Chapter 4.

Release Date: 2024-07-11 18:40:56
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luo Feng’s three were drinking like no one else was around, Nolan Shan stood by the side with an ugly face, the other two bald cosmic mercenaries were equally upset because, in the universe it was the most basic etiquette to maintain respect for the strong. In their opinion, these three youths in front of them were too arrogant and cocky.

“This ……” He Ruo and Brem two looked at each other, not daring to make a sound.

“This wine is really good! If it was in reality at the very least the price would have to go up a hundred times, right?” Thunder God complimented.

“And it’s still hard to buy.” Hong also said.

“The virtual universe is just full of benefits!” Luo Feng quipped.

Standing next to the table, Nolan Shan’s eye muscles twitched a few times, as if he was a poisonous scorpion, he swept his gaze over the three people sitting at the table and suddenly let out a low gulp, “Three little guys who don’t know how to be polite.” Luo Feng’s trio still didn’t look at him, “I’ll let you know that you have to respect the strong even in the virtual universe!”


His right leg was like a large chopper, slicing through the air, lightning-like diagonal biking towards Luo Feng next to him.

“Dare to make a move?”

Luo Feng let out a low roar, his body jerked a back side while his left arm even blocked the kick, pong! Nuolanshan’s right leg slammed hard on Luo Feng’s arm, Luo Feng’s entire body then followed the trend and directly stormed back, staggering backward a few steps, at the same time his eyes lit up, staring at the bottles of wine, plates and so on beside him, the bottles of wine and plates directly levitated and quickly slammed over.

“Hit!” Thunder God roared.

“Hmph!” Hong also charged on like lightning.

Everyone was at the “Primary Warrior General” level of physical fitness, who was afraid of who?

“Be careful, his power burst is stronger.” Luo Feng even shouted, Luo Feng was psychologically prepared for Nuolanshan’s outburst, but the force of that leg still exceeded Luo Feng’s imagination, his left arm was in pain at the moment.

“Fight me?”

Nuolashan icy cold a leg split to the first rushed Thunder God, and Thunder God the whole waist a twist, as if the twist general dodge this foot, and the fist crossed an arc as if through the centrifuge acceleration general, weird whistling smashed to Nuolashan. Nolan Shan frowned slightly, the left leg that chopped out made a bizarre horizontal cut, slicing towards Thunder God’s waist, generating a shocking qi energy.

“Hmph.” Thunder God’s body was soft, like cotton surprisingly, his body directly wrapped around Nolan Shan’s left leg, and at the same time, he was ready to use the entanglement killing technique.

“Soft technique?” Nolan Shan’s face changed slightly.


A muscle on his left leg directly collapsed and popped up, at the same time like a large python, slithering and quickly escaping from the entanglement kill.


With a terrifying violent cracking sound, Hong’s right leg was like a sharp cone directly stabbing towards Nolan Mountain’s head. Nolan Shan laughed hideously and even charged directly forward, just slightly shorter body, easily avoided this leg! But the right foot that Hong stabbed out was instantly smashed viciously towards the bottom, directly smashing into Norrashan’s head!

“Roll!” Nolan Shan let out a shout, and his head unexpectedly slammed directly into it, and his neck instantly became two or three circles thicker.


The top of his head and Hong’s right foot clashed hard, and Hong’s entire body lost its center of gravity and flew backwards to the side. Thunder God, on the other hand, was as if his hands were being caressed by a lover, his ten fingers flicked slightly, as if a gust of wind was blowing directly at Nolan Shan’s reddened face, but if you looked closely, you felt that each finger was like a python.

“Thumbing ……” Hong once again close to the body rushed to, double fists a fist as if the waves once heavier than once, bizarre incomparable.

“God breaking!”

Luo Feng, who was standing not far away, let out a low shout.

A thought was like an embroidered needle, directly stabbing into Nolan Shan’s mind.

“Scram!!!” Nuo Lanshan let out a bellow, his eyes glaring angrily, his arms strangely expanding and becoming larger, while carrying a strange sensation of needles, respectively, blasting away Thunder God’s double palms, Hong’s double fists, while smashing into these two’s chests, causing Hong and Thunder God to spit blood on the spot and directly throw them away.


Many people in the spacious hall of the Killing Ground looked here.

“Break something and the money is deducted on my account.” Nuolan Shan hip said, then looked at Luo Feng’s three people icily.

Luo Feng, Hong, and Thunder God were all shocked beyond belief.

Normally for opponents of the same level, Luo Feng’s nimbus attacks could completely sweep away, but …… this time, because there were no nimbus weapons in the hall, Luo Feng could only perform mental attacks. But this time, it seemed like it had no effect on Nolan Shan.

As for Hong and Thunder God, before the great nirvana period, one was an expert in internal fist, one was proficient in ancient yoga and internal fist, both of them were good at close combat, this time they were defeated by a single person.

It must be known that everyone has the same physical quality and spiritual thought strength.

This was the virtual universe, and everyone had exactly the same physical quality.

“Just you, still want to use spiritual attacks against me?” Nuo Lanshan looked at Luo Feng who was in shock and sneered, “In the giant axe martial arts arena, if you don’t have a way to deal with mental attacks, how can you possibly survive, let alone win a thousand games in a row and get the giant axe martial arts title!”

Although both sides of the spiritual thoughts were the same, the strength of the consciousness, as a Giant Axe Title Cosmic Grade Ninth Order powerhouse, the consciousness was indeed very strong.

“As for you two.

