Chapter 35: A New Chapter

Release Date: 2024-07-11 17:57:45
A+ A- Turn Off Light

In the deep sea water, Luo Feng and the other six quickly dived towards the bottom, Luo Feng had the Mo Yun armor while the other five also had the Black God suit, with their own bodies, they were completely able to dive into the middle of the deep sea.

“Luo Feng, that devouring beast is 1200 meters deep under the seabed, if we get too close, will we wake it up? Interrupting your process of performing your secret technique?” Tripathi Singh from the Indian nation couldn’t help but even inquire, the other four also looked at Luo Feng, this time it was completely Luo Feng oriented.

After all, they didn’t know that secret skill either.

“Don’t worry.” Luo Feng’s mind moved and quicksilver guards in black combat uniforms appeared out of thin air beside him.


The other five were surprised to see this suddenly appearing quicksilver guard, and by looking at the quicksilver guard’s face, they judged that it wasn’t a real person, but a special “robot” that had appeared before when saving Hong and Thunder God.

“This is my harvest from the ruins of the ancient civilization.” As Luo Feng spoke, he had landed on the seabed, and the other five also landed.

“You guys notify an intelligent fighter to come here.” Luo Feng said in a low voice.

“What?” The other five were slightly stunned.

Intelligent warplanes were indeed fine for land, sea and air, but why did they need to enter the seabed?

“After performing the secret technique later, you guys will die. I will have your corpses taken away by the Intelligent Fighter. As for me, I will immediately battle the devouring beast.” Luo Feng said, the other five nodded slightly when they heard this, they also understood the process of the battle, the role of the five of them was to “sacrifice”, causing Luo Feng to become incredibly powerful in a short period of time.

Luo Feng, on the other hand, could end up dead.


The intelligent fighter high in the sky quickly rushed to the bottom of the sea and quickly came here.

“Sit down, close your eyes, remember, don’t resist.” Luo Feng said in a low voice.


The five people, Merhanderson, Esther, Tripathi Singh, Jia Yi, and Sokolov, looked at each other and a strange smile appeared on their faces, the smile however had a charm that shook people’s souls.

All five of them, sat down on their knees.

The five of them plus Luo Feng made a total of six. Just the right amount to form the six points required for the “Sacrifice Secret Technique” in the “Six Mans” secret technique.


Luo Feng also closed his eyes.

There were a total of three miniature planets in his sea of consciousness, the central miniature planet was the one he had when he reached planetary level one, the other two were created when he reached planetary level two and planetary level three respectively. The other two planets rotated around the central planet as if the earth rotated around the sun.

The central one was the largest.

Three miniature planets, all blood red. And all three planets emitted a silky red mist that diffused and merged into the huge object that filled almost the entire Sea of Consciousness – the Pagoda of the Void!

A blood red pagoda, the inner space was as vast as the universe, Luo Feng’s three miniature planets were inside.

Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!

Five blood red filaments, flew out from the tower of emptiness and left Luo Feng’s body, but the strange thing was that in the material world outside, the threads of numinous energy were completely transparent. The five threads of thoughts directly entered the sea of consciousness of Mohanderson, Esther, Tripathi Singh, Jia Yi, and Sokolov.

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

The souls of the five instantly burned!

At the bottom of the sea, there were six people sitting cross-legged in meditation.

As five of them burned their souls, invisible tremors appeared around their bodies, and a large amount of spiritual energy began to be transmitted along the hexagram array under Luo Feng’s subtle manipulation until it was transmitted to the center of the hexagram array, Luo Feng, and merged into the tower of emptiness in Luo Feng’s sea of consciousness.

The vitality of the five people was weakening.

Luo Feng’s life breath was increasing.

While the sacrificed five had a smile on their faces.

In the Paris base city of the European Union country, on the large screen hanging by the street.

“Six people stopped moving at the bottom of the sea. The strongest life aura in the center one today is Luo Feng, on the left side, the second strongest life aura strength is Esther ……” The voice of the live broadcast echoed in the streets, where many men and women of the European Union country were gathered, all staring silently.

“The breath is weakening! The life breaths of Merhanderson, Esther, Tripathi Singh, Jia Yi, and Sokolov are weakening! Luo Feng’s life breath is getting stronger!”

Only the screen was visible.

The silhouettes representing the six people, five of them were continuously becoming blurry, while Luo Feng’s silhouette was continuously becoming clearer.


The silhouettes of those five people completely disappeared.

It was obvious that the life detection instruments were no longer able to detect life breath.



