Chapter 103: Three Years of Hellish Training

Release Date: 2024-07-11 18:45:10
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“Can you tell me that you suddenly decided to worship me as your master before the period I gave you had expired.” Time Realm Lord “Luo” looked at the Earth youth in front of him with interest, “Something to do with that ring battle of your third brother that just ended?”


Hong nodded his head and sighed softly, “Yes, this battle made me wake up …… I didn’t expect that in a flash the gap between me and my oldest three was already so big.”

He knew Luo Feng was strong, but he didn’t expect it to be this strong.

“If I continue to be so stuck in my ways, without a teacher to teach me, I think the gap between me and Lao San will get wider and wider, I’ll be left even further behind by him.” Hong shook his head and smiled faintly, “In fact, it’s not just Oldest Three, I also feel the pressure that Oldest Two brings to me, ever since he got his inheritance, his strength has progressed significantly much faster.”

“Hmm.” Time Realm Lord “Luo” smiled and nodded, “It’s good to know the pressure! How about this! You get ready, and then you’ll rendezvous with me on the spaceship. I’ll give you a day to get together with your family to say goodbye.”

“Uh-huh.” Hong nodded his head.

Not long after then Light Realm Lord Luo left, Luo Feng and the Thunder God duo approached him.

“You guys are here, sit.” Hong pointed to the two seats next to him.

“What’s going on big brother.” Thunder god stared at Hong, “Why did the founder of that three axe mountain organization, the time realm lord come all of a sudden, didn’t you give you ten days to think about it, there’s still two or three days to think about it.”

Luo Feng also looked at Hong couldn’t help but feel nervous in his heart.

“I’m looking for my teacher.” Hong said.

“Teacher?” Luo Feng Fei Thunder God’s face both changed.

“You really decided to go with the time realm lord?” Thunder God even said anxiously, “This departure is more than 20,000 years, what is the concept of more than 20,000 years? The recorded history of our Chinese culture is only 5,000 years, this is all of a sudden going to leave the earth to leave us for more than 20,000 years, this …… this is simply ……”

“Not still can meet in the ‘virtual universe’ well.” Hong smiled.

“It’s not the same.” Thunder God even shook his head.

Luo Feng saw Hong’s expression and couldn’t help but ask softly, “Big brother, decided?”

Hong looked over and nodded slightly, “Yes!”

“This time we leave, we won’t be able to see the earth for more than 20,000 years, we won’t be able to see our hometown, we won’t be able to smell the air of our hometown.” Luo Feng looked at him.

“Since you’ve embarked on this path of pursuing the pinnacle, what else can’t you give up?” Hong shook his head, “My sons and daughters have already started their families long ago, I’m unattached! Usually, I can meet my sons and daughters in the virtual universe …… As for my hometown, the place that gave birth to me and raised me is placed in my memory! There are gains and losses!”

“When my wife dies and my children have families, the most important thing in my life is martial arts!”

“Wandering the universe, seeing the thousands of wonders of the universe, pursuing the peak of life, that kind of life I like.” Hong’s eyes had a strange light, “The vast universe is filled with strong people, my goal is precisely to gain a foothold in the forest of the universe’s strongest people, not only that, but to be the best and strongest of them all!”

Luo Feng and Thunder God looked at each other, feeling that absolute confidence, desire of their big brother.

Those who could truly achieve high in the martial dao had to first have this absolute desire so that they could work hard spontaneously!

“Oldest two, oldest three!” Hong turned his head to look at the two, and couldn’t help but smile, “You two should be happy for me, what, you both have your inheritance, and you’re looking at big brother who’s all alone, shutting himself up and burying his head in cultivation?”

“Uh…… “Thunder God was stunned, then laughed, “Big brother said it well, Lao San and I each have our own inheritance, and you also follow that Time Realm Lord, let’s compare, who exactly is stronger in the future of our three brothers! ”

“Let’s compare!” Hong also laughed.

“Big brother second brother, I can lead for now oh.” Luo Feng laughed.” You can be careful to maintain your advantage, otherwise your second brother and I might catch up in the blink of an eye.” Hong looked at Luo Feng, Thunder God also even said, “Right right right, third son, your big brother and I mainly didn’t have a teacher to teach us in the beginning, now that we have a teacher to teach us, our strength immediately started to skyrocket …… and my big brother’s enlightenment is strangely high, and I’m even more so! So one son you have to be careful ah!”

“Have the ability to come after me!”

Luo Feng laughed out loud.

The three brothers on this earth, laughed loudly, but without realizing it the corners of their eyes were all vaguely moist.

Galaxy, Earth, Asian continent Hong Ning base city.

Huaxia time July 27, 2066 evening more than five o’clock, the sun has not yet set, the sky red, a dark blue saucer-type spaceship is suspended in the sky above the Hong Ning base city. A large number of executives from the “Ultimate Martial Arts Center” and Hong’s own relatives were gathered here.

After bidding farewell to his relatives and friends, this super powerhouse “Hong”, who had a special status on Earth, finally flew into the spaceship alone.


“Haha, one individual like this. See you back in the virtual universe!”

With loud laughter, Hong flew into the spaceship.


The spaceship accelerated violently and flew directly into the sky.

“Big brother, have a safe trip!” Thunder God stood in mid-air and couldn’t help but howl.

Luo Feng, who was also standing in mid-air, tilted his head and watched the universe ship leave, muttering, “Bon voyage.”

On this day.

On July 27th, 2066, the Earth’s greatest talent peak powerhouse “Hong” left his hometown on a spaceship, and this time, he left for a long, long time. ……

The four rounds of the ring duel in the battle of geniuses ended on the day Luo Feng and Rong Jun competed, and a total of 625 winners were chosen. As for the other 9,375 participants who were knocked into the defeated group, they were to rest for a day before starting the high intensity and high density rounds.

