Chapter 77: Secrets

Release Date: 2024-07-11 23:58:14
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Virtual universe company original secret realm member list, confidentiality level is not too high, when Luo Feng became a realm lord, was “virtual universe network receiver” induction confirmation …… automatically Luo Feng from “domain lord level original secret realm member” to “realm lord level original secret realm member”, this upgrade list change, many immortal deities, super existences all know. “Upgraded to “Realm Lord level primordial secret realm member”, this upgrade, the list changed, many immortal deities and super existences knew about it.


Luo Feng was walking on the street heading to the city lord’s mansion and realized that there were many “immortal deities” looking at him along the way.

“He’s Luo Feng?”

“Already a primordial secret realm lord.”

“I’ve heard …… that this Luo Feng has already broken through the domain lord level primordial through mountain.”

“Where did you get that information? Successfully breaking through the Primordial Passing Mountain isn’t something that’s publicized, it’s said that only Universe Exalted can learn about these confidential messages.”

“That’s all I’ve heard.”

On both sides of the street, one would often hear some passing immortal deities whispering to each other, obviously in the last thousand years, Luo Feng had indeed become a famous genius in Chaos City, almost half of the strongest people in Chaos City knew Luo Feng.

Luo Feng entered the city lord’s mansion in the midst of this kind of discussion, entered the inner mansion, and stepped into the courtyard of the chaos market.

Time and space shifted.

The vast ruined continent, billions of corpses of communities could be seen everywhere, Luo Feng was walking on this land, distantly seeing a figure sitting quietly on his knees in the distance.

“Teacher.” Luo Feng stood aside and bowed respectfully.


Chaos city lord got up, that scaly tail slightly swept, then looked at Luo Feng, which made Luo Feng sigh in his heart, “All these years have been in the virtual universe to see the chaos city lord teacher, the chaos city lord teacher in the virtual universe …… rather feels majestic, calm, and at the same time is completely a different look. ”

Chaos City Lord has three major doppelgangers, this Luo Feng knows, this should be one of the doppelgangers in front of him.

“You’re finally willing to break through to the realm lord level.” Chaos city lord had a hint of a smile in his eyes.

Luo Feng was stunned.

Finally willing?

To become a sector lord from domain lord ninth rank, one would usually encounter some bottlenecks, it wasn’t like one could break through just because they wanted to! But teacher this tone ……

“You what took over the flesh of the Golden Horned Beast was, wasn’t it, the time your hometown ‘Earth’ suffered from the Golden Horned Beast’s invasion back then?” Chaos City Lord asked casually.

Luo Feng’s eyes went round.


Taking over the Golden Horned Beast?

This, this, this ……

One has always kept it a secret, never publicized it ah. How, how ……

“Hahaha, you silly boy.” Chaos City Lord laughed out loud, “It’s hard to believe that you think that this point of you taking over the Golden Horned Beast can be hidden from me?”

“Teacher.” Luo Feng’s heart was in chaos.

“Don’t be nervous, taking over the golden horned beast is no big deal.” Chaos city lord shook his head and laughed, “The most essential thing about flesh and blood beings is still the ‘soul’, no matter how you take away your body and what flesh you take away, but your soul remains the same, it’s still a human soul. Naturally it’s still a part of humanity.”

Luo Feng secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

That’s right, there are a lot of “secret method of taking over”, there are many at planetary and stellar level that can be performed, there are often people who take over, and after taking over once and not being satisfied, they may continue to take over for a second time, for example, back then, “Hu Yan Bo” also took over. Many strong people in the universe have taken away their bodies when they were growing up, so as to reduce the limitation of their original bloodline on their strength.

Therefore, “taking away the body” is not something that should not be seen in the light of day.

It is the soul that is fundamental!

Taking over the Golden Horned Beast, but as long as there is a human soul, it is naturally a human being!

“Haha, don’t be mesmerized by appearances. If one is a human on the surface, but is actually taken over by a foreign race, and the soul is that of a foreign race. Then …… that is a foreign race. And not a human.” The Chaos City Lord laughed, “The fact that you have the ability to take over the Golden Horned Beast is your ability. If you can take over even more powerful beings …… that’s even better, I’m afraid you can’t.”

Luo Feng’s heart was finally calm.

In the past, his heart had been worried because Huyan Bo’s seized body was still a human, but his own seized body belonged to a foreign race! Once he was exposed and labeled as a “foreigner”, then he would be in big trouble. I don’t dare to gamble! Therefore, he had been hiding his identity, and now it seemed that the human hierarchy was still very open-minded.

“Teacher, how did you find me ……” Luo Feng couldn’t help but ask.

“Every batch of geniuses that have just been absorbed, no matter if it’s the ‘Genius Battle’ or the core members absorbed by the five major powers, will come to ‘Chaos City’ once.” The Chaos City Lord smiled, “The first time you all come to Chaos City, one is for you to choose a Chaos Monument and know the way forward. The second is also to screen if there are any foreign race spies amongst you, if you cultivate to the end, but it’s for the foreign race to cultivate a strong person. That would be a joke.”

“In Chaos City, I can instantly see the bottom of all of you.” The Chaos City Lord said, “I saw that ‘protocore’ in your body then.”

“Ah.” Luo Feng was shocked.


How could humans spend resources to cultivate those geniuses without screening them.

