Chapter 68.

Release Date: 2024-07-11 23:57:50
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Chaos city, countless cultivation residences, on the rooftop of one of the cultivation residences.

Luo Feng, who was sitting with his knees crossed and eyes closed, slowly opened his eyes, a hint of a smile on his face, “Reflecting on this has benefited me a lot.”

“Babata.” Luo Feng shouted in his heart.

“In!” Baba tower even enthusiastically said, because as long as Luo Feng reached domain lord level, Baba tower automatically recognized his master, so nowadays when faced with Luo Feng’s orders and such, Baba tower was very enthusiastic and swift.

“Turn on the virtual universe network to receive.” Luo Feng smiled, “Guess there should be quite a few powerful existences sending emails.

“Understood.” Babata was also pleasurable.

Immediately turning on the virtual universe network to receive, instantly an email alert message came.

“There are a total of 392 emails and 3 call requests.” Babata even said.

“So many?” Luo Feng smiled in surprise.

Previously when he decided to put up a fight to break through the bridge to heaven, he would naturally guess how much of a storm breaking through the 12th or even 13th floor would cause. After all, those domain lord level primordial secret realm members who had been cultivating for tens of thousands of years were only at their strongest at the 11th layer ……

Immediately detached a sliver of consciousness to connect to the virtual universe.

Virtual universe rain phase mountain primitive area, Luo Feng was sitting in front of his desk watching the screen.

There was an email on the screen and many call requests.

“The emails are mainly from universe honored ones, there are 322 universe honored ones in total. The others are some powerful immortal deities, and there are also emails from Uka, Rong Hook, and the rest of them. Call applications, there are also call applications from Uka, Rongjun …… Oh, and there’s also a call application from your teacher, True Diffusion King.” Babata stood on Luo Feng’s shoulder and spoke.

Brush brush brush ……

An email was quickly clicked and flipped through by Luo Feng, the viewing speed was amazing and soon all of them were read.

“Geniuses that come out once in tens of thousands of epochs, those universe reverends don’t care.”

“But a peerless monster that comes out once in ten million epochs, it bows to the eyes of the universe reverends.” Luo Feng smiled, from the emails he could clearly feel the sincerity of those universe honored ones, many universe honored ones were very cordial and recounted with Luo Feng, and put forward the idea of being willing to accept Luo Feng as a disciple.

Of course everything was for Luo Feng to decide on his own, these universe honored ones weren’t so much as to force Luo Feng.

“I’ll go meet my teacher first.” Luo Feng said.

Chaos city.

Luo Feng leapt down from the rooftop and transformed into a phantom to quickly head to the True Diffusion King’s mansion which wasn’t far from his home.

“Teacher.” Luo Feng walked into a courtyard and bowed respectfully.

“Sit.” True Difficulty King sat there was sipping on a strange fruit wine while also pouring a cup for Luo Feng.

“Yes.” Luo Feng sat aside.

“Haha, you did surprise me this time as well.” The True Diffusion King glanced at Luo Feng, then laughed, “I’m afraid a lot of Universe Exalted have sent you emails.”

Luo Feng nodded, “Yes, teacher.”

“Well, you’re progressing at an amazing rate, according to this rate of progress, even if your rate of enlightenment slows down in the future, but …… it’s not too difficult to become a peak Seal King immortal deity.” The True Diffusion King smiled, “After all, the absolute geniuses that came out once in ten million epochs in history, except for the ones that died and fell halfway through, the weakest of them were all at the peak of the Seal King, and nearly a third of them crossed over into the ranks of the Cosmic Exalted. When they find out that you have progressed so amazingly, they will definitely rush to take in disciples …… After all, the relationship between master and disciple, is the strongest.

Luo Feng nodded solemnly.

Strong people have unlimited lifespans, so after their relatives die of old age one by one, the real closest thing to them is their “teacher”.

