Chapter 140

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:57:26
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The three of them returned Bullethead to the Detective Bureau.

Luke then went home and slept, it wasn’t that Luke was irresponsible.

Rather, it was the experience of years of criminal investigation that it was difficult to make much progress in the case before the identification results came out.

At this time to stay up a night is not very meaningful.

The next day identification results out, people are out to investigate the case, you sleepy as a dog, sleep?

Do you want to sleep? If you don’t sleep, you won’t have the energy to investigate the case.

Sleep, may miss the best time to investigate the case.

The best way is to save energy now and go to the police station early the next day.

Luke didn’t go back to his own house, but went to Daisy’s house, and gave her the information about the Harley theft suspects by the way.

He also gave Fatty a call, and he didn’t know if he was affected by the shooting, but Fatty was a bit depressed.

Luke comforts him with a few words and Daisy goes home.

The two of them cook and talk together, and Daisy also asks about the shooting, she seems quite interested in the case as well.

Luke just keep the details of the case secret, for those outside can dig into the news, he did not hide the need to tell Daisy.

In the evening, the two of them took a shower together and applauded love in the bathroom.

If this case is in the country, he may not be in the mood to applaud for love, this is not a double standard, but the real feeling.

Domestic investigation of the case, it is easy to empathize, say ‘old as we are as well as others’ may be a bit false, but at least there is a feeling of rabbit death, investigating similar cases will be more depressing.

In Los Angeles this feeling is not strong, investigating a case is investigating a case, at the time the emotions have an impact, after that it will be fine.

It’s time to cry, time to laugh.

It’s a very complex state of mind, and it’s hard to explain from a single perspective.

Of course, this is not to say that Luke doesn’t like Los Angeles, on the contrary, he has already adapted to this side of life and is gradually on the right track.

He liked his current state.

Seven o’clock in the morning of the following day.

Luke arrived at the Detective Bureau.

The boys were stunned.

It was the first time Luke had arrived so early.

David laughed, “Woolly Bear is joining NATO?”

“Haha ……”

The crowd laughed.

The lieutenant joked, “China and the US are playing in the World Cup hand in hand?”

“Haha ……”

The laughter was even louder.

Luke “……”

Bunch of boring guys.

As time passes, the identification reports are sent to the Heist and Murder Division.

Eight o’clock in the morning.

Reed held a case summarization meeting in the large conference room of the Robbery Murder Division.

Attending the meeting was not only Squadron One, but also the Robbery Murder Division’s Squadron Two.

Most of the people in the Second Squadron had dark circles under their eyes, last night they had spent the night giving statements to the students and teachers of the school.

The captain of the second squadron, Clint Chan, was a bald Asian.

He and Susan had one thing in common: they didn’t smile.

We all worked in the Robbery and Murder Division and saw each other quite often, Luke had never seen him smile, and although both were of Chinese descent, they hardly ever spoke.

Reed sat in the center of the conference table and folded his hands together, “Chen, tell us about the progress of your squadron’s investigation.”

Cline flipped through his notes for a moment, “Compared to yesterday, the number of victims has increased by two. There are now a total of nine victims, five dead and four injured.

Of those, three dead and one seriously injured in the academic building.

Vocal building, one dead and two injured.

Science building, one dead and one wounded.

Of course, these are only those who were directly injured because of the shooting, and there are others who were not included because of trampling and falling.

We’ve compiled a large number of statements, and we believe there may be two or three suspects in the shooting.

One of the suspects was wearing black jeans, a gray sweatshirt with a hood, black gloves, and a clown mask on his face, which wrapped him up so tightly that he could not be seen.

Another suspect was wearing a black sweatshirt and also wore gloves and a clown mask.

The physical description of the third suspect is unclear at this time.

Also, because of the power outage, most of the cameras are not working and no clear photos of the suspects have been found yet.

The authenticity of the appearance of these two suspects is yet to be proven.”

Cline finished his report.

Reed looked at Susan who was on the side, “Tell us about the status of the 1st Squadron’s investigation.”

Susan said, “According to our investigation, the deceased on the second floor of the school building’s name is Fanny Zaris, she’s an FBI agent who has been infiltrating the school for half a month in order to investigate a whistleblower case with a suspected shooting.

