Chapter 61: Battle in Space

Release Date: 2024-07-11 18:43:22
A+ A- Turn Off Light

The black flying saucer spaceship, transformed into a stream of light, quickly broke through the Earth’s atmosphere and entered outer space.

In the control room of the spaceship.

Luo Feng stood expressionlessly in front of that console screen, and on the side behind him stood his slave powerhouse Di Fan. The alloy battle suit on the two of them reflected its characteristic luster under the light shining from the control room.

“How long will it take for them to arrive.” Luo Feng said to the console screen.

The imp avatar that appeared on the screen, “At the speed that that D3 class spaceship is maintaining, it’ll take roughly 8 hours and 49 minutes to arrive on Earth.”

“8 hours and 49 minutes?” Luo Feng smiled, “Then let’s welcome it!”


The entire spaceship immediately began to enter acceleration mode, although the acceleration of the spaceship was amazing, but because of the automatic gravitational adjustment system inside the spaceship, the gravitational force in the spaceship was always maintained at one unit of the earth’s surface gravity.

The spaceship flew in the direction of the outer solar system!

On the other hand, the previous head of the Norrashian family, “Derwin”, and Norrashian’s best disciple, “Baikaluo”, were traveling in a D3-class spaceship that was heading towards Earth.

The distance between them was rapidly shrinking!

In the control room of the D3-class streamlined axe-shaped spaceship.

“Elder brother, did you inform the teacher?” Hundred Carroll, who was fully covered under a black robe, said in a cold voice.

“Yes, the Clan Ancestor is very happy to know that we arrived in the Solar System.” A hint of a smile surfaced on Derwin’s handsome face, “The Clan Ancestor also said that he would stay online and wait for our news on that virtual universe network.”


Hundred Carroll nodded his head.

“Drop!” “Drop!” “Drop!”

A piercing sound rang out in the control room, instantly causing Derwin’s face to change slightly.

“Warning, warning, the navigation detection system has detected a spaceship, heading towards us! It’s coming towards us!” A loud and shrill voice echoed in the control room.

“What!” Derwin’s face changed drastically.

“A spaceship.” Baccaro was also shocked.

The universe was too vast, and with the size of a spaceship, if it was too far away in space, it would be just like “dust”, and Baccaro and Derwin simply couldn’t spot the 100-meter-diameter spaceship from 10 million kilometers away with their naked eyes.

In the control room of the saucer shaped spaceship, Luo Feng calmly looked at the console screen in front of him.

“Rail gun activated.” Luo Feng said.

“Understood!” The Devil Baba Talian on the screen began to activate.

All of a sudden the entire spaceship hull was directly in front of the upper side, the surface of the ship had a layer of energy cover, and under the energy cover, the surface of that alloy made up of the ship hull was automatically concave, revealing a silver-grey foot six meters thick hideous gun barrel, which slowly extended outwards towards the front, directly extending outwards beyond the energy light cover of the ship hull.


Cannon tube mouth produces a slight change, in the depths of the tube mouth vaguely has a trace of light, and the surrounding space vaguely distorted like.

“Energy activation, countdown, 60, 59, 58, 57……10, 9, 8, 7, ……3, 2, 1!

The voice echoed through the control room from the console.

“Babata, seize the opportunity and blast it in one fell swoop!” Luo Feng ordered.

“Haha, leave it to me.” The imp on the screen was very smug.

Orbital cannon!

This was one of the gifts Luo Feng had prepared for the Nolanshan family’s people, as it was known from early detection beforehand, it was a D3 class spaceship. So over the past two years Luo Feng had spent a huge figure of wealth – 260 billion cosmic coins – to purchase a D5 grade rail gun.

D5 grade railguns because as soon as they reached C grade technological weapons, they were restricted. It was difficult to purchase it through normal channels! And with tech weapons, the price would still be very exaggerated.

Although through the upcoming ‘auction’, the price of purchasing this tech weapon might be lower, but Luo Feng couldn’t wait any longer.


He spent 260 billion cosmic coins on such a D5 grade railgun through the very backgrounded super company ‘Curious Objects Zai’!

A galaxy, such as the Milky Way, would be lucky to have a selling price of 260 billion cosmic coins.

From this, it could be seen that Luo Feng had spent a lot of money! This is still Luo Feng had spent a huge amount of money in the “strange goods store”, which made the strange goods store …… willing to help Luo Feng get this D5 class railgun. If it wasn’t for the previous “huge spending”, this strange thing fast will not help Luo Feng get this kind of restricted weapon.

This huge spending ……

Luo Feng had purchased those incredibly precious materials for the cultivation of the “Original Heaven and Earth”!

The amount of money spent in order to purchase those materials could be much more than purchasing a D5 grade railgun, much more!!!!

Many Golden Horned Beasts had only cultivated their Origin Heaven and Earth to the first level by the time they died, so it was evident that cultivating this Origin Heaven and Earth was very costly! Golden horned beasts were usually at the peak of sector masters and had an alter ego! So Luo Feng was able to purchase those materials through the human world, of course this Golden Horned Beast knew how to create a “human alter ego” and then purchase metals in the human society!

With its “realm lord peaks” strength, its wealth is amazing, but it usually only cultivates to the first level!

