Chapter 1: Manu

Release Date: 2024-07-11 18:40:49
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“This killing field, what kind of place is it?” Luo Feng even asked.

“Good place oh.” Thunder God pretended to be mysterious.

“Go once, you’ll love going there in the future.” Hong also sold out.

A clear voice rang out, “The Killing Ground, is a special training ground for martial artists and spirit numeration masters. There, you have to have whatever kind of opponents you want. Group battles? One-on-one? Battle against a realm lord powerhouse? This killing field can satisfy you all, but of course it costs a lot per day.”

Luo Feng, Hong, and Thunder God turned their heads, the one who just spoke was Babata on Luo Feng’s shoulder.

“Luo Feng.”

The voice sounded in Luo Feng’s mind, “This killing field, is also in my plan to train you. Originally, when you got the bank account number given to you by your teacher, I was going to tell you. However, you were busy dealing with that Nolan Mountain family fleet. There was no time to go to the Killing Fields either, so go now, that place is nice.”

Being praised by Babata for being nice?

“Go, go and take a look now.” Luo Feng couldn’t hold back.

“I knew you couldn’t wait, Third Son.” Thunder God took the drink and drank it all in one gulp, the three of them settled the bill and immediately left the bar.

The Black Dragon Mountain island in the virtual universe that was incomparably vast, so there were teleportation channels set up within the island, and depending on how far away it was, there was a need to pay. The price of internal teleportation was not high, but if one wanted to travel from the Black Dragon Mountain Island to the “Qianwu Continent”, the price would be staggering.

Black Dragon Mountain Island, Killing Ground.


The background was like a monstrous sea of blood, with a single drop of blood being the most conspicuous, and the entire hall was shrouded in such a background, so vast that one could not see the end of the hall at a glance. The people inside the hall were sparse, but since the hall was comparable to the size of a city, it was estimated that there were tens of thousands of people.

“In the Killing Fields, the consumption price is high, for example, for me, it costs 1 million Black Dragon Coins or 700 Qian Witch Coins a day.” Hong whispered.

“So expensive?” Luo Feng was shocked.

Ordinary planet richest people such as Bailan star had assets around 100 million black dragon coins. In other words, those planet richest people couldn’t afford to pay for their children, to train in the killing field for a long time. After all, 100 million black dragon coins would only be enough for 100 days. No wonder the crowd here wasn’t greatly large.

“Old Three, you’re a Stellar Rank 1, the price has to be a bit higher.” Hong whispered.

“Right, mental reciters are more expensive than martial artists.” Beside him, Thunder God said, “I need 1,000,000 black dragon coins a day, and you are a spirit recitation master, I looked and I need 5,000,000 black dragon coins a day, or 3,500 dry witch coins.”

“Too black.” Luo Feng was completely stunned.

“And the higher up you go, the stronger you are, the more shocking the price is for spending a day here.” Thunder God whispered, “If a realm lord powerhouse came here, the amount of money needed for a day would be astronomical for us.”

“High prices? Joke, high my ass!” Babata’s voice resounded in Luo Feng’s mind, “Being able to provide any enemy you want, to the point where even spatial secret techniques, numinous weapons and so on can be performed here, where can you find such an environment? This place, is a good place for some clans, sects, organizations, empires and other forces in the universe to train their elites.” Luo Feng nodded slightly.

“Go get a bank account binding.” Thunder God said, “That way, when the time comes to spend money you can directly deduct it from your bank account.”

“Understood, where do I go to get bound?” Luo Feng asked.

“Follow me.”

Led by Hong and Thunder God, Luo Feng went to the counter to handle the account binding.

At the end of the hall was a corridor.

“Walk into each corridor and you’ll directly enter a killing space that belongs to you alone.” Thunder God whispered, “Feel free to choose what kind of opponent you want to formulate.”

“We won’t accompany you in now.” Hong also laughed.

Luo Feng nodded his head.

During the conversation, Luo Feng saw quite a few people stepping into the depths along the corridors, among them, there were quite a few cosmic mercenaries, to the point where Luo Feng saw a “cosmic two star champion”. I have to say, it’s rare to see experts on the Black Dragon Mountain island, but in this killing field, they can be seen everywhere.

“Also, see that old man over there?” Thunder God whispered.

“Hmm?” Luo Feng turned his head to look.

There was indeed an old man with green skin and a head full of wrinkles, squinting his eyes and sitting on a chair, leisurely. Some of the other people sitting and resting in the hall next to him didn’t have a zone to disturb him either. From an Earthling’s point of view, this old man was unattractive to look at. Yet it had a strange feeling that made people’s hearts tranquil.

“His name is Man Lu, and he is the chief leader of the Killing Ground’s branch on the Black Dragon Mountain islands.” Thunder God whispered, “We could have seen a good show before, this old man severely reprimanded two universe mercenaries, but those two embraced soldiers didn’t dare to talk back at all.”

“Oh?” Luo Feng was surprised.

In the virtual universe, even if you were an immortal existence, you couldn’t kill anyone in the virtual universe! After all, this is just the internet! So …… even if you’re a big shot, honoring you gives you face. If you don’t respect you, you don’t care about you! It was indeed strange to be able to make two universe mercenaries not dare to talk back.

“Huh.” The green skinned old man in the distance, looked towards Luo Feng and the others and grinned.

