Chapter 81 – Crazy “Luo Feng”

Release Date: 2024-07-11 18:44:13
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Next to this lawn were five corpses, Luo Feng’s strength sent chills down the skinny teenager’s spine, staring at Luo Feng in death, “Too, too strong. Laws …… right, laws, he has comprehended a trace of the universe origin law. What to do, what to do, I’m less than the top 1000 points now, it’s definitely over if I die.”

“He’s a Spiritual Nian Master and has a flying type Nian Li weapon. The speed of flight is much faster than me running, I can’t even escape if I want to.” Instantly this dark and lean teenager’s mind swept through many thoughts.


The lean teenager drank lowly, “I’ve looked away, you’re actually a strong person who has crossed the threshold of the Origin Laws, perhaps I have the intelligence you need here, as long as you let me live, I’ll tell you.”

“Intelligence?” Luo Feng stepped on the recluse and stared at the lean teenager.

“Yes, intelligence. There are a total of 91 cities in the entire first world zone, each city has nearly 100 million participants.” The lean teenager looked at Luo Feng, “Ten days down the line, every city has some super strong people with great fame. When you encounter those super strong people, you should avoid them.”

“I’ll tell you the information about some super strong people in our city and you let me live.” The lean teenager kept his eyes on Luo Feng, not daring to slack off in the slightest.

“Super powerhouses?” Luo Feng smiled slightly.

“Right, it’s too late to regret if you touch the iron.” The lean teenager said.

“Haha ……”

Luo Feng smiled and looked at the lean teenager, “This city, and even this first world zone. There’s no one yet that I’m afraid to fear!”

The lean teenager’s face changed.


The lawn that the lean teenager stomped on exploded away, transforming into a black shadow directly in front of Luo Feng, misty bloody waves surrounded the lean teenager, these bloody waves then wrapped around the curved sword in his hand, the curved sword slashed directly at Luo Feng at an incomparably amazing speed!

Fast! Sneaky! Vicious!

Luo Feng stepped on the recluse shuttle and drew a golden arc, avoiding it from afar.

“Swoosh” the golden fish happily flew away from Luo Feng’s side and flew towards the skinny teenager, in the blink of an eye, it arrived in front of the skinny teenager.


The lean teenager’s figure was like a ghost, the blood colored sword light once again blocked the golden sword fish.

“I hate this kind of Spiritual Nihilist the most.” The lean teenager was indignant in his heart, “Stepping on a Nihility weapon so that people can’t catch up with it, and still at a distance, maneuvering the weapon for a long-distance attack. Bastard,” he was completely immersed in domain control, trying his best to fend off that seemingly harmless golden fish again and again.

Luo Feng stepped on the recluse shuttle: “Pretty strong, fourth level of domain.”


Luo Feng’s expression was serious, powerful consciousness poured into that golden swordfish, under Luo Feng’s full manipulation, the sliver of law and the golden swordfish combined even more perfectly, flexibility and speed immediately soared by a hair! The difference in power between full force manipulation and usual random manipulation was a big difference.


A golden ray of light slipped through the thin teenager’s curved sword, directly shooting through his forehead, leaving a deep hole in his forehead, his eyes glaring round, with a trace of unwillingness.

Plop, the body of this skinny teenager collapsed on the lawn, Luo Feng walked over and looked down, whispering, “You’re quite strong, you’ve caught up with my second brother in terms of domains. It’s only the body technique that’s almost as good as my second brother, everything else is pretty much the same. However …… it is a pity that you met me, so, you died.”

Strong people have absolute confidence, just now Luo Feng killed his opponent just by relying on his “consciousness strength” and “law perception”, he didn’t even use his domain when he attacked from afar.

The current Luo Feng was very powerful.

Babata also recognized that Luo Feng could strive to reach the top 1,000 of the Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom, being able to be in the top 1,000 of the hundreds of millions of geniuses in a cosmic kingdom meant that he had the strength of the top 10 of the world region! Generally the further ahead the smaller the strength gap, even if it’s weaker than the opponent, it’s still able to fight with each other.

