Chapter 66 – The Great Shakeout

Release Date: 2024-07-11 23:57:45
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The two golden swords instantly collided!

In the stellar flame under the slight vibration of the cosmic space directly burst, revealing a black hole visible to the naked eye, many weak cosmic space so directly broken, countless spatial debris like a storm whistling past, that a black hole has just been born and then quickly fade away.

Wide handle golden sword in mid-air, shocked back thousands of kilometers and then a flash in the air to tear out a gully, directly once again to the 3.3-meter-long Diffractive God Golden Sword.

The Diffractive God Golden Sword was shocked to retreat tens of thousands of kilometers, and then flew again with a flash.

“I have the advantage.” Luo Feng’s eyes lit up when he saw this.

In fact, the opponent was able to perform the perfect form of the Diffractive God Soldier, which consisted of 10,081 small golden swords all combined to form the perfect 3.3 meter long Diffractive God Golden Sword, and didn’t give full play to the legendary ability to “travel through the void”, whereas, if the opponent was a peak realm lord level strength, then If the opponent was a peak realm lord, then with the peak realm lord world power …… driving the perfect Diffractive God Golden Sword, it was completely able to make the Diffractive God Golden Sword travel through the void, disappearing and appearing, ghostly and unpredictable.

However, the opponent was only at the ninth stage of the Domain Lord level, so it was impossible to make that Perfect Diffracting God Golden Sword travel through the void!

The reasoning was simple.

The basic power is very important, false without a planetary star level monster can also Diffractive Divine Soldier to the ninth weight, can at most make the Diffractive Divine Soldier combination …… and with a planetary star level Nian Li drive then, the Diffractive Divine Soldier flight speed will be slow pitiful. It simply can’t catch up with the speed of a realm lord easily dodging and moving.

Of course the opponent suffered, Luo Feng also suffered.

The body that Luo Feng used in the virtual universe network was a virtual universe unified formation of physical qualities, domain lord level 9th stage mental energy compared to sector lord peak level, the difference in strength was a thousand times! If Luo Feng reached the peak realm lord level, with the terrifying “beast god realm” to drive the wide golden sword …… the power would also be ridiculously great!

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

In the outer space scarf of the star, the wide-handled golden sword and the Diffractive God Golden Sword exchanged blows over and over again.

The Diffractive God Golden Sword was sinister and cold, as if it was a stoic assassin, erratic, hidden and flickering. But once it seized the opportunity it would strike hard!

Wide golden sword is incomparably domineering, as if the real king, vaguely a hint of the beast god’s domineering brutal breath, as if rampaging in the starry sky again and again flickering chopping and stabbing, of course, on the manipulation of the conceptual weaponry, seems rude and simple, but in fact there is a hint of a return to simplicity of the flavor.

The two golden swords of the fight, is the assassin and the overlord of the fight.

And it is obvious ……

Overlord had the upper hand.

“This is the true Golden Sword Slashing the Void! Containing absolute hegemony, absolute will, cosmic space is split in one chop!” Luo Feng was completely immersed in the hint of beast god intent that he had mastered, every time the wide hilted golden sword gorged through the long sky it left a spatial gully, every time the golden sword hit it caused a great spatial collapse.


The wide-handled golden sword clearly had the upper hand, suppressing his opponent time and time again, forcing his opponent’s Diffractive God Golden Sword to continuously retreat backward, its range getting smaller and smaller.

“Die for me!” Luo Feng’s eyes lit up, certain that he could lay down a death blow.


The wide golden sword was like a sharp golden thread, cutting through space while also stabbing at the rival flame battle armor man.

The Diffractive God Golden Sword wanted to block it.

However, the wide-handled golden sword simply flickered and avoided it, continuing to stab at the flame battle-armored man! A fight of two defeats, you stab me, I don’t care, I just need to stab you to death.

“No!” The flame battle armored man retreated violently with his feet on the dark cloud shuttle while also maneuvering the Diffractive God Golden Sword to stab Luo Feng in the distance.

