Chapter 0836 – Grave

Release Date: 2024-07-15 11:36:19
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“What is this?”

Looking at this leather, Zhuang Rui some stunned, above the drawing are some lines, not like a map, rather like a child graffiti in general, twisted seven.

However, Zhuang Rui is playing antiques, know that foreign and Chinese ancient times are not the same, Chinese ancient people want to save some records, the earliest are mostly recorded on bamboo slips, and later developed to cloth and paper.

But in foreign countries, for the record of important events, most of them are used after a special nitrate leather, and then write on it with pigment, with this method of recording down the event, often can be preserved for a longer period of time.

Just nitrate can write the skin, must be made with sheepskin, which is the origin of the legend of the sheepskin scroll, in addition to some special process, so not very important things, generally will not be recorded on the skin.

That is to say, Zhuang Rui hands of this skin, there must be its secrets, but looking at the painting as graffiti, Zhuang Rui can only shake his head and sigh, since the person is not capable of deciphering it out.

There is one thing Zhuang Rui is sure, that is this leather is certainly not a map, because it is full of lines, it is more appropriate to say that the route map of the labyrinth.

The skin re-folded, Zhuang Rui returned to the cave, the skin and the gold glove saved together.

For fear of small animals messing up in the cave, Zhuang Rui dug a not very deep pit in the cave, and then used a forty to fifty pound stone to press on it, so that apart from Zhuang Rui and King Kong, animals like the cat and badger could not move the stone.

“Ho ho ho!”

Zhuang Rui this side just cleaned up, that side of the King Kong on the busy work finished, this guy figure to save trouble, simply directly dial a small tree to carry back, and while walking and eating the young leaves on the tree, see Zhuang Rui cried and laughed.

Can not help, Zhuang Rui can only personally pick up some dry branches in the neighborhood, back to the cave side to do up the barbecue.

Although there is only salt so a seasoning, but still let King Kong eat full of oil, constantly bending up the shoulders to Zhuang Rui show muscles, that funny look makes Zhuang Rui can not help but laugh, the foot of the mountain from time to time resounded Zhuang Rui’s laughter.

Zhuang Rui with the iron pot found in the cabin, also burned a pot of mutton soup, just the mutton stink is too heavy, Zhuang Rui did not drink a mouthful, but it is the King Kong drink a lot of flavor, a big pot of soup were it to be solved.

After having lunch, Zhuang Rui looked at took a knight’s sword from the cave that had been polished by the stream and regained its brightness, looked at King Kong and said, “King Kong, take me around?”

For nearly half a month, Zhuang Rui was packing up the wooden house village, and hadn’t had the time to explore the leafy mountain forest in front of him, and now that the work of organizing the wooden house was considered to be over, Zhuang Rui also got up his mind.


King Kong was a bit puzzled, a pair of big eyes full of questions looking at Zhuang Rui, it really did not understand the meaning of the word “spinning”.

Zhuang Rui stood up, pointed to the high mountains in front of him and said, “Go up the mountain …… to play on the mountain, take me to see where you live.”

Although Zhuang Rui himself feels that the relationship with King Kong is already very close, but what makes him strange is that King Kong has to climb to the mountain every day to stay for a while, and after coming down the mountain, his mood is always not very high, and he has to let Zhuang Rui tease for half a day to be happy.

This discovery made Zhuang Rui’s heart really a little curious, rather than wanting to explore this dead volcano, he wanted to solve the mystery in his heart.

“Ho ho ho!”

This time King Kong understands, especially that word play, it has completely understood what it means, seeing Zhuang Rui to go up the mountain, King Kong excitedly jumped up.

“Hey …… hey, I say man, can we slow down?”

Seeing King Kong even run and crawl to the mountain scurry, Zhuang Rui instantly in the back of the anxious shouted up.

Not that Zhuang Rui completely unable to keep up with the action of King Kong, but Zhuang Rui is now covered with two pieces of sheepskin wrapped around the vitals, he does not have King Kong thick skin, if he learns from King Kong that way up the mountain, a quasi-permanent by the mountain those thorny bushes to get all over the body.

Then again, Zhuang Rui can now precious boots on his feet, he is usually lace up the boots to hang up on the neck, only in the search for the wooden house, only willing to wear on the feet.

If he were to run up the mountain, it was estimated that this pair of boots would have to be broken after a round trip.


After hearing Zhuang Rui’s shout, King Kong stopped his steps and looked back at Zhuang Rui.

“Slow, walk slowly ……”

This word Zhuang Rui taught King Kong many times, although the big guy could understand it, he was born with a quick temper, but it saw that Zhuang Rui really couldn’t walk fast enough, so it could only slow down its pace and slowly follow behind Zhuang Rui.

This mountain was actually not high, but the slope was very large, probably because the eruption lasted for a long time back then, and covered a rather large area.

After billions of years of evolution, the surface of the cooled volcanic rock body had turned into a soil suitable for plant survival, and the mountain was filled with all kinds of trees, including a lack of ten-meter-high trees.

