Chapter 9: Earthling’s bloodline level

Release Date: 2024-07-11 18:41:10
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luo Feng even turned his head to look, the Honghe Thunder God was also staring intently.

“The human community in the universe is incomparably huge, the races are in the tens of millions, they can be roughly divided into these ten classes.” The burly man pointed at the screen braid and smiled, Luo Feng stared carefully, the table list was very clear.

Human bloodline first class: adult can reach “domain master”, for the first class.

Human bloodline second class: adult can reach universe level, second class.

The third and fourth classes are those who have reached the stellar level as adults.

The fifth and sixth classes are at the planetary level.

The seventh and eighth classes, all of which reach adulthood at the Apprentice level.

Ninth class, tenth class, all adults are not in the rank, but based on cultivation talent and so on, the probability of strong people coming out from within the race, they are divided into ninth and tenth class.

“Which class is your racial bloodline?” The burly man said.

Luo Feng and Hong, Thunder God exchanged glances with each other, according to the narrative on this form, the Earthlings’ bloodline level is considered the ninth class, after all, the vast majority of the Earthlings nowadays are unimpressive when they reach adulthood. However …… according to Luo Feng’s plan, a large amount of violet light dew used down, I believe that after a hundred years, the earthlings can be promoted to the eighth class bloodline.

“Ninth rank.” Luo Feng looked at the lanky man.

“Ninth rank?” The lanky man looked at Luo Feng in shock, and then looked at Hong and Thunder God in disbelief, “Yes, ninth rank.” Hong also said.

“What’s wrong with the ninth rank? We can still break through on our own!” Thunder God said.

The burly man laughed, his laugh was thick and refreshing, continuous, “I don’t mean that, I’m just amazed that a race with a ninth class bloodline can give birth to two stellar level first orders and a planetary level ninth order, this …… is rare, it’s just too rare. ”

The ninth class bloodline, representing a low foundation, wanting to obtain high achievements is very difficult.

“I admire you guys.” The burly man said, “And congratulations to you all.”

“Congratulations?” Luo Feng’s trio was puzzled.

“Yes, your racial lineage is relatively low, which makes it very difficult for you to break through evolution, much harder than the breakthroughs of higher lineages! But in the same …… way if you use an ‘evolution agent’ to improve your bloodline, it’s easier to improve your own bloodline.” The burly man said.

“Evolution agent? Bloodline evolution agent?” A shriek rang out in Luo Feng’s consciousness.

“Babata, what’s the point of being so surprised?” Luo Feng’s consciousness communicated.

“Luo Feng, this person you’re talking to is definitely from a super power! The ‘bloodline evolution agent’ is definitely considered a restricted commodity in the universe, if you don’t have a certain status, you don’t even have a channel to purchase it. Unless one spends a thousand times ten thousand times the amount of money to smash it, one can only buy a copy of the Bloodline Evolution Agent.” Babata even said, “Find a way to get the Bloodline Evolution Agent from his hands, it’s definitely a first-class good.”

“Evolution agent, what for?” Hong pursued.

“We cultivate, isn’t it life evolution?” Thunder God looked at the lanky man in front of him suspiciously.

The lanky man smiled slightly, “Let me put it to you this way, the usual human cultivation process is like building a house! The bloodline is the foundation of the house. A poor bloodline represents a poor foundation! Cultivation for people with poor bloodlines is to keep building tall buildings on poor foundations, and as the tall buildings get taller and taller, naturally they have to strengthen their foundations over and over again in order to make the tall buildings taller and taller.”

“But the higher the tall building, the more troublesome it is to strengthen the root foundation.”

“And those with a strong bloodline represent a very good foundation, easily they can build hundreds of high buildings and directly become ‘domain masters’ without even the danger of a barrier.”

“Bloodline Evolution Agent …… use is to transform the bloodline, it’s like improving your ‘foundation’ at once, from a poor foundation, all of a sudden jumping to a ‘medium foundation ‘, which makes the process of ‘constructing a building’ in the future much easier and more convenient for you. Understand?” The burly man laughed.

Luo Feng, Thunder God, and Hong all understood.

“Bloodline evolution agents, can’t directly enhance your strength, but they can make it faster and easier for you guys to cultivate in the future.” The lanky man smiled, “Of course this bloodline evolution agent, is plainly not sold at all in stores and many other places. Because the Bloodline Evolution Agent costs a lot to make and the amount is not much, of course it will not be sold to the public. Unless someone bids an unbelievable price, only then will a copy be sold.”

Luo Feng, Hong, and Thunder God weren’t fools.

A super powerhouse who was at least a domain lord, talking to them so much and mentioning bloodline evolution agents ……

“Do you guys know who researched the bloodline evolution agent?” The burly man asked.

“Don’t know.”

Luo Feng, Hong, and Thunder God shook their heads.

“The Virtual Universe Corporation.” The burly man directly said, “The Virtual Universe Company that has the strongest technology in the cosmic human world! This evolution agent, is what they researched.”

“Virtual universe company?” Luo Feng realized.

The virtual universe company’s network could allow anyone anywhere in the infinite universe to instantly access the network and communicate with their friends, what kind of technology was this? And the most shocking thing is that the …… Virtual Universe network, not only in the original universe, but also in that dark universe of course, is even more amazing.

Network, always keep shuttling the universe.

