Chapter 56: Going Home, Earth

Release Date: 2024-07-11 18:43:09
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Leaving the martial arts arena and returning to reality from the virtual universe network.

In the control room of the spaceship, Luo Feng’s three people were all in a rather heavy mood.

“This damn universe!” Thunder God couldn’t help but curse.

Luo Feng was silent.

“Don’t curse, it’s pointless.” Hong shook his head, “Where there’s light, there’s darkness, where there’s class there’s naturally all sorts of competition. Even on the tiny earth, killers, prostitutes, crooks, robbers, corrupt officials, conspirators, what kind of people aren’t there? Not to mention the immense universe.”

“The universe is vast, so there are more sinister, cruel and crazy people. But there are also many people with bright hearts who pursue their dreams.”

“All sorts of things, all encompassing.”

“All we can do now is to be ourselves and protect our Earth community. Only when we become big shots in the entire universe will we be able to do something about it. As for now, it’s better not to think nonsense.” Hong shook his head.

Luo Feng and Thunder God nodded slightly.

The spaceship continued to fly, after more than eight hours of flying, the spaceship finally arrived at the coordinates corresponding to the “solar system” in the dark universe.

The spatial coordinates here were completely covered by the owner of the Meteorite Ink Planet with a spatial secret method. Therefore, if other spaceships wanted to come to Earth, they could only go through a “wormhole” and then fly through the universe for a long time before arriving at Earth. On the other hand, Luo Feng and the others could directly “cosmic shuttle”.

“10, 9, 8, 7, 6……3, 2, 1! Cosmic shuttle!”

In the dark universe.

As the spaceship came to a standstill, the spaceship was directly repelled out by the dark universe, shuttling, back to the solar system of the original universe.

On November 16th, 2063, Chinese time, at 22:08 in the middle of the night, a triangular-shaped spaceship entered the Earth, arriving at the Asian continent of the Chinese nation’s Jiangnan base city’s acropolis “Yangzhou City” in the sky.

When Hong and Thunder God arrived on Earth, Luo Feng sent them to their respective homes.

Yangzhou City, West Lake Residence.



When Luo Feng wearing an alloy battle suit …… with boots, with a servant “Ao Bone” appeared at the entrance of the castle, Luo Feng’s family members who had gotten the news beforehand had long been waiting, especially his two sons “Luo Hai” and “Luo Bone”. “Luo Hai” and “Luo Ping”, immediately shouted excitedly and directly pounced on Luo Feng.

“Haha, Pingping, Xiao Hai.” Luo Feng couldn’t help but have a smile on his face when he saw his family.

“Oh wow, much heavier than last time.” Luo Feng hugged his two sons, smiling.

“Daddy, your battle suit is so hard.” Pingping waved his little fists, bang, bang, bang, bang, knocking on the alloy battle suit on Luo Feng’s body.

“You didn’t change your clothes even when you came back.” Xu Xin walked to the side and said with a smile, “Wearing this metal lump.”

“I got used to wearing it outside and didn’t have time to change.” Luo Feng smiled.

The alloy battle suit had, indeed, been worn for too long.

Actually, the alloy battle suit looked tough on the outside, but the inside was still very focused on comfort, of course it couldn’t possibly be compared to those cotton ordinary casual clothes, but after a long time, it would still be natural to get used to it.

“Little Feng, dinner is all ready, been waiting for you.” Mother Gong Xinlan laughed.

“Enn, mom burns the food, it’s the best.” Luo Feng laughed, “I’ll go change and take a shower first, we’ll eat together right away.”

Changing out of his alloy battle suit and boots and into a comfortable well leisure suit, Luo Feng ate dinner with his family.

Breathing the air of his hometown, looking at the moon of his hometown, eating and chatting with his family ……

After wandering around in the universe for a long time, one does miss this feeling yet.

The return of Luo Feng’s trio, the five major powers on earth soon learned about it, on the morning of the third day of Luo Feng’s return, the five major powers together sent fifteen representatives to Luo Feng’s home, to talk to Luo Feng about the matter of the US in the universe immigration.

In the conference room.

Hong and Thunder God had also arrived, mainly the fifteen representatives to discuss with Luo Feng’s trio. These fifteen representatives could already fully represent the various forces within the five powers.

“Mr. Luo, fear won’t solve the problem. All of us know very well that there are many dangers in the universe, but …… we can’t wait for the dangers to come before facing them, the best way is to make contact with other races of humans in the universe as early as possible and make all sorts of preparations.” A female chairwoman of a certain political party from the European Union country said very seriously.

“Yes. Please understand, the three of you, that our countries have already made preparations.” The new white president of the United States of America looked at Luo Feng’s three people.

The representatives of China, India, and Soviet Russia also looked at Luo Feng’s trio, what they could say, they had just said.

Luo Feng, Hong, and Thunder God looked at each other, and Luo Feng finally nodded.

The three had already made a decision.

“I understand everyone’s thoughts.”

Luo Feng looked at the leaders of the five countries around the conference table, “I admit, what you guys said makes sense.”

“You guys want cosmic immigration, you can.” Luo Feng solemnly said.

There was a hint of unconcealed joy in the eyes of the leaders of the five powers.

“However, let me remind everyone.”

“First point, when we get to the other life planets in the universe, I will give the immigrants the most basic life security. However, you must understand that you can only obtain cosmic citizenship by reaching the ‘planetary level’, so once these immigrants leave the planets under my control, I will not be able to guarantee their safety.”

“The second point is that it’s easy to leave from Earth, but it’s difficult to return. From the other living planets in the universe, returning to Earth would take three years for the time spent on the journey alone!”