And the “Chaos City Lord”, as the pinnacle of the human community’s great existence, the absolute top three cosmic overlords amongst humans …… was naturally able to easily discern everyone’s details and see everyone’s soul!

“That that ……” Luo Feng couldn’t help but say, “Since I know that I took over the Golden Horned Beast, and that my Golden Horned Beast was already at the Realm Lord level long ago, why do you still treat me as a member of the Domain Lord level?”

“I know that you took over the Golden Horn Beast, others don’t.” Chaos City Lord laughed lightly.

Luo Feng blinked his eyes.

“My noble duty is to screen if there are any foreign spies amongst you.” Chaos City Lord sighed, “There are too many strange encounters in the universe, your taking over the Golden Horned Beast …… is nothing in the vast universe. I just need to confirm that you are human, that’s all! As for those managers down there who didn’t realize that you took over the Golden Horn Beast, and still treat you as a cosmic level, as a domain lord …… I’m certainly too lazy to care.”

Luo Feng nodded slightly.


Chaos city lord, is the biggest boss of the virtual universe company, what kind of status? Which would care about such trivial matters.

“Teacher you can find out, how come others can’t?” Luo Feng was skeptical.

“I control a side of space and time.” Chaos city lord laughed softly, “I can easily detect everything within this side of space and time. Those universe reverends, on the other hand, either only have comprehended the laws of space, or only have comprehended the laws of time! They can’t do what I can do, unless they deliberately infiltrate a trace of divine power into your body to investigate, they can’t even find out that you’ve taken over the Golden Horned Beast.”

Luo Feng realized.

A “universe lord” who controlled space and time was really much stronger than a “universe honored one”.

“Luckily you came to Chaos City when you were weak.” Chaos city lord said, “If you came to Chaos city for the first time when you were an ‘immortal deity’, maybe I would have wronged you and treated you as a spy of the ‘star beasts’.”

Luo Feng doubted the feeling.

“Once you become an immortal deity, the soul begins to completely merge with the body, to the point where every spiritual imprint is integrated into every cell.” Chaos city lord laughed, “By then every cell can be considered a part of your soul, as there is no clearly visible soul, only the most basic ‘spiritual imprints’ can be detected, and every being with a soul has a different spiritual imprint.”

“There is no way to tell from the spiritual imprint, whether you are human or not.”

“So – I would suspect you of being a foreign spy.” Chaos City Lord laughed.

Luo Feng nodded.


Right, from ordinary humans until domain lords, souls were all gathered together. When domain lords were ‘soul crystals’, when sector lords were ‘origin beads’, the souls were all gathered together, Chaos city lord naturally saw through at a glance whether it was a human soul or not.

But when one becomes an ‘immortal deity’, the soul directly collapses and decomposes, integrating into every cell, at that time there is no longer a clearly visible soul, the soul becomes part of the ‘immortal deity body’.

“If that’s the case, wouldn’t it be impossible for some immortal deities who come to Chaos city for the first time to confirm if they’re spies or not?” Luo Feng asked afterward.


Chaos city lord nodded, “It’s impossible to confirm, so ‘immortal deities’ who come to Chaos city for the first time are objects of suspicion and will be monitored.”

After listening to this, Luo Feng only felt that the human holy land “Chaos city” was indeed heavily guarded, I guess what teacher said to himself was only one of the “guards”, there were many other means of guarding. When I always thought that the Golden Horned Beast split was a secret, I didn’t think that the Chaos City Lord knew about it.

Only back then, the Chaos City Lord was too lazy to pay attention to a little guy.

“Taking over the Golden Horned Beast can only be considered an ‘upper-middle’ encounter among the billions of communities in the universe.” The Chaos City Lord smiled, “The only highlight is being able to obtain his bloodline’s natural ability ‘bilocation’, and choosing a good bilocation is very important. How many bilocations have you birthed now?”

“Two.” Luo Feng respectfully said.

“Hmm, it seems like there’s only the last bilocation left to be conceived.” Chaos city lord nodded, “I’ll remind you ……”

Luo Feng even listened carefully.

“The universe is fair, the gift of conceiving a bilocation can’t be unlimited.” Chaos City Lord solemnly said, “As far as I know, one, there are some very amazing and terrifying beings in the universe, even unique beings. Even if it is only at the sector lord level …… your Golden Horned Beast’s inner world, it simply can’t breed that kind of life. The Golden Horned Beast’s internal world breeds life …… at most breeds life that is ten times stronger than the Golden Horned Beast by a factor of a hundred, and if you want to breed that kind of heavenly life, it’s not very realistic. Of course the Golden Horned Beast itself has a noble bloodline, so almost all realm lord lives in the universe can be birthed, just some very, very few exceptions.”

“Two, if you choose some powerful ones that have nearly reached the ‘limit of internal world conception’, ten times and a hundred times more powerful than the Golden Horned Beast. Yes, it is indeed possible to successfully breed it. However, the universe is fair, the detachment you breed is too heaven-defying and will encounter some obstacles as it grows.”

Luo Feng was stunned.


“Right.” Chaos city lord nodded, “The stronger your bilocation is, there will be some difficulties to hinder you.”

“One drink, one peck, fortune and misfortune.” The Chaos City Lord smiled, “This is the fairness of the universe. Although there are difficulties to obstruct you, once you get through them, you will also have even more strength.”

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