Chapter 81 – Leaving Chaos City

Release Date: 2024-07-11 23:58:24
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Walking out of the True Diffusion King’s mansion, Luo Feng secretly resolved that he would have to break through.

The three teachers he really worshipped were Hu Yan Bo, True Diffusion King, and Chaos City Lord. However, on the depth of feeling …… Zhen Yan Wang is ranked first, because and Zhen Yan Wang get along with time is too long, and Zhen Yan Wang treats the disciple is very attentive, as if the father treats the son, and alone buy “Diffractive God seven changes” to send the upper part of the Luo Feng, is difficult to repay the grace.

You have to know that the True Diffusion King is not yet a “universe honored one”, purchasing the first chapter of the “Seven Changes of Diffracted God” was also a huge payment.

“Your Highness Luo Feng.”

“Your Highness Luo Feng.”

The immortal guards of the inner mansion of the city lord’s mansion enthusiastically said, while making way.

Luo Feng stepped into the inner mansion and quickly walked to the Chaos Ruins courtyard, took a deep breath and took a step in-

This vast ruined continent, all kinds of strong corpses could be seen everywhere, you have to know that this is a reality and not a “virtual universe”, so every one of these corpses are real, and they haven’t been decaying for countless years, obviously all these corpses are already at the immortal level, and some of these corpses alone have a breath that would make Luo Feng’s heart flutter.

“Teacher.” Luo Feng walked up to a figure sitting on his knees and bowed respectfully.

Chaos city lord stood up and turned his head to look at Luo Feng.

“Ready to leave Chaos City?” Chaos city lord’s eyes were calm and deep like the sea.

“Yes.” Luo Feng answered.

“Well, it’s time to go out and make a break for it.” Chaos city lord nodded slightly, “Where are you planning to go first? The universe secret realm? Extra domain battlefield?”

“Extra domain battlefield.” Luo Feng respectfully said.

Realm lords, it was mandatory to undergo life and death honing, this was the tradition of the virtual universe company for billions of years.

Life and death training, there were two main ways, one was in the “extra-territorial battlefield”, and the other was in the “universe secret realm”, both places were very dangerous, like the extra-territorial battlefield, it was a war between clans and clans. There are countless strong foreigners lurking inside, and the combined attack of a legion – even if the individual is weaker than Luo Feng, the combined attack of the legion can still make Luo Feng instantly finished.

As for the universe secret realm, it’s no worse than the extra-terrestrial battlefield, like Luo Feng’s senior brother “Koti” fell in a universe secret realm, some dangerous universe secret realm, but even universe honored one may perish!

“Extraterrestrial battlefield?” Chaos City Lord frowned, “There, foreigners lurk, and you are now my personal disciple, and you have long been known as the human race’s ‘one in ten million epochs’ supreme genius. Countless foreign race powerhouses have long wanted to kill you, once you arrive at that extra-territorial battlefield …… I’m afraid ……”

Luo Feng smiled, “Disciple understands, disciple once suffered an assassination by the insect race, at that time disciple’s fame was not as big as it is now. Then the insect race spared no expense to lay hands on me in the ‘no hole star field’. And now I’m afraid they’re willing to pay an even greater price to lay their hands on me.”

“The Insect Race!”

The Chaos City Lord snorted coldly, and the endless pale continent space around him was a tremor.

Luo Feng was also secretly shocked.

He could feel the anger the Chaos City Lord contained when he mentioned the “insect race”.

“The mechanical race, the demon race, and the insect race, these three peak races are adjacent to my human race’s borders.” The Chaos City Lord said in a cold voice, “Because of the neighboring territories, each wants to expand or doesn’t want to be invaded, so they can only engage in war! Of these three clans …… on insidiousness, the insect clan ranks first, this insect clan many means insidious, you go to the extraterritorial battlefield the most careful is this insect clan!”

Luo Feng nodded: “Yes, teacher.”

“You must keep this in mind, because your senior brother Koti was planted in the hands of the insect race.” Chaos city lord solemnly said, “His strength, his means of self-preservation and so on are much stronger than you are now. You were merely given 3 billion points to acquire a large number of items and so on. And your Senior Brother Koti was the one who broke through the Boundary Lord level Primordial Heavenly Mountain back then and received 100 billion points! There were more treasures and so on than you, and there were also many strange encounters, but he still perished.”

Luo Feng’s heart trembled even as he responded, “Disciple keep that in mind.”


He thought he had many means, but Hu Yan Bo, who had never personally taught himself, had asked Babata to leave a message for him before he died – he must be in awe of the universe, and must remain humble all the time. This was the idea of a lone ranger-like immortal deity who had wandered through the universe.

“Never be proud, one carelessness and you might lose your life.” Luo Feng secretly admonished himself.

“The war between communities and communities is very cruel because it’s a war of survival, and countless strong people have fallen down over infinite years, causing the hatred between communities and communities to grow and grow, it’s long since reached an incomparably terrifying point!” The Chaos City Lord turned his head to look around at the countless corpses on the surrounding pale land, “See, these corpses.”


Luo Feng glanced around to see the countless alien corpses, either huge corpses thousands of kilometers tall, or short corpses less than half a meter tall, or metallic beings, or energy beings and so on……. The corpses exuded an aura of varying strengths and weaknesses, and some of them weren’t even worse than the living Eroded Flame Venerable.

“These were all killed by my own hands.” The Chaos City Lord said softly, “The countless alien powerhouses that I alone have killed, and that’s only less than 10% of the alien powerhouses that I’ve killed, more have long since been blasted into powdered nothingness by the energy aftermath in the war.”

