Chapter 139

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:57:23
A+ A- Turn Off Light

Luke, Blacky, and Agent Anthony, together, visit the home of Bowen Pilton.

Blacky drove, Agent Anthony sat in the passenger side, and Luke was alone in the back looking at his cell phone.

The case was and named ‘5.10 Shooting’, because of the number of people involved, Reed had pulled in another person from the Robbery and Murder Division’s 2nd Squadron to join the case investigation.

In order to facilitate contact, a temporary chat group was established for the 5.10 shooting case.

The first squadron arrived early and took over the scene directly, while the second squadron was responsible for giving statements to students and teachers.

This is a hard job, the entire high school has more than 600 people, at that time, although the school is over, but most people did not leave, at least four or five hundred people.

In many people’s impression, Los Angeles students get out of school early and have an easier time with schoolwork.

In fact, this is not the case, foreign parents are also very chicken child, good schools as very volume, in addition to the normal coursework, there are up to dozens of cramming classes, as well as a variety of sports programs.

The students’ time was just as full, only they were a little more selective.

Luke asked, “Does Agent Fanny carry a gun at school?”

Anthony said, “It’s a must.”

Black asked, “I thought you said she was experienced and a good shot? Then how did she get killed?”

Anthony pinched his forehead, “I’ve been thinking about this too, and I’m guessing that Fanny was probably the first victim, shot by the suspect when she was unprepared.”

Luke dismissed that speculation, “The Second Squadron was taking statements from the students, and according to one of the students Fanny wasn’t on the second floor of the school building when the first shot was fired, she wasn’t the first victim.

The first victim was most likely one of the third floor.”

Anthony analyzed, “That suggests that Fanny was in a complicated situation, that the threat didn’t come from one direction, and that there may have been more than one suspect.”

In the middle of the conversation, the trio arrived at Povin Pilton’s house.

The Povin-Pilton house lived in a more remote area and the houses were spaced apart.

The car was parked at the curb and Luke’s three men stepped down one by one.

Luke’s right hand rested on the butt of the gun, his eyes scanned the surroundings, Povin Pilton’s yard was relatively large, but it was not considered particularly tidy.

The three people just walked into the yard “Bang Bang ……”

A gunshot was faintly heard.

Anthony drew his pistol and whispered, “Pay attention to the alert, the sound of gunfire came from the garage.”

The warehouse iron door was closed tightly, using an electric roller shutter that could be opened outside and inside, Luke held down the roller shutter switch, “Be careful.”

The roller shutter slowly opened.

The three Luke’s suddenly dodged out from either side of the



“Hands in the air, don’t move!”

“No tricks, put your hands where I can see them.”

There were two men in the garage looking in the direction of the garage, the younger man had a gun in his right hand and seemed stunned.

The middle-aged man held his hands up, “Hey, please don’t take this the wrong way, we’re just practicing with our guns in our own home.

Bowen, put that damn pistol down.”

Anthony warned, “Young man, don’t be nervous, crouch down, put the gun on the ground and don’t make any unnecessary movements.”

Povin slowly crouched down and put the pistol on the ground.

Anthony said, “Good, now step away from that gun, we need to talk.”

Bowen’s father said, “Sir, we were just practicing with the gun in the garage.”

“Gun practice is not allowed in residential neighborhoods, do as I say.”

Bowen’s father and son did as requested and walked out of the garage with their hands up.

Luke and Blackie routinely frisked both father and son.

Povin’s father was a little upset, “Hey, this is my house, how can you do this to us?”

Luke admonished, “You can’t use a gun recklessly even if you have one, you guys can go to the range if you want to practice, shooting randomly in the neighborhood is already against the rules, do you want to be prosecuted? Or do you want to be kicked out of your neighborhood?”

“No, I just heard about the shooting at my son’s school and wanted to teach him some means of self-preservation.”

Luke asked, “How old is he?”


“The law says you can’t buy a handgun until you’re 21, don’t you think that’s a little early?”

“It’s my gun, I’m just trying to teach him early.”