“Shit.” Luo Feng’s trio jumped in shock.

“He heard that?”

“Forget it, hurry into the killing space.”

Luo Feng, Hong, and Thunder God were each along a corridor.

As they walked, suddenly the space around them changed drastically.

It was the vast starry sky.

Luo Feng stood on a meteorite, while a golden book appeared in his hand, the book seemed to be made of metal, flipping through and reading it once, Luo Feng understood.

“This is the killing space?”

“Babata, send out an application, I need 1000 planetary level 9th rank martial artists as opponents.” Luo Feng’s eyes were vaguely red, licking his lips, “Endured for too long! It’s time to vent!”

After taking over the body, Luo Feng almost every day a bloodthirsty urge to kill hit his soul again and again.

It was just that Luo Feng had been holding back.

“No problem!”

“Luo Feng, I’m setting the battle environment as a desert, 1000 opponents using normal Force weapons, and you’re choosing the 3rd order Nimble weapon ‘Transported Sky Shuttle’ 2nd order battle suit.” Babata said, “The application has been sent.”

As long as there are weapons in the universe, 99.99% of them, they can be chosen in the killing space.

Rumble ……

Killing space began to change, the original starry sky disappeared, the surroundings turned into a vast desert, Luo Feng was standing on the desert earth, wearing a blood colored battle suit, the recluse shuttle was suspended in front of him. At the same time a dense group of martial artists all wearing white battle clothes and holding various martial artists appeared in the distant sky.


“Kill him!”

The vast army of martial artists all rushed towards Luo Feng with red eyes. Luo Feng however revealed a heartfelt smile.


The recluse shuttle instantly breaks down 30 blades, very thin small blades, each of the 30 blades are a little distance apart, naturally forming the shape of a swordfish, at the same time, each blade has a hidden golden thread, so that the golden thread through each blade, combining to form a living swordfish.

Transported Sky Shuttle Second Form of Swordfish Formation!

“Rumble ……” 1000 powerful martial artists charged, like dark clouds pressing down on Luo Feng.


Luo Feng charged into the sky, directly into the middle of the entire large group of martial artists.



Wherever that golden swordfish scurried to, there was a rain of blood, yet the entire army of martial artists simply ignored the losses and instead frantically surrounded Luo Feng in pursuit. Time passed minute by minute, none of these martial artists retreated until the last martial artist turned into a rain of blood and fell from mid-air, the battle was over. Luo Feng, whose entire body was stained with blood, stood in the desert and let out a long breath, “Much better.”

“You force those killing intent to be suppressed every day, the longer it goes on, the harder it is on your heart. Until finally your entire being could go crazy. Killing something crazy now also has a venting effect. It would be strange if you don’t feel comfortable!”

“Babata, this is the side effect of taking over the body?” Luo Feng was helpless.

Before taking over the body he himself killed decisively, but not to the extent that …… there was always a bloodthirsty killing impulse at the bottom of his heart! This bloodthirsty killing is completely in the bones, every golden horned beast is known for bloodthirsty killing, Luo Feng although the human soul forced suppression, but just suppression can not be eliminated.

“Getting a bargain is still a good thing!” Babata despised.

“Haha.” Luo Feng looked at his body, “If it wasn’t set that I had this second rank battle suit, I’m afraid I’d be dead.”

1000 planetary level 9th rank, killing a stellar level 1st rank was easy. Although Luo Feng’s consciousness was strong and his nimbus weapon played with amazing power, he was also hit hard a few times, all relying on the battle suit to weaken most of his attack power repressing several years of bloodthirsty killing, and at the moment letting it out to his heart’s content.

The first time, madly slaughter 1000 planetary level ninth rank martial artists.

The second time, one person fought against ten stellar level first order martial artists, and as a result, after killing eight of them, he himself died of serious injuries!

The third time, Luo Feng directly get the opponent “Thor”, stellar level first order and field one heavy use second order Force weapons, second order battle armor …… results, Luo Feng instead by the God of Thunder to kill.

That’s when Luo Feng realized that in the past he was stronger than the Thunder God, and had indeed taken advantage of the Nimble Force Weapon. Give Thunder God a second order Force weapon and he lost.

The fourth time, Luo Feng again set the opponent and “Hong” equivalent ……

A total of 98 battles lasted before Luo Feng felt incredibly tired and at the same time incredibly painful!

Never in my life have I experienced such a painful battle, being able to choose any opponent and set the opponent’s strength.

“Tired.” ?

Babata looked at Luo Feng who was lying on the desert, “Luo Feng, since you’ve finished fighting, I’ll tell you about the most important use of this killing field. This place consumes a lot, you only spend 3500 dry witch coins a day, a universe level first rank mental thinker, you need 3500 dry witch coins, domain lord first rank, you need 7.5 million dry witch coins. A realm lord first-order spirit master would need 3.5 billion Qianwu coins a day.

Do you know why it’s so expensive? If it’s so expensive, why do realm lords still come?”

Luo Feng froze.

Realm masters –

An existence that could get a galaxy as a fiefdom by joining a powerful empire, an existence that could establish a side of the world.

3.5 billion Qian Wu coins, although one could afford to spend it, no one was a fool. This Killing Ground had to have a matching value to attract them.

“One of the most important places of this Killing Ground, you, as well as Hong and Thunder God don’t know.” Babata raised his head proudly.

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