Chapter 53: Curriculum Vitae

Release Date: 2024-07-11 18:43:01
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“Alright, I’ll just be a little well off.” Luo Feng smiled and continued to look at the screen.

There were a total of seven emails on the screen including the ones he read before, the first five emails were from the “Cosmic Star River Bank”, the sixth was from the “Virtual Universe Company”, and the seventh was from the “Giant Axe Martial Arts Arena”. “Giant Axe Martial Arts Stadium”.


Luo Feng gently tapped his finger on the screen and clicked on the second email.

“Dear customer, hello.

Do you often keep large amounts of money in your account and withdraw cash when you need to use it? I must remind you that this is a very inefficient way of operating funds. As long as you give your funds to us to help you operate, you will get a constant stream of income, we first guarantee that never lose money!

As for the annual rate of return, depending on the market, the annual collection rate varies, and the highest we have ever made in our history is more than 100% return for our users.


As long as you give us 10 trillion cosmic coins to deal with, a year later, it is likely to become 20 trillion cosmic coins! Even in the worst case scenario …… we can guarantee no losses!

The following are some randomly selected ‘war records’ from our investment department: ……”

Luo Feng was dumbfounded, stretching out his finger, gently clicking on the third email.

“Dear customer, hello.

Our team has the most top level experience in managing planets in the universe, do you own a large number of planetary territories, however, your planetary territories are unable to bring you enough revenue? As long as you give us your planet to manage, we will cultivate the most elite warriors, the most loyal warriors for you, and at the same time, the earning efficiency of each planet will be greatly increased.

Moreover, we can establish a religion for you, or build a strong and consolidated family. ……

Religion Mode, Family Mode, Dynasty Mode, Academy Mode ……

You can choose any mode you want and let us manage your planetary territory.”

Luo Feng read the first five emails in one breath.

“The second one, it’s an investment department under the jurisdiction of the Cosmic Star River Bank, wanting me to give them my money for ‘financial investment’.”

“The third one, is for me, saying that by letting me spend money, they will manage my planetary territory for me, and help me cultivate incomparably loyal subordinates. There are also ‘religious’, ‘familial’, and other modes of training.”

“The fourth seal, still asking me to spend money to help invest, with a higher rate of return on investment and greater risk.”

“The fifth seal, specifically for my enjoyment, providing all sorts of services!”

Luo Feng shook his head, two of the five emails above are to help with “financial investment”, one of which guarantees no loss, the second risk return is uncertain, and according to prior understanding from his brother that the circle of financial investment in the universe is very dark, the two mega-banks under the jurisdiction of the various investment departments, sucking up the money of ordinary investors to form a mega-fund to create a windfall. The formation of mega funds to make waves.

Generally, the money of ordinary investors is used to “carry the sedan chair” for their own exclusive accounts.

“Luo Feng, the sixth email and seventh email, take a look, it’s important.” Babata’s voice rang out.

“Oh?” Luo Feng was surprised, “Important?”

The sixth email, it was from the Virtual Universe Corporation.

Luo Feng stretched out his finger and clicked on the sixth email.


From the moment you became a three star customer, you have the qualifications to step into the ‘Qian Witch Auction’. In the middle of the universe, many precious items belong to the restricted class, and there are also many items that are hard to buy even if you have money. The ‘Auction’ held by our Virtual Universe Company, on the other hand, provides the opportunity for them to purchase many precious items.

The Dry Witch Auction is held once every three years.

The minimum threshold to participate in the auction was a three-star customer of the First Bank of the Universe and the Star River Bank of the Universe.

The next Dry Witch Auction, is to be held in two years, for more details about the auction, please see the attachment to this email.

Virtual universe company.”

Luo Feng’s expression was solemn as he looked at the screen in front of him, the threshold of this Dry Witch Auction was high enough, surprisingly the minimum threshold to participate in the auction was the three star customers of the two major super banks! The three star customers are usually “sector masters” and some rich people with super power.

What about an auction that a group of realm masters would attend?

“Luo Feng, in this Qian Wu auction, there will be a lot of incomparable treasures, like the ‘Fruit of Life’, like some precious ‘fifth rank weapons’ that can only be made by Immortal Medium powerhouses, and a lot of other restricted rank weapons. weapons, all of which could be seen in this auction. For a strong person, this auction is very important.” Babata reminded, “You can only rely on this auction to buy many treasures.”

Luo Feng nodded.

“Of course, this auction is a ‘primary auction’.”

“The auctions held by the Virtual Universe Corporation are divided into ‘Primary Auction’, ‘Medium Auction’, and ‘Higher Auction’. ”

“Primary auctions, the minimum threshold for participation is a three-star customer, and generally three-star customers, are all Sector Lord powerhouses.”

“Medium Auction, the minimum threshold for participation is a four-star customer, and generally four-star customers, are immortal existences. So the medium auction, is the auction that the general immortal existence participates in. Each auction of treasures ……, I’m afraid that all of your assets here are not necessarily enough to buy a treasure.”

“Higher auctions, the minimum threshold is a five-star customer. Oh, the ones who participate in this kind of auction …… are all super giants of the major organizational forces. Or the power holders of some universe countries such as the Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom, or some super powerhouses among the solo immortals. The items auctioned at this Higher Auction were all frighteningly expensive. However, for a Higher Auction, it would take many years just to prepare for it, and the items in this Higher Auction were usually obtained by Immortal existences who fought tooth and nail to get them. Some fight hard but can’t get them, like your teacher ……”

Luo Feng was stunned.

