Chapter 151

Release Date: 2024-08-06 10:57:58
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There was another shooting at Malaboa High School.

The news quickly made headlines in Los Angeles, California, and across the nation.

With two school shootings in one week, the news was not very kind to the police department and the FBI.

A number of people began to question the inaction of the LAPD and FBI, and the repercussions were dire.

Students were on edge, citizens were outraged, and news reporters rushed to the front of the school like chicken blood, no slower than the police.

However, the shooting happened suddenly and ended suddenly.

After a single shot was fired, the campus was once again calm.

Several of the injuries were also caused by falling and stepping.

Soon after, the police announced that the suspect in the shooting was caught.

Too soon.

The speed at which this shooting was solved shocked everyone.

Some even suspected that it was a fake news deliberately spread by the police in order to divert the public’s discontent.

Reporters have been asking questions about the shooting, but the police have not responded positively, and have only excused themselves from holding a press conference.

Herman and Benson were taken to the ambulance, with the difference being that one was carried in and the other handcuffed.

Luke followed them out of the school.

As soon as Luke appeared, he was met with an avalanche of photographs from the press.

At first Luke thought the reporters knew he had caught the shooter.

But later it felt a little tainted.

“Wow, why is that man walking out of the school topless? Is that an exhibitionist?”

“Can’t you see the gun and badge on his waist? Must be a cop.”

“LAPD has perverts just the same.”

“You’re right, this is already considered harassment for underage female students.”

“If I were a parent I would definitely sue him.”

A female reporter said, “However, he has a great body and is quite good looking, he’s my type.”

The male photographer next to him nodded, “Also my type.”

Hearing these idle words, Luke’s face turned a little green and took out a spare shirt from the car and put it on before those reporters gave up following the camera.

Black squeezed also eyes, “How’s the star treatment?”

“Not bad, it would be better if there was a chick to shoot a kissing scene.” Luke didn’t bother to pay attention to him and directly sat in the car.

The shooter Benson and the victim Herman were both hospitalized because they were shot.

There was no way to interrogate them today.

Luke reported to Reed and Susan and went straight home.

Back home, Luke took a hot shower.

Just after showering and blow-drying his hair, he heard the door outside slam.

Fatty and Linda were here.

“Mom, why are you guys here?” Luke was a little surprised.

Linda breathed a sigh of relief, “We’ve been calling you and when you didn’t answer, we came.

Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I was just in the shower.”

Luke looked at his cell phone, not only had Mom and Chubby called, but Daisy had called as well.

“Why do you guys think I’m not okay?”

Little Fatty said, “We watched the news about the shooting, you came out of the school shirtless and we thought something had happened to you.”

“No, I shot the suspect and used my shirt to help stop his bleeding. I couldn’t come out in a bloody shirt.

Sit yourselves down while I make a phone call.” Luke stepped aside and made a call to Daisy, telling her he was fine.

Daisy was still unsure and said she would come see him tonight after work.

After hearing that, Luke was a mixed bag, happy to feel Daisy’s concern.

But what the hell is coming to see him after work? Work was that important?

Hanging up his cell phone, Luke responded, “I’m on TV.”

The chubby little man said, “YES, there was a news reporter who called you an exhibitionist and said the parents of the students should sue you for harassment.”

“Sue me? I’d sue him just about.” Luke wasn’t angry at hearing that, instead he wanted to laugh.

Wasn’t this two-timing idiot running into his own gun?

There’s another chance to get money.

Since mom and the little fat man came, Luke also let them go, called takeout and they eat together.

After the meal, the three of them watched the news together, and Luke watched the reports of several TV stations.

These TV stations were not only from Los Angeles, but also from other states.

One station was the most hateful, describing him as an exhibitionist and saying that it had damaged the image of the police department, suggesting that the department fire him.

Luke wrote down the name of the station, CBE TV.

In the evening, Linda took the chubby boy home.

Not long after, Daisy came to Luke’s house.

The two of them opened a bottle of red wine and took a mandarin duck bath together.

After finishing, Daisy asked about the shooting, and Luke briefly described it, asking her about suing Press TV.

After getting an affirmative answer from Daisy, Luke had an idea in mind.

Let Daisy secretly collect news reporters inaccurate reports, as long as the police department held a press conference, the truth of the matter after the truth, Daisy will represent him to sue the relevant news station.

Thinking of this time may be able to make a fortune, Luke mood, and Daisy played poker once again.

Tossed and tired before falling into a deep sleep.

The next morning.

The two people have slept wrongly, and once they opened their eyes, it was already more than eight o’clock.

Daisy in Luke’s home put two changes of clothes, put on new clothes directly to work.

Luke skipped to the community square, Blackie also drove to arrive, the two people in the square to eat breakfast.

Luke a doughnut, a tea egg, a tofu brain, a meat sandwich, a cup of milk.

After eating, the two went directly to Naida West Hospital.

The two were familiar with this hospital, and hadn’t traveled this way much to make their statements.

The suspect, Benson Bolt, was placed in ward 407.

There were two police officers guarding the outside, and Luke’s two men flashed their badges and did the registration before entering the ward.