Luo Feng said …… that throughout the first world zone, there is no fear that he is afraid of, precisely because of self-confidence.

“Hmm, there are still a lot of points.” Luo Feng looked down.

Participant: Luo Feng (Black Dragon Mountain Empire)

Points: 15921

Ranking: 62912

“It’s only painful to kill now.” There was a hint of excitement in Luo Feng’s eyes, “At first it was only one point for killing one person. Now when you kill one, you can get thousands of points, it’s a pain in the ass!”

“Are the experts …… talented experts from the hundreds of millions of galaxies in the Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom.”

“Then let’s kill them!”

“Let’s hope that there’s someone who can force me to explode my domain.” Luo Feng secretly said, although the previous six opponents were considered strong, there was even one whose strength was close to second brother Thunder God, crossing the threshold of the origin law did cause the strength to increase too much. None of these people made Luo Feng go all out.

Carrying his battle sword and shield on his back, Luo Feng walked through the silent city where corpses were often seen, his nimbus sweeping and probing for survivors one by one before starting a bloody killing spree.

Blood floated!

Heads floated!

And the rankings rose!

Above the First World Zone, above the diaphragm.

Inside a single room of a spaceship, Luo Feng’s family was here.

“Mom, dad’s ranking is increasing by leaps and bounds, just now he rushed to the 120,000th place all of a sudden. Look.” Xiao Hai excitedly handed the screen to Xu Xin next to him, while Luo Hong Guo and Gong Xin Lan sitting on the sofa were also surprised and even tapped on their own screens, they couldn’t help but exclaim, “Really, rushing so much at once!”

“I told you, big uncle and my father are retaining strength.” Xiao Ping said, “Yesterday, Big Uncle started to shine, and now he’s all rushed to over ten thousand. My dad won’t be any worse.”

“Look, your dad has soared again, to over sixty thousand.” Luo Hongguo couldn’t help but exclaim.

“What, it’s only a few words, 120,000 to 60,000?” Xu Gang exclaimed in shock.

“Look, it’s still rising.”

“Dad’s ranking keeps rising. Almost 40,000 names, wow, over 30,000, rushed into 30,000.” Xiao Hai exclaimed in excitement, and the entire room of people in the single room held their breath.

It was too crazy.

The points were rising, almost every minute.

Representing what?

It represented that Luo Feng was killing people every minute! This was simply butchery!

The 12th day of the preliminaries, the first world zone.

The wind was howling and blood filled the air.

Cracked open streets carrying a battle sword and shield on his back Luo Feng walked silently through the streets the streets were empty.

“Crazy man, that’s the crazy man.”

“That’s him? It’s said that in just two days he killed hundreds of experts in our eastern district?”

“Yes, that’s him.”

“Doesn’t reason with you at all, he just kills when he meets someone, in short, he just kills and kills! And the strength is terrifyingly strong.” On a skyscraper in the distance, two companions were looking remotely through the glass at Luo Feng walking on the streets far below.

This city was very big, much bigger than any base city on earth, after all it was planted with nearly 100 million participants in the war, Luo Feng had been killing in the east city for the past two days, killing hundreds of people. It must be known that these hundreds of people were not the hundreds of people at the beginning, but were all experts who had survived the bloody battle.

Each and every one of them was a true genius expert! The kind that could all be called the number one person in the galaxy.

Unfortunately ……

Luo Feng was the kind of superpower that could be called the number one person in the Black Dragon Mountain star field, and was also qualified to sprint to the top 1000 of the entire universe kingdom. Naturally, he was sweeping all the way!

Luo Feng stood on the street filled with blood, looking at a street mall in front of him, his thoughts swept through clearly discovering that there were three people inside. Luo Feng silently stood on the street for a few seconds, according to reasoning, the other party will also notice the sweeping of thoughts, and will usually take the initiative to come out. But this person didn’t come out.

Luo Feng frowned slightly coldly shouted, “Come out!”

The voice rolled and echoed in the streets.

“Crazy man! We don’t want to mess with you, don’t go too far.” A Cosmic Common Language angry shout came from it.