Countless people on the streets couldn’t help but cover their faces, they knew that the disappearance of life breath represented death.

“This is Merhanderson’s warplane, the warplane has already left the sea, and according to what we know, there are now five corpses inside the warplane, the very same five heroes, Merhanderson, Esther, Tripathi Singh, Jaya, and Sokolov! They, who sacrificed their lives for our humanity! Please remember them forever!”

“Luo Feng!!!”

“Luo Feng is rapidly approaching the Devouring Beast!”

The voices tensed up all of a sudden.

On the screen, the life breath that represented Luo Feng was rapidly dipping down, getting closer to another immense Devouring Beast breath.

“Let’s pray!”

“Pray that Luo Feng can win!”

On the streets, everyone had their hands clasped to their chests as they watched the screen.

At this moment, countless people across the entire planet were praying, expecting victory, to come!

The rocky layer below the seabed.

Luo Feng was rapidly diving down.

“800 meters, 600 meters, 400 meters, 300 meters!” Babata kept telling Luo Feng where he was from the devouring beast, “200 meters!”

Luo Feng came to a violent stop.

The surrounding rocks were propped open.

“Golden horned beast, die!” Luo Feng’s eyes flashed ferociously.

In the sea of consciousness.

Inside the huge tower of emptiness, two miniature planets were in constant motion around the central one, when suddenly –

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The three miniature planets instantly turned into “fireballs”, to be precise, a large amount of blood-red mist violently rushed out from the miniature planets, and merged into the Tower of the Void. Originally, the tower of emptiness had absorbed a large amount of spiritual energy from the five powerhouses, and the tower of emptiness, which appeared dazzling and incomparable, violently began to rotate.

Constantly rotating!

This caused the entirety of the Tower of Void to become blurry, while dazzling bright spots appeared at the tip of the tower.

“Years of hard work, all gone.” In the wrist smart space, Babata sat on a recliner and shook his head slightly, “I hope, I hope that I can keep a little bit of my foundation and fall into a deep sleep, just like Hong and Thunder God. At least that won’t kill you.”

Luo Feng felt his entire body continuously becoming weaker.



A “tower of emptiness” that couldn’t be seen with the naked eye, rotated like a sharp cone and directly passed through a distance of two hundred meters, instantly rushing into the golden horned beast.

“Woo–” angry roar rang out.

Rumble ……

The surrounding rock layers violently exploded, and Luo Feng saw the furious Golden Horned Beast at a glance, those dark golden eyes staring at him angrily. However, “brush” “brush”, two quicksilver guards blocked in front of Luo Feng.

“Its sea of consciousness, surprisingly, isn’t in its head.” Luo Feng’s face changed.

After the tower of emptiness rushed into the golden horned beast’s head, it didn’t find the soul at all! Luo Feng finally understood why blowing off its head couldn’t kill it, because this golden horned beast, unlike human races, unlike those monsters and so on, its sea of consciousness, its soul was surprisingly not in its head!

With that, the Tower of Void rapidly traveled down along the neck and entered the Golden Horned Beast’s torso!


The Tower of Void swept through.

To the Tower of Void composed of spiritual energy, flesh and blood could not hinder it at all.

“Eh? Over here!”

Within the body of the Golden Horned Beast, there was actually a transparent crystal ball that emitted golden light and was roughly more than twenty centimeters in diameter. The crystal ball had incomparably complex golden secret patterns on it, and the golden secret patterns emitted channels of golden light! When Luo Feng’s tower of emptiness swept through, he clearly felt a powerful obstruction.

The soul was inside!


The rotating tower of emptiness violently hit the crystal ball directly!

“Woo! Woo!” The Golden Horn Beast roared angrily in the rock layer, its scaled wings were incomparably sharp, as if they were two huge chopping knives. And its sharp claws were even faster and more severe, and that one tail, bizarre and swift. All of them were frantically attacking Luo Feng’s body at the moment.

The two quicksilver guards desperately tried to block it.

“Not good, what a strong soul defense!” Luo Feng’s face changed drastically.

Luo Feng suddenly had a grim expression and clenched his teeth, “Fight!”

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Three miniature planets visible to the naked eye directly flew out of Luo Feng’s sea of consciousness, “Rumble ……” Luo Feng’s sea of consciousness detached from its roots and instantly began to collapse and crumble!

“Don’t! Luo Feng, don’t!!!” In the wrist smart space, Babata was alarmed.

Although Hong and Thunder God burned their souls, they didn’t let their souls leave their bodies!