“Then next time go to the range instead of home, OK?”

“No problem, not next time, I just heard about the shooting at my son’s school and freaked out.” Bowen’s father was sincere and said, “Sir, can we let it go this time? We promise we won’t do it again.”

Luke also didn’t want to waste time on such trivial matters, “We can let go of your shooting in the garage, but we need to talk to Povin.”

“Why do you want to talk to my son? What’s the matter?”

Luke flashed his badge, “I’m Detective Luke from the Detective Bureau, I’m investigating today’s shooting and I’d like to talk to Povin for some information.”

“What kind of information?” Povin’s father stepped in front of his son.

“No need to be nervous, just a routine inquiry.” Luke scanned around, “Are you sure you want us to ask questions in the yard? Get some input from the neighbors involved?”

“Please come inside and talk.” Father Bowen made a gesture of invitation.

Anthony picked up the revolver from the garage, “I’ll keep this one for now and return it when we leave.”

Bowen’s father was a bit hesitant, but seeing Anthony’s firm demeanor, he nodded helplessly, “No problem.”

Povin followed suit and entered the house.

Luke had been watching him, a little silent, mostly spending his time with his head down, looking a little shy.

“Povin, you attend Malaboia High School?”


“My brother also attends there, and he was at the school when the shooting happened.

He called me first thing, and I was worried …… can understand how you guys feel.” Luke turned the tables.

“So, you don’t have to be nervous, I talked to my brother and would like to talk to you as well to find out more about the shooting.”

Hearing Luke’s words, Bowen’s father’s face soothed a lot, “Detective Luke, what class is your brother in?”

“I’m usually busy with work, I can’t really remember.” Luke made a perfunctory remark, saying that Little Fatty was in the same school was already the most information he could reveal.

It was simply impossible to mention his brother’s class to the other party.

Luke asked, “Povin, were you at school when the shooting happened?”

Povin pursed his lips, “Yes, I was.”

“Where were you?”

“In the classroom.”

“Which classroom?”

“I can’t remember, my whole brain went haywire when the gun went off.”

“I can understand that, you carefully recall what class you had in the afternoon, with what classmates? If you really can’t remember, ask them too.”

After a moment, Povin spoke, “I was in the school building.”

Luke pressed, “Which classroom?”

“Classroom 201.”

“Good.” Luke encouraged, “What were you doing when the shots rang out? Who was around?”

“I was reading, I can’t remember who was around, I’m used to being alone.”

“Could you tell where the shots were?”

“The shots were close, but I couldn’t tell where.”

“What did you do after that?”

“When the shots rang out, the class, and even the whole school, was in chaos, and I was terrified. I tried to hide under my desk at first to wait for help, but when I saw my classmates running away, I followed.”

“What time did you leave the school?”

“I don’t know, I didn’t look at the time.”

“Where did you go after you left school?”

“I went straight home.”

“How did you get back?”

“I called my father and asked him to pick me up.”

Bowen’s father seemed to sense something was wrong, “Inspector Luke, why are you asking such detailed questions, is there a problem?”

“The school’s power was damaged and the police can only learn as much as they can about the shooting through the students’ descriptions.” Luke explained and then continued his questioning with

“Bowen, did you know Fanny?”

“Yes, I know her, she’s a classmate of mine.”

“Were you familiar with her?”

“I don’t know how to answer that.”

“Answer truthfully.”

“She likes me.”

Anthony gave a surprised look, “Likes me how?”

Bowen glanced at his father, “She pays a lot of attention to me, she likes to peek at me without realizing it, she’s often there where I appear, and although she doesn’t say it explicitly, I can feel it.”

“Oh, it’s normal at that age, I was like that when I was in school, a lot of girls would give me gifts. Some girls would even plant notes for me, asking me to spend the night together ……,” Black squeezed his eyes in a you-know-what kind of way.

Luke interrupted, a little disgruntled, “Gentlemen, I’ll be the one to ask, OK?”

Blacky reached out and made a gesture of invitation, “Sure, you’re the boss.”