After walking into the mountain forest, Zhuang Rui immediately felt a burst of coolness. The trees with thick leaves and branches blocked out the sunlight, and there were more animals, there were goats cat badgers that Zhuang Rui had seen before, and there were also some chameleons lying on the trees, which were hard to recognize, if not for Zhuang Rui’s good eyes, he really couldn’t find them.


Came to the mountain forest, King Kong seems to return to its own territory, first pounded his chest to send out a long whistle, and then also did not forget to pose a POSS according to the action taught by Zhuang Rui, looking at Zhuang Rui hid on the side of the sneer.

“Oooh oooh ……”

King Kong quickly climbed to a tree, the figure quickly drilled into the leaves, Zhuang Rui in the bottom can not see what it is doing? Can only slowly walk to the high place, nerves taut, Zhuang Rui this is to prevent the attack of poisonous snakes.

Most of the islands have snakes, these snakes are the natural enemies of the seabirds, under the mountain is still relatively rare, but after entering the mountain forest, Zhuang Rui found at least two colorful snakes on the body, whether it is a venomous snake Zhuang Rui does not know.

“Ow!” Jin Gang leapt down from the tree, grasping a handful of cherry-sized, black-colored fruits in his hand, and while stuffing them into his mouth, he handed a handful to Zhuang Rui.

“What is this thing?”

Zhuang Rui had never seen this before, but seeing King Kong eating happily, he also picked up one and put it in his mouth, immediately, a sour flavor reached his taste buds, “Bah” Zhuang Rui spat it out in a hurry.

“Ho ho ho!”

Seeing Zhuang Rui spit out the fruit, King Kong was a little unhappy, grabbed a handful of fruit and stuffed it in his mouth, chewing hard, constantly gesturing to Zhuang Rui, signaling that it was delicious.

The hospitality is hard to resist, besides sour can also quench the thirst, Zhuang Rui also learns from King Kong, a hand grabbed five or six fruits, put into the mouth and chewed up.

Initially feel or some acid, but with the fruit flesh is bitten, Zhuang Rui feel mouth full of sweet, this flavor is very peculiar, at least ate hundreds of kinds of fruits Zhuang Rui, never encountered.

After finishing all the dozen or so fruits in his hand, Zhuang Rui’s eyes looked towards King Kong, this thing was really delicious.


Seeing that Zhuang Rui listened to his words, King Kong was very happy, after humming a few times, he gave the rest of the fruits in his hand to Zhuang Rui, and with a bounce, he led the way in the front, heading towards the mountains.

After passing through this mountain forest, the terrain became slightly higher, and most of the growth on the mountain was bushes, rarely seeing tall plants.

The surface of the mountain has many more caves, when passing through these caves, from time to time there will be some frightened small animals from the inside, and King Kong back to excitedly chase a while, it is not want to eat these things, purely just feel fun.

After walking for nearly an hour, Zhuang Rui realized that only half of the climb, and the mountain in addition to some seabirds and small animals, there is no secret that Zhuang Rui wants to know.

“King Kong, you used to sleep at night, in what place?” Zhuang Rui pulled King Kong and gestured a sleeping motion.


King Kong pointed ahead with his arm, the excitement from climbing the mountain just now was suddenly gone, and there seemed to be a sadness in his eyes.

After walking for more than ten minutes again, Zhuang Rui saw that King Kong stood in front of a mountain rock and suddenly stopped walking, he couldn’t help but be a little strange and asked, “King Kong, what’s wrong?”

King Kong did not answer Zhuang Rui’s words, but stood on the edge of that piece of mountain rock, and pushed up with force, that piece of mountain rock that seemed to be rooted in the ground, actually slowly moved, behind the mountain rock, revealing a hole.

“Shit, what’s that smell!”

As soon as Zhuang Rui got close to that cave entrance, he was smoked by a putrid odor and fell back.

King Kong also did not enter the cave, just stood in the cave mouth, mouth issued a very mournful shout, Zhuang Rui see clearly, a teardrop, actually slipped from the eyes of King Kong.

“This …… is the tomb of the orangutans?”

The smell in the cave is too unpleasant, Zhuang Rui simply look directly with the aura, this look makes him surprised, this has thirty to forty meters deep cave, inside actually lies dozens of orangutan skeletons in large and small.

The more leaning against the cave inside the skeleton, the smaller the size, the most powerful decay, revealing the white bones, and with the order of change, the size of the orangutan is constantly getting bigger.

The two outermost, and King Kong is almost not the same, and body decay is not very strong, fur are still intact, should not die for a long time.

These two should be the parents of King Kong, and the size of King Kong, from the hole in the orangutan entity can be judged, perhaps due to inbreeding and survival environment changes produced by the mutation.

Zhuang Rui now knew that King Kong had to run to the mountain every day, perhaps it was memorializing its parents, and in its generation, it had become the only gorilla on this deserted island.

“King Kong, come on, let’s go to the mountain to play.”

Seeing that sad appearance of King Kong, Zhuang Rui was a bit intolerant, and after hastily moisturizing King Kong with his aura, he spoke out to divert its attention.

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