The cultivation of the “Original Heaven and Earth” allows the Golden Horned Beast’s body to shrink, and the density of its sinews, muscles, etc. to increase dramatically, causing its strength to skyrocket. Generally, the younger the beast, the easier it is to cultivate. Just like a human child’s flexibility is easy to exercise a reason, the more powerful flesh, want to shrink the more difficult.

So ……

Universe level Golden Horned Beasts, to cultivate, the threshold is actually a little lower. But even so, Luo Feng still lacked two of the large amount of precious materials needed to fully cultivate into the first level.

These materials were really expensive and incredibly rare!

Luo Feng in the “strange things fast” for the purchase of these precious materials huge consumption, consumption is too much, so strange things fast of course incomparably valued such a super big customer! That’s why it was willing to help get a D5 grade railgun!

“Rail gun!”


Babata’s excited roar echoed from the control room.

In the starry sky.

That D3-class spaceship had already noticed the black flying saucer spaceship constantly approaching.

“It’s a C9-class spaceship.” Derwin frowned slightly, “Can we shake it off?”

“Master, we are flying towards Earth, it’s coming from the direction of Earth, no matter how much we change direction, they can easily close in on us, we can’t shake them off!” On the control room screen, came the voice of the intelligent light brain, “And it will take a lot of time for us to change our speed.”

Although a spaceship could reach the speed of light, it was only after a long period of continuous acceleration that it finally reached the “speed of light”, the ultimate speed in the original universe.

It was impossible to accelerate sideways or decelerate too fast in an instant.

This makes it easy for the other side to approach!

“If we don’t go to Earth, we can get rid of it.” The intelligent light brain said.

“Leave that ship alone!” Bai Carlo said in a cold voice, “A C9-class spaceship can’t affect us.”

“This spaceship should be under that Luo Feng’s command.” Derwin frowned, “Now, I’m afraid they already know we’ve arrived. The Clan Ancestor, was ordering us to get the Mechanical Clan ship quietly.”

“Since we’ve already found out, there’s no need to hide.” Hundred Carroll said indifferently, “Continue to advance towards Earth.”

It had only been a few seconds since Hundred Carrots and Derwin had just finished arguing.


An imperceptible railgun shockwave left a ripple of space in the starry sky before instantly hitting the D3-class spaceship at the “speed of light”. Under the defenselessness, under the speed of light of the railgun,……, the navigation detection system signal transmission of this D3-class spacecraft was only at the speed of light!

The G3-class spacecraft, in the same instant that it received the detection signal! The railgun blast hit the spaceship!


The streamlined, giant axe-shaped spaceship was instantly torn out of its side with a large hole across the entire belly of the spaceship, and penetrated out from underneath the other side. This made the spaceship that still maintained high speed flight, instantly broke apart …… a large amount of alloy debris burst out in all directions, causing a lot more cosmic garbage in the starry sky of the solar system.

In the wreckage of the spaceship that contained the control room, two silhouettes quickly flew out.

Suspended in space.

It was none other than Derwin and Baccaro.

“How is it possible?” Derwin’s eyes rolled in surprise.

“It’s been shelled, what else is impossible!” Hundred Carroll in the black robes shouted angrily.

“A light-speed long-range weapon that exceeds the D3 level, this, this is definitely a restricted level, on price comparable to a fifth-order Nimensional Force Weapon or Force Weapon! Even realm lord powerhouses …… generally can’t afford to waste money on D grade railguns that don’t have a high livestock-to-price ratio!” Derwin shook his head in disbelief, “On Earth, how can there be a D-class railgun that a Realm Lord can’t even afford to buy?”

D-class railguns, for Realm Lords, although they could afford them, they were rarely bought. This was because a single strike from a Realm Lord could exceed the power of a D-class railgun.

And those who didn’t have the strength of a Realm Lord and could afford a D-class railgun were few and far between!

“Impossible!” Derwin’s face was filled with anxiety.

“Don’t bother with that. Without a spaceship …… it will take us half a year to fly to Earth!” Hundred Carlo transmitted a cold voice.

Rumble ……

A stream of light rapidly approached in the distance.

“Derwin, the enemy is coming!” Hundred Carroll even transmitted his voice and droned.

“Hm?” Derwin looked up.

Only to see a black flying saucer shaped spaceship, rapidly pressing, but the bizarre thing is …… that this spaceship continuously decelerated, and finally stopped just a few hundred kilometers away from them, and at the same time, the hatch of that spaceship automatically opened, and a silhouette flew out of the hatch rapidly, flying towards them at a rapid pace.

Hundreds of kilometers, the other party arrived in the blink of an eye!

It was a seemingly innocent man in a black battle suit with a bald head and thick lips.

“So fast.” Derwin was startled.

“Rumble ……”

A curved silver blade light broke through the air and attacked, so fast that Derwin, who was only at the sixth stage of the universe level, couldn’t dodge in time, and his eyes glared in horror.


Exploding head!

The second-generation patriarch of the Norrashan Clan, “Derwin Norrashan”, fell!

The speed of the silver-colored blade light barely decreased, and it directly swept towards the black-robed man Baikaluo.

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