Anthony clasped his hands in front of him, expressionless.

Luke continued his questioning, “Did you see Fanny at the time of the shooting?”

Povin thought for a moment, “I can’t remember, it was a messy situation and, just the fact that she simply liked me, she wasn’t really my type and my dad wouldn’t have wanted me to date a black guy.”

Bowen’s father said, “NoNoNo, I won’t interfere with you. As long as you are happy, remember to wear measures, young people can try more before they know what they really like.”

Bowen was a little surprised, “That’s not what you used to say.”

“Uh ……” Bowen’s father pondered for a moment, “In the past, I did treat you a bit harshly, I wanted you to take the road less traveled. But …… these two years I realized that you know too much.

This makes me realize that my education may not be …… very appropriate in some aspects.

SORRY, I am also a first time father ……”

“No, you’ve done a good job.” Bowen’s eyes reddened, “I love you.”

“I love you too, son.” Povin’s father hugged his son’s shoulders with a look of relief.

Luke couldn’t quite bear to spoil the heartwarming scene, but he had to out of police duty, “Do you know Chad Kress?”

Povin froze, “We were in the same grade.”


Povin shook his head.

“I’ve heard there’s been some minor tension between you two.”

Povin looked a little nervous, “He’s …… not a good person to get along with, he likes to squeeze me, flirt with me, and move his hands.”

“Spoken to your father?”

“No, I don’t want to worry them.”

Povin’s father said, “Son, you should have told me.”

Povin looked down and said, “Things could have gotten worse if the parents had gotten involved, so, I wanted to handle it on my own.

The good news is that I’m a year away from graduating and can stop seeing that nuisance.”

“Did you see Chad Kress when the shooting thing happened?”


“You’re sure of that.”

“Yes, I would have known if he was there.”

“Did you ever go to the third floor of the school building before or after the shooting?”




“Did you know Josie Alisa?” (female victim in 3rd floor restroom)


“Barbara Damb?” (seriously injured man in 3rd floor hallway)

“Uh, she seems to be Chad Kress’s girlfriend.”

Luke made a note in his book, “Thanks, that’s a useful lead you provided.”

“By the way, did you see either of them when the shooting occurred?”




“Good, thank you for your assistance.” Luke got up and was expected to turn to Bowen’s father, “Mr. Pilton, thank you as well, and by the way, no more shooting in residential areas.”


Luke asked, seemingly offhandedly, “Povin, did you want to learn to shoot because of the shooting? Or was it your father who was concerned about safety and took it upon himself to try to teach you?”

Povin said, “I’m the one who wanted to learn.”

Luke and his group then exited the house.

Povin’s father and son sent Luke and the others outside the house.

Anthony returned the revolver to Povin’s father and sized up Povin again, “Now that your father agrees. Will you go out with Fanny?”

Povin thought for a moment, “I don’t know yet, she’s a bit more mature than I thought, I might take the initiative to talk to her when I go to school to make sure.”

Anthony stared at him, “You don’t have a chance.”

“Why?” Bowen squeezed out a smile, “Do you want to compete with me?”

“Fanny’s dead.”

Povin’s smile tightened, “Are you kidding?”

“As much as I like to joke, I never joke about things like this.

Not only is Fanny dead, but Chad and Chad’s girlfriend Barbara, who you had a problem with, were both shot, and three of the four victims were acquaintances of yours, which is why the FBI has come to talk to you.”

Bowen’s father blocked his son and looked angrily at Anthony, “What do you mean? What are you implying? Get this straight.”

Luke separated the two men, “Mr. Pilton, this is just a routine inquiry.

Anthony, you go back to the car first.”

Anthony gave Povin a look, “You can’t fool me, we’ll meet again.”

Bowen’s father shouted, “Get out of my house, I don’t care who you are? You threaten my son again and I’ll have my way with you.”

Luke tried to persuade, but the attitude of the father and son had changed, the resistance was strong, it was useless to say more at this time, he also got into the car and left.

