Chapter 70: The End of the Auction

Release Date: 2024-07-11 18:43:44
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“The base price of the Fruit of Life is 500 billion cosmic coins, however, the Fruit of Life, is equal to another life of a Realm Lord. So the price will rush higher! It will usually exceed two trillion, and if there are many people vying for it, the price could be even higher!” Babata said.

“Hmm, can’t be helped.” Luo Feng shook his head and gave up on this life fruit.

Hong although he wanted to get a life fruit, he was also preparing to cultivate the Mo Yun vine.

In reality cultivating mo yun vine, using life fruit was a very wasteful act, because life fruit was precious, it was “equal to another life of a realm lord”, really going to cultivate plant life, the cost effectiveness was far inferior to some other items, such as the one he had purchased before – lan Can fruit!

“In the beginning, when you were competing for Thunder Stones to exchange for treasures in the Realm Within Realm, you used the Fruit of Life to cultivate the “Mo Yun Vine”. But in reality, ‘overeating’ is not good for the body, the Fruit of Life energy is too strong and too huge, swallowing it all at once will make the Mo Yun Vine ‘eat up’, wasting a lot of medicinal effects, it’s really too wasteful.”

“And the Fruit of Life, the best use, is not for cultivating plant life at all.”

“Didn’t you buy 200 Lancel Fruits?”

“The Lancel Fruit is what cultivates spirit beasts and cultivates plant life, and the medicinal effects, which are also smaller than the Fruit of Life, are more easily tolerated. Although the Moyun Vine will also ‘eat up’, it won’t eat its entire body ripping apart like it does with the Fruit of Life.”

“Taking one Lancel Fruit every ten days, spending three years of effort, and taking 100 of them, your elder brother Hong’s ‘Mo Yun Vine’ will be able to grow to the third and fourth stage of the Cosmic Grade. It’s much better than swallowing the Fruit of Life all at once.”

The Fruit of Life, the final price was 286.09 billion! It was a bit cheaper than the Diffusion God Soldier, but it was still exaggerated enough.

The next auction, one precious treasure after another showed up, causing Luo Feng to only drool as he didn’t have enough money in his pocket anymore.

“Even if I don’t buy it, it’s still good to look at it.” Luo Feng smiled and held the auction token, looking at the 1000 items displayed on the token, clicking on an item at random to watch its detailed message.

The detailed messages of the precious items were indeed eye opening.

It made Luo Feng know many hidden things in the universe.

While Luo Feng was attending the Qian Qian Witch Auction, the highest event in the Qian Qian Witch Cosmic Kingdom, his younger brother Luo Hua was in his studio.

Nine Star Bay, that villa studio.

“How boring.”

Lying on a chair, there were six laptops on the desk in front of him at the same time, with a webpage open on each laptop screen, monitoring his six most important investments right now.

“After playing half a day of virtual combat games, and half a day of virtual gunfights, nothing to do, so boring.” Luo Hua lay on his look-alike, his legs knocking on the table.

The others in the studio, on the other hand, were seriously doing their own things.

As a financial investor, leisurely up may continuous ten days and half a month, and even several months and half a year, not a little thing. And once the market came, it would be busy.

“Boss, XPHF000891–9279, there’s suddenly an oversized buy order!” A young girl even shouted.


Luo Hua, who was originally leisurely and incomparable, sat up straight violently, and with a pull of the chair, he slid to the table, staring dead at the second laptop screen on the left side, which apparently showed oversized buy orders, Luo Hua grinned, “I’m not afraid that you’ll make waves, but I’m afraid that you’ll be in a pool of stagnant water! Here’s your chance!”

In this same investment, Luo Hua at first smashed the principal to reach 35%, as he such a large sum of money, in the same investment smashed so much, is considered a super high configuration.

The reason why he did this was because Luo Hua was confident!

From the original 700 billion cosmic coins principal, in two years, it rose to 800 billion. The earning was considered very little, but Luo Hua hadn’t sold it, he was waiting for the opportunity!

“How long the horizontal is, how high the vertical is! It depends on whose patience is high, I hope this time, it’s a real market!” Luo Hua was like a viper, staring at the screen with a deadly stare, on the universe’s big investment market, not to mention his two trillion cosmic coins of capital. It’s a four-star customer, or even a five-star customer.

All have to be careful!

Because the more big investment, it is easy to appear some financial predators, maybe, even if a certain universe country’s investment department, maybe it is the universe star river bank, the universe first bank, or some super organization. Once you run into those predators, if you’re not careful, not only can’t get the benefits, but you’re playing yourself to death.

“3 times leverage, within the safety cordon.”

“Group 1, group 2, group 3, keep an eye on XPHF000891–9279, old rules!” Luo Hua shouted.

“Yes, boss!” The group of young people on Earth were all excited beyond belief.

Luo Hua made this one investment, the trading cycle was once every 12 hours, and each trade lasted for 4 hours.

“Boss, the price is rapidly pulling up, it’s already up 6%, shipping or not?”

“Wait.” Luo Hua droned.

“It’s starting to fall, only 5% up, keep falling!”

Once the price fluctuates, it is indeed worrying, because once it falls by one third, with the three times leverage they have now, they will burst their positions, by then all 700 billion cosmic coins principal will go to zero, and there will be no return of blood money!

Luo Hua was expressionless, like a viper, silently staring at the screen in front of him.

“There are still two minutes until the close.”

“Surge, starting to pull up violently.”

First trading cycle, up 12%.

Second trading cycle, up 8 percent.

Third trading cycle, down 6%.

Fourth trading cycle, in shock slightly down 0.8%.

The market from the previous pool of stagnant water, completely into the wind and waves, even some of the financial predators do not dare to be careless, because if you play the larger, once the wild fall, throw are not thrown off! The real big money and small money to deal with, in fact, big money want to double the difficulty.

