Chapter 59: The Hundred Virtues of Filial Piety

Release Date: 2024-07-11 23:57:24
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Virtual universe primitive zone, in his own manor.

Luo Feng sat at his desk and lifted the laptop screen directly, gently clicked and opened the mail.

“The fourth ring of the highest points mission you have completed, as judged by many members, your fourth ring of the mission is 70% complete and you have gained 280,000 points, since then the entire number of highest points has ended.”

Luo Feng frowned slightly.

Only 70% completion? This time when he did the fourth ring quest himself, especially regarding the “judgement of the father”, he was indeed a bit overbearing and directly ruled innocent. But for the other clan disciples, Luo Feng thought that the punishment was still fair.

“Let’s see what this comment says.”

Luo Feng continued to watch the postal companion.

“Comment: this last ring mission is for you, Luo Feng, to judge 21 people from your clan, but regarding your father, you didn’t even arrest or try him, you didn’t even complete the fourth ring mission as a whole. Obviously in your bones, you extremely value your father, and don’t even want to try your father.

Although your father is slightly innocent, but also can not get off the responsibility, prison for a hundred years is the lightest, but you directly acquitted.

Between public and private, you are even more biased.

The degree of completion of this mission is why you can only be given 70%, I hope you understand the difference between public and private more clearly.”

After reading this comment, Luo Feng’s state of mind didn’t change much at all, cultivating the first layer of the heart realm and going to extremes, even if Hong and Thunder God’s persuasion, it’s hard to influence Luo Feng, from this, you can imagine his stubbornness, or the firmness of his beliefs. Indifference closed this email and opened another new one.

“Highest points mission additional reward?” Luo Feng smiled as he watched.

The first four rings of the mission just shrugged each 100% adding up to only 1 million points, and the maximum additional points was 1 million.

“According to the first to fourth ring of the mission, all your performance, give you 600,000 additional points reward, hope you can introspect.”

Luo Feng’s heart fluttered as he looked at it.

600,000 additional points?

Then his total points this time would be 82,000 (first ring) plus 180,000 (second ring) plus 300,000 (third ring) plus 280,000 (fourth ring) plus the 600,000 (additional points), a total of 1,442,000 points. It was 72.1% of the maximum points of 2 million for the entire mission, not even 80% of the so-called threshold value.

Obviously this achievement could only be described as average.

“Overall comment: the first ring of the mission you slaughtered millions but were able to sober up and spare some people who didn’t deserve to die, which proves …… that you are incomparably murderous in your bones yet you are still calm. And incomparable murderous you but in the second ring mission to choose 10 billion weak people, in the bottom of your heart you are sympathetic to the weak.

The third ring, proving that you are not afraid of the strong, preferring to be unyielding, firm in carrying out the mission and firm in your beliefs.

Thirsty to kill but calm, sympathize with the weak, not afraid of the strong.

The first three rings you are very good if the fourth ring is done well, additional points can actually grant you a reward of 900,000 points.

But when the same trial of 21 people s mission, only the object of the mission was changed to your family, your change surprised us …… especially with your father, you are not only unwilling to judge, even grabbing your father to make a show of disdain, it is obvious that your family s influence on you is very great, and even public and private affairs are not separated and regulations are not taken into account.

People, this is a group of life, indeed should be valued family.

But there is an appropriate level for everything, and you have clearly gone ‘overboard’ in that regard, so please wake up to that.”

The supreme mission was officially over.

As for how exactly the Virtual Universe Corporation looked at themselves because of this mission, Luo Feng was also very dismissive.


“Saying that I value my father too much?” Luo Feng sneered.

Just kidding, a bunch of arrogant idiots!

Under the guidance of his elder brother and second brother, Luo Feng was subconsciously reading some of the ancient books of the Huaxia country, as he read, his entire mind was given a kind of washing, and many thoughts resonated with Luo Feng.

Since ancient times, the Chinese culture has this phrase “all good deeds are filial piety first”!

Filial piety has been taken to the highest level.

Even in the history of China, although the country has changed dynasties again and again, but many dynasties are unified to determine …… to parents unfilial, disobedient, that is a capital offense! Even some of the dynasty laws and regulations are ruled “lynching” “skinning” “bones and ashes” and so on some extreme punishment, obviously “filial piety obviously “filial piety” has been topped to the highest point.

On the contrary, in modern society, even the base city era, do not support parents, beating parents also often appear. However, without the cultural heritage of China, people don’t think it’s a big sin.

Luo Feng who can cultivate his heart ……

Since childhood, he has been very filial to his parents, and then “clear mind to see the nature of the heart”, and read a lot of ancient books of history is the heart is enlightened.

Like the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, there is a son denounced his father to steal sheep, but the son of this behavior is recognized as unfilial, was heavily punished!

Like Thailand in the history of China’s country, Qin law is incredibly strict, the most important regulations, but light “filial piety”, the whole country is even the most basic warmth of affection are lacking, the country’s people how can be truly loyal? How could the country be stabilized? How could the people of the country be truly loyal and how could the country be stable?

There are many stories about filial piety in history, but they all illustrate one point.

