Chapter 29 – Brother Luohua

Release Date: 2024-07-11 18:42:00
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“How come there’s no Three Axe Mountain?” Thunder God said abruptly.

Luo Feng was stunned, yes, there were five voices shouting, they were the Hundred Tigers Building, Northern Dragon City, Black Cloud Society, the holy land “Black Dragon Mountain” and the holy land “Ice Sea Divine Kingdom”, but there was no Three Axe Mountain.

“It’s better to ask He Ruo.” Hong said.

“Hm.” Thunder God nodded.

“Nan He, Ao Bone, you two help guard it.” Luo Feng said.

With that, Luo Feng, Hong, and Thunder God all directly closed their eyes and their consciousness entered the virtual universe network.

Virtual universe, black dragon mountain island, nine star bay residential area.

“Crazy crazy crazy crazy.” Luo Hua desperately rubbed his hair, tangled, as he sat with Luo Hongguo and Gong Xinlan’s couple, all sitting around a round table, drinking tea within their own garden.

“Xiao Hua, what are you thinking about, so troubled?” Luo Hongguo laughed with his teacup.

“How is not right, not right, obviously the big rise, the volume of the relationship, the flow of funds in other investment markets, and look at the momentum there is definitely movement, either a big drop or a big rise, should not be so dead water ah.” Luo Hua was in agony, “The side of the Cave Hua star domain, again, we have to rush to smash money into it. How can this be, how can this be! The speed can’t keep up, can’t keep up ah.”

“What are you talking about, Xiao Hua?” Gong Xinlan laughed.

“The capital utilization rate is not right.” Luo Hua looked up at Gong Xinlan, “Mom, don’t interrupt okay, I’m thinking about things.”

“Tsk tsk, on Earth, wasn’t playing finance calling the shots? What’s wrong now, last night at dinner, you were still confident.” Gong Xinlan snickered.

“It’s not the same.”

Luo Hua shook his head, “For any operation, you must first establish your own operating system. And there’s a big difference between Earth’s financial investment operations and those in the universe. It’s the same as the difference between a two-dimensional world and a three-dimensional world. And in the virtual universe, I can invest in many places, such as the Black Dragon Mountain Starfield, and the Dong Hua Starfield, and so on, and even invest in other universe countries.”

“Maybe, some superpowers fight against each other, causing a certain group to break.”

“So, investing is complicated and changes very quickly!”

“It’s like in the Earth stock market, there’s only a mega bull market in ten years! But it’s not the same in the universe, different cosmic kingdoms have different economic situations, some are religious countries, some are imperial systems. If the financial market on Earth, is a gentle stream, the universe financial market, that is the sea that is blowing a twelve-stage typhoon!

“Full of crises and full of opportunities!”

“A great man can double his capital a thousand times in ten days and a half months!”

“Similarly even if the expert, once blocked, may be finished in one hit.” Luo Hua shook his head, “I am now a small capital shrimp, are mixing with others behind.”

“You’re still small capital?” Luo Hongguo glared, “In these few months, didn’t you say that the principal has doubled ten times?”

“It only doubled ten times in a few months, it’s pretty average.” Luo Hua shook his head, “The financial market in the universe changes extremely fast, a hundred times and a thousand times faster than the market on Earth! Hundreds of times more dangerous! I only doubled ten times in a few months to ensure ‘safety of principal’. But from yesterday to today, I lost 30%, losing about nearly 2 billion Qianwu coins.”

“What?” Luo Hongguo and Gong Xinlan stared.

2 billion Qianwu coins!

Luo Feng once gave Luo Hua 500 million dry witch coins and was speculated by Luo Hua at the peak of nearly 10 billion dry witch coins.

“Don’t worry, I’m considered relatively stable.” Luo Hua shook his head, then grinned at his parents, “But mom and dad, to be honest, I feel like the financial market in this universe is the interesting one, it’s really choppy and gives one the feeling of fighting the waves, cool!”

“You’re cool, 2 billion Qianwu Coins are gone! Your brother bought Earth and just spent 2.1 billion Qianwu coins.” Luo Hongguo was clearly a bit stuffy.

He was bored by the figure of 2 billion dry witch coins.

“Two billion dry witch coins is nothing.”

Luo Hua shook his head and laughed, “Mom and dad, your eyes should be enlarged! In the universe financial market, some super big oligarchs, even to the point of controlling the rise and fall of a universe medium country, that wealth is simply astronomical. Some cosmic superpowers, they are all involved. The water in here, it’s deep.”

“I’m just a small shrimp. The minimum threshold for this kind of financial investment market across cosmic countries is a principal of 100 million Qianwu coins. If brother hadn’t given me a sum of money, I’m afraid I would only be able to mix within this universe again, and many of the investment markets, I would not be able to intervene at all.”


In the garden in front of the three houses, Luo Feng, Hong, and Thunder God appeared respectively. All three of them, were built on the same plot of land.

“What minimum threshold of 100 million dry witch coins?” Luo Feng walked over.

“Brother.” Luo Hua even stood up, “It’s just that I ran into some trouble and lost some money.”

“How much did you lose?” Luo Feng casually sat down, picked up his teacup and drank. Right now over at the realm within the realm, all the major organizations were pulling in people, Luo Feng wasn’t too convened.

“About 2 billion Qianwu coins.” Luo Hua said.

“Pfft!” A mouthful of tea spewed out directly, showering Luo Hua all over.