His own teacher, the master of the Meteorite Ink Star, seemed to have ended up dying for a certain treasure back then.

“A three star client, in the Black Dragon Mountain starfield, it’s amazing.”

“But in the entire universe, average. And the auctions. You can only participate in local auctions as well. You can only participate in the ‘Qianwu Auction’, but you’re not qualified to participate in the auctions of other universe countries.” Babata said.

Luo Feng nodded slightly.

This kind of auction, the specifications were so high that those without some status were afraid that they had never even heard of it. Even the minimum threshold for a “primary auction” was a three star customer.

“The next Qianwu auction is in two years and one month.” Luo Feng was secretly looking forward to it, this kind of auction, must attend.

Luo Feng sat in his study and read some of the attachments about the auction. There was even more anticipation, there would indeed be many incomparably rare items in this auction.

“This last capital piece, from the giant axe fighting arena?” Luo Feng stretched out his finger and curiously clicked on it.

This email, was a notification of a complimentary VIP membership.

When he became a three star customer, he automatically became a “bronze VIP member” of the giant axe martial arts arena, and could watch the duel live broadcast of the giant axe martial arts arena for free.

“Giant Axe Martial Arts Stadium? A member, is it important?” Luo Feng asked doubtfully.

“The membership itself isn’t important, but the ‘duel live stream’ of the Giant Axe Fighting Martial Arena is still important.” On Luo Feng’s shoulder, the fist-sized imp solemnly said, “Every battle held at the Giant Axe Fighting Stadium is a life and death battle! There has to be at least one side that dies before this battle ends. So this kind of battle …… is very worth watching. It’s also very beneficial to cultivation and enlightenment.”

“Oh?” Luo Feng nodded.

There were attachments on this complimentary membership email, on the attachments was a list of various recent duels, Luo Feng casually clicked on it.

“List of life and death battles in the last seven days?”

“A total of 6201 matches?” Luo Feng’s eyes widened, “There were 6118 universe level life and death battles, 82 domain lord level life and death battles, and 1 sector lord level life and death battle.”

Luo Feng sucked in a breath of cool air.

Just seven days and there were so many strong life and death battles? There was even a sector lord life and death battle?

“Don’t be surprised, the giant axe martial arts arena is spread across every universe kingdom! A single universe kingdom is as big as it is boundless. With all the universe kingdoms combined, it’s normal to have so many life and death battles in seven days.” Babata explained, “Look, of these 6201 life and death battles, there were only three belonging to the Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom!”

On the attached list, there were 6,118 universe-level life and death battles, which were arranged in ascending order of “attention”.

The one battle with the highest attention span had both parties being at the sixth level of the universe level!

“Cosmic level 6, how could so many people pay attention to it?” Luo Feng curiously clicked on the battle and watched the detailed introduction.

Both sides were from the “Desolate Peak Cosmic Kingdom”.

One side was named “Gage”, the Rushu clan.

The other side was called “Hex”, a slave of a slave trader.

Gage was born on the planet Rushu, which is a planet with a very harsh living environment, where monsters run rampant and many weak Rushu people are killed by the monsters. Only the strong can survive. The genius of the Rushu tribe, “Gage”, quickly rose from the Rushu planet, reaching the planetary level and even the stellar level, attracting the attention of the Rushu planet’s lord. Gage became one of the elite soldiers under the command of the planet’s lord.

Gage continued to work hard and his status grew higher and higher, and then that planetary lord, bestowed Planet Rushu to Gage.

Gage became the Lord of Planet Rushu, and became the hero of the Rushu tribe.

However, later, that planetary lord got into trouble with a big enemy, and was attacked by the enemy, and many planets under that lord’s command, including this Rushu Planet, were all looted. Many Rushu people were sold as slaves.

After Gage cultivated hard to reach the “cosmic level”, he directly sold himself to the “Giant Axe Fighting Stadium”, and the Giant Axe Fighting Stadium intervened and bought Planet Ruxiu from the hands of that big shot. Gage, on the other hand, needs to go through a thousand battles in the Giant Axe Martial Arts Center. If he doesn’t die, he regains his freedom.

Hex, living on a very ordinary planet, lived the life of an ordinary person.

However, many years on this planet, including the teenage “Hex”, was taken by a team of slavers. Slavers captured many slaves, began to carry out “hell” training, some of the failed products eliminated products are sold as slaves, while some elite is to continue training, Hex is one of the elite.

He became a stellar level, and even broke through to become a cosmic level!

Only because of being implanted with a chip, Hex was just a slave! But then his combat power was really strong. It wasn’t worth it to sell him as a mere cosmic level slave, so the slavers signed a contract with him – as long as he could live to pass a thousand life and death battles in the Giant Axe Fighting Stadium, Hex’s freedom would be returned to him!

Because in the Giant Axe Arena. The longer you live, the more amazing the appearance fee will be! This is much more profitable than selling slaves.

Slavers know …… very well that only by making slaves really eager and really voluntary can they explode the strongest fighting power in life and death battles. So it is given a contract that restores its freedom if it passes a thousand matches.

Gage 619 wins!

Hex 821 wins!

Both at the sixth rank of the Cosmic Rank!

This duel was the most watched battle among the more than 6,000 cosmic level life and death battles in the universe’s “Giant Axe Martial Arts Arena” in the last seven days!

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