Chapter 72 – Star-Eating Grass

Release Date: 2024-07-11 23:58:01
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The domain lord level qualification battle just passed, the lofty super existences of the human community as well as some geniuses weren’t even the slightest bit surprised that Luo Feng won the first place, they knew …… very well that Luo Feng’s kind of cultivation speed was destined to become a figure of the universe’s human community!

Now they were looking forward to watching …… whether or not this Luo Feng would be able to practice the first layer of Diffractive God Seven Transformations within 3000 years in Chaos City and become the Chaos City Lord’s personal disciple.

Inside Chaos City.

“Your Highness Luo Feng.” Three sector lords in silver battle armor walked under Luo Feng’s cultivation residence and tilted their heads to look at Luo Feng sitting cross-legged on the rooftop.


Luo Feng on the rooftop opened his eyes and looked down, a silk smile appeared on his face.


Directly jumped off the balcony.

“Has what I want arrived?” Luo Feng looked at the three sector lords in front of him.

“Yes.” The three silver battle armored realm lords, the one in the lead nodded, while respectfully handing over a world ring, “Your highness Luo Feng the items you purchased and so on are all within this side of the world.”

Luo Feng took it, then his thoughts directly drilled into the world ring, the “one world” within the world ring was very small, only 10,000 kilometers in diameter, but inside was a large amount of goods, covering thousands of kilometers of goods, the most conspicuous among them were the three silver chests placed in the center of that one world.

“Very good.” Luo Feng nodded with a smile, “Trouble you all.”

“It should be, it should be.”

The three realm lords were a bit terrified and even responded, “I don’t dare to hit your highness Luo Feng, we’ll leave first.”

The three quickly left.

Walking along the wide street, the three couldn’t help but discuss, “They say that this Luo Feng is an absolute monster genius that came out once in the last ten million epochs, I didn’t expect to look like he didn’t have much of a stance, quite good to get along with, the last time we went to make a delivery to give it to that primordial secret realm realm lord, hmmm, pretending to be like what he is.”

“This is called temperament!”


“I heard that His Highness Luo Feng was even accepted as a personal disciple by the Chaos City Lord.”

“What I heard was a named disciple.”

“Nonsense, it’s clearly a personal disciple.”

“Oh, maybe the rumor was wrong.”

These three people transmitted their voices to each other to discuss, they are all just realm masters …… but because they belong to the core of the virtual universe company some clerks, they often hear access to some secrets, but most of what they hear do not know how many people they have spread, I’m afraid that the authenticity will have to take a discount.

Luo Feng took this world ring and immediately walked into the living room of his cultivation residence.

Sitting on the sofa, Luo Feng stroked this world ring and quickly refined it.

“Come out.” Luo Feng had a hint of longing in his eyes and directly took out those three silver colored boxes from within a side world.

The three silver chests were placed on the dining table.

Each chest was about a meter long, half a meter wide and thirty centimeters tall.

Luo Feng took a deep breath and quickly opened the three silver chests, “Snap!” “Snap!” “Snap!” The boxes were all opened, only to see a small white grass in front of the three silver boxes, the grass was placed very carefully, about 60 centimeters tall, with silvery white rhizomes.

“Star eating grass!” Luo Feng smiled as he looked at the three plant life, “Finally here.”

Ever since six years ago, when Luo Feng had just started practicing the first layer of the Seven Transformations of Diffracting God, after studying his approximate strength after the first layer was practiced, he had a clearer plan for the future. His own cultivation in Chaos City …… was destined to be for a very long time, so it was necessary to utilize such a long time.

How to utilize?

One’s own capital, “Rock Divine Water”, was a top treasure for cultivating plant life, so of course, one had to cultivate plant life.

You should know that there are a lot of strong cultivators in Chaos city, they often need to buy some treasures, and the virtual universe company’s spaceships often come here, so naturally they can be ordered.

Luo Feng ordered three “star eating grass hatchlings”.

Star-eating grass: a very strange plant life grown in the universe, it will be born on an ordinary mineral planet, as it grows, it will automatically devour all kinds of metals, rocks, etc. on the planet, generally ordinary mineral planet is enough to let a “star-eating grass” evolve to the cosmic level, and the mineral planet will also fall apart, this star-eating grass will be The star-eating grass will be rooted on large rocks and start interstellar wandering.

In the course of wandering, the star-eating grass may devour some strange metals, rocks, grasses and trees, and so on, and get evolved.

There are many kinds of plant life.

Such as the main defense class, the main attack class, attack and defense both class, as well as other classes. Because plant life is very many …… functions are also countless, and even some plant life itself can also spawn some living beings, some plant life is like trees that must be rooted in the soil. Even if the transplantation must also be careful, and can not be like the Mo Yun vine and so on can fly recklessly and run around.

In short, there were many types and many functions.

The best is the one that fits.

Star Eating Grass: called “the toughest offensive plant life”, here the so-called “toughest” refers to the human community can sell some plant life, but in the vast universe, there are still some can be called a unique product of the magical plant life, there is no sale! This Star-Eating Grass naturally likes to devour rocks. This Star Eating Grass naturally liked to devour rocks, metals, trees, and so on, making its vines and grass incredibly tough and sharp.

Its means of attack was single.

It’s a single move, the “Tangle Kill”!

The Mo Yun Vine was different from the Star Eating Grass. Mo Yun vine is actually the main defense, and a little bit of attack ability.

