Chapter 89 – Elimination

Release Date: 2024-07-11 18:44:33
A+ A- Turn Off Light

July 17th, 2066, Chinese time, was the day the ring battle began.

Previously, in the one hundred world zone preliminaries, there was no broadcast, which made the countless cosmic citizens of the Qian Wu Cosmic Kingdom’s thirteen thousand star domains all anxious and impatient in their hearts, after all, they could only see the leaderboards! The ring battle that was about to begin, however, was one that could actually enter the arena to watch the battle, which made the tickets for the ring battle, sell like crazy!

The ring melee was divided into a thousand groups! Every day, 200 groups were conducted.

The first day was the 1st group a 200th group.

The three people from the Black Dragon Mountain Empire who passed the pre-selection, Nabini, Hong, and Luo Feng, of which Nabini was in the 32nd group, Hong was in the 161st group, and Luo Feng was in the 382nd group. So Nabini and Hong, were both in the ring melee on the first day, while Luo Feng’s group was scheduled for the second day.

Virtual universe, a specially opened up dimensional space with a vast and boundless river rushing through it, this river that ran through the entire space had an island in it, and on each island there was a martial arts arena.

This time, the ring battle was in the venue of the martial arts arena being used.

01932 Island.

Inside the martial arts arena, there was a sea of people on the spectator seats, you couldn’t see the end of it at a glance. Among the audience were Luo Feng, Hong, Thunder God and their respective family members.

“There are too many people. Dad, how big is this martial arts arena.” Ping Ping, who wore her hair parted, exclaimed.

“The fighting stadium is tens of kilometers long and wide.” Luo Feng laughed, “The maximum capacity is one billion spectators.”

“One billion?”

The two children, Pingping and Xiao Hai, both exclaimed.

In fact, a soccer field on earth used to be able to hold 100,000 people, and this kind of large fighting stadium that was built in the virtual universe by opening up a dimensional space, one island at a time, holding a billion spectators was a very easy thing to do. Compared to Earth’s soccer stadiums, increasing both the length and width by a hundred or hundreds of times would be enough.

“Brother-in-law.” Xu Gang, who was sitting at the back, laughed, “When this ring battle first came out, I rushed to book tickets, but I still couldn’t get them. Luckily you have tickets here, or else I could only watch the broadcast!”

“It’s very sought after, no one else from our studio was able to book a ticket.” Luo Hua also even nodded his head.

“There are hundreds of millions of galaxies in the entire Qianwu universe country, ten people from each galaxy got tickets and the tickets were sold out.” Luo Feng said, “The tickets, of course, will be tight! Big brother and I have priority booking rights because we both passed the pre-selection, so we were able to get a few dozen tickets.”

Tickets were hard to come by!

The atmosphere of the entire martial arts arena was incomparably warm, a billion people from hundreds of millions of galaxies gathered together, what kind of scene was this? Luckily it was in the virtual universe, in the real world the staff organization alone would be troublesome.

“Ladies and Gentlemen!”

A sweet and clear voice spread throughout the ears of the one billion spectators in the entire martial arts arena.

The group of people from Earth in the audience all turned their heads to look, and in the center of the martial arts arena stood a brown-haired young girl with a hot figure and wearing a tight-fitting battle suit. Because the distance was too far away …… for the audience to see, a huge virtual projection appeared in the middle of the fighting arena, allowing everyone in the audience to see clearly.

“What is about to take place will be the 32nd group of the ring group battle, let me introduce the one hundred genius experts of this 32nd group.”

“The first one, Long Suo, comes from the Boa Empire, previously he was ranked 12th in the 82nd World Region.”

The beautiful brown-haired girl’s voice echoed in the ears of the one billion viewers, and a screen appeared next to her, on which was an image of the genius named “Long Suo” and some simple information.


“Long Suo!”

The entire martial arts arena suddenly resounded with booming cheers, only to see a large group of people in a certain area of the arena cheering wildly, shouting Lonzo’s name and cheering like thunder.

“Second place ……”

“Third place ……”

One by one, the geniuses who were about to participate in the battle were introduced, and finally the beautiful brown-haired girl smiled and said, “86th place, Nabini, from the Black Dragon Mountain Empire. He was previously ranked 860th in the 21st World Region.” An image of Nabini and some brief introductory information appeared on the screen next to him.

“Rumble ……”

Luo Feng felt as if his surroundings suddenly exploded, cheers that sounded like a landslide resounded in a large area around him.



The cheers rolled like thunder, and immersing themselves in this environment caused many people to involuntarily follow the chants. Just next to them, Ping Ping and Xiao Hai were just waving their fists, red-faced and shouting, “Nabini, Nabini!”

“How crazy.” Luo Feng, Hong, and Thunder God all laughed.

The arrangement of this audience was such that spectators from a starfield were arranged in one area. Luo Feng and the others were surrounded by spectators from the Black Dragon Mountain starfield! And the star domain of a certain genius participating in the ring battle would be taken care of when purchasing tickets, by all accounts, one billion tickets, over one hundred and thirty thousand star domains, less than one hundred thousand tickets per star domain.