What kind of technology is this?

Unable to understand!

Highly unfathomable!

“Haha, I haven’t introduced myself yet.” The burly man smiled, “I am the Virtual Universe Corporation, an external deacon of the ‘Black Dragon Mountain Branch’ in the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, ‘Hei Yu’, you can call me Mr. Hei Yu, Lord Hei Yu. ”

“Lord Hei Yu.”

All three of them saluted, while Luo Feng was trembling in his heart.

Heavens ……

Babata was right, this burly man did indeed have a super power coming! Virtual universe company ah, this is the five giants of the cosmic human world, it’s not much more powerful than even the Qian Wu cosmic country! Even the Master of the Meteorite Ink Planet was just an ant in front of the Virtual Universe Corporation.

After all, the Master of Meteorite Ink Star didn’t even dare to mess with the Dry Witch Cosmic Kingdom.

However, the Virtual Universe Company was spread across a large number of cosmic countries.

What a powerful force!

In a branch of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, sending out an external deacon was an existence of at least a Domain Lord! Powerful! It made people’s hearts tremble!

“So Lord Hei Yu, is from the Virtual Universe Company.” Thunder God marveled.

The burly man, Hei Yu, smiled faintly.

He was also proud and proud of this, originally, the five giants of the people, will naturally have a sense of superiority!

“This ‘Evolution Agent’ is what our Virtual Universe Company has manufactured.” The burly man Hei Yu smiled, “But the evolution agent is a restricted item, very few circulate outside, even if one has the ability to buy it outside, the price would be a very frightening one.

But if you join our virtual universe company, for the internal members …… especially the absolute elites, even the evolution agent can be provided for free.

“Free?” Luo Feng, Hong, and Thunder God were stunned.

Wealthy ah, this Virtual Universe Company is indeed wealthy. That’s right, in terms of being rich who could compare to the Virtual Universe Company? For example, in the killing space of the killing field, a sector lord first rank spirit numismatist, a day’s consumption was 3.5 billion Qianwu coins. How amazing was the wealth of the entire virtual universe company?

I don’t even dare to think about it.

I’m afraid that the owner of the Meteorite Ink Planet couldn’t even compare to a single hair on someone’s thigh.

“Mine! Free!”

The burly man Hei Yu looked at Luo Feng’s trio, his eyes glowing, “My Virtual Universe Company, amongst the many cosmic countries are collecting genius elites, and all three of you, you’re all considered geniuses. You …… your consciousness strength is really very strong, stellar level first order, consciousness amplitude over 36, right?”

Luo Feng sweated, his consciousness was strong because of the golden horned behemoth.

“You’re not bad either, stellar grade first order can have a domain.” The lanky man, Hades Rene, looked at Thunder God.

“Both of you, you are both considered ‘third level elites’.” The burly man finally looked at Hong, his eyes glowing, “Of course the most powerful one is you …… planetary level ninth order, not only do you possess a domain, and both of you have reached the third level of the domain. Too, too …… your enlightenment is just too amazing. You can be designated as a ‘first level elite’, considered a seed elite.”

Luo Feng was speechless.

He had relied on the powerful awareness caused by the golden horn beast, but he was only designated as a ‘tier 3 elite’.

“Previously, I had arranged for two people to fight against you.” The lanky man pointed to the screen, and three videos appeared on the screen, which were the white-robed female martial artist, the white-robed youth. Luo Feng, Hong, and Thunder God weren’t surprised in the slightest. They all guessed that those two powerful characters that appeared out of nowhere were probably arranged by the person in front of them.

“She, is a ‘special grade elite’ belonging to our virtual universe company. He, on the other hand, is a Grade Two Elite.” The burly man explained.

“Extra elite?”

Luo Feng and Thunder God both stared at the white-robed female martial artist in the video, even Hong, who was “planetary level 9th rank, domain triple”, was only judged as a grade 1 elite. And this female martial artist in front of them was even judged as a special grade elite. No wonder this female martial artist was as easy as playing when she was ravaging herself and the Thunder God.

“The universe is vast, and there are countless kingdoms as large as the ‘Black Dragon Mountain Empire’.”

“Geniuses, of course, are even more numerous.”

“Our company cultivates seedlings, divided into special grade, first grade, second grade, and third grade, these four grades are but the division of our Black Dragon Mountain branch! If it’s the head office side, that division is even stricter.” The burly man Hei Yu said, these words caused Luo Feng and Thunder God to be completely absent.

In the Black Dragon Mountain division, the two of them were considered the bottom?

“Don’t be discouraged, to be judged as a genius by our company, even if it’s the lowest level 3 elite genius. In the group of martial artists and elites, that’s still first class.” The burly man, Hei Yu, gave a comforting cry.

“As long as you are willing to join the Black Dragon Mountain branch, oh yeah, still don’t know the names of the three of you.”

“Luo Feng.”


“Thunder God.”

Luo Feng’s trio didn’t have much hesitation, there was nothing taboo about these three names. For behemoths like the Virtual Universe Corporation, it was expected that there would have been information on their names long ago.

“Luo Feng and Thunder God, once you two join, you can get a free copy of the ‘bloodline evolution agent’, while Hong, you can get a copy of the ‘S type bloodline evolution agent’.” The burly man, Hei Yu, looked at the three, “Are you willing, to join my Virtual Universe Company?”

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