The whistleblower’s name is Bowen Pilton.

Fanny has been keeping an eye on him all this time.

According to Fenny’s investigation, Povin Pilton had been subjected to schoolyard violence to a certain extent, and the abuser was the only male deceased in the school building, Chad Claes.

And Chad Cleese and the first female victim were in a relationship.

So we suspect that the shooting was probably related to Bowen Pilton.”

Reed asked, “Has anyone been sent to investigate Povon Pilton?”

Luke said, “I went to his house yesterday to make a statement, and he was practicing his gun in the garage at the time, so there was no way to do a gunpowder identification, and I personally feel that he has some suspicion.

Also, I picked up a slug from near his house and sent it to the Technical Division for identification.”

Reed pressed, “What about the identification?”

Mary replied, “Let me check, there were too many things identified yesterday.

The bullet Luke sent in doesn’t match the bullet traces at the crime scene.

The bullets in several of the victims came from three handguns.

One of the pistols, pistol A, belonged to FBI agent Fanny Zarris, and the bullet from that gun killed schoolyard bully Chad Kress.

The bullet marks from the other two guns are still being compared in the database and will take some time.”

Blackie continued, “School bully, that’s a very graphic and memorable nickname, and I hate school bullies.

The school bully was hateful but his crime was not mortal, why would Fanny as an FBI agent want to kill him?”

Mary corrected, “That I don’t know. It’s something you guys need to investigate now.”

Luke said, “It comes down to a question of the order in which they were shot, with both FBI Fanny and the school bully, Chad Claes, dead.

If the school bully died first, then it’s possible that Fanny killed him.

If Finny died first, then someone killed him with Finny’s gun.

If there are witnesses who saw it maybe they can solve the mystery.”

Second Squadron Leader Cline replied, “Based on the large number of statements, we’ve also tried to analyze the order in which the victims were shot.

On the afternoon of May 10th, the power went out at 3:10pm.

At about 3:20, the first shot was fired and the victim, Barbara, was shot and fell to the ground, she was also the only survivor of the four victims in the school building and the girlfriend of the school bully.

The second victim, Josie Alisa, was shot in the restroom.

These two cases had a large number of confessions that corroborated each other with a high degree of accuracy.

But the sequence of the remaining shootings is difficult to determine.

Students panicked, either running or hiding, and no one dared go near the shooter.

They could hear the gunshots, but it’s hard to identify the exact location of the shots in that kind of chaotic emergency.

I think the order of death is yet to be proven.”

Luke thought for a moment and said, “I’m afraid there are only two people who know from the way things are going, the first being Povin and the second being the school bully’s girlfriend.

What’s her condition now?”

Jenny replied, “Still in the ICU, in critical condition.”

Luke said, “That means there’s still a chance of saving her life, we recommend that extra manpower be sent to protect her.”

“I’ve already assigned four officers for protection, no need to worry about security.” Reed responded and followed up with, “Have you checked on the power outage at the school?”

Cline replied, “I’ve sent people to investigate, and the school is not experiencing a natural power outage, but is being deliberately sabotaged.

The suspects who sabotaged the power are currently being sought.”

Reed nodded and summarized, “The FBI’s gun, for the time being, will be handed over to the FBI for investigation, let’s check the other clues first.”

Susan frowned, “From the existing situation, FBI Fanny’s death and her gun may be closely related to the other three shootings in the school building.

If we don’t look into this lead, it could also jeopardize the investigation of the other three shootings that occurred in the school building.”

Reed thought for a moment and said, “Then you will investigate the three shootings in the music building first.

Also, the FBI will share the information with us, and it won’t affect the entire case investigation.”

Susan said, “I doubt that.”

Reed sighed, “We have our advantages, and the FBI has theirs, working together will solve the case as quickly as possible.

Squadron One investigates the three shootings in the Music Building.

Squadron Two investigates the two shootings in the Science Building.

It’s decided, meeting adjourned.”

Leaving the conference room, Xiao Hei muttered, “Why is Director Reed helping the FBI, we already investigated yesterday that Bowen was suspected, wouldn’t suspending the investigation now be giving the credit to the FBI?”