Luo Feng was now tantamount to abandoning his original physical body and completely integrating all of his soul into the tower of emptiness! In this way, it was tantamount to not leaving himself any way back. In this way, the attack was indeed the strongest! However, even if Luo Feng succeeded, his original physical body and sea of consciousness collapsed, he couldn’t turn back!

“Die, die, die!”

Luo Feng’s consciousness emanated an incomparable conviction, madness beyond compare!

The soul completely merged into the tower of emptiness!

The tower of emptiness was like a sharp cone, crazily stabbing at the transparent crystal ball whose surface was covered in a large number of golden secret patterns, emitting golden light! And the three miniature planets within the Tower of Void kept burning and consuming, getting smaller and smaller in size.

“How come it’s still not broken open?”

“Still not broken open!!!” Luo Feng was anxious beyond measure.


The golden horned beast flung its head in pain and smashed the rocks next to it fiercely, the attack on the essence of its soul made it incomparably painful. Most damagingly today a few hours ago, its soul had just suffered a heavy blow. And this time, the human’s attack was not weaker than the last one in the slightest!

“Break! Break! Break!”

Luo Feng’s consciousness went crazy.

He wasn’t afraid of death!

But afraid of failure!!!

In the tower of emptiness, the three planets of that soul consumed smaller and smaller, poof, poof, two of those little dots of completely turned into nothingness. Only one soul planet in the very center remained! And the volume was only a third of what it used to be. This blood-red soul planet was also continuously burning, and a large amount of Nian Li replenished into the Tower of Void.

Burning, burning!

It was getting smaller and smaller!

Luo Feng felt his consciousness blurring, he understood that he was dying.

“Kill it, kill it, kill it!!!”

Jiangnan base city Yangzhou city, on the streets.

Elderly people with white hair, wailing babies, at this moment, everyone on the street was staring nervously at the screen, amongst the crowd was Wei Wen, Wei Wen was staring at the screen nervously, “Luo Feng, Luo Feng, my brother, you, you must survive, survive.”

On the screen!

The life breath that represented Luo Feng had mixed with the life breath that represented the devouring beast, obviously fighting!


The whole world suffocated at this moment.


The two mixed breaths erupted violently, seemingly much stronger all at once. It was as if it was an explosion at the moment of a star’s demise!

Immediately afterward ……

rapidly weakened!

“The aura is weakening, weakening, rapidly weakening!” A voice finally sounded on the screen, “It’s impossible to tell whose breath it is, the two are completely mixed together. Still weakening!”

Wei Wen’s eyes widened.

Xu Xin, Luo Hongguo, Gong Xinlan, Luo Hua and the others who were nervously watching the television were also nervous.

People all over the world were tense!

On the screen, the breath that represented life continued to weaken, weaken, weaken ……


It turned into nothingness!

The vapor on the screen that represented the breath of life completely disappeared. Whether it was Luo Feng, or the Devouring Beast, it completely disappeared!

One second, two seconds, three seconds ……


“Luo Feng and the Devouring Beast are dead?”

People on earth had all seen the devouring beast come back from the dead once. So ex nervously watched!

One minute, two minutes, three minutes ……

The Devouring Beast didn’t show any more life breath, nor did Luo Feng’s.

The world was silent!

At 16:10 PM Chinese time Chinese time, a planetary level powerhouse from humanity dived into the deep sea and found the Devouring Beast’s massive corpse, but they couldn’t destroy the Devouring Beast’s scale armor at all.

The world cheered as the news reached them!

“The Devouring Beast is dead, it’s really dead.”

“Let’s remember their names!”

“Hong, Thunder God, Mohanderson, Esther, Tripathi Singh, Jia Yi, Sokolov, and Luo Feng! It was they who saved everyone on Earth, they, who gave us hope!”

“Just as in the myths and legends, Prometheus, who stole the fire and suffered, gave mankind the flame, and Nuwa, who mended the sky and ran out of strength, gave mankind the heaven and earth to survive.”

“And Hong, Thor, Merhanderson, Easter, Tripathi Singh, Jaya, Sokolov, Luo Feng!”

“Instead, they gave us hope for survival.”

“Remember all eight of them forever!”

“The oldest one of them is 89 years old, and the youngest is only 22!”

At 16:25 PM, a large number of monsters gathered in that sea, including many king-level monsters. This caused the humans to immediately retreat, unable to enter the seabed at all.

At night, all over the entire practice, the sea monsters that had been frantically attacking the human base city quickly retreated!

When the sun rose once again the next day.

Earth, calm was restored.

A new chapter in human history was opened.

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