“Brother-” Luo Hua looked at Luo Feng helplessly.

“How much did you say, 2 billion Qian Wu coins?” Luo Feng glared, damn, he himself purchased metals all considering the price and so on, the first one he got from his teacher was only 10 billion Qianwu coins, in the end, he bought Earth, he bought spaceships, he bought slaves, he bought planetary defense system, he gave his younger brother, Hong, and Thunder God each a sum of money, and now his own funds are less than 5 billion Qianwu coins.

Of course, in the realm of the realm in the realm of a large sum of money.

“Brother, don’t make a fuss, okay?” Luo Hua even said, “I still have more than 3 billion in principal right now.”

“More than 3 billion Qianwu coins? Are you sure it’s dry witch coins?” Luo Feng glared.

“Right! Dry Witch Coins!” Luo Hua nodded.


Luo Feng glared, while at this time Hong and Thunder God came over, Hong laughed, “Luo Feng, still not contacting He Ruo, what are you talking about?”

“My brother, playing some cosmic financial investment market, lost 2 billion Qianwu coins.” Luo Feng said, Hong and Thunder God froze, “Then, there’s still more than 3 billion left in principal. Let me state in advance, I just gave him 500 million Qianwu coins.”

Hong and Thunder God both stared at Luo Hua.

“Why are they all looking at me like that?” Luo Hua was a bit confused, “It’s normal, investing in this thing depends on the principal.”

“A principal of 100 million Qianwu coins, doubled five times, is to become 500 million Qianwu coins.”

“And the principal of 10 billion dry witch coins, doubled five times, it becomes 50 billion dry witch coins.” Luo Hua said, “The bigger the principal, the more powerful the natural earning. Similarly …… the loss is also very powerful. What I need to do is to minimize the losses, or even reduce them. Increase the gains!”

Luo Feng, Hong and Thunder God looked at each other.


“Your account wide, received a remittance of 4 billion Qianwu coins.” A screen appeared in front of Luo Hua, an email appeared on the screen, Luo Hua froze.

“Don’t look, it’s for you.” Luo Feng looked at Luo Hua.

“Brother, giving me so much?” Luo Hua even said, “I can’t guarantee that I won’t lose money, this universe financial investment changes quickly, I can only guarantee that …… the principal may lose up to 30%.” Luo Hua and Luo Feng are blood brothers, this natural intelligence, coupled with the extraction of the essence of the ideas of many investment masters on Earth, on Earth absolutely belongs to the call of the investment masters.

Maybe the financial market on earth, compared to the universe financial market, is very young.

But on the idea.

Many of the investment ideas on earth, many of the old passed down the reason, indeed is considered unique. At least “Luo Hua”, just entered the universe financial investment market not long, quickly adapted, and made some gains. Occasional stumbles will make him learn from experience and improve his investment strategy.

According to Luo Hua’s words, “only after repeated failures and setbacks, and continue to learn from experience, in order to get stronger” “the cost of failure and setbacks, must be controlled, ready to fail, can not be defeated by a failure”.

“It’s only a 30% loss, go ahead and do it.” Luo Feng laughed.

“This financial investment, it’s really doubled to earn, and the loss is scary. But …… brother is indeed talented in this area.” Luo Feng thought in his heart, “Well, in the future, 30% of the funds I earn will be transferred to my brother to invest. I believe that this will make my brother go farther and higher!”

After talking to his brother, Luo Feng, Hong and Thunder God contacted He Ruo again.

“Luo Feng, Hong, Thunder God, I’m just so happy to see you three.” In the screen, He Ruo was thrilled, “Many people in the realm within the realm have died too many, many, many deaths.”

“We are also happy to see you.” Hong smiled.

“He Ruo, now the major organizations are pulling in free adventurers?” Luo Feng asked.


He Ruo nodded, “Our Northern Dragon City, as well as the Hundred Tigers Tower, the Black Cloud Society, and the two great holy lands. All of them are pulling in free adventurers! If you want to compete for the treasure, the first thing is to have enough people!”

“Three Axe Mountain isn’t pulling?” Thunder God pursued.

“Well, Three Axe Mountain is different from the other three organizations. Three Axe Mountain, is known as the first of the four major organizations! They don’t train young people. The minimum threshold to join Three Axe Mountain is ‘universe level’. Because they don’t train newcomers, there are only the disciples of the occasional Three Axe Mountain powerhouse in this realm, and there are very few of them, so they can’t form a force.” He Ruo explained.

Luo Feng, Thunder God, and Hong drifted off.

Not cultivating young people, so naturally there were very few people from the Three Axe Mountain lineage participating in the apprenticeship test.

No wonder even the “Underworld Renegade” had found themselves.

“So, it’s mainly our five parties that are fighting.” He Ruolian laughed, “Luo Feng, we have roughly confirmed the location of the treasure now. It’s just that the five parties are holding each other back, so they’re all desperately trying to pull in free adventurers. Luo Feng, why don’t you guys join my North Dragon City, just for now.”

Luo Feng, Hong, and Thunder God were all a bit surprised.

“You guys confirm the location of the treasure?” Luo Feng, Thunder God said almost simultaneously.

“Uh-huh.” He Ruo nodded, “Ninety percent sure, the treasure is there. It’s being watched by our five parties right now! If you don’t join one of our five parties, you won’t even have a chance to enter.

“Oh?” Luo Feng nodded slightly, the three of them exchanged glances and already had a decision.

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