“Third point, the message about Earth must be kept strictly confidential, there must not be the slightest leakage.” Luo Feng solemnly said.

Actually, there weren’t many important messages on earth, the only important one was the message of the golden horn beast. But ordinary earthlings don’t know that the “Devouring Beast” is the Golden Horned Beast, and for those immigrants, Luo Feng absolutely can’t let them take away a single photo or video of the Golden Horned Beast.

Once the immigrants left Earth and arrived at the planet under Luo Feng’s control.

First of all the other races of humans on the planet controlled by Luo Feng are all ordinary people, who knows about the devouring beasts and golden horned giant beasts?

“But anyone who leaks information about Earth will be shot directly for the crime of betraying Earth’s humans.” Luo Feng solemnly said.

“No problem.”



“Mr. Luo, it doesn’t take three years for you guys to come back from the universe, right?” The female Secretary of State from the United States of America looked at Luo Feng’s trio.

Luo Feng frowned and stared at her, the invisible mental pressure caused that female secretary of state’s forehead to be filled with cold sweat, Luo Feng drank, “This first batch of immigrants, is the first contact between our earth humans and the universe, I don’t want any accidents to happen! Once an accident happens, then you will be the sinner of earth humanity!”

“Remember the three points I said, agree and I can agree to immigrate.”

“If you don’t agree, then you’ll work on building your own spaceships.” Luo Feng said in a cold voice.

“Oh, I’m sorry Mr. Luo, I’m just curious, I didn’t mean anything else.” That female secretary of state even said.

“That’s how it is, the immigrants are officially leaving Earth and will depart in half a year. During these half a year, you guys just choose the people. Remember, to come back the return journey alone will take three years.” Luo Feng said.

The fifteen representatives of the five great powers left, Luo Feng, Hong, and Thunder God couldn’t do anything about it.

“There’s a benefit to this, we can’t keep the pressure on our shoulders, we should let them suffer a bit out there as well. Without pressure, there’s no motivation. Being under our protection all the time, the progress of Earth’s humans will slow down.” Hong said.


Luo Feng nodded, “Those people can’t poke a basket even if they really poke the committee, not to mention with the ‘leaking earth’s message is betraying earth humans’, everyone is an earthling, even fewer would dare to leak. Even if you do leak the message, everything will be under my control, after all, that’s my territory.”

Luo Feng now had hundreds of planetary territories, however, as for immigrating to Earth humans …… Luo Feng was prepared to specialize in purchasing a few planetary territories.

For the current Luo Feng, purchasing a few planets was indeed easy.

After staying on Earth for a few days, Luo Feng took a spacecraft and traveled to Mars.

He also ordered a “nutritional pod” through the virtual universe network.

“Sir, are you confirming your purchase of this E class nutrition pod? This set of Nutrient Pods, as the highest grade E Nutrient Pods, is able to provide body repair and evolutionary effects to even strong Sector Masters. At the same time, it is also a ‘Warrior Evolution Capsule’, which is completely capable of directly creating Universe-class powerhouses.”

“However, it only causes the warrior’s physical body to evolve to the ‘universe level’.”

“To break through further, one would need to sense domains and so on, and relying on this nutritional pod alone won’t work. Moreover, relying on the evolutionary pod to break through will easily cause the foundation to be unsound and unable to perceive the domains, so naturally, one will never be able to break through to Domain Master.”

“And ……”

“Nutrient pods consume and consume incredibly. The amount of money spent on spending hundreds of years of effort to create a Cosmic Rank is enough for you to go out and purchase hundreds of Cosmic Rank slaves. So using it as a ‘Warrior Evolution Pod’ is quite unworthy.”

“His only efficacy is that a Sector Lord powerhouse who is injured, even to the extent that the genes in his body are damaged and altered, can rely on the Nutrient Pod to repair it. This is the single most practical, and it is the healing effect that matters. This is something we must solemnly remind you of, so if you think it’s okay, sign here and buy it.”

“Class E Nutrient Pod, it costs 860 billion cosmic coins.”

“As for the nutrient solution you need, one ton costs 10 billion universe coins. One ton of nutrient solution is perfectly capable of creating a universe class.1 Of course.1 Ten billion universe coins you can buy hundreds of universe class slaves. Oh1 you need ten tons of nutrient solution. Understood. This is the contract!”

When Realm Lord powerhouses fought against each other, some directly harmed the essence of the soul, and some directly harmed the genes themselves. That’s when they relied on this nutrient pod to repair them.

That’s why this nutrient pod was expensive.

He had a side effect – warrior evolution pod! And Luo Feng bought it to advance the evolutionary speed of his earthling body.

As for not being able to break through?

“With the Golden Horned Beast body as your foundation, Luo Feng, you don’t have a bottleneck at all, and there’s no such thing as a weak foundation. And you have money, so of course if you want to buy it, buy the most! This E class nutritional pod, evolves the fastest.” This was what Babata said to Luo Feng.

Luo Feng took the nutritional pod with him and started stationing himself on Mars in the solar system, starting his first relatively long term seclusion.

Because ……

Luo Feng’s Golden Horned Beast body was about to break through to the cosmic level, and there were many very important issues with breaking through to the cosmic level, so of course he chose to make a breakthrough on Mars where no one would disturb him.

In the thunder world, the golden horn behemoth was the stellar grade ninth rank.

Stellar grade ninth order to cosmic grade, need to generally more than 50 years, and Luo Feng’s metal combination can increase evolution 89 times, so more than half a year, already to the critical point.

And right now Luo Feng had reached the tipping point where he was about to break through!

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