Chapter 26 – The Core Area

Release Date: 2024-07-11 18:41:53
A+ A- Turn Off Light

“Realm within a realm?” Luo Feng looked at the screen, his heart hanging in the air.

Many thoughts quickly swept through his mind, it was reasonable to say that his participation in the cosmic trainee mercenary test wasn’t publicized. The people who knew about it were also very few! Although “He Ruo” knew, He Ruo was a person from North Dragon City, and was not qualified to contact a super power like Hei Yu! Then, how did this Domain Lord “Hei Yu” know that he was in the Realm Within the Realm?

“Don’t wonder! At first, when I talked to the three of you, I could tell that you had the idea of a cosmic adventure. And with your strength, it is estimated that the first thing you will do if you want to have a cosmic adventure is to participate in this ‘Cosmic Trainee Mercenary Examination’. And the entire Black Dragon Mountain Starfield assessment location is a Thunder World.” Hei Yu was very dry.

Luo Feng looked at the lanky and majestic man in the screen, “Lord Hei Yu, you’re looking for me?”

“This realm within a realm, was created by a very famous realm lord in my Black Dragon Mountain starfield millions of years ago, his name is Cabu, known as the Thunder realm lord.” Hei Yu quickly said, “And Kabu realm lord’s luck was very good, he was considered very rich among realm lords, and had several famous treasures that made realm lords covet them!”

Luo Feng’s heart stirred, he even asked after him, “Then Lord Meditation Rene, why didn’t you guys enter the realm within a realm?”

This question, himself and Hong and Thunder God had been wondering for quite a while.

“It’s a long story, when you come out of the thunder world, you’ll know.” Hei Yu let out a low and powerful voice, “I’m looking for you to tell you! Although it is said that non-‘Stellar Grade Adventurers’ cannot enter the Thunder World. However, the treasures of this realm within a realm are just too appealing. That’s why right now, throughout the Black Dragon Mountain Starfield, all the major organizational forces have sent out armies composed of ‘Stellar Grade Nine’ to enter the Thunder World.”

“What?” Luo Feng was shocked.

Armies made up of Stellar grade ninth rank?

The entire Black Dragon Mountain starfield, but there were over eight thousand star systems, such as the Silver Blue Empire and other dependencies were over five hundred! How many Stellar Grade Nine Ranks would have to be dispatched to such a huge range of star fields?

“How many in total?” Luo Feng even asked.

“Gathered by the top pinnacle powerhouses of the entire Black Dragon Mountain starfield, which in turn held a ‘sector masters meeting’, it was finally agreed that all parties combined would send nearly 2 million adventurers.” Hei Yu said in a low voice.

Luo Feng was silent.

Two million?

As the saying goes, once a person exceeds 10,000, there is a feeling of a mountain of people. Once this 2 million army was formed, it was an ocean of people that you couldn’t see the end of at a glance. All of them were of the stellar grade ninth rank! A million-strong army of Stellar Grade Nine Steps was something that even Cosmic Grade powerhouses would flee in fear when they saw it.

Even an ant could bite an elephant!

To universe level powerhouses, the stellar level ninth order was an ant, but with two million ants, to kill them all, I’m afraid that the Force in their bodies wouldn’t be enough to consume them.

“Adventurer teams, there are big teams and small teams. Some are under sector lords, some are under domain lords, and some are under cosmic level.” Hei Yu smiled, encouraging, “Because of the disunity, so you shouldn’t worry too much, as long as you hide a bit around, there is still a possibility of saving your life.”

“Hmm.” Luo Feng however couldn’t relax.

Two million stellar level ninth stage!

It was simply mind numbing!

It would be hard to get a sector lord to come up with 2 million stellar grade ninth order henchmen, and this time it was the entire Black Dragon Mountain starfield where all parties were combining their efforts, so naturally it was easy.

“Spectacular.” Luo Feng sighed in his heart.

“Lord Hei Yu, you’re looking for me?” Luo Feng followed up with another question.

“Looking for you is certainly something.” Hei Yu smiled, “I’ll tell you, even though 2 million stellar level 9th order armies entered. However, on Cangrun star, it was a rare gathering of strong people in the entire Black Dragon Mountain starfield! Strong people from all sides converge to guard the entire Cangrun Star, forbidding other adventurers from entering the Thunder World, while …… once someone comes out of the Thunder World. For example, like you Luo Feng! As long as it’s not one of our two holy places, four major organizations, or sixteen major families …… then the consequences, you can understand if you think about it.

Luo Feng’s face changed drastically.

This is too much of an asshole!

The major organizations in the Black Dragon Mountain star field had obviously joined forces and were determined to swallow the fat meat of the “Realm within the Realm”! As long as it wasn’t one of their forces, being threatened and forced was light, it was likely to be murder and pillage!

“There’s a large group of Cosmic Levels on Canglan Star now!”

“There have been over a hundred Domain Lords!”

“And nearly a dozen sector lords!”

“Luo Feng, tell me, if you came out of the Thunder World, how miserable would the outcome be?” Hei Yu looked at Luo Feng with a smile on his face, but he was a big stout and majestic man, and his smile was indeed intimidating.

Luo Feng was also indeed intimidated.

Realm lord?

That was an existence that caused a living planet like Earth to fall into mass extinction with a single slap! The so called star fleet was like a toy in front of a sector lord. Even the silver blue empire was trembling in front of the sector lord, compared to the sector lord, the Nolanshan family was even more like a mole cricket, such an existence nearly ten in Canglan star?


“Lord Hei Yu, what should I do then?” Luo Feng looked at Hei Yu, but in his heart, he guessed the mind of the super strong man in front of him. “You should have guessed my thoughts.”