Luke pushed the door into the room and greeted them with a smile, “Hey Benson, did you have a good night’s rest last night?”

Benson’s shook his left hand that was cuffed to the hospital bed, “You wanna try it?”

Blacky said, “Boy, you’re going to miss this place soon enough, I’d say.”

Benson glared at Blackie, “I don’t want to talk to you, nigger.”

Blackie’s face turned a little ugly, “Asshole, you’re easy to beat up when you talk like that.”

Benson said with disinterest, “Left face or right face, take your pick. If you don’t get punched you’re a nigger.”


Blackie gave a middle finger and asked Luke, who was on the sidelines, “Obviously, you’re the one who captured him, so why does he hold a deeper grudge against me.”

Luke laughed, “I’m better looking than you.”

Blacky “……”

Generally speaking, Luke’s attitude towards criminals was tougher, but it was also divided into situations, there was no need to bar with him in Benson’s case, he had a very serious crime and would probably be sentenced to death, which belonged to the category of a broken man.

This is also the reason why he dared to dislike Blackie.

It wasn’t worth it to get into a fight with this kind of person, it was best to cooperate with each other.

Luke sat down next to the hospital bed and said in a serious tone, “Benson, everyone has their own mission when they come to this world, we are police officers, our mission is to catch criminals, we are not intentionally targeting anyone, and I hope you don’t hold too much hostility.

Things have come to this point, we should move on, don’t you think?”

Benson bristled, “Are you the new counselor?”

Luke said, “A counseling teacher can’t help you reduce your sentence, but I can. As long as you’re willing to assist the police in their investigation, we can get you a nice plea deal.”

Benson hesitated for a moment, “What kind of plea deal?”

“As long as you plead guilty to the killing of Josie Alyssa, FBI agents Fannie Zarris and Kyle Torres, and the shooting of Herman, we can get you off the hook for the shooting of Barbara Damb, think about it.”

Benson shook his head, “It’s not enough, I’m just as likely to get the death penalty.”

Luke handed over a plea agreement, “Knowing what I know about the prosecution, this is the biggest concession they can make, it won’t guarantee that you won’t get the death penalty, but at least it’s good news.

As long as your parents are willing to pay for a good legal team to help you, there’s still a chance ……”

Benson lapsed into silence, closing his eyes as if in thought.

After a long moment, “How did you know I would shoot Herman again yesterday?”

“I’ve studied criminal psychological profiling, and through my understanding of the case, analyzing the scene, and combing through new clues, I surmised that you might take advantage of this modification of the surveillance line to commit the crime again.

Of course, this is just speculation, not much certainty.

As it turns out, you do hate Herman.”

Kuro’s eyes widened, WHAT? Criminal mind profiling?

This guy is learning new things behind my back again?

Jesus Christ, I’m so stressed out.

Benson picked up the coffee cup next to the table and took a sip of his coffee, “Even though I know you’re hedging your bets, I’m going to say he deserves to die.”

“I’m curious, how did he offend you?”

“Would that plea deal work if I said it now?”

“Of course, I have no reason to swindle you.”

Benson organized his words, “Once I got into high school, my parents customized a goal for me to get into UCLA, and to do that, we made a four-year plan, and I put in a lot of hard work during that time.

But it was all worth it.

Some time ago, I got an acceptance letter from UCLA, and I was so happy, and so were my parents, that these four years of hard work had not been let down, and that I had succeeded.

This would be the real starting point of my life, and I would have a great future.

However, half a month ago UCLA withdrew the acceptance letter and I was dumbfounded.


Why would they do that?

They responded to me by saying that I had made some statements on the internet that Q regarded black people and disrespected women.”

Benson let out a long sigh as if he was still having trouble getting over it, “My first reaction was no way, I was very careful about what I said in order to get an offer from UCLA, very much in line with what was supposedly correct, and that’s what my parents always demanded of me.

Although, I personally resent it a bit and scoff at it, this hypocritical society loves it.

This kind of speech can also be a plus for college admissions, and I felt that they had gotten it wrong, and I wanted to complain.

But at this point, they told me in no uncertain terms.

The complaint was unlikely to succeed.

Someone had reported me by name for using an anonymous account to post online, and the school confirmed this, saying that my speech was indeed problematic and would have some bad effects on the community.

Not in line with UCLA’s teaching philosophy, which is why the offer was withdrawn.

I was saddened but knew there was nothing I could do to change it because I did have an anonymous account, in fact not just me but many others.

Who doesn’t need a real outlet to vent in this hypocritical society.

I just didn’t expect the repercussions to be so great, much less be reported.

I couldn’t guess who reported me either.

Until, that is, I found a comment under the anonymous account, ‘How did you feel when you heard your college offer was withdrawn?’

I was so angry I wanted to kill someone.

I haven’t told anyone about this and I won’t tell anyone.

The person who knows about it is probably the whistleblower.

Plus I have a little grudge against the person who commented, and I know …… that she did it.”

Luke guessed, “Cheerleader Josie?”

“Yep, that’s the bimbo. I don’t know what else she’s good for besides twerking around in front of guys all day.”

