Chapter 0837 – Pirate’s Treasure (1)

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:36:22
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Zhuang Rui this move has always been very good, but this time it was ineffective, the original mouth only issued “whimpering” sound of King Kong, actually sat on the ground, chest thumping and cried out, the behavior is completely like a small child.

“Damn, the buddy is also sad.”

See King Kong’s appearance, Zhuang Rui is also sad from the heart, strayed to this deserted island for almost a month, counting the time, daughter-in-law this may have already given birth, thinking of their own loved ones, Zhuang Rui is also the nose a handful of tears a. Although the starting point is not the same, but also a handful of tears.

Although the starting point is not the same, but the same are thinking of their loved ones, two of the same primate creatures, sitting on the ground wow cry.

After a long time, or King Kong first stopped grieving, stood up and moved the boulder back, on this island, in addition to it, no one can move this boulder, disturbing its loved ones.

But Zhuang Rui couldn’t hold his strength, thinking that it is very likely that he will never see his mother, wife and children again in this life, and stay on the deserted island as a savage, Zhuang Rui couldn’t stop the tears, falling down in a sparse manner, which made King Kong a little bit at a loss for words.

“Ho ho ho!”

King Kong pulled Zhuang Rui with his hand, his arms raised, and after making a few movements, he pointed to the mountain, as if telling Zhuang Rui that there were fun things there.

Strongly hold back the sadness in his heart, Zhuang Rui stood up, this thing can not think, a think of the day will not be able to live, can survive from that sea waves, since I have been considered very lucky.

See Zhuang Rui no longer cry, King Kong is happy to scream, the first to run to the mountain, while running back to signal Zhuang Rui to follow.

Honestly speaking, Zhuang Rui will have no intention to play, this dead volcano also has no need to continue to explore, follow King Kong, just do not want to make this intelligence only five or six years old child big guy angry only.

After walking for more than ten minutes, the distance from the top of the mountain is not too far, in Zhuang Rui’s directly in front of the place of seven or eight meters, appeared a dark hole.

The hole wasn’t very big, only one meter square, but Zhuang Rui used his aura to take a look, the cave was actually extremely deep, so deep that he couldn’t actually see the end of it with his five hundred meter aura detection range.

Although the cave was dark, but it could not block Zhuang Rui’s aura detection.

The ground of the cave was uneven and slightly narrow at the beginning, but the further in, the wider the cave became, and at a depth of two to three hundred meters, it was already more than ten meters high, and was divided into many branches, which were connected in all directions, just like a labyrinth.

In the cavern, there was also the presence of streams, and there were quite a few stalactites growing at the top of the cavern, with strange shapes, if this were to appear in the country, after it was developed, it would definitely become an excellent tourist attraction.

Just in the process of releasing the aura, Zhuang Rui felt that, releasing out the aura, is constantly decreasing, which makes him a little strange, and hastily put the aura back.

“That sheepskin, could it be the route map in the cave?”

Zhuang Rui, who had withdrawn his aura, was still thinking about the seven-turned terrain inside the cave, when suddenly his mind lit up, and he recalled finding that piece of skin in the cabin, the messy lines on it were actually seven or eight points similar to the complicated lines in the cave.

The more he recalled, the more Zhuang Rui felt like it, that piece of leather was not labeled with any words, only the drawn lines that went around and around, it was very likely that it was the route map inside the cave.

This discovery makes Zhuang Rui some excitement, pirate treasure, is the world anyone can not resist the temptation, hundreds of years, there have been countless people in some of the famous pirate island excavation, is to want to start out of those famous pirates inexplicably disappeared treasure.

Although Zhuang Rui is not short of money, but also will not be too much money, even if the money in this deserted island no bird, Zhuang Rui or for their own discovery of the excitement can not help themselves, pulling legs want to drill to the cave.

For others, into the cave, no less than into a maze, especially in the darkness of the situation, even with a torch as a mark, turn back time may not be able to find the way.

But for Zhuang Rui, these are not a problem, even if he goes out of the range of vision of the aura, Zhuang Rui also has a way to walk out, and he can also find the fastest way to the depths of the cave.


King Kong didn’t know what Zhuang Rui was doing, but after seeing Zhuang Rui’s move of trying to drill the cave, he jumped to the mouth of the cave at once, swinging his arms repeatedly to prevent Zhuang Rui from entering.

“King Kong, what’s wrong?”

