Chapter 34: Six Men

Release Date: 2024-07-11 17:57:42
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“It’s now 14:12 Chinese time, and it’s been an hour since Hong and Thunder God fought the Golden Horn Beast, and they’ve already gone in.” Babata’s voice was serious, “This time the Golden Horned Beast’s life breath has become so weak, it’s obvious that the trauma is very serious. By no means can it heal in a day or two. But you can’t waste time, the sooner you do it, the better!”

After deciding to help Luo Feng, Baba Towers went all out to advise Luo Feng, “First find five planetary levels to be the victims, you perform the ‘Six Mangles’ secret technique, completely absorb the soul burning of the other five and integrate them into the ‘Tower of Void’, perform the ‘Tower of Void’ desperation method. ”

“Choose five people, these five people must be planetary level!”

“The stronger the strength the better, stronger means stronger life force, then the power generated by burning the soul is stronger!”

Luo Feng stood on the rooftop, looking at the skyscrapers around him, the streets in the distance where army transportation convoys traveled to and from, he said, “Baba Towers, send a mass message of my idea to all planetary star level martial artists! Those who are willing to join and sacrifice themselves, have them message me back.” Luo Feng’s voice was low but firm.


Under Babata’s control, all the planetary star level powerhouses on Earth got the message at the same time.

“Luo Feng, how many people did you say are willing to sacrifice?” Babata couldn’t help but say, “They can all be planetary level martial artists and spiritual ninjutsu masters, even if the base city is overrun and the human race flees, their chances of surviving are still the highest.”

“I don’t know.” Luo Feng shook his head.

The secret technique of The Six Mans, a very special secret technique of the Meteorite Ink Star lineage, contained a stance that allowed others to sacrifice and burn their souls. This stance could actually also manipulate one’s own slave to sacrifice. The “sacrifice” must be voluntary and unresisted, once resisted, it will fail.

Therefore, Luo Feng couldn’t force others to burn their souls to sacrifice themselves.


Luo Feng’s communication watch made a sound.

“Got it.” Luo Feng even tapped it to take a look, a message with just a few words on it.

“I, Enchanting, am willing to go.” Luo Feng read it and was also shocked in his heart, this first one to agree was actually one of the three major personal guards under Pavilion Master Hong, Enchanting.



The communication watch rang two more times.

“Two more?” Luo Feng was just about to scroll through to see who it was.

“Drip! “Drip! “Drip!” “Drop! “Drop!” “Drop!” “Drop!” “Drop!” “Drip! ……

It was almost a continuous sound.

The sound was very soft, but that continuous sound made Luo Feng’s heart shake.

“How crazy.” Babata couldn’t help but whisper.

3 minutes and 16 seconds!

The communication watch had been going on for such a long time, regularly sounding “drops”, when after 3 minutes and 16 seconds, no reply was heard for a while.

“Luo Feng, we’ve received 81 letters now, 62 of them are willing to go, there are other letters asking, are you sure? What are the chances of being able to kill the devouring beast.” Babata quickly tallied it up.

Luo Feng nodded slightly.

“Luo Feng, you decide, which five people to choose.” Babata said.

Whoever was chosen would be the victim!

“According to the strength of the soul, whoever helps the more choose who, Babata, you choose these five.” Luo Feng said in a low voice.


Babata said, “Elected, the five people are Merhandsen, Esther, Tripathi Singh, Jia Yi, and Sokolov. These five are from the United States of America, the European Union, India, China, and Soviet Russia. But I’m surprised your Fifth Speaker of the Palace of War has not replied.”

“I can’t force people.” Luo Feng silently recited the names of these five people, “Merhandsen, Easter, Tripathi Singh, Jia Yi, Sokolov ……”

Mohanderson …… the man known as the Ice Emperor, the domineering man, the United States of America’s real-life “superhero”.

Easter …… Luo Feng’s previous Earth’s No.1 Spiritualist, now surpassed by Luo Feng.

Tripathi Singh …… is known as the strongest man in India, known as the Lion King.

Sokolov …… Soviet Russia, a strong man known for his ferocity.

Jia Yi …… China has always been dedicated to the country, a strong man from the time of the Great Nirvana.

“Five.” Luo Feng understood.

As soon as the secret technique of The Six Manes was carried out, these five people would have to be sacrificed. Knowing the sacrifice, they all immediately replied.

“Inform the five of them that they will be given fifteen minutes to say goodbye to their families, after which, immediately rush to the Pacific Ocean waters at top speed.” Luo Feng said in a low voice.


Babata immediately sent out five notifications.

Su Russia.

A man with a stout body, eyes that were vaguely red, and a scary-looking man stood at the entrance of a house, the door of which was tightly closed.


The lanky man’s voice was low and carried into that house, “This is the last time I come to see you.”


Sokolov, synonymous with ferocious and tough, the number one strongman in Soviet Russia, never married, loved wine, loved women, no one in Soviet Russia dared to mess with him, yet not many people knew that he actually had a daughter. This daughter was, in fact, the product of one of his drinking sessions.

“I’m heading to the Pacific waters to deal with that devouring beast, Elina, take care of yourself.” Sokolov roared out again as he stared at the door and window of the house, a hint of expectation, longing in those heart palpitating eyes.

But the door and window never opened.

Sokolov turned his head violently.