“We humans hate the Fae.”

“The alien race hates humans.”

“Can’t say who’s right and who’s wrong, maybe no one is right, everyone is trying to survive. Weak communities want to become stronger, and strong communities want to contain other communities from becoming stronger.” The Chaos City Lord said softly, “There is no end to the killing and no end to the hatred. Although I have the ability to resurrect the dead, it is too costly.”

“Resurrect the dead?” Luo Feng was secretly shocked.

Chaos city lord looked at Luo Feng, “Lord of the universe, controlling space and time, naturally you can reverse space and time!”

“Even if you die! I can still reverse time and space and go back to the time layer where you didn’t die and resurrect you from that time layer.” The Chaos City Lord shook his head and sighed, “The reasoning is simple, but the price is high. After all, it is against the laws of the universe’s operation to resurrect someone whose soul has been scattered, and it will be countered by the laws of the universe.”

“If I resurrected a Seal Marquis Immortal or Seal King Immortal, I would be able to resist that backlash.”

“But resurrecting a Cosmic Exalted, even I would have to be seriously injured. Like some of the topmost figures among the Cosmic Exalted, such as the …… comparable to Herodor If I were to resurrect, I’m afraid that the backlash alone would be enough for me to perish.” Chaos City Lord said, “If I die, no one will be able to resurrect me.”

Luo Feng was shocked.

What a terrifying price.

The “backlash” of resurrecting a universe venerable was able to seriously injure the Chaos City Lord. Resurrecting a peak universe venerable like Herodor, the backlash could even cause the Chaos City Lord to perish.

“Reversing time and space and resurrecting the dead is not just being subjected to the backlash of the laws of cosmic operation.” The Chaos City Lord shook his head, “There are still many flaws in this heaven-reversing means, the wonders of which cannot be explained in a moment, it’s not that if you die. I will definitely have the certainty to bring you back to life. For example, if you, Senior Brother Koti, I will not be able to resurrect you. So you should be cautious …… If the foreign races lay their hands on you, they will definitely think of ways to make it impossible for me to resurrect you.”

“Understood.” Luo Feng even nodded.

“Remember!” Chaos City Lord solemnly said, “The most important one …… don’t be controlled by the soul infestation and become a soul slave, that way teacher can’t do anything.”

Luo Feng was secretly shocked, so becoming a soul slave would be the end.

“Assuming you can’t stop it again if you’re subjected to a soul invasion, you’d rather blow yourself up and commit suicide than become a soul slave.” Chaos city lord stared at Luo Feng.

“Self-destruct?” Luo Feng nodded.

“This is my token.” Chaos city lord flipped his hand, a golden token appeared in his hand, the token had faint carvings on it, vaguely a city.

Luo Feng respectfully accepted it.

“In case you are in danger and can’t carry on, you immediately destroy this token, the material of this token is fragile, it’s a C9 grade alloy, you can easily crush it. There is a spiritual imprint of the teacher on this token, once you crush it, the teacher will know immediately and will arrive in a very short time!” Chaos city lord solemnly said.

Luo Feng nodded.

“Of course …… teacher doesn’t want you to be forced to use this token.” Chaos City Lord looked at Luo Feng, “What teacher wants is for …… you to rely on your own strength and become a supreme powerhouse. Let that foreign race not be able to shake you. Before you go, teacher has one last thing to tell you-”

“Remember, the means to save your life is number one.” The Chaos City Lord solemnly said, “With top-notch means of preserving your life, then other powerhouses won’t dare to mess with you at all. Like the Immortal Venerable in the Giant Axe Fighting Martial Arena …… strength belongs to the peak of Universe Venerable, but his ability to preserve his life is so strong that even if the Lord of the Universe wanted to truly kill him, it would be very, very difficult. Once you can’t kill him …… you will be retaliated against, he may not be a match for you, but he can retaliate against your disciples and against your clan.”

Luo Feng listened with clarity.


Life preservation ability is not to be messed with, if you can’t kill him, don’t do it, or else you’ll be in big trouble if you messed with this kind of enemy that can be called “immortal”.

“I don’t expect you to be able to reach ‘Immortal Honorable One’ like that, life preservation ability that outrageous. However, you should also try to improve your means of preserving your life.” Chaos City Lord solemnly said, “No matter what time don’t think …… that you are absolutely safe, even at this level of teacher, you wouldn’t dare to say this.”

“Disciple keep that in mind.” Luo Feng said respectfully and gratefully.


“Go out and make a break for it!” Chaos city lord waved his hand.

Luo Feng also knelt down to pay his respects to his teacher.


Luo Feng was then moved out of the Chaos Ruins out of thin air.

Luo Feng looked at this Chaos Ruins courtyard, then he turned his head and left.

The initial universe chaos city and the original universe “virtual universe company” base camp, there were often spaceships traveling through the “universe channel”. Luo Feng decided to leave today, so he naturally checked the message and applied to leave.


Luo Feng soared into the sky, flying towards the sky above Chaos City, where a huge shuttle shaped spaceship was parked.

“Your highness Luo Feng, we’re all ready.” There was an immortal deity purple clothed man standing right at the hatchway and was smiling and enthusiastic.

Luo Feng turned back and looked down towards the bottom, looking at this Chaos City, this was the place where he had lived for 1200 years, the place where his teacher, the True Diffusion King, and the Chaos City Lord were.

“Let’s go.”

Luo Feng flew directly into the spaceship.


The hatch officially closed, “Rumble ……” the universe ship began to start flying deeper into the chaotic air currents.

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