Chapter 62 The Seven Slaughters of the Beast God

Release Date: 2024-07-11 23:57:32
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Before seeing this expensive “Beast God Seven Slaughters”, Luo Feng had vaguely learned that there was an even higher level above the “Cosmic Exalted”.

Such as the towering Lord of Void Gold, the Beast God, and the Chaos City Lord, were all obviously much more powerful than a Cosmic Exalted. Even Herodo …… was able to sit in a pack.

“So it’s like this.” Luo Feng muttered.

Immortal deity – universe reverend – universe lord.

The Golden Horn ethnic group as a middle class ethnic group back then could not need the shelter of others by having a leader like Shirodor. And Xiluoduo that year is cultivated to the “beast god seven kill” sixth layer, that can reach the “master of the universe” under the invincible …… has a real party hegemony of the strength.

And the Lord of the Universe, even in the peak group of human beings are the peak of the existence.

Based on the logical judgment of these basic messages, Luo Feng had a very clear position in his mind regarding the strongest people in the entire vast universe.

“Teacher True Diffusion King is considered a supreme powerhouse, while the Universe Exalted are the lords of one side, and the Lord of the Universe, the true hegemon of the universe! Even that level of Shirodor …… is considered a cosmic overlord.” Luo Feng’s heart was filled with excitement, then he continued flipping through the thick and precious secret law tome.

The entire upper part of the “Beast God Seven Slaughters” consisted of three books.

Luo Feng first gulped it down and read it in one gulp, although he didn’t understand a lot of it, he knew a lot.

“Surprisingly …… surprisingly ……”

“Fusion law?”

Luo Feng was shocked in his heart, reading the whole of the last chapter he was already able to clearly know the principle of the Beast God Seven Slaughters.

The universe is possessed of the ten origin laws of gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, lightning, light, space and time ……, and according to the description in the Hierodox secret code books, when the universe was born there were only two powerful laws in the beginning, one of which was broken down into the six origin laws of gold, wood, water, fire, earth and space, and the other one was broken down into the four origin laws of wind, lightning, light and time!

This became two factions.

In the space faction, space was the superior law, and gold, wood, water, fire and earth were the inferior laws.

In the time faction, time is the superior law, and lightning, wind, and light are the inferior laws.

To fully comprehend the laws of space, one is a Space Exalted.

If one fully comprehends the laws of time, one is a Time Exalted One.

And at the same time fully comprehend time and space, truly control space and time, with space and time reversal and other incredible super ability …… that is the “Lord of the Universe”.

Because the universe of billions of ethnic groups of countless strong, there has never been a life will be “gold, wood, water, fire, earth, space,” the six kinds of origin of the law fusion into one, the reverse of the origin of the universe into the birth of one of the two powerful laws. There has never been a life that has fused the four laws of origin of “thunder, lightning, wind, light and time” of the time faction into one.

And really practiced, the universe billions of ethnic groups countless powerful people found ……

The fusion of “gold and space”, or “wood and space”, or “water and space”, or “fire and space”, or “fire and space”, or “fire and space”, or “water and space”. “or “earth, space”, any one of these five is as difficult as heaven! The one who can really fuse successfully definitely belongs to the dominant party in the universe.

“Gold, space” two fusion, the formation of the fusion law, once reached the point of perfection. Once the fusion law is perfected, it will be comparable to the Lord of the Universe!

The “Seven Slaughters of the Beast God” created by Shirodor, however, was also very strange.

The first layer was the fusion of some of the Laws of Space and some of the Laws of Gold.

The second layer ……

At the sixth layer, it was the fusion of the entire Laws of Space and the entire Laws of Gold, forming the Law of Fusion! When Herodot reached this level,……, he could be called invincible under the “Lord of the Universe”.

However, Herodot knew that …… the universe was born directly from the birth of a powerful life “Beast God” has rivaled the strength of the Lord of the Universe, and that Beast God is the “gold, space” fusion law of the The beast god is the incarnation of the “gold, space” fusion law, every move and every style naturally contains the fusion law, and even the beast god’s own statue contains the fusion law.

Therefore, he firmly believed that …… the “gold, space” fusion law should be able to rival the Lord of the Universe.

He created his own secret law, “Beast God Seven Killings” should still exist at the seventh layer!

At the seventh level, he should be able to transform into a real Beast God, like a Beast God in the world, rivaling the Lord of the Universe. Of course about the seventh layer is only some of Shirodor’s reasoning imagination and so on did not perfect, so the whole “Beast God Seven Killings”, although the name is the name, in fact, the real can cultivate is also six layers.

“Understanding the space law to become a party honored, it’s already incomparably difficult, it’s rare for one of the many supreme geniuses to become a party honored.” Luo Feng secretly sighed, “And according to Xiluoduo, successfully fusing the laws of space and the laws of gold is a thousand times more difficult than enlightening the laws of space alone.”

It was a difficult path!

But at least Luo Feng already had a very precise and clear path to pursue.

“The beast god path?”

“I have the Seven Slaughters of the Beast God created by senior Xiloduo as a guide, and the Beast God statue to assist.” Luo Feng’s mind flashed, suddenly remembering something, even his consciousness immersed into the inner world.

In the in vivo world, on the vast grassland.

The black clothed Luo Feng was holding that one beast god statue with one hand, next to it the golden horned beast that stretched like a black mountain range was lying there, as if the two eyes of a large lake were also staring at the small beast god statue, this one beast god statue repentance was obtained by chance by Luo Feng from the blood Luo world back then.