However, the selling price of star-eating grass is more expensive than “Mo Yun vine”, without a certain status, no channel …… simply can not buy star-eating grass young body! Because this star-eating grass as “offensive plant life” and called “the most tough”, then it is a very good auxiliary helper, such as when killing ……

Star-eating grass countless vines to entangle the opponent, as long as the ability to entangle the opponent’s speed, attack, then I’m afraid that the end of a battle will be rewritten!

The only ability to “entangle and kill”, the best advantage “trafficking in plant life can be said to be the most tough”, resulting in it in short supply.

Three star eating grass hatchlings cost Luo Feng nearly 900,000 hybrid units.

Of course the hatchlings are all the same, but the cultivation will not be the same in the end.

Just like the Mo Yun vine, the worst is 36 main vines at sector master level, the best is 360 main vines, back in the day, the owner of the meteorite ink star “Hu Yan Bo”‘s Mo Yun vine was only 108 main vines at sector master level, but it still took countless efforts to make the Mo Yun vine break through to immortality. Luo Feng’s realm lord level mo yun vine is a licking main vine, to break through to immortality, than back then Hu Yan Bo I’m afraid it must be ten times more difficult.

Star eating grass, the selling price was more expensive than the Mo Yun vine.

Among the star eating grass boundary master level, the worst cultivation is ten vines of star eating grass, the highest is a thousand vines of star eating grass.

“Star eating grass!” Luo Feng looked at the three hatchlings and revealed a smile.

The three star eater grasses, along with the large amount of materials for cultivating star eater grasses that were spread all over one side of the world, all added up had cost himself a total of almost 2 million mixed yuan units! Without enough money, how could one dare to cultivate it?

“Mo Yun Vine is the main defense, Star Eating Grass aids in the attack.” Luo Feng secretly said, “Star eating grass is notoriously tough, the hatchlings can devour planets ……”

“Luo Feng, don’t be too happy.”

Babata’s voice rang out in Luo Feng’s mind, “Your teacher’s Mo Yun Vine smashed 6.2 million hybrid units in just 108 main vines, along with luck, before the Mo Yun Vine finally broke through. It allowed that Mo Yun Vine to barely have ‘early stage of Seal Marquis’ strength. Your Mo Yun Vine has a full 216 main vines, which is ten times harder than your teacher’s! If it is the strongest Mo Yun Vine with 360 main vines …… I am afraid that it is ten times harder than the Golden Horned Beast breaking through into immortality! And likewise once it becomes immortal, then the 360 main vine’s Mo Yun Vine has the strength to seal the king.”

“Star Eating Grass, more expensive than Mo Yun Vine.”

“Cultivating the worst ten vines of Star Eating Grass to reach immortality is certainly easy.”

“But five hundred vines of Star Eating Grass is comparable to the strongest Mo Yun Vine.”

“And the legendary ‘Thousand Vine’ Star Eating Grass, breaking through to immortality, I’m afraid the difficulty is comparable to the Insect Mother’s breaking through to immortality ……! Of course once it succeeds, the immortal level ‘Thousand Vines Star Eating Grass’ definitely possesses peak Seal King strength.”

Hearing Babata say so much in one breath, Luo Feng couldn’t help but smile.

Of course he knew all this, there were billions of lives in the universe, magical beyond compare, but there was never a free lunch! The universe was fair, like the star giants and insect mother emperors, the difficulty of breaking through to immortality was simply unbelievably high. Those plant life is also, the more peak plant life …… difficulty is ridiculously high.

Is it choosing to cultivate almost plant life, easy point to break through to immortality.

Or to cultivate extremely strong plant life that may never be able to break through to immortality.

How to choose is all up to the individual.

“Haha, that’s why I ordered three plants.” Luo Feng laughed, “Three star eating grasses, one cultivated into a ‘hundred vines star eating grass’, one cultivated into a ‘three hundred vines’, and one cultivated into the top tier ‘thousand vines’ ‘.”

It cost nearly 2 million Mixed Yuan Units, the three hatchlings themselves cost nearly 900,000, and over 1.1 million Mixed Yuan Units was to purchase various resources to cultivate them.

Mainly, cultivating the “Thousand Vines Star Eating Grass” took up over 90% of the resources.


“Luckily I have Locke divine water, otherwise cultivating a sector lord level Thousand Vine Star Eating Grass would be enough to make a feudal lord level immortal lose his fortune.” Luo Feng secretly said, “I’m fine, I’m spending 2 million …… now when I’m Sector Lord level, the other 50 million hybrid units from the Virtual Universe Company will arrive.”

Cultivating the star eating grass was easy, first it was recognizing the owner, then it was a simple cultivation process, most of the time these three star eating grasses were within the lakes of Locke divine water. At the same time, Babata was in charge of supervision, observing the evolutionary process of these three star-eating grasses and providing other resources to promote evolution when appropriate.

“Right now these three star eating grasses are all just hatchlings, but I’ll still be in Chaos City for a long time, by the time I’ve practiced the first layer of the Diffractive God Seven Transformations, I’m afraid that all three of them will have reached the peak of the realm lord.” Luo Feng smiled, then he didn’t think much more and devoted himself to practicing the Seven Transformations of Diffracting God.

Cultivation has no years ……

Luo Feng sat on his knees on the rooftop of his cultivation abode all year round as if he was like many other bitter cultivators.

One year, ten years, a hundred years …… time kept passing …… Luo Feng was also progressing ……

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