Chapter 20: The Black Hole

Release Date: 2024-07-11 18:41:38
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“So many?” Luo Feng was taken aback, looking around, he could only barely see two or three squads.

“Most of the squads are close to the canyon and individual squads are hiding, so it’s hard to see a few squads without looking carefully.” Babata’s voice rang out.

“Understood.” Luo Feng said.

Bare, the rocks on this mountain range were almost entirely black with just a few silver colors mixed in. Luo Feng’s squad carefully kept advancing, the very center area of this mountain range was as if it had been cleaved down by a godly battle sword, splitting the entire mountain range completely open and a canyon appeared.

This huge canyon, which was formed as if it had been split by a sword, was the “Wind and Thunder Canyon”.

The wind, which was rooted in the energy of the cosmic origin, whistled wildly, mixed with a large number of broken rocks, and even some of the wind-horned rocks danced with the wind. In various places beside the mountain walls on both sides of the canyon, there were young generations from many clans, many forces, and many planets in the Black Dragon Mountain Star Region hidden away.

They were the younger generation that had yet to become true cosmic powerhouses. This time, it was their first test on the road to being strong!

“Luo Feng, this is the map, the location marked on the map is a very good location. It’s best for your squad to hide there.” Babata communicated with his consciousness.

Luo Feng looked down at the arm guard screen on his arm.

“Follow me.” Luo Feng whispered.

Hong, Thunder God and the other four even quietly followed, the closer they got to that canyon, the gusty winds grew stronger. Luo Feng came to a rock and violently moved a rock, revealing a cave, even his mind transmitted, “Everyone go in, there’s a cave inside, directly connected to that canyon mountain wall.

“This kind of place can be found?” Thunder God couldn’t help but praise the sound.

“Go in.” Hong went in first.

In this Thunder World, the dispersion range of a spiritual master’s thoughts was very small, that is, in the “air” the dispersion range was small, and if one wanted to pass through these boulders laced with cosmic origin energy, it would be absolutely impossible to do so at least at the stellar level. It’s hard to find this kind of place because it can’t be probed by the power of thoughts.

And wanting to dig it yourself? With the hardness of the rocks and stones here in Wind Thunder Canyon that had long been experiencing the gusty winds, it would take at least a year or two of effort to fully manage it.

“Luckily I have Babata to remind me.” Luo Feng also jumped down into the cave and covered that rock.

The cave was within the mountain range.

Walking along the cave until it led to one of the mountain walls of the Wind and Thunder Canyon’s howling winds, there was a roughly thirty centimeter wide hole in the mountain wall.

“What’s this?” Thunder God’s eyes lit up.

“Huh?” Hong Lian picked up a small rounded stone close to the ground at the entrance of the cave, the stone was mainly black, only the surface of the stone had a layer of strange blue color as if it was coated, all the ordinary stones here were black, or black stones mixed with a hint of silver. Only the surface of the wind horn stone has a layer of deep blue halo, according to rumor, this wind horn stone is experiencing the waves under the thunder bik but did not turn into powder, just absorbed a trace of the power of thunder after the formation of the strange stone.

“Wind Horn Stone, it’s Wind Horn Stone.” The Thunder God even said.

“I didn’t expect to even pick up a wind horn stone.” Luo Feng smiled and walked to the cave entrance, outside the cave entrance, the gale force winds ghosts and wolves howled a dark sky, and the cave was blocked on one side so the wind was very small and tiny, Luo Feng turned his head and said to the other four people in the cave, “The gale force winds outside are horrible, it’s very hard to get another wind horn stone.”

Previously there was one on the surface inside the cave, it was probably one of the wind horn stones caught in the gusty winds that just happened to fly into the cave. But this kind of thing was purely touching great luck, otherwise the cave wouldn’t have just one.

“Lao Er, Lao San, according to the books, we now have three methods.” Hong whispered, “The first method, walk to the top of the canyon to fight for our lives to pick Windhorn Stones. This is because the gale is stronger the further down the canyon you go, and stronger the further to the center you go. So the gale at the top of the canyon is much smaller, at least the Stellar Grade 7th and 8th ranks can resist it. The only danger is that …… because it is at the highest place, it is easy to attract lightning to split down! The lightning in that lightning cumulus cloud would randomly split down, and there was absolutely no possibility of surviving.

“The second method is to get close to the canyon, and then rely on the power of thought or the Force to pull one or two wind-horned stones that have been swept up because of the gusty winds, and give them a direct pull over! This is difficult to do, but the danger is very low. Patience is required.”

“Third method, kill the other teams that got the wind hornstone and loot it!”

“Everyone, which method do we use?” Hong looked at Thunder God and Luo Feng.

Luo Feng frowned in thought.

Going to the top of the canyon to take the wind horns was the fastest, and if you didn’t get Lei Bik, it was simply like picking stones. But …… according to the experience of his predecessors, when going to the top of the canyon to take windhorn stones, put away all the metal and such on his body. It is said that the more metal there is, the more it will attract lightning to strike down. If you arrange for metal robots to go, 100% of them will be struck by lightning! And the probability of a human being wearing ordinary clothes being struck by lightning was about one in two.