Nay ……

Previously, time and time again against each other, Luo Feng had long ago suppressed his opponent’s Diffractive God Golden Sword within a very small area around that Flame War Armored Man, so the wide handled Golden Sword reached the Flame War Armored Man in an instant. Whereas the Diffractive God golden sword took ages to fly to Luo Feng.

Such a long time difference ……

also determined the winner of this battle!

“Poof!” The wide golden sword whistled and swept through the body of the flaming battle armored man, countless powerful sword qi instantly causing the flaming battle armored man’s body to break apart and his life core to shatter.

13th floor!


On the central island of the TongTian bridge realm, 86 immortal deities looked up at the live broadcast on the screen, when Luo Feng finally killed his opponent and successfully passed through the 13th layer, all the immortal deities present, including the True Diffusion King, were all shocked.

Domain lord level broke through the 13th floor?

How long has it been since that happened?

Of course there had been such supreme geniuses in history, but every single one of them was a big name, and 99% of those domain master geniuses in history had been cultivating for longer than Luo Feng. After all, just a few hundred years on the cultivation can break through the 13th layer, let those cultivation tens of thousands of years is the 11th layer …… is the domain master level primitive secret realm old man ranked first of the absolute genius how to embarrass ah.

The 11th layer and the 13th layer, that can be completely two concepts.

Especially the 12th layer to the 13th layer, is a big barrier, breakthrough is very very difficult.

“This, it’s only been a few hundred years.”

“This Luo Feng ……”

“Even, surprisingly, he broke through the 13th layer!”

“8th to 13th layer, breaking through six layers in a row?”

This group of immortal deities including that overseer Baffin, each and every one of them watched with bated breath. No one even opened their mouths to speak …… They were completely shocked by Luo Feng breaking through six layers in a row, creating miracles over and over again. They simply couldn’t speak in front of the absolutely shocking, monster level performance.

Luo Feng stood at the end of the 13th layer of the bridge to heaven while the bridge to heaven continued to extend into the interior of the star.

“I won the 13th layer very hard, my advantage is already very weak, I guess there isn’t much hope for the 14th layer. Although I’m not sure, I have to try.” Luo Feng quickly flew up to the 14th layer through the sky bridge and kept flying inwards, soon drilling into the interior of the stellar flames …… continuing to go deeper in the sea of fire.

Although it was incomparably blazing hot, it was nothing at all to domain lord level 9th stage physical fitness.

After all, Domain Lord level ninth order flying speed can pass ten thousand kilometers per second, even the cosmic level can fight on the white dwarf star, Domain Lord level ninth order’s physical strength can be imagined.

“Snorting ……”

Endless flames all around.

The first had layer of the bridge to heaven had reached its end, Luo Feng was standing at the end of the bridge to heaven, still choosing the controller as his opponent. This time the opponent was still the “flame war armor man”.

“Domain master level can break through the 13th floor, you, you have a great future.” The Flame War Armor Man’s golden eyes looked at Luo Feng, “If you choose the Controller, this 13th to 15th floor uses the 9th level of the Diffractive Divine Warrior, but the power of the same move …… differs greatly, if you didn’t reserve your strength before, then you won’t have a single possibility of victory. ”

Luo Feng smiled and listened.

Immortality can also be an enemy, it is the strongest and most perfect move of the Diffractive divine weapon.

Just like the “world of swords” move, the 7th to 9th levels were all this move.

“It was also expected that the 13th-15th floors would be this move.


Both sides executed their Diffractive Divine Armaments at the same time.

Instantly, they exchanged blows!


The Diffractive God Golden Sword first grazed Luo Feng’s broad-hilted golden sword, followed by a slight swing, as fast as lightning, ghostly and fluttering, instantly penetrating Luo Feng’s body and tearing him apart.

A rub, a swing, a stab.

It left Luo Feng without a single chance to struggle before he was directly defeated.

