star-level humans on the entire planet.

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