If they wore alloy battle suits, the probability of being struck by lightning rose to about two-thirds. This was the experience of generations of predecessors who had fought their way through this thunder world.

“The first kind is dangerous, and it’s pure chance, not desirable for us.”

“The third kind, hijacking other squads?” Luo Feng shook his head, “The cave we’re in now is in an excellent location, the entrance to the cave is on the mountain wall of the canyon, for now use this second method. At the same time, let’s see how the other squad obtained the wind horn stone, let’s see it first.”

“Good thing too.” Hong nodded.

Thunder God also agreed, so Luo Feng and the others temporarily started their “waiting for rabbits” days.

To catch those “wind horned stones” that flew close to the entrance of the cave, one needed luck and the other needed strength! Because of the howling wind so that the naked eye can not see, which is mixed with a large number of stones, a large number of stones in the occasional one or two wind corner stone, so to luck. And that wind-horned stone flew through the cave entrance just in a blink of an eye!

You have to grab it instantly! Miss it will have to wait a long time for the next time.

Naihe …… gusts of wind contain cosmic origin energy, just as the thought power was about to extend deeper it was directly destroyed and dissipated.

Luo Feng formed the “hand of thoughts”, can only go out of the hole about 20 centimeters away to keep the “hand of thoughts” not scattered. As for the “Ao Bone” of the 9th stellar level, the “hand of thoughts” formed by him could only extend 1 meter away without dispersing! More than one meter away, Ao Bone was simply unable to maintain the stability of his mind power.


To Luo Feng’s surprise, the Mo Yun Vine, which is now a “Stellar level 4th stage”, after shrinking, formed a vine man is very tough, and is able to penetrate into the gusty wind like lightning, about 2 meters deep, and then quickly retracted, although the vine man is scarred all over the place, it can be repaired at a speed that can indeed maintain this “lightning penetration of 2 meters” achievement! meters!

This was indeed a surprise to Luo Feng!

I guess this gust of wind that contains the energy of the universe’s origin is more destructive to the existence of “energy” such as Nian Li, and almost as destructive to plants such as Vine Mane.

In Wind and Thunder Canyon, most of the teams are relying on this “waiting for a rabbit” like method to capture the wind horn stone, occasionally some forced slave bodyguards to go to the top of the canyon desperately to get the wind horn stone. But that kind of squad is rare, after all, the slave bodyguard is also a fighting force, the loss of one or two, the impact on the squad is very big.

On the third day of Wind Thunder Canyon, Luo Feng and his team got the second wind horn stone.

On the fifth day of Wind Thunder Canyon, Luo Feng and his team got the third wind horn stone.

On the ninth day of Wind Thunder Canyon, they got the fourth wind horn stone.

This was still because of their good location, a normal small team would take a year and a half to cross half of the Thunder World alone, and a year and a half to take the wind horn stone. So it was normal to take a few years of effort. Luo Feng and his group was already considered a very efficient squad.

On the 32nd day in Wind Thunder Canyon.

“This cave is really well located, at this rate, in another month, we’ll definitely be able to collect all the wind horn stones.” Thunder God laughed.

The five of them, Luo Feng, Hong, Thunder God, Tie Nanhe, and Ao Bone sat in a coiled position.

One of the rattan man extended from Luo Feng’s arm resting at the entrance of the cave, ready to strike at any time.

And in front of the five people there was a projection screen on the mountain wall of the cave, that was Luo Feng’s intelligent life baba tower, got it out, there were four images on the screen, it was describing the scene in the surrounding twenty kilometers.

“Although I’m in the cave, but I can see the situation of each squad within 20 kilometers outside clearly.” Luo Feng laughed.

“That’s cool.” Thunder God complimented.

“Look, this place here two more squads are killing over, dodging is really fast, this spiritual ninja is not bad either.” Thunder God’s eyes lit up, even evaluating the two squads that suddenly appeared on one of the images, but his expression was stunned as he even said, “It’s He Ruo!”

“He Ruo?” Luo Feng’s face changed.

When he and his big brother and second brother were in the virtual universe’s killing field, they had met some friends, among them were He Ruo and Brem, before He Ruo and Brem said that they wanted to participate in this cosmic trainee mercenary examination. The entire “Black Dragon Mountain Starfield” was in this place, it was normal for He Ruo and the others to be here.

“Go.” Hong was the first to charge outwards, Ao Bone and Tie Nanhe looked at Luo Feng.


Luo Feng also didn’t hesitate, instantly the five person squad quickly rushed out along the passage at the other end of the cave, relying on their numinous power to roll away the inconspicuous rock, the five people came out and put the rock down again.

Far away.

He Ruo’s squad was being attacked by another squad. He Ruo’s squad now had only two Stellar Grade Nine Steps, while the opponent’s Stellar Grade Nine Steps had five, but both sides were mostly carrying injuries, obviously killing like crazy.


Both squads quickly noticed a squad charging in the distance.

“He Ruo!” The Nian Li voice transmission rang in his ears.

