Chapter 64 – Breaking through the Heavenly Bridge

Release Date: 2024-07-11 23:57:39
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luo Feng stood in front of the Ten Yu Tong Tian Bridge, looking at the continuously extending a glance can’t see the end of the bridge, a slight smile, “Old friend, it’s been a long time since I’ve come to play, since I have to astonish the heavens and earth a handful of times, then today I’ll put up a fierce fight and show off my strength.”


In an instant, he turned into a golden stream of light and disappeared into the distance by sticking to the bridge, and began to break through the TongTian bridge.

While Luo Feng started to break through the TongTian bridge, Supervisor Bafen started a mass email.

“Hailed as a supreme genius that came out once in tens of thousands of epochs, there are so many bigwigs who value Luo Feng.” Supervisor Baffin muttered, “All order me to notify them once Luo Feng breaks through the Heavenly Bridge.”

In an instant, dozens of emails were sent out in a mass.

The members of the batch of genius battle that Luo Feng participated in back then, three extremely outstanding ones emerged, one was Buran, one was Rongjun, and the other was Luo Feng! Both Buran and Luo Feng were recognized as geniuses that came out in tens of thousands of epochs, while Rongjun, some of the executives of the Virtual Universe Company even regarded Rongjun as a treasure and rushed to take him as their disciple.

But at least for now, of these three great supreme geniuses, Luo Feng was in the lead.

Long Yu Wang stretched out her crystalline finger and gently clicked on the void to give birth to a screen, and an email appeared on the screen.

“Luo Feng broke through the bridge to heaven?” Long Jade King’s stunningly beautiful face revealed a strange smile, whispered, “This little guy has always been one who doesn’t stop until he’s shocked to death, the other people in the same Genius Battle as him are the ones who often go to break through the Tongtian Bridge, especially that Buran …… has already broken through the eighth floor!”

“I wonder how many layers he can break through this time, the ninth layer? Or the …… incredible tenth layer?” The Longyu King smiled then immediately rushed to the Tongtian Bridge dimension.

True Diffusion King, Longyu King, Tie Nhan King …… North Cang Hou, a full 86 immortal deities, more than half of them were at the Seal King level, the rest were at the Seal Marquis level, these 86 arrived at the Tongtian Bridge Boundary Plane space in less than a ten second difference before and after.

On the island in the Tong Tian Bridge dimensional space, the True Diffusion King and other equally powerful immortal deities gathered.

“Haha, so many people.” True Diffusion King laughed as he looked around.

“True Diffusion King, who made you teach that kind of outstanding disciple.” A huge golden pupil man with a face full of golden needle-like whiskers laughed, “His Holiness ordered me to keep an eye on this little guy, I don’t dare to slack off a bit, no, as soon as I knew that this Luo Feng was going to break through the Tongtian Bridge. I immediately came to watch the live stream.”

“Yes, we are all under the orders of your Holiness.” Those feudal kings as well as some feudal lords smiled.

The atmosphere was quite good.

The True Diffusion King laughed and turned his head to look at the Longyu King on his side and teased, “Longyu, you have to tell the Nine Swords Venerable One about these messages, so many bigwigs are staring at Luo Feng …… The Nine Swords Venerable One has to be under pressure, don’t wait for this disciple of mine to have great achievements in the future and be scooped up by the other bigwigs instead. ”

“What’s an honored one is an honored one, no one can snatch it away.” The Longyu King’s bright eyes swept over the surrounding group of Immortal Deities, causing the surrounding Immortal Deities to burst into laughter.

The Cosmic Exalted (Cosmic State Lords) within the Virtual Universe Corporation are also in competition with each other, with more powerful men and women under their command …… naturally different. And if Yue gets some more peak Seal King Immortal Deities into his hands, perhaps one of these peak Seal King Immortals will break through to become a Universe Exalted.

Ganging up, universe honored ones also hug each other, forming a faction. And there were many things that a Cosmic Exalted couldn’t do, so whether or not they had fierce generals under their command was important.

“Ordinary sealed king immortals are hard to dig up, but when this Luo Feng can reach the level of his teacher True Diffusion King in the future, then he can form his own lineage.” A woman wearing a black veil with a snake’s tail laughed, “The Nine Swords Exalted One can’t get in the way, when the time comes, many Exalted Ones and Kingdom Lords will each use their own means to attract Luo Feng …… It’s hard to say who Luo Feng won’t defect to.”

“You’re really optimistic about Luo Feng.” King Longyu looked over.

“At least, it’s possible.” The black veil woman smiled, “All of you say, which layer can Luo Feng break through this time?”

“Mutually less the eighth layer! Buran from their genius battle already broke through the eighth layer.”

“I see, I’m afraid it has to be the ninth layer, this Luo Feng habit is surprising.”

“Hmm, from my point of view it’s estimated to be the ninth layer as well.”

“The ninth layer is at the top! Every three layers a barrier, it’s unlikely to reach the tenth layer.”

“The ninth level.”

“Maybe it’s the tenth level, so don’t let everyone’s eyes fall out of their heads in fear at that time.”

“True Diffusion King, say something.”

A large group of Feudal Kings and Feudal Marquises were representing the Cosmic Exalted, and even if those Feudal Marquises might be poor in strength, they could be granted such a thing. Obviously they also belong to the heart of the heart …… so everyone talked freely.

“It seems that the ones who identify the ninth layer make up the vast majority.” The True Diffusion King seemed to smile, gazing at the crowd around him, “Everyone watching is, oh, the battle has begun!”

With that, all 86 immortal deities turned their heads to look at the screen.

On the screen Luo Feng had just flown to the end of the eighth level of the bridge to heaven, exchanging words with the blue clothed man opponent that the piece of meteorite had transformed into and then went straight for it.