Each of them had to fight 9,374 matches just to battle for 275 spots!

Earth, Jiangnan Base City Yangzhou City.

“Big brother is gone.”

Luo Feng sat in the balcony of his castle, lying there alone with his tea, “Went to the universe to follow that Time Realm Lord and wandered away…….” A scene from the past still clearly surfaced in his mind, and his ears seemed to echo yesterday’s laughter and oaths of the three of them .

“Thousands of years later, or even tens of thousands of years later, our three brothers will compete again.”

“Yes, a match!”

“Let’s compete, who’s afraid?”

This was a brotherly oath!

Regardless of whether it was Hong, Thunder God, or Luo Feng, they were all on this path to the peak of life. And this path was full of bumps and dangers, one slip and they would fall!

“Bang!” Luo Feng put down his wine glass, his eyes glowing, “Big brother, if you work hard, I won’t slack off!”

“Babata, enter the virtual universe!”

Luo Feng detached a sliver of consciousness into the universe, on the strength of consciousness …… universe level golden horn behemoth’s consciousness, completely able to detach a sliver into the virtual universe, reality still remain awake now.

Virtual universe, in the killing space of the killing field.

It was a vast starry sky.

Luo Feng stood in the starry sky.

“Wahahaha ……” Demon Babata jumped and shouted, “Luo Feng, this ring duel just ended. You have three days to rest, on this first day of rest you come to the killing field, how diligent. Say it, what kind of opponents do you want I’ll help you with all of them. Gah, I’m a favorite to train you!”

“I want Nian Li weapons.” Luo Feng solemnly said, “A nian force weapon that specializes in flying, it must be good at flashing around in a small area.”

After the battle with the savage rongjun, it was obvious that he felt his agility was too poor in front of the other party’s speed.


“Sensing a weakness?” Demon Baba Towers cupped his chin with his small hand and hovered to the side, looking at Luo Feng, “Luo Feng, do you want to look at the long term or a short period of time to see results.”

“Long term? Short term?” Luo Feng frowned slightly.

The imp even nodded, “Yes, short term, that means finding a way to maximize your flexibility. It only takes ten days and half a month! As for the long term …… that’s from the basics step by step, at the same time the Nian Li weapon should also choose one that will accompany you for a long, long time in the future.”

“Long term!” Luo Feng said solemnly, “I don’t lack time.”

“Very well!”

The imp snapped his fingers and slightly angled his head, “You chose wisely!”

“Then the flying Nimensional Armament I chose for you is the fifth-order Nimensional Armament that is most suitable for the ‘Gold, Space’ Origin Laws – the Dark Cloud Shuttle!” The Imp smiled, “Of course in the beginning, I’m afraid you won’t be able to catch up with the effects of using the Transported Sky Shuttle, but there’s no rush, I’ll train you properly.”

“How long is it estimated that my agility has improved greatly?” Luo Feng asked.

“Depends on your enlightenment.”

The imp said, “With high enlightenment, the origin laws are perceived quickly. With this series of training from me, it’s estimated that you’ll be qualified in a year. If you have poor enlightenment …… and don’t work hard enough, a hundred years won’t be enough to qualify.”

“A series of training?” Luo Feng frowned slightly.

“Hehehe!” Imp grinned, “Take your time, we have plenty of time, I’ll ‘train’ you properly.”

Starting from the day 2066 your that July 30th, the high intensity reincarnation battle started, said high intensity, in reality it was only ten battles a day! With Luo Feng’s speed, he could solve a battle within a minute, so …… the daily rounds of battles might consume mind power for other players.

But for Luo Feng, it was easy.

After all, he could rank in the top ten amongst the geniuses of the entire Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom, as for the defeated group there were a total of 49 that crossed the threshold of the law including him. Among them, there were only two who could be compared to Luo Feng.

So ……

The reincarnation battle was easy and instead became a place for Luo Feng to experiment with his combat skills.

In the killing space.

It was a prairie, however at the moment the sky above the prairie was densely packed with countless blood birds flying towards Luo Feng.

“Duck! Duck! Duck! Don’t run into them!”

“Shit, quick, be quick.”

“This is a test that has the potential for a perfect score!”

The imp roared.

Luo Feng stepped on a dark colored strange pike shaped Nian Li weapon, this “dark cloud pike” also naturally extended a black leather membrane that directly wrapped around Luo Feng’s boots. Luo Feng’s entire body had turned into a misty phantom, constantly dodging under the countless blood birds swooping all over the sky.

“Puff!” “Puff!” “Poof!” When touched by a blood bird, it was continuously touched.

When touched three times.


All the blood birds disappeared.

“You failed again!” The imp stared at Luo Feng with a pair of red eyes and growled angrily, “Continue basic training! I’ve never seen you so stupid!” With a wave of his hand …… instantly the surrounding prairie disappeared and instead turned into a huge mechanical factory with many complex instruments within the mechanical factory.


The imp roared.

Luo Feng had been calm, it seemed like Imp Babata’s words couldn’t affect him at all.

In the “hellish training” created by Imp Babata, Luo Feng became even crazier, and the imp also changed from “stupid” to “average and weak” at first, and later on, he became “barely a good fighter”. Later on, it became “barely good”.

The Golden Horned Beast is spending its energy on the “Original Heaven and Earth”, “Absolute Space”, and the realization of the Laws of the Origin of Gold.

Just like this ……

Time kept passing, the reincarnation battle barely consumed Luo Feng’s energy, instead it became a place for Luo Feng to experiment with his strength. And Baba tower’s hellish training instead drained Luo Feng’s energy almost every day.

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