With big steps, he walked directly towards a flying saucer-shaped intelligent fighter not far away, and soon, the sound of the flying saucer fighter rang out and began to take off.


The door of that house finally opened, and a woman with an apron looked closely, but only saw the tiny flying saucer in the distant sky, and soon the saucer fighter disappeared into the sky.

Looking at the big footprints on the snowy ground, the woman couldn’t help but shed a tear.

The ferocious polar bear “Sokolov” bids farewell to his daughter.

The ice king “Mohanderson” bids farewell to his wife and son and his newborn grandson.

The Lion King, Tripathi Singh, bids farewell to his three wives and his children.

Easter, who just shut himself up in his room for five minutes and then left in his fighter jet.

Jia Yi, just called his relatives and left in his fighter jet.

In the living room of Luo Feng’s house.

“Get up, Little Feng, get up.” Luo Hongguo and Gong Xinlan filled with tears even went to pull up the kneeling Luo Feng.

“Luo Hua, take care of mom and dad.”

Luo Feng looked at his brother.

“Uhm.” Luo Hua’s eyes were red, he even nodded.

Luo Feng nodded slightly and turned his head to the side of Xu Xin who was already full of tears, Luo Feng reached out to hold Xu Xin’s hand and said softly, “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t you say it.” Xu Xin even shook her head.

“I owe you a wedding.” Luo Feng’s left hand stretched out in vain, at once the steel wire above the mosquito blocking grid on the balcony next to the living room directly flew out one, and in the process of flying out, it was directly truncated out in two, these two short steel wires automatically encircled and formed a circle.

“Now, there’s no time to buy a ring.” Luo Feng held these two steel wire rings.

“In the presence of my parents, Xu Xin, are you willing to marry me?” Luo Feng said softly.

“Uh-huh.” Xu Xin just nodded her head, as if she couldn’t stop her tears.

Luo Feng gently put a wire ring on Xu Xin’s ring finger.

Xu Xin also put on the ring for Luo Feng.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry for you, and I’m also sorry for the two children who aren’t born yet.” Luo Feng looked at Xu Xin in front of him and lowered his head to kiss, Xu Xin also closed her eyes.

When the lips parted.

When Xu Xin opened her eyes, she only saw Luo Feng’s back out of the living room door.

“Little Feng.”

“Luo Feng.”

A group of people followed and ran out, tilting their heads in the courtyard.

They only saw the youth with his feet on the recluse shuttle, turning into a stream of light and disappearing into the eastern sky.

Luo Feng was flying in mid-air with his feet on the recluse shuttle.

Looking down below, the distant Yangzhou city had become almost invisible, while directly below was the broken and deserted city covered in dust! Monsters were all over the city this was the city before the great nirvana period, however now it was the home of monsters.

“This is Luo Feng, Merhanderson, Esther, Tripathi Singh, Jaya, Sokolov, tell me where you are now, and the speed at which your fighters are flying, I’ll determine the gathering point.” Luo Feng connected the five at the same time.

“This is Merhandson, my fighter speed is 3800 meters per second per second.”

“I’m Jia Yi ……”

The five consecutive people all told Luo Feng their positions, and speeds.

While Babata quickly calculated the best gathering point: “Luo Feng, the gathering point has been calculated. You only need 1 hour and 8 minutes to reach the gathering point. The gathering point, which is just 351 kilometers away from the sea where the Golden Horn Beast is located.”


Luo Feng immediately informed the other five of the location of the gathering point.

It was still afternoon in Huaxia, but the more they hurried towards the gathering point, the sky was rapidly darkening.

Gathering point.

When Luo Feng arrived at the location of the gathering point, a black flying saucer type fighter jet was already hovering high in the sky and a South Asian looking man with slightly curly hair flew out directly.

“Luo Feng, hello.” The man reached out.

“Tripathi Singh, hello.” Luo Feng reached out his hand as well.

The two shook hands.

It wasn’t long before the United States of America’s arriving Mohanderson also arrived.

The fourth to arrive was Jia Yi.

The fifth to arrive was Sokolov, and the sixth was Easter.

“I’ve made the key points. Do all understand?” Luo Feng looked at the five.


Merhanderson, Ister, Tripathi Singh, Jia Yi, and Sokolov all nodded solemnly.

“Good, then let’s set off and enter the seabed to where the devouring beasts are.” Luo Feng said.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Six people, six streams of light.

Simultaneously flying towards more than three hundred kilometers away.

At this moment, every place in every country around the globe was broadcasting this scene.

Luo Hongguo, Gong Xinlan, Xu Xin and the others couldn’t hold back their tears as they watched in front of the TV, while the elite leadership of each country was clear that this was afraid that this was humanity’s last chance.

“The number one strongest person in the United States of America ‘Mohanderson’, the number one strongest person in the European Union country ‘Easter’, the number one strongest person in the Indian country ‘Tripathi Singh’, the number one strongest person in Su Russia’s number one powerhouse ‘Sokolov’, and our Chinese nation’s eternal hero ‘Jia Yi’, as well as …… Earth’s number one spiritual ninja, the youngest supreme genius ‘Luo Feng’.”

“Let us always remember their names.”

The voice of the screen narrator was low.

And on the screen –

Six peerless powerhouses flew in the air before quickly swooping down and simultaneously rushing into the middle of the vast ocean.

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