Filial piety!

is the most basic “factor” of the human race, assuming that a person can not even do the basic filial piety, their parents are not good, then this person can still be loyal to their superiors? Is he loyal to his country? Such a person is either brainwashed and has no sense of self-existence, or is extremely selfish!

Parents are not filial, then their hearts …… will not really value any other people, they only value themselves! Extreme selfishness!

“All good deeds and filial piety come first!”

“Even if the father has had it, the son would rather take his place! At the same time, I will also advise my father to change his ways …… As for punishment …… at least my son will never do it.” Luo Feng silently said, “Public and private? There’s a degree of public and private?”

“Perhaps what the Virtual Universe Company needs …… are subordinates who carry out the company’s orders perfectly and won’t go against the company! Even if a loved one is involved, one must at least put the company’s orders to a point that rivals or even surpasses the importance of the loved one, I’m afraid that this is what the Virtual Universe Company needs.”


“The orders of the Virtual Universe Corporation are less than a tenth of my father’s importance.”


“I don’t think it’s excessive at all.”

Luo Feng said silently.

The next day.

Virtual universe black dragon mountain island nine star bay, Luo Feng was with his father Luo Hongguo and mother Gong Xinlan.

“Dad, mom.” Luo Feng poured tea for his parents.

“Why did you want to get up and find us today?” Gong Xinlan looked at her son, her eyes narrowed with a smile.

Luo Feng smiled and changed the topic, “Mom and dad, did you guys build a Nirvana guild playing virtual games?”

“How do you know?” Luo Hongguo’s eyes glowed as he listened, and even said, “That Cang Xue world is indeed very vast and shocking, it’s really dazzling, riding that flying magical beasts in the endless ice and snow world, tsk tsk tsk …… millions of armies against each other, and fighting generals in front of the lineup, it’s all too cool.”

The word cool is a word that is often said by the father’s generation.

“Hehe.” Luo Feng looked at his father’s excited appearance, he couldn’t help but smile, his father was able to live according to his dreams, he himself was satisfied.

“Mom and dad, I’ll show you something.” Luo Feng said. Said flipped his hand and took out a piece of information, it’s some information about Nirvana guild killing people, and the intelligence department applying to be there after …… after Luo Feng asked, the intelligence department side also recognized that this kind of information belongs to the lowest and most common information, with Luo Feng’s status, he can take it and show it to his parents.

“What is it?” Luo Hongguo and Gong Xinlan were puzzled, then they took the document and both of them looked down to watch it.

It was quiet for a while.

Luo Feng sat there, waiting silently.

Both parents also stared at the document, the more they looked at it the more ugly their faces became, even in the end Luo Hongguo slammed the table and stood up, his eyes flushed with red, he yelled, “Bastard ah, a bunch of white eyed wolves ah, I thought they were life and death brothers, I didn’t think that they would utilize me like this. Xinlan, you initially advised me can not easily believe in people, I was thinking …… in the virtual game still want so much why, big bowl and wine big mouth eating meat big knife cut people, bold how painful. I did not expect them, did not expect ……”

“Dad.” Luo Feng looked at his father’s appearance, knew that his father had been hit not small.

Luo Hongguo sat down again, there was a trace of pain in his eyes.

Gong Xinlan was also beside him to comfort.

“So many people died ……” Luo Hongguo’s voice was slightly trembling.

“Dad, this can only be blamed on you for not knowing people well, but it’s those assholes who really harmed people.” Luo Feng even said.

“But they are borrowing my power.” Luo Hongguo shook his head.

“Wrong, to be precise, they are borrowing my potential.” Luo Feng said, “If it wasn’t because of me, how could some of the departments of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire and Qian Wu Cosmic Kingdom cower.”

Luo Hongguo’s heart was hard and vicious.

Luo Feng was also clear that this information would definitely make his parents very sad when he showed them, but sad as in sad, he still had to show them. Parents have had …… sons who have advised themselves.

“Mom and dad.” Luo Feng changed the topic to distract his parents, “I have to leave soon.”

“Leave?” Luo Hongguo and Gong Xinlan were puzzled. Didn’t their son often leave home?

“This time it’s a long time, at the very least a thousand years.” Luo Feng solemnly said, “So in the days to come, I won’t be able to return to Earth, even in the virtual universe …… I’m afraid it’ll be a long time before I come.”

“Where to?” Luo Hongguo and Gong Xinlan even said.

“Chaos city.” Luo Feng said.

The last time he went was Chaos city, his parents also knew some simple messages.

After this highest points task was done, Luo Feng directly applied to the virtual universe company to go to “Chaos city”, as a core disciple, universe level, domain lord level, sector lord level all have the opportunity to enter Chaos city to train …… Luo Feng’s application, naturally, was quickly passed. With that –

Through divine Kingdom teleportation, Dylan directly sent Luo Feng to the Virtual Universe Corporation omniverse base camp.

After that, Luo Feng went into the “initial universe” with the Virtual Universe Company’s own spaceship, along with other immortal deities and so on.

As for Dylan and the guards, they couldn’t follow him.

According to Luo Feng’s plan.

When he left Chaos City, he would be at the peak of the realm lord, so he wouldn’t be able to take the guards with him. In other words, from this moment onwards, the guards had already detached themselves.

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