Respect for the teacher, this is a very important point for strong human beings, even if you surpass the teacher in the future, you must still respect the teacher. Because …… the teacher is to lead you on the road of cultivation faster, more stable, the teacher is really help you again and again, this grace is great great. Naturally, you must respect your teacher. If anyone doesn’t respect their teacher, they will be despised and disdained by all powerful people.

This was also the reason why those universe reverends wanted to take Luo Feng as a disciple.

As long as Luo Feng didn’t die young.

In the future, he would be at the peak of King Seal at the worst, and could completely become their right hand man! And once Luo Feng becomes a Universe Exalted one …… has a Universe Exalted disciple, in faction struggles, in cosmic secret realm adventures, battlefields and so on, the master and disciple teaming up is naturally more assured, others might still backstab, rob and kill and so on, but master and disciple is almost impossible for such things to happen.

Whoever dares to deceive the master and disciple, if they don’t find out, the moment they find out, they will be the public enemy of all the powerhouses!

“Have you thought about it?” True Diffusion King looked at Luo Feng, “Who to choose as a teacher.”

“I …… “Luo Feng was a bit hesitant.

“Don’t hesitate, which strong person doesn’t have a bunch of teachers.” True Difficulty King laughed, “Back then when I climbed up step by step from the weak, I also worshipped a group of teachers. After all, a teacher’s ability is limited, then for the sake of humanity’s development, naturally, we can’t limit everyone to just one teacher, that would only delay your talents.”

“Hmm.” Luo Feng nodded.

“There are many universe honored ones, but I don’t know which one to choose.” Luo Feng said.

In his heart, Luo Feng was more interested in worshipping under the “Heavenly Eclipse Palace Master”.

Naihe ……

The Heavenly Eclipse Palace Master didn’t send any emails, as for the other 300 or so Universe Exalted, Luo Feng almost didn’t recognize any of them, and didn’t know who was stronger or weaker than the other Universe Exalted. In the email, those universe honored masters naturally described their abilities a little, but Luo Feng of course understood the reasoning of “the king’s wife sells her melon”, those universe honored masters describing themselves was not enough to believe in them completely.

“I’ll recommend one for you.” True Diffusion King laughed.

“Hmm?” Luo Feng was stunned.

“Chaos city lord!” True Diffusion King solemnly said.

“Ah.” Luo Feng was stunned.

Chaos city lord?

The super being who sat in the human holy land of Chaos City? There were billions of communities in the universe, alien powerhouses were eyeing it, and the importance of being a human holy land could be imagined, but with the Chaos City Lord sitting here no alien powerhouses would dare to mess with it, from this you could imagine how powerful the Chaos City Lord was.

“But teacher, the Chaos City Lord didn’t send me an email.” Luo Feng even said, “Is it hard for me to personally go to the door and introduce myself?”

“No.” True Diffusion King shook his head, “Although the Chaos City Lord didn’t send an email, he sent someone to me to tell me that …… intends to accept you as a ‘named disciple’.”

“Named disciple?” Luo Feng was stunned.

“Haha …… what is the status of the Chaos City Lord, although you’re doing well now, you’re not qualified for him to accept you as a personal disciple.” True Diffusion King laughed, “Chaos City Lord’s personal disciples are usually universe honored ones. Of course …… that Koti is also his personal disciple, but you still seem to be almost as good compared to Koti now.”

Luo Feng also nodded his head in acknowledgement.

Koti was at the universe level, domain lord level, and sector lord level, all characters who had broken through the primordial mountain of passage.

Sector lord level was comparable to a sealed king immortal, a heaven defying figure who could kill a sealed marquis immortal. I heard that he was able to “break through the 20th floor of the Tongtian Bridge” with his law perception at the Realm Lord level……. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been able to kill a Marquis Immortal with his Realm Lord body.

Only such a supreme character was accepted as a personal disciple.

“The Chaos City Lord also left a Chaos Tablet, do you know which one?” True Diffusion King smiled at Luo Feng.