Zhuang Rui was a bit strange, he had just looked at it with his aura, there didn’t seem to be any danger in the cave, the biggest possibility was to get lost inside, but this was not a problem for him at all.

“Ho ho ho ……”

Jin Gang looked a little anxious, picking up a fist-sized rock from the ground, then he took a thief’s glance towards the cave, swinging his long arm and smashing it forcefully towards the cave.

The stone hit in the rock wall and made a dull ringing sound, but the scene that followed left Zhuang Rui dumbfounded, because the originally quiet cave, with this stone, became boiling.

From the entrance of the cave, it could be seen that a large black shadow suddenly appeared in the cave, spreading out in the cave, and there were even a few black shadows that flew outside the cave.

“Holy shit, bats?”

Zhuang Rui now knew why the aura would decrease for no reason, it turned out that it was all absorbed into the body by these bats, and the bats hanging upside down on the roof of the cave, at that time didn’t attract Zhuang Rui’s attention, he thought it was some protruding stone blocks!

Looking at the cave that dense black shadow, Zhuang Rui can not help but scalp some numbness, although the bat is to mosquitoes for life, but the world also exists in the blood-sucking bats, this is not a legend, but the real creatures.

Zhuang Rui does not know whether the bats inside the cave are vampire bats, if it is true, it will cause great trouble to his cave exploration trip.

The nature of the bats likes the darkness of the night, the few bats that flew out of the cave, saw the sunlight outside and immediately screamed, the sound was very unpleasant.

But waiting for the cave outside the King Kong is very excited, did not wait for those few bats to fly back, swung up his palm and slapped the past, slap a slap one of them will fall to the ground.

King Kong’s arms have the strength of a thousand pounds, the bats that were slapped by him, immediately became a bloody mess, the eyes are not alive.

And King Kong’s next move, let Zhuang Rui straight feel a little disgusted, because King Kong directly use the palm of his hand to grab the bat on the ground, and then stuffed it into his mouth, the red blood along the big mouth of King Kong, has been dripping down.

“Ow ……”

Seven or eight bats are not enough for King Kong to stuff his teeth, but this dude hasn’t forgotten about Zhuang Rui, he actually left the last one, holding it and sending it to Zhuang Rui’s mouth.

“Go go go, I’m not eating this.”

Seeing the bat that looked almost like a rat, Zhuang Rui hurriedly set aside King Kong’s hand, but it was the bat that snatched it, because Zhuang Rui wanted to see if it was a vampire bat.

Zhuang Rui learned in biology class, vampire bats body are not big, the largest body length is not more than 9 centimeters, there is no exposed tail hair color is mainly dark brown.

The appearance of vampire bats is easy to recognize, at the top of their nose there is a “U”-shaped groove of the meat pads, the tip of the ears for the triangle, canine teeth long and sharp, the upper incisors are very developed, slightly triangular, sharp as a knife, can be pierced through the protruding parts of the other animals and satiated.

“Fortunately, it’s not a vampire bat.”

After Zhuang Rui carefully checked the dead bat, he put down his heart, this is a very common big-eared bat, living on mosquitoes and insects, and will not attack humans.

But this cave full of bats, also let Zhuang Rui a bit of a headache, since the body without a piece of silk, is accidentally caught by these bats, it is also very likely to infect the poison ah!

Use fire and smoke to drive away? That’s not realistic at all, the depth of this cave is at least 500 meters, how much firewood would be needed?

And we don’t know if this cave has another exit, if we’re done working and there’s still air circulating somewhere else, then Zhuang Rui will cry to death!

“King Kong, how about we go in and play?”

After Zhuang Rui thought for half a day, there is still no way, then the idea hit the head of the King Kong, this buddy skin thick flesh, bats should not take it right?


King Kong’s reaction is a little out of Zhuang Rui’s expectations, this guy shook his head, and put on a pair of hands to hold his head posture, it looks like the cave is very fearful.

Zhuang Rui didn’t know that when King Kong was small, he ran towards the cave once because he was naughty, but he was driven out by countless bats, almost blinding his eyes.

Since then, King Kong only dared to throw stones at the entrance of the cave, catch a few bats to eat to vent their hatred, let it go into the cave again, that is dead dare not.

Zhuang Rui is a little reluctant, the map makes his heart itch, not to go in to check out some, I guess he can not sleep well at night.

Watching Zhuang Rui turn around in the cave, Jin Gang’s eyes dripped and turned, and as soon as he pulled Zhuang Rui, he pointed to the cave, and then pointed toward the cave.