Nolan Shan looked at Hong and Thunder God, “I admit that you guys aren’t worse than me in terms of melee moves, but unfortunately, your hair power is too lousy. My hair power is more than twice as much as yours, don’t think that just because this is a virtual universe network, you can look down on universe level powerhouses! Even with the same body, strong people can still easily ravage you guys.”

“Well said!” Quincy, the cosmic mercenary next to him, shouted.


“In the virtual universe network, the weak must also respect the strong!”

“In terms of awareness, skill, experience, power generation, and so on, these little guys are too far behind. Still arrogant!” Immediately, several universe level powerhouses spoke from the side, and immediately, many people present looked at Luo Feng’s trio with strange gazes. How dare the three little guys disrespect the universe level?

Respecting the strong was the most basic etiquette of the universe!

“Serves them right.”

“Deserved to be ravaged.” Many people said to each other.

Hong, Luo Feng, and Thunder God had cold faces.

“Nolan Mountain!”

Luo Feng said icily, “Respecting the strong is the most basic etiquette, before this, I’ve never offended a strong senior in this killing field hall! But you, you scumbag, because of your greed, the deaths of my clan at your hands can be said to be in the thousands, right?” It was true that Earthlings had died quite a lot because of the Nolan Mountain Clan. The few times they fought, there were many who were caught in the waves and died. Coupled with the arrival of the Nolan Mountain Clan, the base cities around the globe rioted and many people vandalized and looted, and even more people died in the chaos.

“You were just trying to forcefully buy my planet?”

“Killing my clan, buying my planet by force, and you want me to respect you, shit! Go dream your big dreams.” Luo Feng lowered his head and spat viciously, Nuo Lan Shan’s face kept changing, but he couldn’t even argue, what Luo Feng said was indeed true.

Some of the surrounding characters with backgrounds from all over the Black Dragon Mountain Empire nodded their heads slightly, so that’s how it was, no wonder this young man would go up against this giant axe title martial artist.

“Oh ……”

“No wonder.”

“This young man is bold enough.”

Those onlookers weren’t surprised, they had a grudge against each other, so naturally they couldn’t talk about respect or disrespect.

Nuo Lan Shan looked at Luo Feng and nodded slightly, “What a mouth that can talk.”

“It’s not being able to talk, it’s occupying a burial! Being straight is strong, so naturally, I won’t be afraid of you and won’t bow down to you.” Luo Feng stared at Nuo Lanshan and sneered, “Mr. Nuo Lanshan, if you didn’t have greed, the three of my brothers would be here drinking, why would you come and bully us three juniors?”

Nuo Lan Shan was annoyed in his heart, but he didn’t know what to say, his fists clenched in anger.

“What, want to make a move again?” The Thunder God shouted strangely.

“We can’t beat you, a former strong person of the ninth rank of the universe class who possesses the ‘Giant Axe Martial Artist Title’.” Hong also sneered at someone once in a rare moment.

“Big brother, second brother, let’s go.” Luo Feng greeted.

“Go.” Hong said.

“Don’t talk too much with this kind of person.” Thunder God echoed.

The three of them, Luo Feng, directly walked towards the outside of the hall.

Nuolan Shan’s face was blue, his heart was extremely angry, but he was clear that he was indeed greedy for Earth, for its treasures, and since he was “greedy”, he naturally couldn’t justify it. What’s more, he didn’t want to say this out now, because, the treasure on earth, he didn’t want other people to discover it!

“Luo Feng!” Nuo Lan Shan said icily.

Luo Feng turned around, looked at Nuo Lan Shan and smiled, “Mr. Nuo Lan Shan, what else do you want?”

“Just now, I made a move on you guys, are you displeased?” Nuo Lan Shan’s eyes narrowed.

“Yes, it’s displeasing.” Luo Feng laughed coldly, “You, a universe level 9th ranked powerhouse, are stronger than us in front of all parties such as experience, power generation, and awareness, the match is simply unfair, and you’re still asking us to be convinced?”

“I’ll give you a chance.”

Nolan Shan let out a low hum, “I’ll find three of my men, at the same level and same rank as you, and fight you for three matches each! As long as you guys can win one of the three games …… then this betting battle, even if you guys win. I’ll give you 10 billion Qianwu coins, if you don’t win a single game, the planet under your command will be given to me.”

“Gambling on a battle is fine, and the bet is a planet? No way.” Luo Feng looked at Nuo Lan Shan.

Nuo Lanshan’s teeth were itching with anger.

This Luo Feng, hadn’t looked at that planet too much.

Did this Luo Feng not know that ……

Even if he possessed treasures such as the mechanical race ship, with Luo Feng’s background, once he took it out, it would be snatched up.

“Directly exchanging 100 billion Qianwu coins, and he’s not even willing to do so, it’s 100 billion Qianwu coins!”

He was really incomparably eager to get the legal ownership of the Earth, if that happened, even if the treasures on the Earth couldn’t be unearthed, but he could directly auction the Earth and sell those treasures packaged together! With legal ownership, it would be much more convenient to do a lot of things, and there was no need to sneak into the Earth like now by dispatching two Cosmic Levels.

This kind of behavior is called stealing!

And what Nolan Shan was most worried about was that Luo Feng had already applied for the right to own Earth in the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, so the big families of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, would know how to travel to Earth.

Nuo Lan Shan is afraid that ……

Those big families, who were also interested in Earth, sent men and horses to travel to Earth from the wormhole.

After all, the Nolan Mountain family, was only the third family in the Caro Empire. On the other hand, the most important big families in the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, the founders are usually “sector masters” strong! If that kind of family intervened, there would be no hope for the Nolan Mountain Family.

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