“52 Chaos monuments ……” Luo Feng was shocked, while the name of that one Chaos monument quickly surfaced in his mind.

“Cosmic chaos stele.” True Diffusion King said.

“The second ranked Cosmic Chaos Monument?” Luo Feng took a deep breath.

Of the 52 chaos monuments, the giant axe chaos monument ranked first and the universe chaos monument ranked second.

The Giant Axe Chaos Monument was left by the “Giant Axe Founder”, the Cosmic Chaos Monument was left by the “Chaos City Lord”, from this …… this Chaos City Lord should be considered one of the top three true peak existences of the entire human race. He has been sitting in the Chaos City for many years, making countless foreign races not dare to invade.

Absolute supreme existence.

“Although the other Cosmic Exalted are accepting you as a personal disciple, the Chaos City Lord is only accepting you as a named disciple. But as long as you are a named disciple …… in the future, if you perform even better, you will also be promoted to a personal disciple.” The True Diffusion King laughed, “With the Chaos City Lord as your teacher, naturally there won’t be anyone within the Human Race to mess with you, and situations like the Nightmare Candle King wantonly dealing with you won’t occur again. Of course …… the foreign race powerhouses won’t give face to the Chaos City Lord.”

Luo Feng nodded.

The foreign races ……


Humans are just one ethnic group, but there are strong foreigners, even foreigners comparable to the founders of the giant axe, “foreigner mighty ones”. Even the so-called Amazing God Clan was left behind by an alien powerhouse. Even the Magic Sound God General inheritance and the Ice God General inheritance …… are estimated to be left behind by a foreign great power.

The universe was vast and powerful, so one should indeed always harbor a humble heart.

“I’ve decided.” Luo Feng nodded, “I’ll go and worship the Chaos City Lord.”

“Haha.” True Difficulty King nodded in satisfaction, “But you’ll first go and meet with Venerable Nine Swords once later, he’s your direct Venerable after all, so you’ll first tell him of your decision. Knowing that you’re going to worship the Chaos City Lord as your teacher, he wouldn’t dare say much. After all, right now in my Virtual Universe Company, the Chaos City Lord is the first person in charge.”

“The first person in charge of the virtual universe company?” Luo Feng’s heart was even harder to resist ah, really wanted to see this virtual universe company’s power holder with his own eyes, a true peak existence.

I’m afraid that compared to the giant axe founders, the Chaos city lord was similar.

Otherwise, how can he sit in the human holy land, how can he resist those alien great powers?

Anxious and impatient, Luo Feng even went through the virtual universe network, first went to the exclusive space dimension of the “Nine Swords Venerable One”, and respectfully paid a visit to the Nine Swords Venerable One.

The Nine Swords Venerable Master treated Luo Feng with a lot of politeness, when he learned that …… the Chaos City Lord wanted to accept Luo Feng as a registered disciple, the Nine Swords Venerable Master would not stop it even though he had no choice.

After all, …… that was the Chaos City Lord!

Even if the Chaos City Lord accepted as a nominal disciple, the status was still higher than a personal disciple of a Universe Exalted!

“Haha, looking at your appearance you’re just impatient.” Venerable Nine Swords was on top of the great hall, overlooking the bottom and smiling, “Since the Chaos City Lord has already passed down the order, then you should hurry to the City Lord’s mansion, and remember, you mustn’t show the slightest bit of disrespect when you meet the Chaos City Lord. The Chaos City Lord has guarded the Holy Land of the Human Race for an infinite number of years, his contribution to my Human Race is immeasurable.”

“Yes, honored one.” Luo Feng respectfully saluted.

With that, he clamored and directly disappeared into thin air.

And at the same moment ……

Luo Feng had already walked out of his teacher, the True Diffusion King’s mansion, walking along the wide street towards the distant city lord’s mansion, the distantly looming and atmospheric city lord’s mansion was already within sight.

“Chaos city lord.” Luo Feng softly chanted in his heart.

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