“Crazy person.” A low drinking voice also came out, “This First World Region is ranked in the top 1000, even if you pass the pre-selection. It should be easy for you to reach the top 1000. There’s no need to bully people too much.”

Luo Feng frowned, a lot of geniuses who survived, hold don’t have comparable strengths, would usually form an alliance for the time being.

“I’ll let you guys out, or, I’ll go in.” Luo Feng remained indifferent.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three figures rushed out from the window opening of that street level mall, suspended in mid air, one of them was tall with earthy yellow skin, the other two were comparable in size to Luo Feng, a man and a woman. These two looked at the black haired youth in front of them who was carrying a battle sword and shield with anger and fear in his heart.

The name of a madman had spread throughout the city in a short period of time.

Madman, a crazy and incomparably powerful supreme expert. Hundreds of people had died in his hands and none of them could fight with him. It must be known that each and every one of them is a genius expert. But the genius and the genius will find each other gap.

“Crazy, we are the Qian Wu universe country’s royal family sent to participate, you ……” that tall and strong man said in a low voice.

“Die.” Luo Feng indifferently said the Transported Sky Shuttle appeared under his feet.


The three people’s faces changed, they immediately turned around and fled, while in their hearts, they cursed, “Crazy man, to think that he wouldn’t even give our Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom’s royal lineage a bit of face.” Although there were more than 800 billion people attending this time, they were mainly from various vassal states, as well as various star domains, various organizations, or voluntary memberships, and so on.

As for the Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom’s royal family, they only sent over 100 million.

However, according to the words of the country’s master, these 100 million people were going to account for more than half of the 100,000 quotas!

“Poof!” The golden sword fish swept over that tall strong man’s head, that burly strong man had long ago no courage to resist, a photo will be killed.

That black-clothed girl gritted her teeth, “The Demon Hammer will definitely kill you.”

“Pfft.” Luo Feng indifferently struck down.

With the speed of the recluse shuttle, Luo Feng killed two people one after another, because those three were escaping in separate directions, after killing two it was too late to chase the third.

“Demon hammer? Hmph, let’s hope it allows me to use the domain.” Luo Feng looked down at the screen on his wrist.

Participant: Luo Feng (Black Dragon Mountain Empire)

Points: 863829

Ranking: 1012

“The further back you go, the slower the ranking rises. But it’s getting faster, I’ll be rushing into the top 1,000 soon.” Luo Feng secretly said.

In that gorgeous airship, a group of sons, princesses, and royals from various star domains of the Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom were talking and laughing.

“Look, look, Brolin one of your Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom has rushed into the top 1000.” One of them, an imperial star son of a certain empire, shouted loudly.

“Huh?” Brolin’s eyes lit up and he even looked over.

He only saw the names of the empires listed on the large screen next to him. Among them, “Qianwu Cosmic Kingdom passed the pre-selection quota (for now): 1” was still 0 before, but now it had jumped to “1”.

“Hurry up and open.” Brolin even said.


A small screen appeared next to the huge screen and a line of data appeared, “First world zone 997th place: Luo Feng (Black Dragon Mountain Empire)”

“Haha, this Luo Feng is a genius that my Black Dragon Mountain Empire has carefully cultivated.” Brolin said in a loud voice, suddenly he had a lump in his heart, “Luo Feng, how is this name …… right, that kid from the Realm Within Realm is also called Luo Feng. Could …… it be, absolutely not. There’s a lot of name overlap in the universe.”

“Luo Feng?”

“Haha, Brolin, your Black Dragon Mountain Empire isn’t bad, it’s not the bottom of the barrel after all.”

Right now there were still over two hundred universe medium kingdoms out of nearly a thousand, and the number of spots that passed the pre-selection was (temporarily) zero!

And at the same moment, many godly kingdoms, countless organizations paying attention to this genius war, all quickly recorded Luo Feng’s name.

But …… the ones who were truly excited were the citizens of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, and some of the higher ups.

“Haha, one has rushed into the top 1000. Quickly check to see who this Luo Feng is.”

“Our Black Dragon Mountain Empire, someone has also charged into the top 1000.”

“Luo Feng? Never heard of this name.”

“Quickly check, what’s the origin?”

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