Chapter 112 – Bug mother nest

Release Date: 2024-07-11 18:45:33
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“So that’s the insect mother nest?” Luo Feng’s heart burst with panic.

Yes, panic!

The insect race, was one of the peak groups in the universe that was enough to rival humans.

It was a very strange race.

To say that the population of the Bug Race …… is large is scary, to say that it is small is pitiful! A bug mother’s nest can give birth to billions and billions of individual bug warriors, and what they rely on across the universe is the human (bug) sea tactics. However, on the other hand, the intelligence of those insect warriors who killed each other was extremely low, or even close to nothing, only instinct!

Countless bug warriors absolutely obeyed the orders of the mother nest.

When the mother nest asked them to die, none of the bug warriors would resist.

So ……

Within the insect race, the “mother nest” is qualified to be considered a truly intelligent life. Each mother nest is comparable to a realm lord at its weakest, and powerful enough to be comparable to an immortal! A mother nest that gave birth to countless insect clans was enough to occupy a galaxy, or even dominate a vast star field!

“The mother nest is on Earth?” Luo Feng’s heart chilled, “Babata the bastard!”

In reality, the solar system, Mars.

The small golden horned beast suddenly transformed its body into air currents and quickly transformed into the black clothed Luo Feng.

“Babata, what’s going on?” Luo Feng roared.

The golden horned behemoths were now all at the eighth stage of the universe level, and could maintain a conscious and independent existence in both the real and virtual universes at all times. What’s more, the “gifted secret method – bilocation” allowed Luo Feng to concentrate on his consciousness even if his main body was concentrating on something and needed to focus on it. However, the doppelganger would still maintain a bit of basic wakefulness.

“What for?” Babata said in dissatisfaction.

“You’re still asking? I’m asking you, then what is that mysterious sphere in Shennongjia?” The black-clothed Luo Feng drank in annoyance.

“Luo Feng, I’ve told you, don’t be anxious, when it’s your turn to know, you’ll be let in on it.” Babata said, “That thing, it’s not something you can mess with right now.”

‘That’s the insect mother nest!”

Luo Feng shouted lowly, “A mother nest that can produce a large number of bug warriors unceasingly once it’s awakened, at that time, countless bug warriors can quickly take over the entire galaxy! Or even spread out towards the entire Black Dragon Mountain starfield! This is a disaster, a catastrophe! Once it awakens, Earth will be finished!”

‘Such a big risk, and you’ve been hiding it from me.” Luo Feng indeed had a belly full of fire.


The mother nest of the insect race was on Earth, this was similar to sleeping only to realize that there was an atomic bomb placed under the bed that would explode at any time.

“Uh …… you know?” Babata was stunned.

“Hmph!” Luo Feng forced back his anger, “Say, what now?”

The insect race, as a terrifying existence that ranked as one of the peak groups in the universe at the same time as the human race, the existence of any of the mother nests would be disaster level! Therefore, on the virtual universe network, the message about the insect race’s mother nest had always belonged to the restricted level, and was definitely not easily opened to the public. However, about the terrifying …… Luo Feng of the insect race, he had known about it!

The inheritance memories of the “Golden Horned Beast” took 16 days to fuse the memories.

The memories were too huge.

Luo Feng just organized them and didn’t watch them all. Regarding the “insect mother nest”, Luo Feng only watched the basics. Inherited memories didn’t have any pictures of insect mother nests, the basic introduction was: “Insects, the core of the insect race is a mother nest. And a mother nest is a nest established by a ‘mother emperor’.”

“The Mother Emperor itself is soft and weak, empty of powerful spiritual thoughts, but its body is soft and weak, so it builds a powerful mother nest, which is like its armor.”

“The mother emperor can spawn countless insect warriors, the nests it builds have different molds according to its own will.”

Luo Feng was only slightly viewing the most basic introduction back then when he was organizing his inherited memories, and at this moment he was shocked to find out – there were insect race mother nests on earth!

So shocked that he even looked at it carefully.

The basic introduction of the “insect race mother nest” was just a few sentences. But the “detailed introduction” has tens of millions of words and a lot of pictures …… describing in detail the horrors of the Bug Mother Nest, the types of Bug Warriors it spawned, and so on, with a lot of pictures attached. This made Luo Feng quickly determined.

What was on Earth was indeed the insect race mother nest.

“Don’t be angry, don’t be anxious, what are you worried about, could it be that I would harm your earth?” Babata said.

“I know you won’t, but I need to know what’s going on with this insect mother nest.” Luo Feng’s consciousness communicated, “If you don’t make it clear, I can’t feel at ease!”

Who could feel at ease?

A thing that could destroy the entire planet or even the entire galaxy at any time, who could feel at ease?

“Bar.” Babata said helplessly, “I’ll tell you, this insect mother nest was gotten by your teacher on the ‘extra-terrestrial battlefield’ back then.”


Luo Feng even pursued, “Let me ask you, inside this mother nest, is there a mother emperor?”

The mother nest is just a nest, and the insect mother emperor is the real life, because the mother emperor itself is very weak …… a random expert can easily destroy its body, plus it’s hard to build a nest at a cost, so it’s almost impossible for a head mother emperor of the insect race to abandon its own nest to build a new mother nest.