Luke laughed, “Reed didn’t become the director by letting the credit go to him, it’s not that easy for the FBI to take advantage.”

“Why?” Blackie wondered.

“Remember what Director Reed said when I just suggested protecting the injured school bully’s girlfriend?”

“He said that he had already sent four police officers to protect ……,” Blackie understood, the school bully girlfriend Barbara was a very important witness, as long as she waited for her to wake up, she would be the first to get valuable clues.

“Wow wow, what a cunning old man.”

Luke laughed, “Buy me lunch at noon?”

“Why? Aren’t you awake yet?” Black made a face.

“If you don’t buy me dinner, I’m going to tell Chief Reed what you just said.”

Blacky “……”

Back in the First Squadron office.

Susan handed down the site survey report for the music building.

She introduced, “One dead and two injured at the Music Building, two different traces of slugs were found, matching the bullet marks of the other two guns, and there were probably two shooters at the scene.

One of the deceased, Lev Kauft, was shot twice, fatal wound in the chest, rugby player.

Two of the wounded.

One named Hollip Harding, shot in the arm, football player.

One named Herman Vedder, shot in the shoulder, age 12, student council member.

Both are still in the hospital ward for observation.

Luke, Marcus, you go to the hospital and take their statements.

Lieutenant, David, you guys re-examine the scene and see if there are any new findings.

Ramon, Jenny, you guys go to the hospital and secure the seriously injured female victim.”

“Yes, captain.”

In a Ford Explorer.

While driving, Blackie said, “Actually, I want to protect that female victim?”

“Why?” Luke sat on the passenger side and changed to a comfortable seating position.

“Is that even a question? Protecting the victim is easy, we basically don’t have to do anything, and we get to switch shifts and rest.

And when the female victim wakes up, she can tell us valuable information, what could be a better mission than that?

Next time you should strive for this kind of mission, I always feel that the captain is more biased towards Ramon and Jenny, all the good missions are given to them, and all the difficult ones are ours.”

Luke smiled, not realizing that Marcus had these little thoughts, “OK, I’ll fight for it next time.”

Soon, the two arrived at the hospital.

The two injured people lived on the same floor, one in ward 406 and one in ward 409.

Luke got off the elevator and found ward 406 first.

“Knock knock ……”

“Come in.” A man’s voice came from the room.

Luke pushed the door and walked in, there was a young white man sitting on a hospital bed with a book in his hand.

“You’re Herman Vedder, the student council member?”

“Yes, what can I do for you guys?”

Black flashed his badge, “I’m Detective Marcus and this is Detective Luke. Wanted to give you a statement.”

Herman Vader put down his book and pointed to the chair across from him, “No problem, have a seat.”

Luke sized him up, “Are you of age?”

“Pretty much.”

“Exact answer.”

“Actually three months short.”

“Do you need a guardian present?”

“NoNo, it’s not necessary at all, I’m not physically old enough, but I’m mentally mature enough that I’m capable of talking alone. You guys can just ask.”

“I like it when you’re quick like that.” Luke smiled and formally inquired, “Where did you get shot.”

“The music building.”

“What were you doing in the music building?”

“Practicing violin.”

“When was the shooting encounter?”

“About three o’clock?”

“Can you be more specific?”

“It would have been about three-thirty.”

“What were you doing at the time?”

“I was helping other students.”

“What do you mean?”

Herman Vedder replied, “Because there had been shootings in other buildings just before, and a lot of students were freaking out, and I had an obligation as a student council member to help them, and while it’s impossible to help everyone, I did what I could, with a clear conscience.”

“Well done.” Luke encouraged, “Did you see the killer?”

“Of course, he wore a red-nosed clown mask, a gray bodysuit with a hood, and a pistol in his hand, it was really scary at the time, and to be honest I was scared, especially when the gunshots rang out …… I really don’t want to remember.”

Luke glanced at his laptop, “There were other people shot in the music building besides you, did you know that?”

“I know, too bad.”

“Did you know the person who was shot?”

“Knew, Lev Kauft, he was a running back on the football team, we were close, I used to go to his football games. It’s too bad, I would have tried to save him, but it didn’t work.”

“You were there when he was shot?”

“Yes. I saw the shooter chasing him and he was terrified, running and calling for help.