The starfield of the participant in the battle could have one million tickets. Because of Nabini’s participation in the battle, the Black Dragon Mountain starfield was allocated one million tickets, and in this audience were one million citizens of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire. Previously, the other star domains cheered with a bang, but now that it was the turn of the Black Dragon Mountain star domain, these million people shouted with excitement and excitement.

A million people cheered like a tsunami.

“This Nabini is quite handsome.” Thunder God laughed in a low voice.

Nabini, who had a braid, gave the entire person the feeling of being a panther.

“I checked his resume, it’s pretty good.” Hong raised his wrist and a resume appeared on the wrist screen.

“Oh?” Luo Feng looked at the resume.

Nabini, was originally an indigenous inhabitant of a planet, living a life where he drank blood and grew up fighting monsters. In fact, this planet, was a planetary territory of the Paris family, specifically used to raise some special beasts and train some warriors with. Secretly has been monitoring this planet of the Paris family …… found that there is a child, has amazing fighting power, know that this child is a treasure!

Immediately sent people to take Nabini, a small indigenous people.

Nabini, from then on into the civilized society, soon became a citizen of the empire, and became a young master of the Paris family’s followers.

The Paris family, in the vastness of the universe is very inconspicuous, is a business family that owns a dozen or so life planets territory.

However ……

However, the Paris family had offended its enemies and was attacked by a powerful family, but the other family was a big family with a “cosmic level powerhouse”. In a galaxy, a universe-level powerhouse is like a king of the land! The Paris family began to collapse,……, but this battle attracted the attention of a certain realm lord who was wandering in the universe.

That realm lord noticed “Nabini” in the middle of the battle, realized his amazing talent, and immediately intervened to stop the killing.

When the realm master took action, the enemy family was so scared that they didn’t dare to resist at all, so the Fear and Sense family was saved.

The master of the realm accepted “Nabini” as his disciple, and brought Nabini to the Holy Black Dragon Mountain, since then, Nabini has been living in the Holy Black Dragon Mountain, and his strength has progressed even more rapidly. He was the most outstanding genius in the Holy Land Black Dragon Mountain nowadays.

“Indigenous?” Luo Feng sighed, “Actually, we are also indigenous.”

“Hm.” Hong nodded.

“I realized that I have a crush on this Nabini.” Thunder God hemmed and hawed.

Luo Feng and the others were in the middle of their conversation, while the beautiful young girl in the center of the entire fighting arena was also pulling at the atmosphere of the arena, shouting excitedly, “Ladies and gentlemen! All spectators! The ring battle is about to begin, please count down in anticipation of this showdown between the peak geniuses, 10!9!8!……3!2!1!


The entire fighting arena roared as figures appeared in the center of the arena, the 100 geniuses from each starfield that were introduced earlier.




All sorts of cheers instantly lit up the entire fighting arena, which was about to be blown off as if it was about to be blown off by the shockwaves of the whistling. Luo Feng also spotted Nabini amongst those hundred people at a glance, Nabini had a braided hair and a fierce gaze as if he was a cheetah, carrying two narrow war blades on his back, paying careful attention to the others.

“Battle, begin!” A low voice resounded in the minds of everyone, including the one billion viewers.


The fighting arena instantly fell silent, and the hundred genius experts in the center of the fighting arena instantly moved.



A stream of light lit up, a genius expert quickly dodged, the field that spread out even more so that the entire center of the martial arts arena turned colorful, all kinds of colorful air waves tumbling and spinning, a genius expert either fleeing for their lives, or fighting, everything was as fast as lightning.

The melee was very dangerous, as one had to guard against others sneaking in.

“Nabini is so cunning.” In the audience, Thor’s eyes were glowing.

“It’s useless, every single one of them is incredibly smart.” Luo Feng frowned, the fighting space for the genius experts in the center of the fighting arena was shrinking, forcing those who flew with their feet on their nimbus weapons to not be able to escape far, one genius expert kept falling to their deaths. The number of dead kept climbing.

8, 14, 29, 35 ……

This caused the one billion spectators in the audience, a number of star domains, to become anxious, and some sighed longingly, but the tense and swift battle still caused everyone to suppress from making loud noises.

Nabini held dual swords, the whole person turned into a gust of wind frantically resisting the other party’s Nian Li weapon. Just as Nabini and this Spiritual Nian Master were fighting, another genius expert in the distance flew towards this, and at the same time, he also maneuvered a cone-shaped Nian Li weapon, transforming into a bolt of lightning and shooting directly towards him!


An electric light shot from the distance, Nabini even made a dodge and went to parry with his left-handed battle sword.


The electric light blasted Nabini’s left-handed battle sword and threw it away, Nabini’s face revealed a shocked look, “Power, too, too strong.” That electric light followed directly through his head.

Nabini died in battle!

The number of deaths quickly accumulated 73……78……82……89……90!

“The 32nd group ring battle is over, the dead 90 are eliminated, and the remaining 10 are qualified to compete for the 900 spots.” A low voice echoed in the minds of the one billion spectators and the 10 living geniuses.

The entire audience then resounded with various sounds, sighs, roars, and excited cheers.

“Nabini has been eliminated.” Thunder God shook his head.

“His strength is at the bottom of this 100 people. Half of the people died before he died, mainly because he was cunning enough.” Hong shook his head, “It’s normal to be eliminated, I’m afraid, I won’t be much better than him.”

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