“Other places can go in as well?”

After spending so much time with King Kong, it can be said that Zhuang Rui’s understanding of gorilla body language is definitely no less than that scientist who has been studying gorillas for decades.

“Ho ho ho!” King Kong nodded repeatedly.

“Then what are you waiting for, go!”

This cave was indeed spreading upwards, maybe there was even an entrance at the top of the mountain, Zhuang Rui excitedly followed King Kong and ran towards the mountain.

Five or six hundred meters of gentle slope, more than ten minutes to climb up, the top of the mountain is very open, about three or four hundred square meters in size, there are still traces of the volcano, under the concave into a four or five meters deep pit, inside the grass does not grow.

King Kong did not stop at the top of the mountain, but ran to the other side, running downwards for only two or three minutes, at most one or two hundred meters, King Kong stopped his feet in front of a rock wall full of vines.

“Hey, is this your lair?”

Zhuang Rui couldn’t help but smile when he saw that King Kong had pushed aside the vines, revealing a cave entrance, he had long ago looked at it with his aura, there were quite a few sugar cane poles laying inside the cave, so he thought that King Kong must have lived here before he met himself.

This cave looked like it was only a dozen meters deep, but Zhuang Rui used his aura to discover that behind the rock at the innermost part of the cave, there was actually still a fifty to sixty centimeter diameter hole.

And behind the hole, the situation, and on the other side of the mountain to see exactly the same, the whole a seven turns around the mountain labyrinth.

Zhuang Rui is not in a hurry to see the situation within the maze, but followed the diamond behind the cave.

Fortunately, there is no cat badger that kind of unpleasant odor, inside the cave is very dry, and in the place where the hole is blocked, there is also a thin slit, making the air circulation inside very good.

“King Kong, push this rock away, I’m going in.”

Zhuang Rui released his aura to take a look at the two to three hundred meters of the cave entrance, and there was no decrease in aura, which meant that there were no living organisms within this side of the cave.


King Kong’s arms gesticulated wildly, seemingly not quite wanting Zhuang Rui to go in, relying on the side of the rock just not making a move.

“King Kong, it’s fine, I’ll go in and come out in a while, well …… come out and give you roasted meat to eat.”

Hearing grilled meat, the corners of King Kong’s mouth flowed out of saliva, and at the same time hammered his chest, and moved the four or five hundred pound boulder, like outside, and exposed the hole.

“King Kong, wait for me here, I will come out in a while.”

This hole was too small, Zhuang Rui had no problem drilling into it, but King Kong wouldn’t be able to get in, Zhuang Rui was afraid that King Kong would become uncomfortable in the darkness, so he simply let it wait outside, and drilled in alone.

This side of the cave road and the other side of the upward is exactly the opposite, but is a downward road, and out of a dozen meters, the space becomes open up, a cave presented in Zhuang Rui’s aura.

“Which way to go?”

Zhuang Rui stood still after going a hundred meters deeper, he was now inside a large cavern that was more than ten meters high, in the center of the cavern, there was a small pool, the sound of water dripping from above, appeared very clear in this empty cavern.

“Grandma, it can’t be some thousand year stalactite, right?”

Zhuang Rui recalled the stories in martial arts novels, where many great warriors were forced by their enemies and were trapped in a jedi, and then got a thousand year old stalactite to enter their power and avenge their deaths.

Zhuang Rui smiled and shook his head for his own boring ideas, raised his head and looked upwards, a stalactite as thick as a child’s arm, hanging down from the top of the cave, if you can install spotlights here, it is guaranteed to be an excellent tourist attraction.

Around the cave, a total of six forks appeared, so Zhuang Rui hesitated, he didn’t know which fork he should go to.

“Use your aura to see it again! Don’t get into the bat’s nest.”

Zhuang Rui calmed down a bit and stood in the cave, releasing his aura, except for the path he came from, the rest of the several forks, Zhuang Rui was ready to use his aura to check it out first.

“This one doesn’t work, this one isn’t either, shit, this one leads to the bat’s nest.”

Zhuang Rui looked at three forks in a row, one was blocked by the mountain rock after more than two hundred meters, the other led to the top of the mountain overhead, and there was another one, I’m afraid that it was on the opposite side of the mountain.

“What …… is this?”

When Zhuang Rui’s eyes looked at the fourth fork in the road, he immediately froze, and a golden light seemed to emerge from his eyes, well …… it should be said that he saw a ball of golden light to be correct.

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