I tried to go to his rescue and draw the shooter away.

But I was too slow and was shot in the shoulder by the gunman.

Is he okay?”

“No, he’s dead.”

“Oh buykah’s, my worst fear still happened, I really wanted to help him, I tried my best. But I didn’t have a gun …… there was nothing I could do.”

“How many gunmen were there?”


“Did you see the second shooter?”

“No, but I could hear it, the two gunshots were different, and it was because there were two shooters that I didn’t dare to go after them to check on Lev Kaufft, and when the paramedics arrived I told them to go ahead and save Lev Kaufft, but I didn’t expect ……” Herman Vader’s voice choked with emotion, and his tone was a little sad.

“Any idea why the killer killed?”

Luke said, “SORRY, the case is still under investigation, and cannot be disclosed to the outside world for the time being.”

“I can understand that.” Herman sighed, “Anything else you want to know just ask and I’ll tell you.”

“Do you remember what kind of gun the killer used?”

“A black gun.”

“Know the make and model?”

Herman Vedder shook his head, “I don’t know much about that.”

Luke continued, “There was another person shot and wounded in the music building, Hollip Harding, do you recognize him?”

“Recognize, center on his football team, black, very strong. I enjoyed watching him play, very feisty. We didn’t talk much, though.”

“Were you there when he was shot?”

“No, probably after I was injured.”

Luke nodded, “Would you recognize the killer if you were to see him again?”

Herman Vedder thought about it and shook his head, “It’s hard, he was wearing a mask at that time, he couldn’t see his face at all, and he had a gun in his hand at that time, to be honest …… I was a little flustered too.”

Blackie held out his right fist, “Hey man, great job already, over ninety-nine percent of the people in this school.”

“Thanks.” Herman Vader squeezed out a smile and touched fists.

Luke left a business card, “Call me if you think of any new leads.”

“I will.” Herman Vader escorted the two out of the hospital room.

Black nodded and praised, “I like this guy, a brave young man, much like me in high school.”

Luke cried a little, “Is that a compliment or a ruin.”

The two walked up to the 409 door and knocked, “Knock knock ……”

No one responded.

“Knock knock ……”

Luke knocked again.

This time a man’s raspy voice came to mind, “Come in.”

Luke pushed the door and walked in, and by the window stood a burly little black man, half a head taller than Luke, at least 190CM or more, very strong, with a bandage on his left arm.

“You’re Hollip Harding?”


“I’m Inspector Luke, and I’d like to give you a statement.”

Hollip nodded.

“Are you eighteen years old?”


“Do you need a guardian present?”

“No. Did you catch Lev’s killer?” Hollip gave a concerned look.

“Not yet, were you close?”

“We were on the same rugby team and would train together all day, he was a good man and didn’t deserve to be killed.” Hollip Harding’s voice choked.

“Were you there when Lev was shot?”

“I saw it with my own eyes, I’ll never forget it in my life, he was a hero, he died protecting the other students.

He should be remembered forever.”

“You said he died protecting his classmates? To protect who?”

“I knew him …… his name was …… I can’t remember. He’s in the next ward, you can ask him.”

“Herman Vedder?”

“Yes, Lev was there to save him.”

Black froze for a moment, the two men’s confessions were different, “Are you remembering wrong?”

Hollip Harding said, “I remember it clearly, we heard gunshots in the music building and Herman was asking for help.

The two of them were close, and Lev was ready to go to his rescue. I went along for the ride.

We attracted the gunman’s attention so Herman could manage to escape.”

Blacky was skeptical, “Do you have a gun?”


“Then how did you guys save the man?”

“We’re the elite of the football team, the bravest and strongest in the entire school, and if we don’t dare, no one else will.

This school is hopeless.

We are fearless, and this is a school that belongs to us, not the shooter.”

Hollip finished with a disgruntled look, “What kind of looks are you guys giving us? Questioning us? Thinking we’re idiots?

No, we are not idiots.

We know that the other side has guns, we made a plan, and we are sure of success.

I was in charge of attracting the other party, Lev sneaked up behind us, and we were just about to make our move when there was an accident and an additional gunman.

Completely disrupted our plan, I was shot, Lev ……

He’s a hero!”

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