In terms of pressure, it wasn’t as powerful as the giant beast god statue in the Golden Horn tribe’s beast god canyon.

However, it was more introverted and similar to the real beast god.

“Oo……” The Golden Horn Beast suddenly tilted its head and let out a roar, the roar filled with happiness, pleasure, and excitement.

“I know I know.” Black clothed Luo Feng’s eyes glowed with excitement, “I finally know why this Beast God statue always has a special mood, a special pressure, because …… because of this Beast God statue, it itself contains fusion laws ah! The real beast god every move contains the fusion law, the beast god is the fusion law incarnation …… and this beast god statue, is the beast god when the survival of the land “blood Luo world” in the statue, do not know how to create, but and the real beast god can be said to be It was exactly the same as the real Beast God. The Beast God is a fusion law incarnation, and even if this Beast God statue is not considered a fusion law incarnation, it at least contains a fusion law!”

No wonder.

No wonder that just by pursuing that mood, constantly simulating the carving, and grasping a trace of the “Beast God’s Mood” had that kind of power!

It turns out that one is watching the Law of Fusion over and over again, simulating it over and over again. ……

“Haha ……”

“I have the Beast God Statue, which itself contains the Laws of Fusion.”

“I also have the Seven Slaughters of the Beast God, precious to the extreme, the most precious secret law tome of the Golden Horn Clan.” There was a hint of madness in the eyes of the black clothed Luo Feng, “Although …… although the path of fusion laws is a thousand times more difficult than becoming a universe honored one. But with the aid of these two, I’m sure to have great achievements.”

The Beast God Statue and The Seven Slaughters of the Beast God, this belonged to encounters.

And having encounters alone doesn’t work, it also requires talent, hard work, luck, and many other aspects……. After all, it’s too hard and too difficult to stand at the top of the universe.

Although the beast god statue is special but very introverted, blood Luo world of immortal deities simply can not comprehend, and the “Golden Horn Beast” one is the golden origin of the law favorite, two in fact, the Golden Horn Beast also contains the space talent, for example, he was born with the talent of the secret method “devouring”, belongs to the space class secret method, it is the space class secret method. For example, his natural talent secret method “Devouring” belongs to the spatial secret method.

Moreover, the Golden Horned Beast is the strongest bloodline of gold and air.

The Beast God is the embodiment of gold and air.

The two also have a special connection, otherwise the Golden Horned Beast fusion blood Luo crystal is not so easy, other life fusion 10 are difficult, the Golden Horned Beast fusion 100 …… or because of the will can not carry it, otherwise it can be fused more! This shows that the Golden Horned Beast and the Beast God do have some affinity, which is why you can vaguely feel that the Beast God statue contains introverted fusion laws.

Assuming that it wasn’t the Golden Horned Beast, if other beings wanted to understand the special nature of the Beast God’s statue, they would have to cultivate the Laws of Fusion to a very high level, or else they wouldn’t be able to see through the complete and introverted Laws of Fusion.

Chaos City, True Diffusion King’s residence.

“Teacher.” Luo Feng bowed gratefully.

“Sit.” True Diffusion King was sitting cross-legged on the grass.

“Yes.” Luo Feng also sat on his knees.

“Finished reading the secret codex?” True Diffusion King smiled.

“Uh-huh.” Luo Feng nodded.

“How does it suit you well?” True Diffusion King’s eyes also had a hint of anticipation, before practicing who wouldn’t know if it was a good fit, but True Diffusion King’s vision was very poisonous, usually watching Luo Feng rehearsing and practicing he realized that Luo Feng had this aspect of talent, so he bought the upper part of this secret method tome.

If he bought all the upper and lower chapters, King Zhen Yan would not have enough money to pay for a tenth of it! It was still relatively easy to buy an upper chapter.

“Very suitable.” Luo Feng even said.

“As long as it fits, haha, if it doesn’t fit teacher will be heartbroken.” The True Diffusion King laughed.

“But back then I planned to stay in chaos city for hundreds of years, and the difficulty of fusion law cultivation is obviously much harder, I might have to stay for thousands of years.” Luo Feng said, he had once said to his family before that he would be away for a thousand years, but that was primordial universe time, primordial universe and initial universe time flow was different.

Primordial universe 1000 years, initial universe chaos city is only a little over 300 years.

So the original plan in Chaos City hundreds of years is almost enough, now look …… at it will be obviously not enough.

“There’s no rush, the base bet has to be firm.” True Diffusion King said.

“Hmm.” Luo Feng nodded, but his heart was full of confidence.

Taking the beast god path this avenue to the peak, one was full of base confidence.

“Oh right.” True Diffusion King even said, “Luo Feng, master knows that your strength is very strong, more than what you have shown to the virtual universe company.”

Luo Feng laughed.

He often asked his teacher for advice, it was natural to expose it in front of him.

“There’s no need for you to hide your strength, show yourself.” True Diffusion King solemnly said, “Show a heaven defying talent, then the virtual universe company will value you more. Moreover, every ‘Primordial Mystic Realm’ Realm Lord will be provided with a massive amount of resources to provide cultivation, and the more powerful you are, the more resources you will receive. Assuming that you perform against all odds …… once you break through to Boundary Lord, you’ll be directly gifted with tons of resources!”

“Weak strength, get fewer resources.”

“Strong strength, get more resources.”

“Oh?” Luo Feng’s eyes lit up.

That’s right, there was no need for him to keep a low profile in Chaos City.

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