“It’s true that just like the description of the basic chapter I watched, ‘Thirty-six Heavens of Diffracting God’, the move ‘Immortal can also be an enemy’ also has a fraction of a power level.” This thought swept through Luo Feng’s mind, then he dissipated and was kicked out of the Tong Tian bridge dimension.

Luo Feng was defeated!

This time breaking through the TongTian bridge officially ended, termination step failed at the 14th level.

When the 86 immortal deities on the central island of the TongTian bridge dimension, as well as that overseer Bafen, saw on the screen that Luo Feng had finally failed on the 14th floor, the many deities who had been holding their breath and not speaking finally let out a long breath.

“Finally lost.”

“He, too, will lose.”

The numerous Immortal Deities laughed, even to the point of teasingly murmuring.

But immediately following, what surged up in the hearts of this group of immortal deities was endless shock, they were actually suppressed by Luo Feng’s monster level performance, it’s not that these immortal deities …… mainly because Luo Feng’s performance this time was just too terrifying, how many layers are there in total in the entire TongTian bridge?

If you reach the 18th floor, you’re at the level of a sealed king.

If you reach 15 layers, it’s the Marquis level.

If you reach 10 levels, it’s the most common immortal deity level.

Of course, the degree of law comprehension doesn’t mean that a realm lord is weaker than an immortal, many realm lords will directly become a marquis or even a king as soon as they become an immortal.

Luo Feng broke through the 13th layer in one breath, if a realm lord who has been practicing for hundreds of thousands of years breaks through the 13th layer it is not a shock at all, but a domain lord who has been practicing for hundreds of years breaks through the 13th layer in one breath …… that is simply a thing that surpasses logical imagination.

“True Diffusion King, congratulations.”

“Haha, having such a good disciple.”


A group of Immortal Deities laughed.

“Hahaha ……” The True Diffusion King was also happy and incomparable, while in his heart, he secretly said, “This kid is hiding deep enough, it is estimated that he must have some special encounters, and usually asks me to teach him to be his true sense of law. And just now broke the Tongtian Bridge …… should have performed some special increase in strength of the secret law. Really perverted ah, just a few hundred years to break through the 13th layer, back then he just came to Chaos City, but even the first layer failed.”

“Longyu.” True Diffusion King looked at Longyu King, “You have to be careful, there will definitely be a lot of Universe Exalted who have their eyes on that disciple of mine.”

King Longyu looked at King Zhenyan.


Disappeared out of thin air, obviously already rushed to report to the Nine Swords Exalted One, she was also clear …… that Luo Feng’s monster level performance like this could completely shock those super existences.

Followed by many other immortal deities also one by one quickly left to go back to report, while the True Diffusion King was laughing happily, and then also left. The only thing left on the whole island was overseer Bafen, overseer Bafen took a deep breath: “This Luo Feng performance is really too, too ……”

Supervisor Baffin quietly began to send out mass emails again, this kind of overwhelmingly magnificent character that was feared to only be found in millions of epochs, of course he didn’t dare not to report it.

“What did you say?” Venerable Nine Swords was sitting high on the throne above the great hall, at this moment he also stood up violently, looking down at King Longyu below.

“Luo Feng he broke through 6 layers in a row and has successfully broken through the 13th layer.” Longyu King respectfully said.

“Your Holiness, there is absolutely no falsehood, this Luo Feng did indeed break through the 13th layer in one breath. I know that the strongest one of those 10 old men in the domain lord level primordial secret realm only managed to break through the 11th layer only……. Exalted one can watch, here’s the video.”

“Hundreds of years, a hundred times stronger than other Domain Lord absolute geniuses who have cultivated for tens of thousands of years? Could he be a Kotime-class Extremity?”

This group of Immortal Deities as well as Supervisor Baffin’s upward report caused this intrusion into the Tong Tian Bridge to instantly spread to almost everyone in the higher echelons of the Virtual Universe Corporation.

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