The battle entangled for a moment and ended.

Breaking through the eighth layer!

“Defeating the eighth layer opponent wasn’t even very dry, I guess the ninth layer hangs.”


The 86 Immortal Deities watched the screen and commented, but they soon fell silent.

The ninth layer opponent is still using the sixth weight of the Diffractive Divine Warrior “World of Swords”, which has reached the point of completion, Luo Feng also used the World of Swords and the opponent dozens of rounds of battles, and carefully feel the other party’s means of attack before …… defeating the opponent.

Ninth layer, passed!

The 10th level opponent was a man in yellow, performing the seventh level of the Diffractive divine weapon “one stick to blast heaven and earth”, this “one stick to blast heaven and earth” actually belongs to an advanced version of the “world of swords” after the “world of swords” has reached the stage of great accomplishment. Luo Feng also diced back and forth with his opponent for dozens of rounds before killing him with a violent force.

Tenth level, passed!

On the eleventh level, the yellow clothed man was using the eighth level of the Diffractive divine weapon “golden sword cutting the void”, Luo Feng was still sparring for dozens of rounds before killing his opponent.

Eleventh level, passed!

On the Tongtian bridge dimensional island.

The large group of immortal deities that had gathered were silent, each one staring at the screen in shock, their eyes filled with horror and disbelief.

Was it possible?

In just a few hundred years time, the strength of “breaking through the seventh level of TongTian bridge” had skyrocketed to the strength of “breaking through the eleventh level of TongTian bridge”, and all the immortal deities could see that this Luo Feng was obviously letting go of the water, and every battle was just tens of rounds of dueling! Then he killed his opponents, obviously even the eleventh level opponents didn’t put too much pressure on Luo Feng.


“How is it possible?”

“How is the rate of progress so fast, not to mention he’s a domain lord level, even if he’s a sector lord level, it’s impossible to continuously improve this much in just a few hundred years.”


“Too terrifying.”

These feudal kings and feudal lords were all stunned, Luo Feng’s rate of improvement had already surpassed the category of “supreme genius”, and even surpassed the first definition of “demon”, it should be said that he was… …a monster! A more than people’s imagination, beyond the normal rules of development of a great genius big monster!

Just like the Koti …… universe level, domain lord level, and sector lord level back then, all of them even broke into the Primordial Tongtian Mountain successfully. Moreover, at the peak of the Realm Lord, he was comparable to the Seal King Immortal and was able to kill the Seal Marquis level at the same time!

This was a monster-like existence!

Luo Feng’s strength was naturally far inferior to the same period of time as Koti, but the rate of progress over hundreds of years alone …… was more than enough!

“Can’t it be that he still managed to break through the twelfth level of the bridge to heaven?”

“Could it be that this sense of law is as easy as drinking water for him, how can it be, there has to be a limit.”

“Right now among the 10 oldest members of my Virtual Universe Company’s domain lord level primordial secret realm members, the strongest one has only broken through the 11th layer and has been practicing for tens of thousands of years, could it be that this Luo Feng has been practicing for a few hundred years to catch up with the other supreme geniuses who have been practicing for tens of thousands of years? This is impossible!”

These immortal deities held their breath completely.

The TongTian bridge dimensional island was dead silent, no one spoke, each staring at the screen in death.

Layers 7-9 of the Tong Tian Bridge were in the starry sky. And layers 10-12, were in the body of a planet, and that bridge extended from the star’s core and magma layer all the way to the surface layer.

Surface layer.

Luo Feng stood at the end of the 12th layer of the bridge to heaven and looked down at the vast land below, “Finally rushed to the surface.”

Only to see the earth below the bridge to heaven tremble slightly while emitting a rumbling sound, “Pick your opponent, martial artist, controller, illusionist choose one, defeat him to pass through the 12th layer.”

“Controller.” Luo Feng said.

Rumble ……

The earth trembled, countless earth yellow rays flew out from the earth in all directions, quickly gathering in mid air, in an instant, it transformed into a mysterious strong man wearing a yellow battle suit with a mask, he was carrying a dark golden long stick on his back with his feet on a dark cloud shuttle, he was looking at Luo Feng, he said in a low tone, “Domain master level surprisingly able to come and break through to the 12th level, you are very good, right now there is not a single member of the virtual universe company’s domain master level who can break through this level.”

“Then I’ll come and break this record.” Luo Feng smiled.

“Quite confident.” The yellow clothed man said indifferently, “I’m still using the eighth level of the Diffractive Divine Armament, ‘Golden Sword Cutting the Void’, but it can be much stronger than the one on the eleventh level, so you’ll have to be careful.”

“Come on.” Luo Feng smiled faintly.

Boom! Boom!

Thousands of golden lights erupted behind Luo Feng and the man in yellow at the same time, each 81 golden lights quickly transformed into a small golden sword.

Both of their bodies were surrounded by 108 small golden swords that surfaced at the same time, each of them surrounded 108 small golden swords, at the same time the small golden swords drew out many golden filaments, powerful law fluctuations surrounded the surrounding space laws, the laws of gold, and at this moment was incomparably harmonious, quickly combining with each other.

“Combine!” Luo Feng and the man in yellow drank lowly almost simultaneously.

108 small golden swords instantly gathered into a golden broadsword that was about two meters eight long.

Both of them had a golden broadsword suspended in front of them.

“Buzzing ……” the golden sword in front of Luo Feng was trembling slightly.

“Numinous amplitude! Explode!” Luo Feng felt that maneuvering the golden sword was more strenuous, he even took a breath and raised his Numinous Amplitude to 1200, and it was much easier. It was as if an ordinary person lifting a bell carrying was strenuous, but if their strength suddenly increased by 12 times …… lifting a bell carrying was of course too easy.

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