Hei Yu said casually, “It’s simple, you guys are the first batch in the realm within the realm. And although the other Stellar Grade Ninth Order armies are numerous, they are too late! You guys are the ones who have the most hope of obtaining the treasure. The treasures of the Kaboo Realm Lords are so many that even the Realm Lords are coveting them, so of course if I casually leak out some of them, I, as a Domain Lord, would be very moved.”

“What you have to do is, after finding the treasures, bring the ones that can make my heart flutter. Give it to me!”

“Of course, I won’t treat you poorly either!” Hei Yu smiled.

“Moreover, pulling my banner, the major organizational forces, naturally, won’t make things difficult for you.”

Those who could become strong were all smart people, so Luo Feng naturally wouldn’t refuse.

After talking with Hei Yu, Luo Feng left the virtual universe network.

“Sister-in-law, my brother came back just now?” Luo Hua walked out of his wooden house somewhat tiredly, while Xu Xin, who was sitting on a chair outside the house to check information, nodded with a smile, “Yes, just came to the virtual universe network for a bit just now. However, it just returned to reality again.”

“I had something to look for him! Hey, missed the opportunity.” Luo Hua frowned.

“What is it?” Xu Xin closed the virtual “laptop” in front of her, in the virtual universe network, that browsing screen can be set to whatever you want to set it to, Xu Xin came from the Earth, already used to using a laptop, naturally relying on the “auxiliary light brain” to modify it a little.

“It’s the Earth Summit.”

Luo Hua explained, “The leaders of the various circles of the Earth have deliberated, and they want to …… send some pioneers into the universe. Want to formally make contact with the universe.”

“What?” Xu Xin frowned.

“That’s how people are. With the ‘consciousness sensor’ being able to connect to the virtual universe network. But now they are not willing to rely on the network alone and want to make contact in reality.” Luo Hua shook his head, “They asked me to pass a message to my brother, anyway, I’m just a messenger, I don’t have the right to decide.”

“Don’t rush.” Xu Xin frowned and said, “Your brother is busy right now, wait until he’s done with this bout of work, then talk to him about this.” Luo Hua thought briefly before nodding his head, “Well, that’s good.”

Realm Within Realm.

In the grass, Luo Feng’s five people squatted there.

“Third son, you were right to promise Lord Hei Yu.” Thunder God nodded thoughtfully, “What he said makes sense, those big organizations must have teamed up, there’s absolutely no way they’d let some little shrimp with no background take the treasures.”

“That’s what I thought too, that’s why I agreed to him.” Luo Feng nodded.

“However, I’m worried about one thing now.” Thunder God frowned, “When we go out, we are going to have to go with Hei Yu! However, if this Hei Yu quietly kills a few of us and kills to take the treasure, this way he doesn’t have to pay any conditions and gets all the treasures we got.”

“Right, this cannot be left unguarded.” Hong nodded his head as well.

“I’m also worried about this.” Luo Feng was also troubled.

It was only by cooperating with Hei Yu that he could avoid being dealt with by the other powerhouses. But what if Hades Rene played dirty and killed them? Domain master powerhouses, to kill them could really be exterminated with the flip of a hand.

“Don’t worry, Luo Feng.” A crisp voice sounded in Luo Feng’s mind, “This Hei Yu looking for you guys is just one more such idea! You must know that this first batch to enter the realm within the realm can be tens of thousands of people! Tens of thousands of people capturing the treasure, Hei Yu doesn’t have much confidence in you guys either, it’s just that in comparison, your hopes are much greater than the 2 million army behind you!”


“Right now on Canglan Star, universe level, domain masters, sector masters, a large number of strong people are gathering. This is a rare event in the Black Dragon Mountain Starfield! I’m afraid that if anyone dares to rob and kill on Canglan Star, those Realm Lords will be able to find out immediately. That ‘Underworld Renegade’ wasn’t so disgusting as to strike in a place like Canglan Star. Strong people are very concerned about face and dignity.”

“Trust the promises of the strong!”

“Especially places where strong people gather, such as Canglan Star. Even the most devious and cunning person has to maintain the most basic strongman demeanor.” Babata’s words made Luo Feng relieved.

It was also.

Domain master powerhouses, super powerhouses that were strong enough to terrify cosmic primordial kingdoms, especially on such big occasions, indeed wouldn’t joke about their reputation.

“Right now an army of 2 million adventurers is entering the Thunder World in an endless stream. It will only take seven or eight days for them to arrive at the Realm Central Realm. So, we can’t wander around the periphery of the Realm Central Realm right now.” Luo Feng whispered, “We have to hurry up and head to the core of the Realm Central Realm!”

“Hm! Cosmic crystals are precious.” Thunder God also nodded, “However, those treasures that make domain lords, and even sector lords covet them, are truly precious.” Hong nodded slightly.

“But we have to be careful too, there were tens of thousands of people in this realm within realm first.” Luo Feng frowned, “Especially those big organizations and forces, a small team is even united.

Compared to them, our five person squad is just too weak. So it’s better to keep a low profile and figure out the core situation first.”

“That’s a reasonable point. The place with the most Cosmic Crystals spread all over is the core zone, and that place must have been killed in a bloodbath long ago.” Thunder God was a bit excited.

Eight days in the Realm Central Realm.

Luo Feng’s squad hadn’t dared to go to the core zone, it was because they guessed that the place was chaotic in terms of killing, that’s why they didn’t go. And now, not going wouldn’t work. Because the 2 million troops that would come in seven or eight days later, came in through that entrance, and the first thing that happened was that they appeared in the peripheral zone.

“Depart!” Luo Feng gave an order.

The five person squad immediately turned into five streams of light and flew towards the center of the realm within the realm.

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