After getting into the car, Luke questioned, “Anthony, we just said that this inquiry should be dominated by me? Why are you trying to provoke the Bowen father and son?”

“My colleague is dead.”

“I know, and I’m saddened by it, but there’s no point in provoking the father and son, and there’s no way that Bowen will admit to it until there’s enough evidence. It will only expose the police intentions in advance.”

Anthony said, “If Povin isn’t the murderer, it doesn’t matter if he’s exposed.

If Povin is the murderer, he was alerted from the time he was found. I don’t think it makes much difference.”

“You’re right, it does make no difference on Povin’s part, but Povin’s father does. If we want to question Povin, his guardian will need to be present, and if we make Povin’s father resistant, it will make the interrogation somewhat difficult.”

Anthony glanced backward at Luke, “You’re quite articulate, but there are other reasons why I’m doing this.”

“What reasons?”

“Have you ever heard of micro-expressions?”


“A person’s emotions affect their expressions, and even if they are extremely restrained, there will be subtle changes, and the greater the mood swings in the heart, the greater the change in expression.

That’s why I gave Bowen’s father and son a blow.

I had just been observing Bowen’s expression, and his face showed fear, not surprise.

Knowing that Chad Claes had been bullying him, he might be surprised and horrified to hear the news of the other’s death now, but I only saw fear on his face, not surprise.

That means he should have known about it before.”

Luke recalled the reaction of Bowen’s father and son, “What was his father’s emotion at that time?”

“Anger.” Anthony analyzed, “His father’s reaction was normal and most likely didn’t know that his son was responsible for the shooting.”

Luke was curious, “How accurate is your micro-expression judgment?”

“Depends on the situation and the person.”

“Be specific.”

“If the suspect is not mentally prepared, the effect will be better, but if the suspect is already mentally prepared, or even has simulated the FBI’s questioning scenario, the effect may be average.

The effect will be worse if it’s facing experienced criminals or people with rich experience and strong mental qualities.”

Xiao Hei was also more interested in micro-expressions, “If it’s for ordinary people, how much accuracy is there?”

“If it’s a rookie with a simple mind and simple experience, in the case where the other party is not prepared beforehand, there’s probably an accuracy rate of eighty to ninety percent. Just like just now, I know that kid lied.”

“What if it’s against an experienced and mentally prepared high IQ criminal?”

Anthony thought for a moment, “Half and half.”

Luke “……”

Blackie “……”

Anthony spread his hands, “What kind of expression is this on your faces, the people involved in the case can’t all be sophisticated guys.

Most of the case clues and evidence are obtained in the mouth of the follower, the investigation of the case is supposed to be the first easy and then difficult, from the mouth of the follower to get the evidence as well as can be convicted to the main culprit.

The earlier the investigator finds out the problem, the easier it is to solve the case.

This is a very practical technique.”

Xiao Hei seemed a bit impressed, “Is it hard to learn micro-expressions?”

“This kind of thing is divided into people.”

“Can you teach me some tips?”

Anthony laughed, “When you resign from the LAPD, I can consider it.”

Blackie “……”

With that, Anthony looked to the back row, “Luke, what have you got? Don’t tell me you didn’t get anything out of your half day of questioning.”

Luke thought for a moment, “I also think there’s something wrong with Bowen.”

“Like what?”

“I just started to think something was wrong with why father and son were practicing their guns in the garage.

The bullets are now smokeless powder, but there’s still a ‘nitrous reaction’ after firing, gunpowder residue escapes from the end of the barrel, and gunpowder particles can be detected on fingers, arms, and clothing.

Originally, I wanted to wait for the end of the interrogation to take Bowen for a gunpowder identification, but now there was no point.

Even if gunpowder residue is detected on his body, he can excuse it as being left over from just practicing with his gun.”

Anthony shrugged, “Fair enough.”

Luke pulled another slug out of his pocket, “This is what I found near the Bowen house.

It was probably a stray bullet from the shooting, and the gunplay is literally worse than Marcus’.”

Blackie: “……”

Anthony looked noncommittal, “Kind of a little surprise.”

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