The fifth trading cycle, however, was in a spike, pulling up in a straight line all the way to the top of the limit – 15%.

“Sell off 30% of the inventory in batches.” Luo Hua ordered icily.

“Boss, the market is good right now.”

“It’s been soaring wildly today, even many small investors will go crazy tomorrow, there’s definitely room for it to continue rising.” At once there were people shouting below, shouting on their mouths, but they were actions that did not dare to hesitate.

The boss’s orders, said can make comments, but must be implemented!

Operation critical moment, night for a while, it may lose a lot of money.

“1 group sell-off is complete.”

“2 groups sold out.”

“Group 3 sell-off complete.”

The three team leaders shouted loudly, and Luo Hua, sitting in front of his desk, revealed a hint of a smile, “Very good.”

On the sixth trading cycle, the price continued to rise! It seemed that Luo Hua had sold off too early.

“There is a total of 700 billion principal on this investment, selling off 30% of the inventory is 210 billion principal, under the triple carry pole, it continues to rise today, we made 20 to 30 billion less cosmic coins all of a sudden.” Those young people discussed quietly with each other, but the discussion returned to the discussion, but to Luo Hua’s order, but did not dare to have the slightest disobedience.

“Sell 10% of the inventory.”

“Continue selling 10% of the inventory.”

In the seventh trading cycle, Luo Hua surprisingly conducted two sell-offs, and in this seventh trading cycle, it had been in a rising market.

In the eighth trading cycle, it just started to rise, and then started to plummet! It ended up sealing directly on the downside.

The ninth trading cycle, once it started, continued to fall.

“Buy 10% of the inventory.” Luo Hua ordered.

In the rise and fall of this thrill, Luo Hua is making a clear order again and again, seemingly dangerous purchase orders, but with the rise, it also became profitable.

The twelfth trading cycle, continued to rise!

And then continuous rise.

During this process, Luo Hua had been selling!

“Target reached, sell the remaining bit of inventory that will be partially sold.” Luo Hua ordered.


The market was on fire during the period, Luo Hua’s inventory on hand had all been dumped.

“Two years of waiting, half a year of layout, and now the harvest is complete.” Luo Hua revealed a smile, no matter how much the following would continue to rise, it was already meaningless to Luo Hua, the goal he needed had been reached, and that was enough.

“Final delivery, cash is 46,810 b, principal is 700 billion, considered more than six times the principal.” Luo Hua was satisfied, the reasonable use of leverage, can indeed earn excess returns, but leverage is also prone to lead to burst positions, belonging to the double-edged sword.

This investment, the next three trading cycle has been in the rising channel, occasionally slightly lower instep, but overall to maintain a kind of gentle rise, which makes the universe countless investors excited, and with a drop, this investment and then followed by three consecutive drop, because was scared of all the crazy throw, no one to take over the plate.

“Want to throw can not throw away, all smashed in the hand.” Luo Hua saw the situation and shook his head and sighed, “I don’t know how many people were bursting their positions, forcing them to commit suicide.”

“Boss is awesome.”

“Still the boss is calm.” In the studio, see four consecutive insteps are cold sweat, four insteps, each 15%, down only half of the highest price. And just four cycles, just two days, this kind of wild fall, simply too deadly.

“Some people make, some people lose.” Luo Hua shook his head, “Those who can buy are experts, those who can sell are winners.”

“Just reach your goal, don’t be too greedy.”

“Originally this one, I was prepared to have 20% – 30% too late to sell. I didn’t expect it to be better than I thought.” Luo Hua ordered, “Well …… this price can build a position, in this price 1% shock interval to build a position of 100 billion, do not use leverage, inertia, this price will also fall.”

“Ming since.”

The people under his command immediately began to build a position, knowing that the decline is still building a position, knowing that the rise is still throwing, it seems stupid, but every time the transaction is completed only to realize the brilliance of these instructions.

“Calm down!”

Luo Hua is very clear that he can succeed, the main reason is the absolute calmness, which is a spiritual absolute calmness formed under the depression of the early childhood and teenage years when he was crippled and alone for a long time. Calmness and timing capture, together with some talent, together with some investment culture on Earth, created Luo Hua!

“Brother, I have 4,200 billion in cash here.” At the thirteenth trading cycle, Luo Hua passed this money directly to Luo Feng.

The Qianwu Auction, usually lasted around ten days, sometimes slightly longer, sometimes a little shorter.

Each batch of 1000 items auctioned lasted 3 – 6 hours, the length varied.

The tenth day of the Dry Witch Auction.

In the huge auction hall, a large number of Realm Lords sat on the millions of thrones, all looking towards the host in the center.

“The entire 50 auction items, 50,000 in total, have all been auctioned off.” The turtle shell old man laughed aloud, “Now is the final climax of this auction – the finale of the auction of 100 items, this finale auction, each item is either unique, or incomparably precious, and the reserve price of the auction of each item is always 0!”

The finale of the auction – the finale auction – was about to begin.

“4,200 billion universe coins?” Far away on the densely packed thrones, on one of the inconspicuous ones, Luo Feng had a surprised look on his face, “Luo Hua his letter said that this is the profit? His principal didn’t affect it?”

Ten days ago, the younger brother hadn’t made much.

The moment he turned his head, he made so much, Luo Feng was a bit confused.

“Haha, Luo Feng, your brother’s standard is really high. It’s me who goes to operate, I can’t even catch up with him. The bigger the money, the harder it is to earn, other big money won’t let you eat meat easily. Admire admire admire.” Babata marveled, “With these more than 4 trillion cosmic coins, for the finale item auction, perhaps you can step in as well.”

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