He Ruo turned his head to see that among the five lightning figures dashing in the distance were three of his close friends, Luo Feng, Hong, and the Thunder God, and immediately revealed a joyful expression, while the two who rushed in the forefront, Tie Nanhe and Ao Bone, especially Ao Bone, unleashed their Nian Li weapons from a long distance, transforming into a golden stream of light.

“Two Stellar Grade Ninth Order?” The enemy squad took a look, and the auxiliary light brain had long ago detected the other party’s strength.



The captain gave an order, and without the slightest hesitation, this squad quickly retreated. Although they have five Stellar Grade Nine Steps, but there are three injured …… Note that the Stellar Grade Nine Steps are also strong and weak, and the strong ones are able to fight ten of the same level and same step by one. He Ruo squad has a strong stellar level nine, which is also in the lower wind, but can hold on for so long reason. And the duo …… that rushes in at the moment dares to rush over, indicating that there is confidence!

When the two parties converge, this enemy squad thinks it can’t block it.

Even if they could block it, losing both sides, that enemy squad wasn’t willing, so they simply chose to retreat!

Luo Feng’s squad and He Ruo’s squad converged.


“You guys are?” Immediately, a bald youth with green marks on both sides of his face came over to thank them.

“They are my friends.” He Ruolian said, while even walking forward.

“Luo Feng, Hong, Thunder God.” He Ruo said.

“What’s going on, how did it get like this?” Luo Feng and the three of them looked at He Ruo, Thunder God even said even more, “He Ruo, aren’t you from the Northern Dragon City organization? How did you end up in this situation?” Thunder God and Hong knew the importance of the universal language of the universe after their first contact with the virtual universe and naturally began to learn it. With the breadth of their brain domains, they did learn quickly, and although they weren’t proficient, they had no problem communicating.

“Speaking of which, this time is really miserable.” He Ruolian shook his head, “Our squad had five elites and five bodyguards at the time. When we were getting the unicorn iron rhinoceros unicorn, we were besieged by ferocious beasts, and one of our bodyguards died at that time.”

“Later, when we were halfway to Wind Thunder Canyon, we were even hijacked by other squads six times in a row, and in the process, we lost two more bodyguards and three elite companions.” He Ruo’s face was bitter, “Now, our squad only has two elites and two bodyguards left.”

Luo Feng’s heart went ice cold as he listened.


Although his squad had experienced more than ten life and death crises, most of them were beast crises, as for robbing and killing? With Ao Bone and the “Red Mixed Copper Mother Fragment”, it’s really a sweep! Plus there is Baba tower guard, Luo Feng they all the way dangerous, also some people injured, but did not die a person.

However, He Ruo and his team, most of them died!

“Where’s Brem?” Thunder God even asked, “In the other squad?”

“He died.” He Ruo shook his head.

Luo Feng froze, that rough looking youth who looked like a black bear, dead? Luo Feng still clearly remembered himself and Hong and Thunder God, wishing the two of them a safe return. I didn’t realize that in the blink of an eye …… Brem had already died.

How could this be?

“It’s useless to be sad.” He Ruo shook his head and smiled bitterly, “The brothers and sisters who have been living with me for many years have already died a lot. This is the first level of examination for our group of so-called ‘elites’, only after experiencing the trials and tribulations of life and death over and over again, and finally breaking through to become a universe level, then only then will you be qualified to be called a ‘strong person’ and become an important member of the organization.”


The bald green imprinted youth next to him shook his head, “This is screening, a large number of so-called genius elites were eliminated and died in life and death adventures over and over again! Only until the end were a few universe-levels born! There are tens of thousands of genius elites in that training camp of ours, but in the end, it’s not bad if there are ten that can become universe level.”

Luo Feng, Hong, and Thunder God looked at each other.

Cruel ……

Very cruel!

This was the rule of doing things for those cosmic organizations, collecting a large number of genius elites, with the best education, giving a lot of good conditions, and then giving the most brutal elimination rules, and finally giving birth to some strong people from them! It can be said …… that those who participate in the cosmic level trainee mercenary examination are not considered strong.

All of them are just “preparatory strong”, experiencing the probability of one in a thousand, no, that’s the probability of the elites of the big organizations, accurately speaking, experiencing the probability of one in ten million, perhaps giving birth to a cosmic level.

“Rumble …… “The entire Thunder World suddenly shook violently, without any warning!

All the squads were shocked.

“What’s going on?”

“Is this world going to collapse?”

“Oh my god!”

The entire Wind Thunder Canyon was thousands of kilometers away, tens of thousands of stellar level adventurers who had come to take the test, each and every one of them raised their heads in shock to look around at the world. And naturally, Luo Feng’s squad and He Ruo’s squad were just as shocked as they looked up and around, the entire world was trembling and the mountains were trembling.

“What’s going on?” Luo Feng looked around.

“Over there!!!” Someone hissed.

Tens of thousands of stellar level adventurers, as long as they were on the mountain range, almost at the same time they saw the mountain range not far away crack open, a black hole as if it had been ripped open appeared, this black hole was half on the mountain range and half within the mountain range, the space around them was ripped open, bizarre and incomparable.

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