“There is!”

“And it’s not dead.” Babata said.

“Ah!” Luo Feng’s face changed.

“But don’t worry, it won’t pose any threat to Earth right now.” Babata explained, “Don’t worry, you can now think of it as …… a ‘sleeping’ state, and it’s permanently sleeping. As for the details, you’ll understand when you’ve cultivated the Soul Seal until it catches up with your teacher.”

“Nothing will happen, right?” Luo Feng always felt that it was a time bomb.

“It won’t! Unless an immortal who is even more accomplished than your teacher in terms of souls comes.” Babata laughed, “That kind of great existence, to destroy the earth, they can just flip their hands. It won’t say that it’s hard work to bring that insect mother nest to life.”

Luo Feng then felt relieved, then he was curious, “Teacher got this mother nest and didn’t kill it, what exactly do you want to do?”

“The insect mother nest has a lot of potential, if we can enslave this insect mother nest like we enslave people and then cultivate it properly, then your teacher, will have a very terrifying force. That endless insect race army alone would be enough to save your teacher’s life during that death calamity.” Babata lamented.

Luo Feng nodded.

Insect mother nests could spawn millions of types of insect warriors.

Once you really control a mother nest, it could be powerful. Facing an endless sea of bugs …… is that an immortal would have to have a headache! If it wasn’t this powerful, the bug race wouldn’t be one of the peak communities.

”Teacher is so ambitious.” Luo Feng couldn’t help but say.

Babata said helplessly, “But, the insect mother nest’s lifeform is strange, it says it’s pure life, but its soul is scattered in every insect warrior, it can control all insect warrior minds. Your teacher’s ‘Soul Seal of Enslavement’, can’t control it either, and until we come up with a solution, so we can only let it sleep permanently for now.”

“So, it was thrown on earth?” Luo Feng said.

“It can’t be thrown at the meteorite ink planet.” Babata said.

Luo Feng was speechless.

The elimination of the genius battle was continuing.

Within the millions of trial spaces, the killing was continuing.

“A powerful insect mother nest, hard reduced to such a low strength.” Luo Feng’s golden phantom sword, directly split the mother nest, only to see the mother nest flew out of a roughly six meters high, the whole body white temporary crystal like crystal casting of the “mother emperor”, the mother emperor has a beautiful butterfly transparent feathers, the face is covered by a hidden mist, with extraordinary seductive power, a burst of strange and beautiful music sound resounded, into the ears of the people.

“Worthy of being a Mother Emperor of the Insect Race who is extremely good at spiritual thoughts, seduction is all so powerful.”

At the same moment! Snort!

An overpowering numinous force directly pierced into Luo Feng’s sea of consciousness.


The tower of emptiness stood still, and that impacting thought force directly collapsed.

Time passed day by day.

That beautiful insect mother queen, wanted to try all sorts of methods to attack Luo Feng, but it could only rely on spiritual means because of its weak body, but …… in front of Luo Feng, who had an incomparably strong consciousness, a strong will, and practiced the Tower of Void, it was really overrated, and couldn’t affect Luo Feng at all.

In fact, generally can kill all the insect warriors, the mother emperor is generally not much resistance.

The Mother Emperor was strong, it was strong in breeding endless and varied bug warriors.

“Countdown, 10 days?”

Luo Feng looked down to see the wrist screen countdown, there are still a few minutes on the 10 days full, then feet on the dark cloud shuttle ……, turned into an arc directly to hide in the distance has long not dared to mess with Luo Feng’s “insect mother emperor”, that seems to be weak and pitiful insect mother emperor, a pair of With dead blue eyes looking at Luo Feng.


The golden phantom sword pierced through its head.

“Still charming.” Luo Feng pondered, “The insect mother nest on the first level isn’t very strong, it’s barely able to deal with the average stellar level nine.”

After killing all the opponents on the seven levels of the first trial tower, he was teleported into the second trial tower, what shocked Luo Feng was that …… the opponents of this second trial tower were exactly the same as the first trial tower! The only difference was that …… the strength had undergone a spike!

“The same ferocious beast ‘blood hair mammoth’, the second seat is that much stronger than the first! Then how terrifying should the third and fourth seat be? There’s a fifth, sixth, and seventh seat behind it! No wonder the Virtual Universe Corporation is confident that everyone will die.” Luo Feng was a bit shocked.

This trial, it was hard!

The seven trial towers had the exact same goal and number, the only thing that changed was the strength.

On the first level, they were all ferocious beasts “blood hair mammoths”, 10,000 in total.

On the second level, there is the demonic beast “nine-headed python”, totaling 10,000 heads. The difference between demonic beasts and ferocious beasts is that …… their intelligence is extremely high. Such as those monsters on earth, is actually belong to the demonic beasts.

The third layer, are metal beings “Draco warriors”, 1000.

The fourth layer, is the universe of strange creatures “Flying Harvest”, 1000 belongs to the beast in the extremely peculiar kind.

On the fifth level, there were 100 mechanical puppets!

On the sixth level, there was the Star Beast “Cang”, 10 of them!

On the seventh level, there was the Insect Mother’s Nest, 1!

The seven trial towers were all arranged in this way.

However, it is clear that the strength of the targets of …… the seven trial towers is constantly soaring.

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