“What’s the beef between you guys?”

“I don’t know her, and I’ve had no direct contact, but …… a picture I posted caused her displeasure. Can I borrow your cell phone?”

Luke handed him his cell phone and stood staring.

Benson opened the Malaboia High School school website and clicked on one of the posts, titled ‘Are they any different?’

The post consisted of a single picture of a chimpanzee standing next to two black students.

Blackie’s anger level spiked again, “You really need a beating!”

Benson put his face over, “Anytime.”

Luke somewhat regretted bringing Blackie and spaced him out, “Man, why don’t you go outside for a minute, huh?”

Benson handed the phone back to Luke and continued, “Josie’s a pretty good hype man too, she grabbed onto this picture and portrayed herself as a victim to make a case for Black.

She also asked me about my real identity in the comments, calling me a shrunken head turtle who didn’t dare to authenticate her real name.

I didn’t give a shit about her.

And this woman won’t let up, saying in the comments that if anyone finds out my real identity they can date her?

Dirty beyotch, who would want to date a chimpanzee?”

Speaking of which, Benson’s face hardened a bit, “But there’s no shortage of lowlife men in this world, Herman is.

This asshole is very close to me, and he probably guessed through some clues that I was the owner of the anonymous account.

Betrayed me and sold me to that Bitch.

Bitch then reported me.

Cost me my acceptance letter to UCLA.

I lost what I dreamed of. I lost everything.

I can’t forgive and won’t let them go!”

“So on May 10th you caused the first shooting.”

“That’s right.”

“Did you have any accomplices?”

“Yes, Kyle Torres.”

Luke was a little surprised, “The poisoned rice who died on the rooftop of the science building?”

“Yeah, this nigger loved to pick on me, ever since I was nine years old. Before the murder he came to me for a loan, said loan, depending on how you interpret it.

I could tell he was in a hurry this time and needed the money.

I told him that I could give him a sum of money, but he had to do me a favor by sabotaging the school’s power supply.

He was a little taken aback and asked me why I was doing this.

I said that the reason for the power outage was to sabotage the school’s network system and modify credits and records so that I could go to a good college.

I lied to him of course, I was worried that I would be seen sabotaging the power supply system.

That idiot didn’t know any of that or care about it, he only had eyes for money.

Kyle Torres sabotaged the power supply system and then we arranged to meet on the rooftop of the science building, he thought I was here to pay him and I shot him straight away.”

Luke thought about the silencer, “Kyle Torres was the first victim of the shooting?”

“I had to kill him first or he would have betrayed me for sure, he had to die and deserved to die.

He’d been bullying me since ninth grade, he was an asshole, beating up boys, harassing girls, robbing money, drinking, getting high, and he was rumored to be dealing uniques.

I even feel like I’m doing the people a favor.”

Luke thought of the school police and pressed on, “Did you have any other accomplices?”


“Have you been on the rooftop of the science building since?”

Benson shrugged, “Do you think I have a reason to go?”

“Did you encounter any campus police during the course of the shooting you carried out?”


“Are you sure?”

“Sure. I factored in the school police officer, who has always been my imaginary enemy and the one place where I feared something might go wrong.

But he’s been absent from the beginning of my crime, and instead there have been a few other little mishaps, and that black-egg quarterback has shot at me.

But he’s a dumbass, missed me and killed his own teammate instead.

Black can’t be relied on at all.”

Blackie’s face got darker.

Luke said, “Benson, don’t make it sound so absolute, Detective Marcus is very reliable.

I trust him very much.

There are white people just as unreliable, like that school police officer, have you thought about the reason he never showed up during your crime?”

Blackie puffed out his chest and agreed, “You’re right, that school cop was indeed unreliable.

Yesterday when the second shooting happened, I listened to your reminder to keep an eye on that school cop, but I never saw him.

It wasn’t until the patrolmen came over for backup that he followed along, this guy’s guts are smaller than a rat’s.”

Marcus’ words seemed spiteful, but they hit the nail on the head.

Earlier, Luke had been thinking that the campus cop was an accomplice of the murderer and was worried that he would make a covert move in the second shooting, but he hadn’t made any move since the beginning, and he hadn’t even appeared at the scene of the crime.

And that’s problematic.

The school police school police, his duty is to maintain order in the school and protect the safety of teachers and students.

He has law enforcement powers within the school.

When a shooting occurs within the school, he should be the first to arrive at the scene to protect the safety of students and teachers.

But he didn’t do that, he failed in his duty.

Luke probably guessed the reason why the school police officer lied; he was not a suspect in the shooting, and he did not intentionally mislead the police to investigate the case, but he maliciously made up a story about chasing the shooter in order to cover up his own behavior of retreating from the battlefield, and to save his own job.

Such behavior of his failed his duty and the trust of teachers and students, while indirectly influencing and misleading the police in their investigation of the case.

If this kind of scum is not kicked out of the police force, the consequences will be endless.

Figuring out this matter is considered to have solved a mystery in his heart.

At the same time, it also indirectly proved the accuracy of the micro-expression analysis skill.

There was also more confidence in this new skill.

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